Reflection, analysis and interpretation of the results of practical research

June 29, 2020

Hello, dear readers of the blog. We have all heard about the interpretation of an actor's role on stage or a piece of music by a pianist. It seems that this word is associated primarily with art and has nothing to do with everyday life.

Meanwhile, each of us constantly interprets , because this process is one of the stages of learning about the world around us.

So, let's understand what interpretation is, how it manifests itself in different areas of human life, and how the meaning of a word varies depending on the field of application.

What it is?

Translated from Latin, the word interpretatio means explanation, interpretation ).

Interpretation is a set of meanings attached to some elements of a theory (formulas, signs, symbols).

This definition of the term gives us an explanatory philosophical dictionary. In humanitarian knowledge, it is used in a meaning close to the word “understanding”

In a broader sense, interpretation is a way of being based on understanding and interpreting the meaning of something.

Synonyms for interpretation:

  1. interpretation;
  2. a comment;
  3. clarification of meaning;
  4. transcript.

Perceiving information from the environment, each person analyzes it in his own way. Of course, there are ideas and concepts that are common to everyone, but since all people have individual thinking, the same phenomena are interpreted differently.

Often this process occurs unconsciously (at the level of sensations, moral norms, rules of behavior laid down in childhood, and worldview). When a person uses his knowledge to decipher any data, the interpretation is directional in nature (for example, translations of texts from foreign or complex scientific languages ​​into a native or easier to understand language).

You can interpret anything : information, events, dreams, laws, musical and literary works, films and even analyses.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Moiseev wrote: “Different interpretations reflect only certain features of reality. No more! And they cannot always be consistent with each other, and sometimes they can contradict each other.”

Interpretations in various areas of life

“Artists, writers, journalists try to interpret reality. Politicians and lawyers are changing it” (Kathy Lette).

Interpretation manifests itself in different areas:

  1. in philosophy - when translating complex works and works of thinkers into a more understandable language;
  2. in the humanities, to interpret is to interpret the meaning of texts (historical sources, literary works, translations);
  3. In computer science, interpretation is an interpreter program that executes instructions written in programming languages ​​into machine language;
  4. in politics, representatives of different political movements interpret legislative acts and articles differently;
  5. in jurisprudence, the lawyer and the prosecutor interpret the same law based on each of their goals. Just on this topic, watch a short lecture in the video below:

What can be interpreted in music

In the art of music, interpretation means the process of transforming a score (notation) into a work that reflects the individual consciousness of the performer. How it turns out depends on the skill, personal qualities of the musician and his affiliation with any musical direction.

The essence of interpretation in music was accurately expressed by composer A.N. Serov: “The great secret of great performers is that they illuminate what they perform with the power of their talent from within, putting into it a whole world of sensations from their own soul.”

Every significant piece performed by a talented musician introduces changes to the composer’s original idea. With the same musical text, performance options can differ markedly from one musician to another, or even from one person to another at different times.

One of the best interpreters of violin music, L. Auer, wrote: “There is no precisely established way for an artist to perform a piece of music. The performer's duty is to penetrate into the spirit of the composition and reveal the composer's intentions."


Research procedure

The experiment is of a confirmatory nature and has two stages:

Stages of the research procedure

Stage I – determining the level of computer passion among younger schoolchildren; Stage II – analysis of the nature of parent-child relationships in children with different levels of computer passion.

Description of the study procedure

In order to study the nature of parent-child relationships and its influence on the occurrence of computer addiction in children, we divided the study participants into 2 groups. Group 1 included children with a moderate and insignificant level of computer passion (16 people), and the second group included children with a high level (4 people).

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Description of the research results

20 families were examined, including 20 parents and 20 children. When analyzing the results obtained using the method of I.L. Matasova, indicators of computer enthusiasm among junior schoolchildren were identified (see Table 1).

Table 1. Indicators of computer enthusiasm among junior schoolchildren

Passion level number of people %
Minor 2 10
Moderate 14 70
High 4 20
Risk of addiction 0 0

Figure 1 shows the quantitative ratio of junior schoolchildren with different levels of computer passion.

