Are self-development and self-improvement the same thing?


A person’s character is formed under the influence of genetic heredity and life circumstances, which have the greatest influence on people in childhood and during the period of rapid maturation.

It would be a mistake to assume that young children under the age of two or three do not understand and will not remember how their mother and father scolded them during this period, which is especially important in the life of absolutely every person.

People tend to approach the topic of raising young children casually. Why is this happening? Let's look at those who have children. These are persons from 18 to 28 years old. It is during this period that young parents often decide that it is time to start a family and formalize their relationship. In essence, children give birth to new children. The period of growing up ends at the age of 35; only after this mark does a person truly become an adult.


The problem is that in our society only a few know how to approach the issue of raising children correctly and with dignity. To do this, many factors need to come together to form a single puzzle.

Returning to the topic of this article, we can summarize the situation described above: our society is a society of mentally unbalanced people, the reason for this is the incorrect treatment of children by adults, because of which the children themselves suffer, receiving mental injuries one after another, which, subsequently, in adult life they turn people into all kinds of narcissists, schizoids, schizophrenics and other “patients of a psychiatric hospital.”

This is a system and it cannot be eradicated by the efforts of one or several people. One must fight for the truth with all one's might, but in order for the truth to acquire such status, a sufficient number of people must believe in it - millions of people around the world.

The point of this topic is not even to describe isolated cases when, due to a strong emotional shock experienced, a person becomes different, putting on the mask of someone who he is not in essence or gradually going crazy from the grief he has experienced.

The meaning here covers broader and deeper layers of social relationships between people. We constantly inflict psychological trauma on each other and don’t even realize it; from our earliest years to the last days of our lives, we kill each other with good intentions, and sometimes with not so good ones.

The fault of society's mental illness is the lack of rules for relationships between people. Those rules that exist are more like sets of prohibitions within a prison zone: “don’t do this, don’t do that, or you’ll be punished.” It is necessary that these rules are drawn up by truly competent specialists who perfectly understand the psychology of both individual people and the entire crowd as a whole. Without this, the formation of a healthy nation is impossible. The overall condition of the human body ultimately depends on mental health.

In the Christian religion, selfishness is the primary enemy in achieving the “Kingdom of God.” It will not be possible to build happiness by satisfying material needs alone. Simple human happiness is nearby, but it is too difficult to come to an understanding of this, especially when the eyes are closed with a bandage of social blindness in relation to certain aspects of human everyday life.

To get out of this state is to break the system. This entire structure is built in such a way as to cause a moderate amount of suffering to people: people are like batteries for Her, a source of energy that fuels Her existence and thanks to Them, She is possible as a phenomenon in principle. Pain evokes a strong emotional response. Mass pain, singularly aimed at everything and everyone, forms an energy field around the Earth. Low vibration field, without which the life of the system is impossible. Victory over the causes of mental trauma will not be eliminated as long as the System created by people is present.

There was an original different system - Nature. It did not carry within itself such a huge amount of disharmony as the modern, new model of the world. But it also contained many dangers, which served as the starting point for the creation of the Human World. The second derivative of the First, her daughter, so to speak. There is no way out of the current situation and we need to understand that we are only guests in this world who live by our own rules that do not depend on us, and therefore we cannot prevent the emergence of more and more new triggers for the appearance of people with a broken psyche. We don’t have a chance to win a global war, but there are at least some opportunities to help those who find themselves in a difficult life situation, and this is the whole point of psychotherapy as a phenomenon.


The reasons that stand at the origins of mental deviations that are not characteristic of the individual in the period preceding the shock that occurred are varied: from physical injuries of varying complexity to moral experiences, again of varying degrees of severity.

Severe emotional shock can be caused by significant injury to the physical body, for example, at work or during military operations. It is not for nothing that former military personnel are often examples of broken individuals with post-traumatic syndrome. Everyone has “their own Vietnam” behind them, as they like to show in foreign films. War, in itself, is a real conveyor belt for psychos. War is another gear in the mechanism of the System, which we can prevent, but our hands are tied and there is no guarantee that tomorrow this whole feast of life will not end in a thermonuclear riot of colors at the wave of the fingers of some unbridled madman, like the 33rd President of the United States of America Harry Truman.


