Natural science and humanities paradigms in psychology


A change in the epistemological paradigm is an essential feature of the dynamics of science. In modern knowledge, the system logic of research is replaced by a network logic, positivism is replaced by hermeneutics, and classical and non-classical rationality give way to post-non-classical rationality. Foreign authors tried to find methodological guidelines for the development of psychology by turning to the philosophical quests of postmodernism. Postmodernism brought the principle of “ methodological doubt”


A.Yu. Agafonov

connects the crisis of domestic psychology with the growing “inflation of rationalism,” which also turns out to be the main symptom of the crisis. 1) centrifugal tendency, 2) fencing off academic psychology from postmodern reality, when the academic environment rejects innovations; 3) scientific nihilism.

The main idea of ​​A.Yu. Agafonov is “a return to consciousness as a subject of psychology. consciousness should be studied as an ideal object regardless of sociocultural influences.

But: psychology, which studies human consciousness, cannot abstract from social, historical, situational and even sometimes physiological contexts.

Not a single theory, but a network of mutually agreed upon concepts, not a one-vertex “pyramid” of psychological knowledge, but a moving “network” - this is how the solution to this problem seems to us.

And here the need for a communicative space arises for the possibility of mutual coordination of various psychological concepts.

V.A. Mazilov: it is the tendency towards integration that gives psychology a chance to find the desired integrity. The means of integration is the communicative methodology


V.A. Mazilov: three levels of psychological crisis. 1) (superficial) reflects precisely the natural development of psychological science. (Let's call this level a growth

.) 2) fluctuations between natural science and hermeneutic methodologies.
(This is a status
.) 3) with an inadequate interpretation of the subject of psychology.
(Crisis of communication
.) The subject of psychology - the psyche as a complex self-developing system - should appear in the richness of its connections with the biological and cultural worlds.
20 pp., 9582 words

Psychology of preschool age as a science. Subject and tasks

Child psychology is a science that studies the facts and patterns of a child’s mental development: the development of his activities, the development of mental processes and qualities, and the formation of his personality. Child psychology studies the child. Child psychology as a science about the mental development of a child originated at the end of the 19th century. This began with the book of the German Darwinist scientist W. Preyer “The Soul of a Child” (...

If psychology begins to develop along a communicative path, then perhaps concepts will appear that can unite “scientific” and “non-scientific” knowledge, “classical” and “non-classical” psychology, natural and humanitarian approaches into a mutually agreed upon network.

In our opinion, psychology will be able to reveal its potential accumulated over centuries as a post-non-classical science of the network type.

the concepts of communicative and post-non-classical rationality become ways to overcome the methodological crisis in Russian psychology


BC Stepin, who described three historical types of rationality

, corresponding to the state of science: classical, non-classical, post-non-classical.

Development of post-non-classical science

(4/4XX century) - with the information state of the world, when unique self-developing systems become the object of research. In post-non-classical science, problem-oriented research arises that requires interdisciplinary discourse, special ways of describing reality, and dialogue between natural science and the humanities. Post-non-classical science is a type of scientific rationality that combines the sciences of nature and the sciences of the spirit. In modern knowledge, a general scientific picture of the world has emerged, where different types of rationality do not deny each other, but share spheres of influence among themselves.

In our opinion, the concept of “post-non-classical rationality” allows us to comprehend the history of psychology in the conceptual framework of a paradigm shift.

Outlines of the stages of development of psychology: 1) pre-paradigm state (philosophy); 2) classical rationality (psychology’s claim to independence); 3) non-classical rationality (many schools of the 20th century); 4) post-non-classical rationality.

Pre-paradigm stage

The development of psychology is characterized by attempts by science to define its subject, testing of various research methods, and the search for a universal explanatory mechanism for mental phenomena. The result of this stage of development was the emergence of associative psychology as the first psychological school.

7 pages, 3360 words

II. Psychology is the science of consciousness

SUBJECT, TASKS AND METHODS OF PSYCHOLOGY The word “psychology” translated into Russian literally means “the science of the soul” (Greek psyche - soul, logos - concept, teaching). Psychology owes its name to Greek mythology. Eros (Eros - Greek love), the Greek god of love (among the Romans Cupid, Cupid), fell in love with a very beautiful young woman Psyche and married her, making it a condition that she would never...

Classical rationality

- orientation towards the methodology of positivism, a clear definition of the boundaries of science and the claims of psychological knowledge to independence. “signification” of maladaptive behavior as pathology, logical dichotomies of thinking, the image of a rational and adaptive person in culture. anthropocentrism, Eurocentrism, evolutionism, and on the postulates of “immediacy” and “conformity”.