Figure 1. Indicators of computer enthusiasm among junior schoolchildren

The computer addiction test gave the following results: 10% of children have a low level of computer addiction, 70% of children have a moderate level, and 20% of children have a high level of computer addiction.

Analysis and description of research results

In order to study the nature of parent-child relationships and its influence on the occurrence of computer addiction in children, we divided the study participants into 2 groups. Group 1 included children with a moderate and insignificant level of computer passion (16 people), and the second group included children with a high level (4 people).

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Let us consider the results of studies using the “Method for diagnosing parental attitudes” by Varg and Stolin in groups with different levels of computer passion (Table 2).

Table 2. Indicators of parental attitude according to the method of Varg and Stolin.

Type of parental relationship 1 group 2nd group
quantity % quantity %
Rejection 0 0 2 50
Socially desirable image 11 69 2 50
Symbiosis 7 44 1 25
Hypersocialization 6 38 1 25
Infantilization 4 25 3 75

The results of the study on the methodology for diagnosing parental attitudes showed that in group 2 of parents, special attention was attracted to the “Rejection” scale (50% have high scores). The parent perceives his child as bad, unadapted, unsuccessful. It seems to him that the child will not succeed in life because of low abilities, small intelligence, and bad inclinations. For the most part, the parent feels anger, annoyance, irritation, and resentment towards the child. He doesn't trust or respect the child. This scale was not found in group 1.

Description of scientific research results

In group 1 of parents, the “Socially Desirable Image” scale had the maximum values ​​(69%), which means cooperation as a type of parental relationship. In terms of content, this scale is revealed as follows: the parent is interested in the child’s affairs and plans, tries to help the child in everything, and sympathizes with him. The parent highly appreciates the child’s intellectual and creative abilities and feels a sense of pride in him. He encourages the child’s initiative and independence and tries to be on an equal footing with him. The parent trusts the child and tries to take his point of view on controversial issues.

On the “Symbiosis” scale, in group 1, 44% had high scores, and in group 2 – 25%. The “Symbiosis” scale reflects the interpersonal distance in communication with a child. With high scores on this scale, we can assume that the parent is striving for a symbiotic relationship with the child. In essence, this tendency is described as follows: the parent feels like a single whole with the child, strives to satisfy all the needs of the child, to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life. The parent constantly feels worried about the child; the child seems small and defenseless to him. The parent’s anxiety increases when the child begins to become autonomous due to circumstances, since the parent never gives the child independence of his own free will.

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On the “Authoritarian Hypersocialization” scale, in group 1, 38% had high scores, and in group 2 – 25%. This scale reflects the form and direction of control over the child’s behavior. With a high score on this scale, authoritarianism is clearly visible in the parental attitude of this parent. The parent demands unconditional obedience and discipline from the child. He tries to impose his will on the child in everything, unable to take his point of view. For manifestations of self-will, the child is severely punished. The parent closely monitors the child’s social achievements, his individual characteristics, habits, thoughts, and feelings.

Structure of the description of the results of scientific research

In group 2 of parents, the “Little Loser” scale had the maximum values ​​(75%), which reflects the characteristics of the parent’s perception and understanding of the child. With high values ​​on this scale, the parent’s parental attitude tends to infantilize the child and attribute personal and social failure to him. The parent sees the child as younger than his actual age. The interests, hobbies, thoughts and feelings of the child seem childish and frivolous to the parent. The child appears to be ill-adapted, unsuccessful, and open to bad influences. The parent does not trust his child and is annoyed at his lack of success and ineptitude. In this regard, the parent tries to protect the child from the difficulties of life and strictly control his actions.

Figure 3. Indicators of parental attitude according to the method of Varg and Stolin (%).

Thus, the maximum differences in the type of parental attitude in groups 1 and 2 were noted on the “Rejection” and “Little Loser” scales. We can conclude that it is these types of parent-child relationships that influence the emergence of computer addiction.

Interpretation of research results

At the beginning of the study, we assumed that the result of the study would be a relationship between the nature of parent-child relationships and predisposition to computer addiction.

Using the SPSS program, Spearman correlation analysis was used to identify correlations between indicators of parental attitude towards the child and his predisposition to computer addiction.