A person who strives for success often breaks down mentally: he becomes an alcoholic or ends his life with his head stuck in a noose. Success is not something you have to go for. Success is real, it is within. This is a state of fullness and goodness that cannot be found in external manifestations of oneself. However, people are told otherwise through the media. This is correct, from the point of view of the System, because its well-being rests on such things and its functioning depends on this.

But can behavioral patterns introduced through social programming be perceived as the true nature of human nature? One way or another, failure leads to persistent changes in the behavior of the individual, but its characteristic features do not change. More complex injuries can even change temperament.

Based on the mystical picture of the world, people who go into a coma do not return: “others” come in their place. The souls of the dead who have found a new body or both are notorious demons. Let us repeat once again that science has not fully explained this phenomenon. To some extent, it overlaps with such a phenomenon when, with a transplanted organ, the new owner inherits some of the habits and hobbies from the old owner of this organ. An amazing manifestation of phenomena still not studied by science.

The path to self-development and self-improvement

The path to self-development and self-improvement begins with awareness of the need for qualitative changes in life. This is not an easy job, consisting of many stages and achieving goals at each of them.

Each person chooses their own ways and means of self-development and self-improvement, which are more acceptable under given conditions and opportunities, depending on the chosen direction of work on oneself. Each person has his own priorities and desires, therefore, the paths of self-development and self-improvement of the individual must be formed in accordance with their main goal.

In other words, the fundamental motive when choosing will be:

  • the desire to stand out from the crowd;
  • desire for a successful life;
  • determining the meaning of life;
  • need for benefit to society;
  • improving physical skills for teenage boys;
  • working on your appearance and developing girls’ taste;
  • and etc.

Of the many ways of self-development and self-improvement, there are 3 main ones:

  1. Adaptation to surrounding circumstances and conditions.

This option consists of adjusting your behavior and goals to certain standards and stereotypes accepted by society. Attitudes that run counter to socio-cultural opinion are deprived of the possibility of full implementation.

  1. Imitation of social ideals, which is based on copying already established patterns of behavior. In this case, we are not necessarily talking about some famous person; a role model can be a father, an older brother, etc.
  2. Self-education based on independent decision-making and the formation of one’s own model of values ​​and worldview.

The last option is the most difficult, since independent disclosure and cultivation of personal qualities relate to the work of one’s own “I”.

The main stages of self-improvement and self-development

Self-development and self-improvement are purely individual processes that are formed for each person based on their own desires and attitudes. Consequently, the stages of working on oneself may differ for each individual person. If we do not deviate from the generally accepted scheme, we can distinguish the following stages of self-development:

  1. Awareness of the need for change.
  2. Formation of the image of the “ideal self”.
  3. Determining your positive and negative qualities.
  4. Making a plan to achieve the goal.
  5. Active actions divided into small stages.

Awareness of the need for change

As I have already noted, the path to self-development begins with awareness of the need for change. It is this process that gives impetus to step-by-step work on yourself. Most often, the understanding that changes are necessary both within oneself and in the external space depends on the level of consciousness of the individual. The higher it is, the easier it is to accept the fact that it is time to move forward.

Reasons for the need for self-development and self-improvement:

  • feeling that life has stopped;
  • constant feeling of depression, apathy;
  • procrastination;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself and life in general.

In a word, if everything in life is going wrong, it’s time to change something.

Formation of the image of the “ideal self”

Having realized that it is necessary to radically change the situation, it is important to understand what exactly you want to achieve. That is, at this stage, goal setting occurs. You cannot say: “I want to be rich.” It is necessary to highlight specific tasks:

  • To buy a house;
  • buy a car for 2 million rubles;
  • go to Turkey;
  • etc.

Concretization and visualization help to believe that achieving results is possible.

Determining your positive and negative qualities

Having formed your goal, you need to understand how you currently correspond to it. That is, you will need to highlight positive qualities that will contribute to achieving the goal and that can be developed. And also honestly admit to yourself the negative aspects of your personality that will limit and slow down the process. Therefore, you will have to get rid of them.

