How to survive the death of a pet, advice, instructions

Cats Die Alone

Feeling the approach of death, cats tend to get away from people.
When this is not possible, they hide in a secluded place. There are symptoms by which you can determine the imminent death of a cat:

  • loss of appetite, refusal of food and water;
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • slow heartbeat and low blood pressure;
  • a decrease in temperature and the presence of an unpleasant odor.

These are warning signs, especially if your cat is over 10 years old. If you discover their presence, contact your veterinarian - perhaps the animal is simply experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic disease. In hopeless cases, the doctor may suggest euthanizing the animal. If this option is unacceptable, surround the cat with care and create conditions for a calm death.

Why do animals leave home before they die?

A frequently asked question: Why does a cat or dog try to leave the house before it dies? Under no circumstances should animals be humanized. They do this unconsciously; trying to leave the house is not at all a concern for the psychological state of the owner. So that he does not suffer, does not worry, does not cry. The action is rather instinctive. Animals are looking for a place of solitude and tranquility, as was originally intended in their natural wild environment.

If your cat or dog is looking for a place to go, fussing, veterinarians, of course, will recommend not touching the animal, not trying to calm it down - this will still not be of any use, but also not letting it out, giving them the opportunity to do as they want instincts. A lost, weakened animal can get into trouble. It’s best to take him to the clinic; perhaps you need some urgent help; competent veterinarians will be able to sort it out.

Not long ago, everyone loved the cartoon “All Dogs Go to Heaven.” Is this so? Many believe that yes, when dying, animals run over the rainbow. And they live eternal life together with a person who has been awarded eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If an Orthodox clergyman asks whether animals have a soul, the answer will be as follows: animals do not have an immortal soul. A person continues to live after death, but an animal simply disappears after its death. His soul dissolves. It’s hard to believe and I don’t want to accept this truth. Everyone wants to believe that their beloved Murka, who lived with the kittens, will always be there.

It’s worth repeating, the problem with people is that they humanize animals, try to give them some character traits, predict what a dog, cat or mouse might be thinking about. Television and the attitude towards animals as equal creatures, ingrained in childhood, from cartoons, are partly to blame. All fairy tales, all animated series were built on allegory (through the animal world). Then foreign films appeared about dogs, cats, pigs who communicate with each other, make friends, and build some kind of relationship.

And we accept this fiction as reality. Therefore, parting with your favorites causes as much grief as saying goodbye to a loved one. “We are responsible for those we have tamed” is the most correct quote taken from the work of Antoine De Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”.

There is an excellent instructive story for boys on this topic on the Internet: first you should feed your mother, because she is a girl, then the cat, because he depends on us and cannot feed himself, and only then can men sit down at the table.

Emotional experiences of a person when losing a pet

In addition to all the familiar reactions, such as tears and sadness, there are other manifestations of grief, which, if not known, can be mistaken for lack of concentration, eccentricity, and other qualities. Among the main manifestations of grief are the following:

  1. Physiological. Physiological symptoms of acute negative experiences include a painful feeling of tightness in the chest area, a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen, spasms in the throat and the feeling of a lump stuck in it;
  2. Behavioral. A person experiencing grief often seems inconsistent and inattentive. His gaze can be described as absent, absent-minded. The inability to concentrate on business often irritates household members or colleagues, which leads to painful conflicts. Other manifestations include insomnia, which further increases absent-mindedness;
  3. Cognitive. A grieving person may encounter unusual holes in his memory, confused thoughts that do not want to take on concrete shape. Difficulty focusing and concentrating is common. The person seems to be “not here”;
  4. Emotional. The feeling of loneliness that accompanies people who have experienced loss is accompanied by a heightened awareness of their own helplessness, causeless anxiety and all-encompassing guilt, to which the person indulges.

