What is parapsychology: myths, facts, research and speculation


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The author of the term “parapsychology” belongs to Doctor of Philosophy Max Dessoir. The prefix para- means “near” or “next to.” In Dessoir's interpretation, parapsychology is a designation for mental disorders and medical methods of treating deviations. But during the 20th century the interpretation changed.

  • 1 Parapsychology as a science
  • 2 What does parapsychology study?
  • 3 Parapsychology - what is it? Brief and clear

Parapsychology as a science

Parapsychology as a scientific term was first used at the beginning of the 20th century. During World War II, he got his own sign, which meant many forms of psycho-phenomena - ¥. This is a letter of the Greek alphabet called "psi".

In some countries, psi phenomena are called:

TermA country
PsychotronicsEastern Europe
Psychic ResearchEngland

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Let me start with what parapsychology is... This is a discipline aimed at studying the existence and causes of supernatural psychic abilities of people, animals and plants, the phenomena of life after death and similar phenomena. This is a pseudo-scientific area concerning unusual phenomena and human abilities that have fallen out of the consideration of modern natural sciences (from ancient Greek - near, around).

Hence the “steam” particle. Parapsychology explores human energy and the mysteries of the soul. Parapsychology includes studies related to other areas of psychology: transpersonal psychology, which studies the spiritual or transcendental aspects of the human mind; anomalous psychology, which studies unexplained beliefs and subjectively anomalous events in traditional psychological settings.

Who is a parapsychologist and what is the difference between a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychologist? “Psycho” from ancient Greek. - soul.

A doctor (physician) works with matter. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist are medical specialists with higher medical education and specialization in the relevant field. Psychologist - works with the unconscious. Parapsychologist - works with both the soul and energies.

A psychiatrist treats mental illness. Psychiatry (German psychiatrie from ancient Greek - soul and treatment) is a branch of clinical medicine that studies mental disorders through the prism of medical methodology, methods of their diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Psychiatrists deal primarily with “severe” mental illnesses, giving preference to medicinal methods of treatment.

Psychotherapist, therapy (Greek - treatment, recovery) - a process whose goal is to alleviate, relieve or eliminate symptoms and manifestations; the psychotherapist's field of activity - milder disorders, as well as borderline states - those cases when a person feels bad, but this condition can be called a disease it is forbidden. A psychotherapist, like any doctor, has the right to prescribe medications, conduct medical examinations, and diagnose diseases. The main tool of a psychotherapist is the word, conversation.

A psychologist (psychology from the ancient Greek psycho - soul, logy - knowledge), having received the appropriate education and acquired skills in practical psychological activities, as well as using methods and techniques, helps the client to understand a difficult situation. Listens carefully to the client's story; asks clarifying questions if something is not clear to him. Finds out what exactly worries the client in the whole situation.

The term parapsychologists itself appeared thanks to Marc Dessoir in 1889. It means "near-psychological research." The popularization of this word began only after the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Parapsychology in 1937.

Since many of the studies were carried out in American universities, and this nation simply loves acronyms and abbreviations, since 1942 the first part of “psychological phenomena” has been replaced by the Greek letter “psi”.

Varieties of phenomena In fact, esotericism, parapsychology and other “secret” sciences study the basic five senses of a person developed to the limit.

A parapsychologist is a specialist who studies the hidden side of phenomena and events that happen in a person’s life, and he is also a researcher of paranormal phenomena. In their work with people, parapsychologists, in search of causes and consequences, turn not only to the secret recesses of the human soul, but also deeper, for example, they can look into the past or future using tools that are not popular in orthodox psychology, for example, various mantic systems, numerological matrices , astrological calculations, associative cards, conscious altered states and other techniques... In his work, a parapsychologist does not turn to matter (this is within the competence of doctors), and not even always to the unconscious person (this is the part of psychologists and psychotherapists), but to energy, like to the basis of all existence. But it often happens that in your work with a client you have to combine the processing of psychologists and various techniques of parapsychologists and therapeutic techniques of psychotherapists. All this together gives wonderful results!

Paprapsychologist - a person with the ability to extrasensory perception and influence - psychic, medium, clairvoyant, bioenergeticist, cosmoenergeticist, healer, fortune teller, soothsayer, stalker, spiritual healer... Psycho-metrist (medium, psychic, clairvoyant) - a person with psi ability to extrasensory perception of information through contact with any object about its owner, about events related to this object. The perception of such information occurs, as a rule, in a narrowed state of consciousness of the psychometrist, most often in a meditative trance or a state close to this trance... The perception of such information can also occur in a normal, waking state. The general name of the class to which the term “psycho-metrician” refers is psychic, and, naturally, in the second meaning, “parapsychologist.”