Making a plan to achieve your goal

The path to the goal should not be vague and uncertain, long-term. Therefore, it is important to draw up a specific action plan, according to which further work on yourself will take place. In addition, it is advisable to set a time frame for each stage.

Actionable steps broken down into small steps

There is a goal, a plan has been drawn up - don’t put off starting work for too long (I’ll start on Monday or the first of next month...). Procrastination is the most dangerous obstacle on the way to the desired result.

Do not pay attention to those who do not support your endeavors, you are doing this only for yourself, and not for your loved one, children or parents.

Self-development and self-improvement where to start

Before you begin active steps towards improvement and self-development, you will need to perform several simple manipulations to simplify the procedure for further growth:

  1. Get rid of the clutter in your head. False attitudes, stereotypes, opinions imposed by loved ones, all this interferes with working on oneself.
  2. Increase your motivation; meaningless action will stop you halfway, preventing you from reaching your goal.
  3. Conquer your laziness. Self-development is a difficult and long process; the lack of hard work, aspiration, and effort interferes with self-improvement.
  4. Discipline – the path to change must be followed strictly in accordance with set goals, planned actions and specific time frames.
  5. Change your environment. If there are people nearby who “poison” your life, why are they needed? Yes, if these are close relatives, it will not be possible to exclude them, but it is advisable to minimize communication with them, and therefore the influence on the formation of personal qualities.
  6. Accept the fact that there may be setbacks along the way. Not everything always goes as planned, but fortitude and the fight against the fear that things won’t work out are necessary to achieve your ideal.
  7. Track the progress of your achievements. The awareness that actions lead to results is very important in order not to leave the marathon distance.

If you don’t know where to start with self-development and personal improvement, form the basic skills and abilities that will be required on the way to achieving your goal.

Tips for self-development and self-improvement

Finally, I would like to give some advice for self-development and self-improvement so that you do not lose track and achieve the desired result:

  1. Reduce your sleep time to 6 hours. According to scientists, this is quite enough for proper rest and high performance of the body. But immediately more time appears for oneself and active actions on the path to the goal.
  2. Every morning, take time for yourself, your plans, visualization of goals, etc.
  3. Set your priorities correctly, and your own self-development should not be in last place.
  4. Form a positive mindset. Overcoming obstacles and experiencing failures with a negative outlook is much more difficult than with a positive attitude.
  5. Smile, because smiling is the key to a good mood that you create not only for yourself, but also for those around you.
  6. Write down your thoughts, ideas and always plan your time!
  7. Communicate more with people, change your environment if it is toxic, seek support in your endeavors.

The process of self-development and self-improvement is quite complex. Partial personality change occurs automatically, under the influence of external circumstances, for example, while studying at school, university, at a new place of work, otherwise, it is long-term painstaking work caused by the desire to develop certain qualities, skills, etc. In working on oneself you can use already existing techniques, methods, methods or systems. But there is no limit to perfection, invent, create, become better every day!


Even if an alcoholic was able to cope with addiction, the consequences of the disease will affect his thinking for a long time. For example, inflated self-esteem in some situations will last a lifetime. This will especially apply to those issues related to professional activities.

A former alcoholic will never be able to think analytically at the same level as before the onset of addiction: too many nerve cells are destroyed by ethyl alcohol. The remaining psychological consequences of drinking alcohol after getting rid of addiction will pass over time.

Help for an alcoholic begins in the family. You need to talk to him and convince him to start treatment. But this should only be done sober, otherwise he still won’t understand anything, and you’ll only run into another scandal. When talking with an alcoholic, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • no pressure;
  • do not scold the alcoholic, but calmly convey to him what problems the family faces because of his addiction;
  • remember how good life was before his “acquaintance” with alcohol;
  • estimate the financial losses from alcohol addiction.

After the first such conversation, the alcoholic will not go to a narcologist for treatment, and will not make attempts to quit drinking. It may take years of patience to achieve results.

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