Personality theory of Carl Gustav Jung

Typology of character by K. Jung

1. Extroverted feeling type.

His objective sense of fact is extremely developed. Such people will be praised as intelligent, since people tend to regard a strong sense of pure fact as something very intelligent.

2. Introverted feeling type -

is guided by the intensity of the subjective part of the sensation caused by objective irritation. He can attract attention with his calmness, his passivity or reasonable self-control.

3. Extroverted intuitive type.

He has a keen sense for everything that is emerging and has a future. It is never found in conditions that are stable, have existed for a long time and are well founded, having generally accepted but limited value. Since he is always in search of new opportunities, in stable conditions he risks suffocation.

4. Introverted intuitive type.

The traits of introverted intuition create a unique type of person, namely a mystic-dreamer and seer, on the one hand, a dreamer and an artist, on the other.

5. Extroverted thinking type.

According to the definition, this will be a person who, of course, has the desire to make the entire totality of his life manifestations dependent on intellectual conclusions.

6. Introverted thinking type.

The introverted thinking type is characterized by the primacy of the thinking described above. He, like the extraverted case parallel to him, is under the decisive influence of ideas, which, however, flow not from an objectively given, but from a subjective basis.

7. Extroverted Feeling Type

. Since feeling is a feature that is clearly more characteristic of female psychology than thinking, the most pronounced sensual types are found among females. This kind of woman lives guided by her feelings.

8. Introverted feeling type

In most cases, they are silent, difficult to reach, incomprehensible, often hidden under a childish or banal mask, and are often also distinguished by a melancholic temperament. They do not shine or protrude.

Temperament (theories of temperament, types of tempo, compatibility).

Temperament (lat. temperamentum

- proportionality, proper relationship of parts) - a stable set of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic, rather than meaningful aspects of activity. Temperament is the basis of character development.

Typology of Personality according to C. G. Jung

As Einstein said, “We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid.”

Why don't we see our talents?

Developing your strengths and building on them is a seemingly simple recipe for success. But due to emotional trauma and peculiarities of upbringing, a person develops a tendency to replace his true abilities. And instead of using our potential, we try to “strengthen” our weaknesses. This means we waste a lot of energy and reduce the quality of our life significantly.

How to identify your strengths?

One of the most effective tools for determining your strengths is the theory of psychological types by C. G. Jung. This theory became the basis on which almost all currently known typologies grew, for example, socionics.

Jung's personality typology studies consciousness. To put it simply, consciousness is the way a person processes information.

There are 2 streams of information. The 1st stream comes from external reality, the 2nd - from the inner world. The consciousness of each person processes information in a special way. And each psychotype does this in his own way.

Jung identified 4 functions of consciousness - thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition. Each person has a leading and a subordinate function, as well as two auxiliary ones. This is how psychotypes differ from each other.

What does success depend on?

Success depends on how quickly and efficiently you can process information.

A separate part of the brain is responsible for each function. In the area associated with the leading function, the conductivity of neural connections is 100 times higher than in the area that is responsible for the subordinate function. If you work on your leading function, you achieve your goals literally 100 times faster and easier!

And also, using the leading function, we receive a bonus in the form of:

  • strengthening immunity
  • memory improvement
  • increase in learning speed
  • improving the functioning of the reproductive system
  • adequate self-esteem/self-esteem
  • more energy

If we play someone else's role...

There are many people who rely mainly on the inferior function throughout their lives. And they get 100 times less than they could.

Jung called this process type falsification. And it is a serious threat to physical, mental and emotional health.

“As a rule, whenever such falsification of type takes place as a result of external influence, the individual becomes neurotic, and successful treatment is possible only in the development of an attitude (that is, a function) which corresponds to the natural path of the individual.” This statement by Jung is fully confirmed by modern brain research.

Later, the term SPAS (prolonged adaptation to stress syndrome) was introduced to refer to the signs that appear during type falsification.

This syndrome includes:

  • chronic fatigue
  • hypervigilance
  • insomnia
  • failure to achieve set goals
  • suppression of the immune system
  • reproductive system suppression
  • memory impairment
  • depression
  • problems with self-esteem.

These are the symptoms that a huge number of modern people face every day. And a practicing psychologist constantly works with such client requests.


