List of bad human habits (20+) with descriptions + examples of them in life

Hello, dear readers! Come on, admit it: which of you cracks your joints in the evening over a cup of tea? Have you ever bitten your nails? I was very surprised when my friend was advised to use nail polish at the pharmacy to get rid of the habit of biting her nails. What a cool invention they came up with! In the 90s, children suffered: sometimes they licked pepper from their hands, sometimes they had to bite garlic nails! And now I’ve applied it with varnish – and you won’t know any grief. Today in this article we will look at a list of bad human habits and find out why you should get rid of them. To make it clearer, I will give examples from life. Go!

Morning habits

Early rise

There is something special about getting up early. It feels like everyone around you is sleeping, and only you are awake.

By incorporating this habit, you will have more time for those things for which you previously did not have enough time.

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12 rules in the morning that will help you wake up

Exercise in the morning

From the very morning, the body needs to wake up, and the most effective way to do this is exercise.

It doesn't take much to charge. All you need is a couple of rotations with your head, arms, torso, swings of your legs and stretching.

Having done exercises tomorrow, you will realize that you missed a lot before.

3. 50 push-ups

Immediately after charging, I do 50 push-ups. This helps you wake up fully and enter the day with an energetic body.


Do morning jogging at least 3 times a week. This will help keep you in good shape.

Often the best thoughts and ideas come while running. How this happens to me.

Temporary fasting

I am a proponent of not eating in the morning. First you need to properly enter into the coming day physically and mentally.

6. Meditation

Meditation helps clear the brain of all unnecessary thoughts.

When going to school or work, you need to keep your head clear to receive new information.

Recording plans and goals for the day

To avoid wasting your day, plan it out and write down your goals. This practice will help you not to drift throughout the day and be as efficient as possible.

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"The biggest frog first"

As Brian Tracy said, from the very beginning of the day, “you need to swallow the biggest frog.” This means that the most difficult and important task must be completed at the beginning of the day.

It is in the morning that you have a lot of strength and energy. If you put off an elusive task until the evening, you're less likely to get it done. Most likely you will postpone it until tomorrow, and this will happen endlessly.

Ritual "Miracle Morning"

Every successful person has a morning ritual. Mine is called "The Miracle Morning". You can read about this ritual in the article: “How to spend a productive morning - a ritual that radically changed the morning.”

Ways to overcome complexes

Everyone has their own path of development and improvement. The ways of overcoming complexes and solving problems aimed primarily at preserving one’s physical and psychological health, thereby benefiting the people around us and our Earth, are also individual. The following can help in the fight against bad habits:

1. Maintaining mutual respect, love, psychological comfort in the family.

2. Communication with people who are ready to support you on the path of self-development.

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3. Taking care of physical health: quality nutrition, sleep, activity.

4. Favorite activity, hobby, outdoor recreation.

5. Control your environment.

Habits throughout the day

Live here and now

Hours add up to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, and months to a year. Life flies by unnoticed. If you don’t start living in the present and appreciating the moments, you will be surprised how quickly time has passed, and you still haven’t had time to do the most important thing - live.

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Proper nutrition

The food you eat directly affects your quality of life.

If you want to implement only one habit from this list, then let it be proper nutrition.

Avoid fast food, high-calorie foods and fats. Include more fruits, vegetables and nuts in your diet. Don't overeat, eat about 5 times a day, but in small portions. I think these recommendations are enough to eat right.

Drink plenty of fluids

Since we are talking about food, we should not forget about the importance of drinking water. Drink approximately 1.8 liters of water per day. I don't know why this is useful, but it certainly won't hurt during a long and exhausting day.

And especially drink a glass of water in the morning. This will help start the body's work process.

According to plan

If you decide to plan your days, please stick to the plan. Plan so that you have time to do all the most important things and don’t forget about rest.

One of the key skills of successful people is proper time management.

Be constantly busy with useful things

Only hardworking people achieve great success. They set priorities correctly and do not waste time doing nothing.

Mental check of affairs

And in order to constantly do something useful, you need to do a mental check. All you need to do is ask yourself these questions throughout the day: “What am I doing right now?” “Will this lead me to my goals?”

Reading a book 1 hour

Develop throughout your life. As they say, “live and learn.”

Reading for at least 1 hour a day will help you learn a lot of new things and broaden your horizons.

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Social networks no more than 1.5 hours

The most useless pastime is stupidly scrolling through your feed on VK or Instagram. Minimize your time on social media and you will notice how you have more free time.

18. Transitions

Make at least 3 transitions throughout the day.

What it is? Let's look at an example: when you start a new day, you experience a transition from a state of rest to activity. In other words, the beginning of the day is a transition.

When you come to work or study, you make the transition from individual time to team work. And also when you return home. It’s the same when you go to the gym.

During such moments, do the following:

  1. Close your eyes for a minute or two.
  2. Release all tension from your body. Breathe deeply and mentally repeat the words “freedom”, “liberation”.
  3. Once you feel calm, set a goal. What do you want to achieve in the next few hours?

19. Sports 30 min

Spend at least 30 minutes exercising daily. This will allow the brain to switch off and take a break from all the hassle.

Starting tomorrow, buy a gym membership. This will be your best investment in a long time.

Eliminating distractions while working

An open tab on a social network, Yandex or YouTube can serve as a distraction.

To stop getting distracted, follow these tips while working:

  1. Turn off all notifications on your phone and computer.
  2. Don't pick up your phone until you're done working.
  3. Shut down all distractions on your computer and phone.
  4. Keep only one browser tab open.

Putting things off until later

Procrastination is the main reason why your dreams do not come true.

