Male target audience (target audience): complete guide by age

In the last article we talked about the fair half and how to work with them. Today we propose to analyze the male target audience, understand the basic needs and approaches depending on age.

The main mistake beginners make is that they do not pay enough attention to audience segmentation before starting to drain traffic. This is often why arbitrage traders go into the red.

Men aged 18–24 years

We are starting to drain traffic from adults. At the age of 17, the young man graduated from school and went to study at a university. Therefore, you should not count on selling cars to this audience. The maximum that a young man at this age has is a minimum budget in the form of a scholarship and financial assistance from his parents.

The main interests are peers, sports, social networks and a great desire to show oneself in the best light. Therefore, the products for sale will be chargers and headsets for mobile phones, PowerBank and similar products, and items like “Black Robe” or any other fashionable item in the price category of up to 2 thousand rubles may also be included.

Traffic source: VK, Instagram, YouTube.

Men aged 25–30 years

They graduated from college, perhaps got married, got a job, and their opportunities grew a little. They have changed their clothes to more respectable ones, at work they want to impress everyone, appear successful and climb the career ladder. But they cannot buy a new iPhone or luxury watch, so they will easily fall for buying things that will emphasize their status and add solidity. We confidently offer replicas of iPhone or Samsung phones, all kinds of copies of Rolex and luminor watches. A watch paired with a purse will also sell well, and sometimes even better than a watch or purse separately. But with auto products, sales will be minimal.

Traffic source: VK, YouTube, FB.

Men aged 31–40 years

By the age of 30, a family appears, small children, stability. A car becomes a necessary means of transportation, and in the garage you can hide from everyday life, children's squeals and other problems. And it’s a sin not to go on a spree with friends, especially when the boss at work commits atrocities. Therefore, it's time to offer useful products. But the products must be in the price category up to 5 thousand rubles. Although our hero receives a stable salary, now almost all of it goes to the mortgage, to the youngest on diapers, to the eldest on a tablet, to his wife on a manicure, etc.

Good offers for this segment would be multifunctional 5/10 in 1 DVRs, auto buffers, products for removing scratches and dents, and a patch for alcoholism wouldn’t hurt, especially after an unsuccessful binge. By the way, after 30 years, from your favorite beer with fish, your stomach begins to grow by leaps and bounds, so the miracle belt for perfect abs in 15 minutes a day is also good. In general, our goal is to help solve pressing problems of the audience, for which men will be willing to pay.

Traffic source: VK, FB, OK.

Change of vector

— And how to change these settings?

- You see, I’m not a psychologist, I’m a communicator. And I think in communicative categories, my task is to create an information wave that will bring new ideas to the majority of people. Let’s say today, for some reason, a 55-year-old man is not ashamed to simply die in broad daylight. That's the age, right? He walked down the street and died. Happens. So I want to instill the idea that at this age it is a shame to die like this. It's a shame to give up on yourself so much.

Some results of the study, which involved 18 men aged 45 years and older:

  • The study participants are accustomed to leading a measured home-work-home lifestyle, paying great attention to family and household responsibilities;
  • free time - time outside the workplace, while it is inextricably linked with household chores: minor repairs, parental responsibilities in the evening; helping parents, children, time with grandchildren, working in the country - on weekends;
  • There is a lack of actual free time when there is no need to do anything or help anyone. Under these conditions, respondents prefer to engage in hobbies: fishing, hunting, computer games, reading books, newspapers, cooking, meeting with friends, much less active leisure - such as sports, cycling, swimming pool;
  • psychologically, there is a lack of opportunity to relax, to get away from the constant sense of responsibility, the need to be included in everyday family processes;
  • there is a high sense of obligation - the man owes everything;
  • real time for relaxation with the opportunity to relax - vacation.

Methods of spending a vacation vary depending on material wealth. Respondents with average and high incomes note that recently the number of trips out of the country for the purpose of recreation has decreased, and the choice of vacation spots has begun to take more into account the budget side; some have stopped leaving altogether - there is not enough money.

— Andrey, can you describe the portrait of this collective man who appeared after working with the focus group? What is he like?

— He is stubborn, slightly reserved. A little tired and confused because he doesn’t know what to do next. But with a sense of great responsibility. It is very important. These men are still ready to understand the structure of the telephone and the operation of Internet banking, but in no case do they want to receive new education, and in principle do not want new knowledge. And this, unfortunately, is a great extent of their limitations.