How to Deal with the Pain of Losing a Pet

The strength of grief and the depth of sadness depend on many factors, and if one person can easily cope with the death of a dog or cat, then another will mope for months. Surprisingly, children tolerate the death of pets more easily than adults, since the child’s psyche is more mobile. Children, unlike adults, express their emotions more vividly and are in the process of constantly learning about the world, so for a child the question of how to survive the death of a cat or dog is not worth it - a few minutes or hours, then he will be sad for a day or two, and then the place of sadness new emotions and impressions will take over.

If the longing for a deceased pet does not go away, people who believe in the afterlife can be helped to cope with grief by the legend of the Rainbow Bridge, which claims that all animals in heaven are waiting for their owners. But you shouldn’t try to get a new pet as quickly as possible - another animal will not replace the deceased one, because it will have a completely different character and habits.

It is impossible to prepare for death in advance - it will always be a blow. Whether it is relatives, close people or pets, the bitterness of loss overtakes the mourner, leaving him in a difficult state. Most owners will have to face the death of a pet, one way or another, since the life of a cat or dog is much shorter than the life of a human.

When we get an animal, we know deep down that it will not outlive us, but we prefer not to focus on this. The question of how to survive the death of a cat appears during the immediate experience of loss and leaves a person in confusion and despair. We will talk about how to understand this loss and, if possible, cope with it in this article.

As a rule, the first two days after the death of a pet close to a person, he is in a state of shock and is not able to fully “digest” any feelings. At such moments, it is possible to deny what happened, and a complete absence of any feelings, which arises as a result of protecting the psyche from a barrage of experiences.

Such “anesthesia” allows a person to cope with current events, but it takes a lot of energy. Therefore, when the mourner comes out of shock, he often feels depressed and completely powerless.

At first, many people think that they hear their pet’s steps around the apartment, or see their blurry silhouette, which ultimately turns out to be an optical illusion. The presence of such “symptoms” does not at all indicate a mental disorder or hallucinations, which is what people often think about.

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Denial of death, natural for an unprepared person, forces his psyche to work in emergency mode. Imagination can create amazing things with people (especially those under severe stress) and “fulfill” wishes, bringing pets back to life through fantasy.

Therefore, when you automatically look around, when you hear the patter of familiar paws or a dear meow, then you behave completely normally. In the end, such behavior is also influenced by habit - if you have lived under the same roof with an animal for many years, seeing it “everywhere” in the apartment is an established way of behavior.

One way to avoid realizing the inevitability of a pet's death is to blame everyone who, in one way or another, was involved in it. Veterinarians often fall under the “hot” hand, making incorrect diagnoses and giving the cat bad pills. Sometimes loved ones who did not give the pet enough attention also come under attack.

The feeling of injustice coexists perfectly with the feeling of loneliness - after all, the person who is grieving (as it seems to him) was treated unfairly. All the misfortunes of the globe are concentrated around him, while other people live happily. That is why such embitterment is accompanied by isolation from others and frequent refusal to accept any help.

Despite all the acute feelings, embitterment is a variation of defense that allows you to distribute responsibility for the death of your beloved pet to everyone except yourself. A person is not yet ready to take on this responsibility, so he uses the projection mechanism, “demonizing” the people around him.

Sooner or later, having cursed everyone he can and cannot, a person remembers that the pet belonged to him, which means he should blame himself for the death. On the one hand, awareness of guilt is a big step forward, since a person manages to distract himself from anger at the world and accept its true origins. On the other hand, it is very easy to drown in feelings of guilt if you do not give yourself the opportunity to let go of the animal in time.

In the head of every caring owner, after the death of a beloved cat, the thought involuntarily arises: “I made a mistake somewhere, because of which my cat died. By and large, it was I who killed my pet.” Perhaps the owner will decide that he did not take his pet to the veterinarian often enough, or trusted him to bad specialists. Perhaps he will begin to remember how he threw a slipper at the cat when he dropped the geranium five years ago.

It is during the period of intense experience of his involvement in the death of an animal that a person analyzes in detail all the years he has lived with him and looks for his mistakes. Of course, there are mistakes because no one is perfect. The subsequent revaluation of these mistakes and their elevation to the status of “fatal” or “fateful” is dangerous.