Tasks for a parapsychologist can be located in different areas of your life, on the solution of which he works together with the client:

  • interpersonal relationships - unrequited love, sexuality, inability to enter into new relationships and maintain existing ones, dependence on a partner;
  • family relationships - issues of couple compatibility, family roles of husband and wife, sex in marriage; assistance with changes in the family situation (the appearance of a new family member, divorce, remarriage);
  • parapsychological roots and correction of functional disorders of health and energy;
  • self-knowledge and personal growth;
  • “internal barriers” to career development;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, lack of confidence in one’s strengths and abilities;
  • the desire to understand oneself, improve the quality of one’s life, and maximize one’s potential;
  • emotional sphere: mood instability, anxiety, stress, coping with grief and loss, overcoming the consequences of mental and physical trauma, emotional dependence.

A parapsychologist is a person who has deep esoteric knowledge about the world, about the person in it, about the mechanisms that underlie the evolution of humanity and the individual human soul, and uses this knowledge for the benefit and to help people!

Many researchers agree that even intuition is, in fact, not a hint from the subconscious, but the sum of all our perceptions. Something was once noticed, heard, read, someone behaved inappropriately to the situation... All these moments are noticed by the subconscious and gives the result through the feeling: you need to do this... And the person listens to himself... or not. In the end, it turns out that it would be better to listen.

So, they distinguish clairvoyance, clairaudience and other extra-developed senses. The next category is weight management. This includes telekinesis and levitation. Extrasensory perception includes astral projection, out-of-body travel, and channeling. In addition to such sensations, there are also purely practical ones - healing, dowsing.

Thus, parapsychology is a whole complex of disciplines that study human superpowers.

parapsychology training

History The time before the 80s of the 19th century can be called an occult-mystical period. Alchemy, witchcraft, shamanism and other attempts to go beyond the limits of the material world - few could be surprised by this. But then most of these phenomena were considered miracles at best, and “the works of the devil” at worst.

From the end of the 19th century, the study of these phenomena and phenomena began. Societies for Psychical Research are founded in England and the USA. The first study recorded was the rewriting of testimonies of people who saw ghosts. Next, their words were compared with the stories of healthy people who had experience of hallucinations. And the results of these experiments are still used today.

Stanford and Duke universities in the USA continue the tradition of the societies, but their focus was slightly different. Here the main goal was not the quality of the experiment, but the number of cases and the possibility of repetition. Most of the work was done with cards, dice and coins.

In 1957, the Association was founded in North Carolina, and the field of research expanded in the 1970s. Now reincarnation is being studied, auras are being photographed, and so on.

Although some projects have been closed, unable to withstand the criticism of official science, in Europe and America they still continue to conduct research in laboratories, sometimes obtaining unusual results.

how to develop clairvoyance

Research in Parapsychology, clairvoyance, telekinesis and astral vision has today collected a fairly extensive base of results.

There are people who can see blindfolded, tell what is happening in the next room, and move a matchbox or coin with the power of their thoughts. Hypnotism and the power of suggestion have also been studied for many years.

For example, one of the methods for studying such superpowers is “ganzfeld”. It means the following. The subject is placed in a soundproof chamber, he hears white noise in headphones, and in front of his eyes there are special hemispheres that completely isolate them from light.

The second participant in the experiment is outside the camera and looks at a computer monitor, where pictures randomly appear. He mentally sends drawn images to the recipient. The latter must voice all his thoughts into the microphone.

This is what parapsychology is like. Teaching some of its disciplines is becoming increasingly popular today.

parapsychology clairvoyance

Fiction or reality Throughout the twentieth century, scientists have argued over the results of experiments. The main problem is that they are purely subjective and individual. And it is quite difficult to determine what parapsychology is (is it quackery or the science of the future?).

That is, it turns out that one person has certain abilities that are more developed, or he was simply lucky on the day when the experiment was carried out. The second problem is that there were no significant achievements, and most of the results of the experiment can be attributed to technical errors or ordinary physical phenomena.

In Soviet times, an article by Russian scientists about similar phenomena was published, but there were no clear conclusions in it. All that was said amounted to hesitation and attempts to hide behind insufficient statistical data.

The main thing that saves most of the existing similar laboratories today is the lack of evidence to the contrary. That is, esotericism has not been confirmed or refuted. The value of the experiments is so far appreciated that grants are being allocated.

esoterics parapsychology

Criticism Academic science opposes all publications and attempts to introduce parapsychology into the circle of recognized disciplines.

The main point is that before, as now, many took advantage of the extraordinary nature of experiments and the desire of mankind to believe in miracles in order to present the public with another trick or fraud.

In addition, critics point to the isolation of the experiments. That is, they have no continuation. Let's say one scientist studied telekinesis with a coin and published some statistical data. But that's where it all ends. None of the related disciplines has any interest in continuing.