  • Lectures + answers to your questions
  • Skype chat
  • Work in small groups (practice)
  • All classes are held online in your personal account on the EPS platform
  • If you do not have time to attend the lesson, a recording of all materials is stored in your office. And you can return to them at a time convenient for you.
  • Duration of training - 2 months


  • See and begin to use your strengths in your daily activities
  • Determine your leading function, which means you can increase your efficiency 100 times
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Reduce anxiety and stress levels
  • Help your children discover their true abilities
  • Thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, you will be able to effectively help clients, which means your reputation and income will grow
  • Increase your emotional intelligence

Author and course presenter: Kristina Kudryavtseva

  • Founder and head of the European School of Psychology
  • Professional psychologist (more than 11 years of experience)
  • More than 4000 sessions with clients
  • Author of the Your World project (5,000 people completed training and programs)
  • Creator of the Online School of Psychology by Kristina Kudryavtseva
  • Business psychoanalysis specialist
  • Author of the “4-step model of personality transformation” methodology

Personality structure according to Jung

Ecology of life. Psychology: An archetype is a universal thought form (idea) containing a significant emotional element...

The ego is the conscious mind. It is constructed from conscious perceptions, memories, thoughts and feelings. The ego is responsible for the sense of identity and continuity and, from the point of view of the individual person, is seen as the center of consciousness .

The personal unconscious is the region adjacent to the Ego. It consists of experiences that were once conscious but have been repressed, repressed, forgotten or ignored, and of experiences that, when they first appeared, were too weak to make an impression on the conscious level. The contents of the personal unconscious are accessible to consciousness : there is a strong “two-way traffic” between the personal unconscious and the ego.

The collective (or transpersonal) unconscious is the most powerful and influential mental system, and in pathological cases it overlaps the ego and the personal unconscious (C. Jung, 1936, 1943, 1945).

The collective unconscious is a repository of hidden memories inherited from ancestors; this inherited past includes not only the racial history of humans as a distinct biological species, but also the experiences of prehuman and animal ancestors. It is almost completely separated from the personal in the life of the individual, and, apparently, is universal. The collective unconscious is the innate, racial basis of the entire personality structure. The ego, the personal unconscious and other individual acquisitions grow on it.

The structural components of the collective unconscious are called archetypes (dominants, primordial images, imagoes, mythological images, behavioral patterns). An archetype is a universal thought form (idea) containing a significant emotional element. This thought form creates images or visions that, in ordinary waking life, correspond to some aspect of the conscious situation. For example, the mother archetype produces an image of the mother, which is then identified with the real mother.

It is assumed that the collective unconscious contains many archetypes . Although all archetypes can be considered as autonomous dynamic systems, relatively independent from the rest of the personality, some have developed so much that they fully justify treating themselves as separate systems within the personality. These are: Persona, Anima, Animus, Shadow.

A persona is how we present ourselves to the world . It includes our social roles and individual style of expression. A person has both positive and negative aspects. The Dominant Persona can suppress, even stifle, individuality. Those who identify with their Persona begin to see themselves only in terms of their superficial social roles or façade. C. Jung also called the Persona the archetype of conformity. At the same time, the Persona is not only negative, it protects the Ego and the soul as a whole from various social forces and attacks aimed at it. Persona is an excellent communication tool.

Animus, anima. C. Jung postulates unconscious structures that represent introsexual communication in everyone’s soul. The feminine archetype in a man is called Anima, the masculine in a woman is called Animus. These archetypes not only cause each sex to have traits of the opposite ; they also act as collective images that motivate each gender to understand and respond to the other.

The Shadow archetype is the center of the personal unconscious, a focus for material that has been repressed from consciousness . It includes tendencies, desires, memories, experiences that are denied by the individual as incompatible with his persona or contrary to social standards and ideals.

The Self is the center of personality around which all other systems are grouped. It holds these systems together and provides the individual with unity, balance and stability. The self is a goal that people constantly strive for, but rarely achieve. Before the self can be embodied, the various components of the personality must undergo full development and individuation. According to K. Jung, a person can achieve balance only as a result of a long process of psychological maturation, which he calls individualization. published

PS And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Basic archetypes according to C. Jung

Unlike Freud, who considered suppressed sexual desires and aggression to be the main dynamic forces of personality development, Jung gave the main motivational role to archetypes - deep images formed during the process of evolution. Among all the archetypes, Jung assigned the leading role to 5 main ones: Anime, Animus, Persona, Shadow, Self. Anime and Animus are two components of one whole, where the first part is the embodiment of the female unconscious in men, and the second - the male unconscious in women. Thus, every person has feelings, emotions and experiences of both sexes. The Persona is often also called the Mask, since this archetype is identified with the role of a person in society and resembles the role of an actor in the theater. The Shadow is the other side of the Persona. It hides all the socially unacceptable sides of the personality that cannot be shown in a given society. The self is the center of personality, a manifestation of its internal harmony and integrity.

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