The feeling of guilt was based on the idea of ​​one’s own omnipotence and the opportunity to change everything for the better, even if it was lost. Depression is characterized by complete giving up. The person understands that regardless of the quality of care provided, he would still lose his cat.

We are not responsible for all events in the world and are able to influence - this thought is subject to exaggeration during periods of depression, acquiring distorted outlines. “I’m not capable of anything, I can’t do anything. I am nothing". It is these attitudes that accompany depression, which is characterized by apathy and intense withdrawal. Grief seems to be locked somewhere deep inside and has no way out.

This condition is dangerous because it is hidden from others. At the moment of depression, a person can return to his normal life and appear to be satisfied with life and even a happy member of society. Moreover, depression can be hidden from its owner if there is sufficient resistance.

Shame for feeling grief

Although grief from the loss of a beloved pet can be as intense and even as long-lasting as grief from the loss of a loved one, the state of grief is completely different. Because pet loss lacks civil rights support, many social support mechanisms are lacking. Few of us would ask an employer for a day off to spend with our beloved cat or dog, as we fear that doing so will be met with misunderstanding and ridicule from society as overly sentimental, supposedly lacking in maturity or emotionally weak behavior. Research shows that social support is very important when recovering from loss. Thus, not only are we deprived of critical support systems when our pet dies, but our own perception of our emotional reactions escalates the situation, adding an additional layer of emotional stress. We may feel embarrassed and even ashamed of the severity of the grief we are experiencing and, therefore, embarrassed to disclose our feelings to loved ones. We may even wonder what is wrong with us and ask why we react so “dramatically” to loss. This approach is incorrect because, as a result, feelings of grief and shame for such feelings have a detrimental effect on the process and period of recovery. Grief is experienced longer and more acutely.

How to cope with the pain of losing a pet?

Attachment to a pet will not allow you to calmly bear the separation, especially if the animal has been sick for a long time, sleepless nights have been spent in clinics under IVs, all your strength has been spent, but there has been no victory over the disease.

The first thing to do is cry. The pain even from losing a hamster is still very strong. There is no need to keep it to yourself. We are all living people and it is necessary to express our grief.

Under no circumstances should you blame yourself. It happened, it had to happen. Old age cannot be overcome, but the disease simply turned out to be stronger. You gave it your all. It didn't work out. Remember! You did everything you could do, everything that was possible in this situation. This means it will be easier for your pet.

Remove everything that may remind you of your four-legged friend: a bowl, bedding, a squeaker toy. Don't look at them and fall back into melancholy just yet. Abstract yourself.

Many people advise immediately taking a new friend into the family. This is not the most reliable option. First you need to let go of your previous pet from your heart and accept his death. Only then, if you feel that you are ready, then it’s time. Otherwise, a small puppy or kitten will only be annoying with its presence, because “he’s not like that.”

A great way to take a little break is to become a volunteer and help homeless animals and animals that are in difficult situations. Food, medicine, care assistance: come to change bedding, help insulate kennels for those dogs that are considered homeless. After some time, you will already be able to take someone for foster care.

Think that your pet is much better now than when he was sick and suffering or when he could no longer chew food due to senile weakness. People are selfish by nature. This is bad for us. To those who remain here on earth due to their weakness and emotionality. And those who are not with us...

They are always alive in our memory.

Separating from a pet: what to do?

Every person who has a cat at home sooner or later experiences a very sad period. The animal begins to grow old and get sick, and then inevitably dies, and not everyone can cope with the death of a cat easily.

We invite you to read: Pancreatitis in cats: causes and symptoms of the disease, diagnosis, treatment

Of course, there are no universal “recipes” for how to survive this time, but in many countries, over the centuries, traditions and advice have developed on what to do if a cat has died and you cannot come to terms with the loss.

Cats go off to die.