Research organizations However, it's not all bad. And today there are many enthusiasts who are ready to conduct experiments and participate in them.

The universities of Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Arizona provide laboratories for research, and students often show interest in such events. Also, many societies, foundations, and organizations take part in this movement. A number of publications are published in Australia and Europe.

Thus, parapsychology is a whole complex of disciplines that are practiced by different enthusiasts.

In contrast to the previous movement, there is also a society of critics, led by associations of illusionists from different countries.

esoteric meaning

How to learn Are you interested in what clairvoyance is and how to develop it? You are lucky - today there are many trainings that help bring what you want to life. Here we will talk about the simplest first steps of a student.

The first thing anyone who wants to learn to perceive information from the outside needs to do is create silence within themselves. Concentration exercises, relaxation, visualization, and meditation will help here. Only after you manage to stop the internal monologue and abstract from the flow of thoughts in your head, does it make sense to move on to the next stage.

Try looking at your hand with your fingers spread out against a plain wall. After a few moments you will be able to discern a slight glow. They say this is the human etheric body, the grossest part of the aura. If you practice, you will soon be able to perceive the world in all its diversity.

It is not so easy to discover clairvoyance in yourself. There is no clear guidance on how to develop it or get it in another way. There are only a few summaries of statistical data and mystical information from the “magicians”. However, in laboratories, some people show quite convincing results.

It turns out that everything depends on your attitude. Parapsychology, the study of which many people are interested in today, is often relegated to the level of laymen and scammers. However, the abilities of some individuals show that these are not just the experiments of “crazed” scientists. Perhaps this is simply an undiscovered layer of knowledge, and research today is ahead of its time.

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What does parapsychology study?

Parapsychology is a science that studies the anomalous and hidden capabilities of people and animals, as well as issues related to life after death.

The concept of psi phenomena includes:

  • telekinesis;
  • clairvoyance;
  • suggestion;
  • poltergeist;
  • teleportation;
  • pyrokinesis;
  • healing;
  • channeling;
  • levitation;
  • spiritualism;
  • reincarnation.

The founder of the school of modern parapsychology, D. B. Rhine, believed that psi phenomena are divided into extrasensory perception (telekinesis, clairvoyance) and psychokinesis - the ability to influence matter with thoughts.

Science rejects psi phenomena. The reasons for this are the lack of evidence, as well as the fact that many schools of research into psi phenomena are funded from private sources, bypassing the state.

Psi phenomena cannot be reproduced again, so the scientific community cannot testify to the fact of their existence. However, researchers were able to study the patterns of hypnosis, phenomenal memory and human mathematical abilities.

Cases of deception are not uncommon among parapsychologists; this only increased criticism and mistrust of them as scientists. Despite this, research in private centers continues today. In addition to psi phenomena, they explore related topics that are studied by official science - neurophysiology (the connection between the brain and the psyche), as well as experimental psychology.

History of the emergence of science

Parapsychology for beginners appeared in the nineteenth century. During that period, the United States and England organized Societies for Psychical Research. They consisted of scientists, philosophers, and politicians. These organizations also included psychologists and teachers. One of them was founded by the American scientist William James.

Such societies studied various phenomena - in particular, telepathy, spiritualism, clairvoyance. Thus, the key achievement of the organization’s work was the study of people who had hallucinations. Then this phenomenon was explained by the ability to see ghosts.

In the first half of the twentieth century, paranormal phenomena began to be studied at Stanford University. Subsequently, research continued at Duke University. As a result, the Association of Parapsychology was created in 1957.

The peak of the development of science occurred in the seventies of the twentieth century. There were many parapsychological associations during that period. They studied a variety of phenomena, including reincarnation and out-of-body experiences.

At the end of the twentieth century, the popularity of science began to gradually decrease. However, she did not disappear anywhere. Research has simply become less active.

In the twenty-first century, parapsychology has been replaced by a serious interest in mysticism and esotericism. This can be seen in the development of culture. So, today there are many books and films on this topic. They, in particular, reflect interest in the work of parapsychologists.

It can be explained by increased attention to mysterious phenomena. At the same time, the application of scientific methods in parapsychology is closer to sophisticated Western society. People who are drawn to Eastern teachings do not need evidence of unusual phenomena. They use spiritual practices that help them explore these aspects.

The most accessible and popular experiment of parapsychologists is the study of the extrasensory abilities of people. In this case, a person must guess the color of the cards or the text that is hidden from him. The greatest difficulty is understanding in what state human abilities are best manifested.

Modern society takes the prospects of parapsychology seriously. This is due to the development of technological progress and the emergence of new methods for studying paranormal phenomena that were previously inaccessible. In addition, official science is experiencing a period of stagnation. In such circumstances, increased attention is paid to alternative sciences. One of them is parapsychology.

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