In the arms of an old man. Why do girls choose older men? Read more

Men aged 40–50 years

The most beautiful age for a man. The children have grown up, free time and money have appeared for themselves, as well as for a good gift for their wife, who is tired of diapers and diapers. Our main interests include outdoor recreation, fishing, in general, those things in which you can get away from current problems. Therefore, we are confidently starting to offer recreational products - folding barbecues, fishing rods, good perfume, as well as themed windows for the holidays of March 8, New Year, etc. By the way, at the age of 40, atypical naivety returns and trust in ordinary advertising appears. Now men take everything at face value and are ready to pay for the product they are interested in. Therefore, it is worth showing positive qualities and necessity - and this will be quite enough for a stable offer envelope.

And if you want to get creative, offer weight loss products with the excuse: “After giving birth, your wife still hasn’t regained her shape? There is a solution - Ecoslim!

Traffic source: Odnoklassniki, Teasers.

Ten tips for maintaining the health of men aged 45-55

Ten tips for maintaining the health of men aged 45-55
Ideal weight:

  • for men 150-155 cm tall, the ideal weight is 58-62 kg;
  • for men 155-160 cm tall, the ideal weight is 62-65 kg;
  • for men 160-165 cm tall, the ideal weight is 67-74 kg;
  • for men 165-170 cm tall, the ideal weight is 75-79 kg;
  • for men 170-175 cm tall, the ideal weight is 79-83 kg;
  • for men 175-180 cm tall, the ideal weight is 83-87 kg;
  • for men 180-185 cm tall, the ideal weight is 87-90 kg;
  • for men 185-190 cm tall, the ideal weight is 91-98 kg.


  • At rest, the pulse of a man in this age group is 70-76 beats per minute.
  • During physical activity, it is allowed to increase the heart rate by approximately 80% of the initial value, but not more than 150 beats per minute.
  • The maximum heart rate for aerobic exercise is determined by the formula: maximum heart rate = 220 – age (number of years).

Pulse measurement mechanism:

  • Using your index and middle finger, lightly press the clearly pulsating radial artery in your wrist (or carotid artery in your neck). Count the number of beats in fifteen seconds and multiply the resulting number by four.
  • When measuring your pulse, pay attention to the fact that the pulse rate depends on the position of the body at the time of measurement: in a lying position, the heart rate slows down, and in a sitting or standing position, on the contrary, it increases. During physical activity or emotional arousal, the heart rate approximately triples.


For a man at the age of 45, a blood pressure of 125/80 mmHg is considered normal; by the time a man reaches 55 years of age, this figure increases and equals 135/85 mmHg.

Maintain proper nutrition

  • For men aged 45-55 years, the main health problems are cardiovascular disorders and decreased sexual activity, which occurs as a result of a constant decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. An improper diet that does not contain the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body of a man in this age group can be the main cause of low testosterone levels, which leads to further aggravation of problems with potency.
  • It is necessary to include foods that increase testosterone in your diet and exclude foods that lower the level of this hormone.
  • Foods that increase testosterone levels include:

– fish (perch, anchovies, salmon, trout, halibut, saury, herring, sardines, shrimp), natural meat (without the use of growth hormones) – fresh fruits (grapes, apricot, pear, peaches, melon, orange, lemon, mango, papaya, pineapple, sweet potato, persimmon) – vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, celery, yellow pepper) – fresh herbs (parsley, spinach, onion, cilantro) – berries (black currant, plum, cherry , raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, watermelon, pomegranate) – dried fruits (raisins, dates, dried apricots, figs, prunes) – nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts) – grains (barley porridge, buckwheat, millet , rice) – shellfish/oysters – red grape wine – spices (cardamom, red pepper, curry, garlic, onion, turmeric) – vegetable oils (olive, sesame, nut)

– honey

  • Foods that lower testosterone levels include: – sugar – salt – soy – coffee – carbonated drinks – white yeast bread – fast food – full-fat milk – mayonnaise – smoked foods – alcohol, especially beer
  • Middle-aged men need to closely monitor their blood pressure and stop drinking black tea and coffee in favor of green tea, cocoa, fruit or vegetable juices.
  • Doctors recommend that men aged 45-55 have at least one vegetarian day a week. Such abstinence from eating meat products significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and vascular diseases.
  • Recently, scientists concluded that consuming seven or more chicken eggs per week by men in this age group increases the risk of premature death by 23%. Death occurs from a stroke or heart attack. Frequent consumption of eggs is especially dangerous for men with diabetes. The problem lies in the cholesterol contained in eggs, which leads to the development of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Scientists note that diabetics should reduce their egg consumption to a minimum, and for healthy men it is acceptable to eat up to six eggs per week.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B, such as nuts, bananas, and liver, effectively help cope with a tense emotional state and chronic fatigue.
  • A man aged 45-55 years should eat at least four times a day.