Of course, if this happens to you, you will find your own way, but it still doesn’t hurt to prepare for it. The first step is to learn to notice the signs of your cat's death. If the animal has been sick for a long time before, it is easier to recognize an imminent departure - the cat simply weakens, stops eating, practically does not get up from its place and increasingly sleeps or simply lies with its eyes open.

At the same time, you may notice that her breathing is gradually weakening, and the cat’s behavior before death will be a little alarming. If the animal is left at home, it may come to say goodbye to you. Usually, a sick cat, with the last of her strength, climbs onto her owner’s lap and lies there for a while, waiting for affection, and then leaves. It is extremely rare for cats to die in their owner's arms.

If nothing foreshadowed trouble, or you were not very attentive to your pet, it will be more difficult for you. The main sign is that a cat tends to be alone before death. She’s not just hiding, she’s trying to leave, and leaving you in such a way that you can neither return her nor find her.

Unfortunately, this is a very common phenomenon, and it was recorded many centuries ago. The reasons for this act are not fully understood, but scientists believe that the cat does this... out of pain! The animal's body suffers from various ailments and diseases (even if these ailments are not noticeable to the owners), and your pet is simply trying to escape from this suffering, instinctively leaving its beloved home.

If the animal does not have the opportunity to leave home, be prepared for the fact that at a tragic moment it will simply hide in a secluded place or die when you are not at home. And if you suddenly notice that your pet is behaving strangely, do not try to chase it. It is believed that cats sense death, so in this case they are wiser than us.

A cat has died: what to do?

Different peoples approached this tragic event in different ways. In Ancient Egypt, for example, cats were considered sacred animals, they lived in every home, and when the animal died, the household was simply inconsolable. As a sign of mourning, according to tradition, they shaved their eyebrows.

Nowadays, the death of a cat is considered no less a tragedy, but one can grieve for it in a completely different way. Knowing that cats leave before they die, try to make sure that the animal does not leave without a trace. This doesn't mean you have to keep an eye on it, but still don't let it die where you'll never find it! And once this happens, you will have to take on several important responsibilities.

Your first step is to bury your pet, and you need to do this by choosing a suitable place. The causes of death for cats can be different - it could be illness, melancholy, or an accident, but in any case, animals must be buried with equal dignity. Be sure to find a special cemetery for animals (it is believed that pets should not be buried in human cemeteries), or use the cremation service. After cremation, you can take the ashes of your beloved animal in a special urn and bury it where no one will disturb it.

Remember that you cannot bury animals in parks or forests within the city. In addition to the large fine that you will have to pay if you are caught doing this by law enforcement officers, such graves are easily dug up by dogs, and some people may be interested in a freshly dug mound.

Concern about the funeral just as you would for a person. This is especially true if there is a sudden death of a cat - troubles will help you take your mind off grief.

How to cope with the death of a cat?

1. immediately remove all your pet’s things - bowls, trays, toys: this may seem cruel to you, but this is important first of all for you, because your pet’s things left without him will greatly torment you;

2. remember bright moments from the life of an animal - yes, your cat died, but this is not a reason to constantly replay tragic moments in your head, it’s better to remember how you played with her and how funny she was: after such memories you will definitely smile, and it will seem to you that your pet is still nearby;

3. change habits associated with the cat: for example, if you liked to sit in the chair in which your pet always came to you, then try to sit in another for some time after his death - it will be less painful, because at least you will not remember with longing how the beast jumped onto your lap and subconsciously wait for its appearance.

Another “recipe” that many people recommend is to immediately get a second pet so that you have someone to take care of. This method can be very effective and efficient, but, alas, not for everyone. There are people for whom a deceased cat remains their only and unforgettable friend after death, and for them a new pet in the house is even “contraindicated”, because they may even hate it.

But if you clearly understand that life goes on, and you want to quickly start living without grief and melancholy, a small kitten will be a kind of salvation. Just don’t associate it with your previous pet! Some people think that the soul of a cat moves into another animal after death, but one should not blindly believe in this. Treat the kitten as an independent and completely different animal, and then it will be easier for you to love it without replacing the dead animal with a new one.