Correlation analysis of data obtained using the ORO method and a questionnaire to determine the level of computer passion revealed the following results:

1. A correlation has been established between the child’s rejection and the occurrence of computer addiction with a correlation coefficient of R=0.566*, with a confidence level of . This means that the more parents reject their child, the more likely the child will develop computer addiction.

2. A significant correlation was revealed between infantilization (“little loser”) and the onset of computer addiction with a correlation coefficient of R=0.665**, with a confidence level of . This means that the more parents treat their child as a little loser, the more likely the child will develop computer addiction.

3. A correlation between child rejection and infantilization was determined with a correlation coefficient of R=0.524* at a confidence level of . This means that the more parents reject a child, the more they treat the child as a little loser.

4. A significant correlation was revealed between authoritarian hypersocialization and infantilization with a correlation coefficient R=0.594** at a confidence level of . This means that the more parents use an authoritarian style of raising a child, the more they treat the child as a little loser.

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Thus, the identified relationships confirm the influence of child-parent relationships on the occurrence of computer addiction in children. The hypothesis has been proven.


An experimental study of the influence of parent-child relationships on the occurrence of computer addiction in children of primary school age showed the following results:

  • — According to the computer addiction test, 10% of children have an insignificant level of computer addiction, 70% of children have a moderate level, and 20% of children have a high level of computer addiction.
  • — In the group of children with a moderate level of computer passion according to the ORO method, the maximum values ​​were on the “Socially Desirable Image” scale (69%), which means cooperation as a type of parental relationship. Parents are interested in the child’s affairs and plans, try to help the child in everything, and sympathize with him.
  • — In the group of children with a high level of computer passion using the ORO method, the “Rejection” scale had the maximum values ​​(50%). Parents perceive their child as bad, unadapted, unsuccessful.
  • — Using the method of correlation analysis, correlations between indicators of parental attitude towards the child and his predisposition to computer addiction were identified.
  • — The hypothesis that the formation of a predisposition to computer addiction in children of primary school age is influenced by the nature of parent-child relationships has been confirmed.

In painting

Works of painting are always considered as a subject of interpretation. It is necessary to take into account the difference between two pictures of the world - the artist and the contemplator:

  1. the first draws a work based on the reality around him, his worldview and feelings;
  2. the second can only guess what the author wanted to say with his painting, whether his perception (what is it?) corresponds to the artist’s idea.

The works of abstract artists (W. Kandinsky, K. Malevich, P. Picasso) perhaps need this most of all.

When painting in this style, the master uses a visual language of shapes, lines, contours and colors to interpret the subject. This is very different from traditional painting styles, in which objects are interpreted closer to generally accepted ideas.

Features of conducting practical research

Practical research is the main part of scientific work in which the author “tests in practice” the idea he put forward, analyzes the real problem and its impact on a specific object of study, determines possible methods for solving it, taking into account the principles of efficiency and optimality.

Case study

Practical research involves conducting a specific experiment, and the participation of the author in it will be mandatory. He can observe the object from the outside or create certain conditions and “adjust” them to assess the impact of individual parameters, etc.

Each experiment is subject to detailed planning: determining the goal, objectives, object, the main factors influencing it, diagnosing the problem, taking into account the capabilities of the object when solving the problem, predicting the results, etc.

In this part of scientific work, theory and practice come into close contact, when the author is guided by existing and current rules, analyzes the situation and tries to develop an innovative way to solve it, taking into account the capabilities and prospects of the object. It is in this section that knowledge finds real application, and the author tries to creatively approach the creation of a new algorithm that can improve the activity of the phenomenon/process being studied, etc.

The practical part of the scientific work involves highlighting the following aspects:

  • Brief description of the research object;
  • Description of the main activities and results obtained;
  • Description of testing results.

Practical research emphasizes the significance and importance of changes, options for their impact on a specific object or industry, the field of science as a whole, development prospects, etc.

Interpretations in literature

Phraseologisms, polysemantic words, epithets, metaphors and other means of artistic expression of language can make it difficult to understand literary works. The same word can be interpreted in different ways (especially if it has changed its lexical meaning over time).

For example, now the word “factor” is understood as the driving force of a process. But in the 19th century texts it was about a printing house worker: “The factor explained their gaiety by admitting to him that the typesetters were dying of laughter typing Gogol’s book.” Now such a text would cause bewilderment: how can a factor explain something?