Exercise regularly

  • For men 45-55 years old, physical training and an active lifestyle are especially important. A gentle regimen of systematic physical activity inhibits the development of many symptoms of aging, improves the general condition of the body, maintains active and healthy joints, increases endurance, and has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Cardiologists note the extreme importance of physical training to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, primarily with regard to atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency, and coronary heart disease.
  • Physical exercises for men of this age should be selected individually, taking into account his level of fitness, the presence of chronic diseases, and excess weight, otherwise excessive physical activity will only bring harm.
  • For people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the main exercises are walking and swimming. The frequency of classes is from 2-3 to 4-5 times a week in combination with strength and aerobic exercise. The duration of the lesson is about 1 hour, achieved gradually. As a rule, 30 minutes of strength exercises are combined with 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. In the first half of the workout, the heart rate is 40% of the maximum, and during aerobic exercise this figure increases to 60-70%.
  • Men in this age group who over-exercise are at risk of developing osteoarthritis. Excessive exercise causes damage to cartilage, ligaments and knee joints, which can cause osteoarthritis. Therefore, swimming and cycling are recommended for people of this age, since these types of physical activity are much less traumatic, and at the same time help increase the strength of healthy cartilage.
  • You should always remember that the effect of physical training depends not only on its intensity, but also on its regularity. Classes should last a minimum of 30 minutes three to five times a week.
  • The most optimal exercises for men aged 45-55 years are endurance exercises, since they have an extremely positive effect on the general condition of their body. During training, the loads should be distributed as follows: 10 minutes - general warm-up, 10-15 minutes - special warm-up, 20-25 minutes - exercises with weights, 10 minutes - final part.

Don't forget about your personal life

  • Physiological and psychological changes associated with middle age naturally affect the sexual life of men 45-55 years old.
  • Sexual activity, as well as the number of partners, usually decreases at this age. Suppression of sexual activity is often caused by a man’s poor health, overexertion, diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular diseases.
  • One of the reasons for the decrease in sexual activity of men aged 45-55 years is living conditions and lack of time. Busy work often leaves men with very little time and energy for intimate relationships.
  • Men of this age very often completely change their idea of ​​sexuality; sensuality, i.e., becomes more important for them. physical contacts that do not necessarily lead to sexual intercourse. Hugs, stroking, holding hands bring great pleasure.
  • The decrease in sexual activity is compensated by the fact that middle-aged men are able to maintain an erection for a longer time.
  • Research by sexologists shows that the sex life of middle-aged men, although not so intense, is regular. The frequency of lovemaking in men aged 45-55 years is on average 1-2 times a week.
  • Despite the fact that most middle-aged men are dissatisfied with their intimate lives for one reason or another, you are quite capable of changing the situation. To do this, you need moderate physical activity, joyful emotions, less stress and proper nutrition.

Don't get carried away with alcoholic drinks

As you know, the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption are very sad. Alcohol abuse ranks second after smoking in the list of risk factors for cancers such as cancer of the larynx and oral cavity. Below we will give a number of main examples of the negative effects of alcohol on the body of a 45-55 year old man.

  • The concentration of testosterone in the blood and sperm production decreases, which can lead to infertility.
  • Impotence develops.
  • Alcoholic drinks are high in calories, so frequent consumption of them significantly increases weight.
  • Alcohol causes high blood pressure, which significantly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the liver.
  • As a result of regular drinking, depression and nervous breakdowns occur.

If a middle-aged man abuses alcohol for a long time, he experiences a number of sexual problems:

  • impotence;
  • reduction in penis size;
  • testicular dystrophy;
  • breast enlargement;
  • body hair loss.

Quit smoking

  • For men 45-55 years old, it is of great importance that nicotine can cause impotence. This is explained by the fact that nicotine helps to reduce the secretion of androgens, hormones that affect men’s sexual desire, and, consequently, potency.
  • The sexual activity of smokers is half that of non-smoking men.
  • The average duration of sexual intercourse among smoking men 45-55 years old is reduced to four minutes.
  • Smoking leads to hypertension and obesity.
  • Smoking negatively affects the brain, causing significant memory loss.
  • 30% of all deaths from coronary heart disease among middle-aged men are caused by smoking.
  • Myocardial infarction develops in smokers 4 times more often than in non-smokers.

Watch your weight

Here are the basic recommendations for preventing excess weight gain in men 45-55 years old:

  • Use vegetable oil instead of animal fat—solid fats (such as butter) are more likely to promote weight gain than liquid vegetable fats (such as olive oil).
  • Love vegetables.
  • Eat often, but little by little.
  • Limit your appetite.
  • Maintain a high level of physical activity.
  • Play sports.
  • Don't eat a lot at night.
  • Eliminate fried foods from your diet and eat only baked, stewed or steamed foods.

Visit an andrologist regularly

Andrology is the field of knowledge about the male body.