A little mysticism.

There are many legends and signs associated with the death of a cat. Many of them talk about how, after death, a cat supposedly becomes a kind of “guardian angel” of the owner. This is a very touching version, and it is based on more than just simple fantasies! Even in Ancient Egypt, everyone believed that a cat was a direct link between man and God, and perhaps this belief has simply survived to this day. It is unknown where cats go after they die, but one thing is clear: if that place exists, they will take care of you there too.

We invite you to read: Alben: instructions for use in veterinary medicine for cats

Another layer of beliefs concerns omens. The British believed that cats should not be allowed to die in the house - they believed that this could cause trouble. However, this is, of course, a superstition. And if you don’t believe in omens, the death of a cat should not scare you and be considered a bad omen. It is unlikely that an animal that has been devoted to you all its life will want to hurt you!

How to help a cat survive the death of its owner?

This is yet another tragedy that can befall a family with a cat. And if many people wonder how to survive the death of a cat, then not many people think about how to help an animal cope with grief if the owner dies. Alas, sometimes cat owners die before their pets, and there are cases when animals, following their owner, died of melancholy or left his house without a trace.

1. if a cat carefully sniffs the air exhaled by the owner, this may mean the beginning of his illness,

How to cope with the death of a pet

The main thing is not to give up, lying on the couch and constantly replaying events in your pet’s life in your head. Something needs to be done.

I really sympathize with your grief - I myself have lost both people and animal friends. Any loss is always difficult. Right now I’m answering you, and in the corridor a 3-month-old puppy we picked up on the street is dying. From the plague. And nothing can be fixed. And no one is to blame. It happened that way. You can only accept it. Suffer and accept. When my dog ​​died of encephalitis, he grieved for a year. I didn’t even think about other dogs - I couldn’t. And a year later another friend came. Now without him our family is no longer perceived as whole. But you also have other reasons. You can’t let go because you have little choice of communication and close people: “I live alone, I don’t have a loved one, my relationship with my parents is estranged, ... my close friends live thousands of kilometers away from me” - and it was the cat who became your close friend. The reasons for this are obvious: how can you develop trust in people and the desire to communicate if your own mother tells you not to demand more attention than…. I wonder, how much attention did you receive from them as a child? I am sure that you are also familiar with the acute feeling of guilt from childhood - the ability to forgive yourself is brought up in the family. And when there are only accusations and criticism around... You can learn to forgive yourself. How to develop trust in people. It’s just easier to do this together with a psychologist in a face-to-face consultation or in a psychotherapeutic group.

Pavel Leonidovich Basansky

After the death of my cat, I “laid” on the bed for three days. Then the understanding began to come that this could not continue. That things haven’t been washed or ironed, and in general it’s time to clean up and feed the family. But I didn’t want to get up. I had to force myself - I thought about it and decided that if I didn’t do this, then I could simply fall into depression, from which only serious medications would help me get out. And of course, I also felt sorry for the household members, because they needed my help. I conclude that after the death of a cat, caring for loved ones helps. It doesn’t matter whether they are people or animals.

Share your grief

The right decision is to tell close relatives about what happened. If there are none, then you can trust your neighbor or girlfriend, even over the phone. But not everyone likes to talk about their problems. Or maybe the person simply has no one to share it with. In this case, there are 24-hour helplines for people in crisis situations. The advantages of such a connection are that the person who listens will not know you personally. And you can tell him everything.

You can tell a stranger about your troubles by calling their helpline

My husband helped me when I lost my cat. He made fun of me all the time - he said that I probably didn’t love him as much as this poor animal. My husband encouraged me, helped me have fun and forget about the loss. Of course, I still remembered and it hurt, not for long. Gradually, we got through this situation together. And only now I wondered how my husband managed to remain calm and even have fun for my sake, because he also loved the cat.