Works of art in a foreign language need interpretation . Often translations by different authors differ from each other and do not always accurately reflect the idea contained in the original. Differences arise not only due to the individual or professional qualities of the translator, but also due to unaccounted for national characteristics, regional aspects of the language characteristic of a particular area.

Goethe's poem “The Traveler's Night Song” has been translated into 130 languages. It was translated into Russian by Lermontov, Bryusov, Annensky and Pasternak. Each translation has its own characteristics. No translation is alike.

The correct interpretation of a text can be called an art . A striking example of real mastery is the translations of Shakespeare's sonnets by S. Marshak and B. Pasternak.

The same sonnet is translated differently by writers, and some researchers note that their translation turned out to be more imaginative than the original texts, thanks to the lexical richness of the Russian language.

How to analyze research results?

Analysis of the research results is a fundamental point that allows us to evaluate not only the innovative abilities of the author, but also the level of his professionalism and competence. It is the conclusions of the analytical work that lead the researcher to substantiate his hypothesis and the need to test it.

Analyzing the research results

Analysis of the results of the practical research involves the following activities:

  • Comparison of initial data with the obtained experimental data (the results of actions taken during the experiment) to determine dynamics, deviations, etc.;
  • Comparison of current indicators with standards and current restrictions in order to identify deviations;
  • Diagnosis of a real problem based on a specific object, comparison of theoretical and real “symptoms”, forms of its manifestation;
  • Evaluation of the research methods used: which of them are the most effective and which require replacement or adjustment, the speed of obtaining results. Optimization of the initial action plan, etc.;
  • Determining the correctness of calculations, inaccuracies and errors;
  • Statement of the completeness and reliability of the data to obtain guarantees: the research results can be used in practice (how and where), they can change the activities of the object for the better;
  • Formation of recommendations for solving the problem, taking into account the current situation and the capabilities of the object.

An analysis of the results obtained should not only emphasize the presence of contradictions and an urgent problem, but also emphasize the practical significance of the work, the possibility of applying the results in life and the changes that they will bring.

What is interpreted in psychology

This concept also has its meaning in psychology.

Here, interpretation is the doctor’s explanation to the patient of his state of health, the nature of obsessive thoughts, disturbing symptoms, dreams or associations.

If you give a person the opportunity to explain the meaning of his experiences, you can interpret the problem simultaneously from the conscious and unconscious. Sometimes people become hostage to their stereotypes, because of which they cannot see the forest for the trees.

Many psychologists work with drawings and tests. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the state of the patient’s mental health. Attention is paid to details, which are drawn differently for each client.

Dream interpretation is a rather complex method that belongs to the field of social psychoanalysis. To correctly interpret the meanings of sleep, the help of a specialist is necessary. Its decoding allows us to expand our understanding of the sphere of unconscious perception of the surrounding world.

How to reflect the results of practical work in research?

It is important not only to carefully plan, organize and implement an action plan, but also to correctly present it in scientific work. Reflection of the results obtained in the study may be as follows:

What does scientific research consist of?

  • Text form. This option is used primarily when creating characteristics of the research object for the purpose of describing: what it does, how long it has been operating on the market, a description of the overall picture (organizational and production structure, etc.). Also, using the text, the author can present an analysis of the data obtained, noting key points: what has changed, what this indicates, etc.
  • Graphic method. This option is suitable for reflecting certain trends and comparing data. Most often it is used in the analysis of indicators (analysis of their dynamics), forecasting results, etc.
  • Tabular form. This option is appropriate for reflecting calculations. Not a single author presents detailed calculations; it is enough to reflect their results in small tables. It is advisable to present the initial data in them, then determine the dynamics (absolute deviation, growth rate, etc.).

In the description of the practical part, the author can reflect not only the results obtained, but also the problems and difficulties that he encountered during the organization and implementation of certain moments.

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The results of practical research are subject to detailed description directly in the research work, as well as in such sections as testing results and conclusion.

If the volume of graphic and tabular materials is large, then it is advisable to place them in the “Appendices” section, in the description (according to the structure of the project) note its number (for example, according to Appendix 1).

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