Andrologists specialize in problems such as:

  • male infertility;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the male genitourinary system, such as prostatitis, urethritis, balanoposthitis, phimosis;
  • male contraception;
  • sexual dysfunction in men;
  • male obesity;
  • problems of male aging.

Andrologists advise men aged 45-55 to undergo examination at least twice a year, which will provide an opportunity to identify problems in the early stages and effectively eliminate them.

Take care of your nervous system

In men aged 45-55 years, the level of testosterone in the blood decreases, as a result of which sexual activity is inhibited, problems with erection become more frequent, up to complete impotence.

It must be remembered that experiencing stress itself leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

Considering the chronic fatigue of men of this age, the general overstrain of their body, and the tendency to depression, it becomes clear that stress is extremely dangerous for representatives of this age group.

To maintain an active state of the nervous system, men 45-55 years old should follow the following recommendations:

  • Follow the correct daily routine and avoid lack of sleep. Night sleep should last at least 7-8 hours.
  • Eat right, and include in your diet foods rich in B vitamins, such as milk and dairy products, liver, cabbage, apples, tomatoes, and legumes.
  • Avoid tense situations.
  • Learn to relax, meditate.
  • Exercise regularly.

Take proper care of your skin

  • In the period from 45 to 55 years old, age-related changes continue to appear. Starting from the age of 45, skin cells renew themselves more and more slowly, the skin becomes sluggish, dull, and dry.
  • Wrinkles deepen even more, bags under the eyes and a double chin appear.
  • To slow down the aging process of your skin, eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, and avoid stressful situations.
  • Take adaptogens: ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, eleutherococcus.
  • Use cosmetics containing retinol, salicylic and glycolic acids. Retinol promotes rejuvenation, while salicylic and glycolic acids remove dead cells.
  • The body of a man of this age should receive a sufficient amount of antioxidants - after all, these compounds are the main and most successful fighters against aging.

Source: //

Men over 50 years of age

Although all men say that the midlife crisis begins after 40 years, but in fact it happens at 50! It is during this period that male activity begins to fade, whether we want it or not. Therefore, a rare friend will pass by the ad “Everything worked when I used this...”. But men are ready to buy not only products to restore male strength, but also products such as “Madame Orgasme”, which help to excite the woman they love.

With age, chronic diseases also take their toll. 20 years of smoking do not pass by, but your lungs are no longer so white and fluffy! Therefore, we feel free to offer anti-nicotine drugs, patches, drops, sprays, whatever you like - the main thing is to show a good example or story about use and results, the same for drugs against varicose veins. There is also less hair on the head, so anti-baldness sprays will sell quite well and will delight you with a stable envelope, and the acceptance rate will be much higher than the usual 50% and reach up to 70%.

Traffic source: Odnoklassniki, Teasers.

You must!

— A mature man seems to be someone completely indestructible, a concentrate of perseverance and experience. And in fact?

— Men 50-60 years old are the category with the highest mortality rate; this age threshold is the most difficult to pass. So we're trying to focus on this group rather than, say, 70-year-old men. 70-year-olds have already survived. They have passed the most dangerous period.

— Andrey, why did you even begin to deal with this problem? For a successful PR person there are many other attractive and easier tasks.

— In the early 2000s, I began to notice how quite young men, my friends and acquaintances, were passing away from life around me. Then I began to think about what was actually going on. The problem was not in the obvious reasons known to everyone - alcoholism, drunkenness and so on. These were strong, strong men. But they were demotivated. All of them - both forty-year-olds and sixty-year-olds - had one thing in common: a lack of incentives. And for me this became a basic discovery: yes, you can be healthy, run in the morning, lead a healthy lifestyle, but if you don’t see the future ahead, if you’re not interested in life, then this can become a big problem.

“But it is believed that a man is motivated from birth. His parents tell him: “You must strive.” All his life he has been told from all sides that he needs to move forward, earn money, take everything from life, prove and win.

- Here we move on to the second postulate of my theory. All this motivation is tailored according to the patterns of the 20th century and only works up to a certain age. There are certain stages in it. Let's say, at 20-25 years old you should get married and have a child, make a career, at 40-45 years old you should buy a dacha and an apartment for your daughter... And at 50 years old what? The tasks end. How many fifty-year-old men do you know who are planning to go to university, change their profession, or learn a new language? I think no. They have a matrix in their heads: they don’t have much time left to live. With this understanding that everything is already over and there is nothing more to be done, we exist. And time has changed. Time has moved on, and we still have a very large resource lag ahead. But we remain in the “survival” mode and do not use the time resource in any way. This additional life is not needed either by society or by the person himself. That's my theory.

Relationships and life. A bad man is the one who can be “killed” with scrambled eggs Read more

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