Spill out emotions

Sometimes tears really help to cope with a problem. The man cried and went about his business. And then I cried some more. And if you can’t do this, you can shout. Yes, yes, go somewhere into a field and throw out everything that has accumulated.

Remove the animal's belongings

So that the scratching post, tray, bowl and other objects do not remind you of the cat, you need to put them away. You can hide it in a closet where everything unnecessary is stored. And if you don’t mind, then throw it away. This way you will stop getting upset every time you look at your pet’s things.

Good evening, everyone...on December 1, 2012, my beloved cat a week she would have been a year and 3 months’s terrible...I put all her things away...but it feels like she just hid under the sofa...yesterday it seemed to me that she just sleeping... I don’t know how to survive this...


Try to distract yourself

Try to have an interesting time. Eg:

  • watch an exciting film;
  • do repairs, rearrange furniture, etc.;
  • go somewhere with friends;
  • get a new pet.

My kitty died 2 months ago - she was hit by a train. She was not even one and a half years old. There is a cat left, which we adopted on the same day as the kitty. It was so terrible, such emptiness. Although the cat was uncommunicative and generally seemed not from this world, it still took its place in the soul. The remaining cat was also clearly upset. Most likely, he saw how it all happened; they went for a walk together. He used to be unkind, but now he just wouldn’t get away with it. After 3 days we adopted a new kitten, the same breed as the deceased cat and it HELPED VERY MUCH. Moreover, the kitten turned out to be very affectionate, smart and playful. But the cat is now uncommunicative again and again he doesn’t need anyone. But everything fell into place and everyone is happy.


How to get rid of guilt after euthanizing an animal

Every person has their own opinion about whether it is worth putting a cat to death on their own. But since it so happened that you put your pet to sleep, you need to somehow overcome your feelings of guilt. The easiest way is to reassure yourself with the thought that in this way you have saved the animal from suffering. Of course, it is very difficult to watch a defenseless creature die.

After euthanizing an animal, it helps to calm down the thought that it is better this way.

She euthanized the cat herself in the fall. At first, she cried every day, scolded herself, and thought that she could still fight for her. It got to the point that one day before going to bed I asked the Lord that I would dream about her if he forgave me. I dreamed about it that same night. She looked at me and left. After that it became a little easier. Now there is a need to take in a stray kitten, I think this is the only way I can atone for my guilt.


One of my friends dealt with feelings of guilt after putting her cat to sleep in the following way. She went to a temple located not far from her home and confessed. The fact is that the Orthodox Church does not support the euthanasia of animals - it is believed that God himself must take the cat when the time comes. After confession, my friend felt better, and now she continues to go to services, remembering her pet with sighs.

Should I see a psychologist?

There are situations when a person cannot survive the death of his beloved cat. This often happens if he has lived with a cat most of his life. Children also experience this loss very hard.

A psychologist will help you avoid becoming depressed, ease your emotional state and help you cope with the loss.

In some cases, several sessions are required.

Is it worth getting a new pet after the death of a cat?

Your friends may suggest getting a kitten or puppy to distract you after your cat's death. But it is better to do this after you have already come to terms with the death of the cat.

If you get a cat when the pain of loss has not yet passed, then he may irritate you with his behavior. The fact is that you are already accustomed to the behavior of your pet, but the kitten will have completely different behavior. Constant comparison will only remind you of the loss. Perhaps the kitten will never settle down and you will have to give it away.

If you think this will help you, then try to approach it responsibly. Think a few times about whether you are simply trying to avoid the problem and hide your feelings related to the death of your cat. In this case, a new animal is not a solution to the problem.

Society stereotypes

Society’s stereotypical response to the loss of a pet - “it’s just a dog”, “you can just buy another cat”, “you shouldn’t kill yourself so much over an animal” - encourages us to treat the loss more easily, artificially devaluing it.