“The condition of any scientific relationship in general must be objectivity: the object being described or known is freed from our subjective attitude towards it, from the value that it has for our feeling or will.” “...extreme diversity of currents, the absence of a generally recognized system of science, huge fundamental differences between individual psychological schools” “All basic psychological concepts and categories... are now understood and interpreted in completely different ways by psychologists of different directions.”

N.N. Lange at the beginning of the 20th century. recorded a crisis in psychology, but the crisis is “extremely beneficial.” 1) the decline of the paradigm of associative psychology, 2) “a huge divergence of views of different psychological movements or schools.”

In fact, comparing crises in science with earthquakes, N.N. Lange spoke about a paradigm shift.

To non-classical science

psychology began to transform at the beginning of the 20th century,

antinomies: 1) psychology is a young and at the same time ancient science; 2) psychology is a natural and humanitarian science; 3) there are many psychologies and one psychology; 4) the subject of psychology is an object and at the same time a subject; 5) psychology is a theoretical and practical science. S.L. Rubinstein, Levin, Bakhtin...

After the heyday of domestic non-classical psychology, an era of doubts came, foreshadowing a methodological crisis. Symptoms of this crisis were manifested in the existence of many inconsistent theories and in different readings of psychological terms. The methodological crisis of Russian psychology was also a crisis of its philosophical foundation.

4 pp., 1819 words

Presentation on the topic: The crisis of the methodological foundations of psychology

Crisis of the methodological foundations of psychology Plan 1. Basis of the crisis of the methodological foundations of psychology. 2. The essence of the crisis, its stages. 3. Consequences of the crisis in the methodological foundations of psychology. References Vygotsky L.S. Historical meaning of psychological crisis. – M., 1990. Lomov B.F. Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. – M., 1984. Rubinshtein L.S. Fundamentals of general psychology. - M., ...

The tasks of integrating psychological knowledge stimulate the transition to post-non-classical psychology

This stage is characterized by an understanding of the network nature of knowledge, the intensity of scientific communications, and the desire for mutual consistency of psychological theories.
In post-non-classical rationality, knowledge appears as a network, as a web of concepts. The post-non-classical paradigm of psychology is expressed in the transition from systems to destinies, from systems to networks, from objects to problems, from unambiguous texts to a multiplicity of interpretations and play with styles.

Let us formulate the fundamental differences between post-non-classical rationality and non-classical


1. NKl - physics, pnkln - cultural studies. 2. Non-classical psychology developed in the philosophical context of a certain methodology; post-non-classical psychology allows the choice of philosophy and methodology depending on the objectives of the study and the personal preferences of the researcher.

3. Pnkl – openness of knowledge to new experience, interdisciplinary discourse, tolerance. Non-classical rationality reluctantly allowed for the subjectivity of the researcher and adhered to the belief in the objectivity of the world, while post-non-classical psychology develops ideas about the social construction of reality and the special creativity of subjective experience.

4. Nekl - with evolutionary ideas and the search for universal laws; in post-non-classical science, development is thought of in the categories of “explosion”, “bifurcation” and “sensitive periods” and special attention is paid to deciphering internal logic. #Geniuses in general are examples of their own logic of development.

5. Non-classical - a person’s mastery of his behavior; post-nonclassical - on the means of protecting humans from the expansion of power and ideology. NKl - the principle of intervention in reality", PnK - "reverence for development."

6. Cl. - mechanical and biological determinism. NKl - sociodeterminism. PnKl - situational determinism, free will and freedom of choice.

7. Ncl “objectivism”, Pncl “cultural analytics”

8. Sociocultural context Nkl - industrial society, PnKl - in the context of the information society and postmodern culture.

10 pages, 4830 words

To the history of the concept

The concept was introduced into science by T. Kuhn, but today the question of the weight of this concept still remains open.

The introduction of the paradigm into scientific use showed that science is a collective activity, which by default presupposes the presence of certain communities.

Within a certain field of knowledge, several paradigms can simultaneously coexist, as we will see in the example of psychology. Even when the paradigm changes, applied research and the search for answers to questions within one scientific field does not stop: for example, mechanics. The classical formulas are still used, but the paradigm under which they were derived can no longer be accepted by the scientific community due to accumulated knowledge.

A paradigm is an indicator of the development of science, when a community of scientists is ready to use one theory as a basis for research.

Kuhn called the period of discrepancy between opinions and methods of studying one object pre-paradigm. An example of pre-paradigmatic thinking is clearly visible in the attitude towards the nature of light. Until the end of the 18th century. there were many local schools that interpreted this phenomenon differently, which by default could not come to a common understanding of the essence of the phenomenon. Today, physics as a science has entered the era of paradigms, and the most used paradigm in research defines the nature of light - particle-wave.

What is a paradigm worth to science? Firstly, this is its elitization. Before the formation of distinct models, most scientific knowledge was accessible to the general public; today scientific knowledge is too complex for the average person to intuitively understand.

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