Follow the 72 hour rule. It reads:

“If you don’t decide to do something within 3 days, then most likely you will never start.”

Don't hesitate - get started from now on!

Smooth posture and confident gait

Imagine meeting your ideal future self. Notice what he is wearing, how he speaks, what his gait and posture are like. And then ask yourself: “Am I behaving the same way now?” If not, then you know what to do.

Communication with successful people

The greatest influence on a person is his environment. Look at your friends. Are they the kind of people you want to be like?

Surround yourself with like-minded people, as well as those who have already achieved success in your field.

Listening to positive music

Music can lift your spirits and inspire you to new achievements, but only if you choose it well.

Stop being a fan of depressive music if your goal is to become a successful person. This applies not only to music, but also to movies and news.

List of life goals

Many successful people carry a piece of paper in their pocket with their main life goals written on it. They watch it every free minute. This helps them remember their values.

If you review your list at least 3 times a day, you will be able to concentrate on what is most important.

"Journal of success"

A “success journal” is a kind of diary in which you will write down every day what you managed to accomplish during the day. Even if you think there are no such things, write down every small victory. The main goal is to stop focusing on failures, and instead focus on positive things.

By the way, this is a great way to analyze the passing day.

Visualization before bed

As Napoleon Hill said: “Write down your definite main purpose in life and return to it regularly before going to bed.”

I talk about my goal every day. It helps me feel like I've already achieved it.

Give up cigarettes

Perhaps the most dangerous habit is smoking. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, smoking is the most common, but at the same time the most easily avoidable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which cause death in half of the cases. When you quit smoking, health takes a long time to recover, but already 10 years after the last puff, the risk of heart attacks and strokes in a former smoker becomes the same as in a person unfamiliar with this habit.

Article on the topic

Poisoning of the body. How to quit smoking and make your life healthier?

Quitting alcohol consumption also makes a significant contribution to the health of the heart and blood vessels. And although cardiologists consider it safe to drink 50 ml of strong alcohol, or 200 ml of wine, or 300 ml of beer daily, not everyone is able to comply with this norm. And the heart and blood vessels have to pay for exceeding the “limit”. At the same time, a sober lifestyle gives a fairly quick positive effect. For example, with alcoholic cardiomyopathy, the heart returns to normal within a year after quitting alcohol.

Other habits

Sleep on different days

Scientists have proven that sleeping on different days has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep itself. This means that you need to go to bed before 24 hours and wake up in the next 24.

29. Sleep 7-8 hours

I'm not saying everyone needs 8 hours of sleep. For some, 6 is enough. But personally, I feel energetic for the rest of the day only with 8 hours of sleep.

Calculation of income and expenses

If you don't keep track of your finances, don't be surprised when your balance ends up at 0.

To form this habit, all you need to do is keep track of your income and expenses at the end of each month.

Distribute your expenses at the very beginning of the month and then you will know what your financial situation is.

Read also:

How to manage your personal budget? Basic mistakes, skills and tips

Pay yourself first

Another financial habit is to pay yourself first. This means that first of all, you should set aside part of your income for an untouchable reserve and only then think about what to spend the money on.

Writing down ideas and thoughts on paper

All your thoughts and ideas mean nothing while they are in your head. But as soon as you transfer them to paper, they acquire material value and take on a life of their own.

Constantly leaving your comfort zone

You need to constantly challenge yourself in new ways. This is the only way you can build character.

The biggest risk in life is not taking any risks at all.

Read also:

How to expand your comfort zone | 3 initial methods


Money comes only to those who know how to share it and manage it correctly.

You can do a lot of good things with money. For example, help children in need, save forests from fires, or cure a virus.

Constant self-improvement

Every day, try to surpass yourself yesterday by 1 percent.

Have a mentor

It is very important to have someone on hand who can give advice and point you on the right path. With it, you will reach your goal much faster, and besides, you won’t have to deal with big problems. But this still cannot be avoided (I’m talking about mistakes).

Joy to Difficulties

Continuing the previous point about mistakes, start enjoying them.

You will gain the greatest experience when you yourself face the trials of life. And you shouldn’t be afraid of them, because you can’t run away from problems.

Remember! The right path is where there are more twists and turns.

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking, alcohol, and even more so drugs diminish your life. I don't think anyone needs to explain why. Just avoid these habits.

Listening skills

Listen twice as much as you speak. It’s not for nothing that we have two ears and only one mouth.


If you implement any of the daily habits from this article, don’t quit immediately after you feel discomfort. Follow the 21 day rule which states:

“If you stick to something for 21 days, it becomes consistent.”

Clean environment

Make sure your work area is always clean.

Positive flow of thoughts

Your thoughts shape the world around you. What you focus on will begin to grow. So try to think positively and have only pure thoughts towards anything.

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Health implications

All addictions directly or indirectly pose a danger to human health. Nail biting can lead to bacterial infection, and uncontrolled shopping can lead to nervous exhaustion.

But the most destructive consequences come from drug, nicotine and alcohol addictions:

  1. Alcohol destroys liver cells and suppresses insulin production. As a result, diabetes, gastritis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis and other dangerous diseases occur. Alcohol in unlimited quantities negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and exhausts the nerves.
  2. Smoking increases the likelihood of lung cancer and atherosclerosis. The supply of oxygen to the heart muscle is hampered, which can cause myocardial infarction. Tobacco use also has a negative impact on reproductive function.
  3. Drug use generally has a negative impact on health. The blood vessels, digestive system, and heart suffer, exhaustion occurs, muscles atrophy, and the respiratory and reproductive organs are affected.

In addition to affecting the functioning of the body, addictions have a negative impact on the psyche. Human behavior is subject to addiction.

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