Devaluing a loss is the opposite direction from recovery. If a person has suffered a loss that is difficult for him, only he himself is able to appreciate how severe this loss is and how deep the pain is. The environment should not decide for a person whether this is a significant loss. The main thing that can be done to help is to listen (if the person is able to share), help the person figure it out for himself and realize how hard he is going through. This can be understood by how much the life and behavior of the person who has suffered a loss has changed. It is by external manifestations and changes in behavior that one can understand the degree of destructive impact. For example, you called your friend almost every day. After the loss, calls from her became rare and almost completely disappeared. Or a friend’s situation - your friend has suffered a loss, but does not talk about it at all, refuses to discuss it, or even laughs it off unnaturally.

In such situations, you should not force a conversation about the pet; perhaps the person is not ready yet, he is afraid to burst into tears and look stupid or weak. There is no need to add emotional stress to him. Try to maintain the usual rhythm, frequency or schedule of communication, do not allow grief to spread to this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mourner's life. This will only worsen his emotional state. Many who experienced loss talked about how difficult it was to communicate and that they wanted to hide from everyone. While social support is the most important way to help recover.

Loss can greatly change a life, literally turning it upside down. And the worst thing is to never return to normal, that is, never recover. Therefore, the attitude must be delicate. careful, thorough.

How to help your child cope with loss

For a child, the death of a cat often comes as a real shock. It is important to support your child during this period. Also use the tips below to help ease your child's pain.

  • Often parents do not mention at all that the cat may someday die. So they are trying not to traumatize his psyche. But the only thing this will lead to is even more shock. Explain that death is a natural phenomenon that happens sooner or later. With this awareness, it will be easier for the child to accept the death of the cat.
  • If you want to smooth out this situation, then come up with a story that all animals go to heaven after death. Explain that the cat will be fine in that world, so the baby should not worry about him.
  • Children tend to blame themselves or their parents for the death of the cat. It is important to explain that such things do not depend on the baby or you. They just happen, and it's important to understand that. Otherwise, the feeling of guilt will torment your child for a long time.
  • Sometimes parents don't tell the truth about a cat's death. Instead they say she ran away or is sleeping somewhere. But it is important to understand that because of this, the child will be constantly nervous and expect that the pet will return at some point. Waiting will be difficult for your child, so think about whether you want to take on this responsibility in advance.
  • If your child is experiencing a difficult loss and you cannot help him, then consult a psychologist. They are in every kindergarten or school, so finding one is not a problem.
  • Try to captivate the child with something, do not let him completely immerse himself in the memories of the cat. Let him know that life is not over.
  • It is important to support the child during this period, not to put pressure on him or demand a quick return to normal. It is normal to worry after the death of a pet.

The death of a cat is a traumatic experience for both adults and children. But adults understand that they are not to blame for this, and this happens. In contrast, children are not always able to cope with their grief on their own. Therefore, it is important to be there, support and find fun things to do.

Many parents, immediately after the death of a cat, bring another kitten into the house in the hope that the child will forget about the previous one. But in response, the baby may not accept the new pet and may be offended by his parents for misunderstanding. Let your child grieve his loss and then decide for himself whether he wants to get a new cat or not.

How to explain the death of a pet to a child?

The death of a cat can greatly traumatize a child's psyche. And if children 2-3 years old do not yet understand what death is, they quickly switch gears and do not indulge in prolonged sadness, then older children, as a rule, are very worried about the passing of a friend. It is especially difficult for a child who has seen an animal gradually fade away or die before his eyes. He may cry often, have nightmares, scream in his sleep, study poorly, and disobey his parents.

Very often, adults solve this problem completely incorrectly - they immediately get a new pet or hide the fact of death and forbid talking about it. In this way they make the problem even worse. The child may decide that any loss can be made up for, “drown out.” Suppressing emotions makes him callous. But then how can you help a child survive the death of a beloved cat, you ask? Let's turn to the advice of a psychologist:

If there is a child in the family, you need to forget about your own suffering for a while. It is important to correctly explain what happened and help the child survive the tragedy. Don't let things take their course, this can lead to big problems in the future.

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