Business game “Individual freedom and personal responsibility”

History of origin[ | ]

The first business game was developed and conducted in the USSR in 1932 by M. M. Birshtein at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute (now known as ENGEKON). In 1938, business games in the USSR suffered the same fate as a number of scientific areas; they were banned. Their second birth occurred only in the 60s, after the first business games appeared in the USA (1956, C. Abt, K. Greenblatt, F. Gray, G. Graham, G. Dupuis, R. Duke, R. Prudhomme and others).

The business game originated as a tool for finding management solutions in conditions of uncertainty and multifactoriality. Currently, they are used in the educational process of universities, as a pedagogical technology, or one of the methods of active learning, when conducting socio-psychological training and in production to solve industrial, social and psychological problems. In all cases, there is a “two-dimensionality of the business game” and not only gaming or professional tasks are solved, but at the same time the participants are trained and educated. The development of computer technology has led to the creation of a number of computer analogues of typical business games and a new class of complex computer economic games (Capitalizm), but also to the creation of large multi-user business simulations (Virtonomica), online platforms that provide an environment for generating and conducting a new generation online business games and distance training.

Notes[ | ]

  1. Belchikov Ya. M., Birshtein M. M., 1989.
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  4. Belchikov Ya. M., Birshtein M. M., 1989
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