All about male psychology in relationships with women. Determining a man’s psychotype

Psychology of dating from a man's perspective

A common misconception is that a man must take the initiative first. Modest representatives of the stronger sex also experience shyness and hesitation when meeting people in public places. A woman with a smile and a flirtatious look attracts much more attention to herself than a feigned modesty. With these signals, she gives the “green light” for communication.

There are a large number of techniques for relaxation and creating the right mood that will help make the dating process as natural and easy as possible:

  • think about your strengths;
  • don't be intrusive;
  • avoid platitudes;
  • be sincere and open.

Secret men's tricks to attract women's attention

From time immemorial, men have been interested in the question of what factor is key to attracting female attention. What kind of men do women choose? There is, perhaps, only one way to attract the interest of the opposite sex - self-confidence. Even if a man does not have outstanding external data, even if his social status is not confirmed by Forbes’ choice, self-confidence can neutralize these conditional shortcomings.

What could be the reason for this character trait?

Personal environment

A man’s environment is no less important than his personal status. If a young man carefully avoids the topic of personal relationships or, conversely, talks too much about his ex-girlfriends, this is a wake-up call.

During initial acquaintance, both men and women tend to hide the truth about past relationships - men exaggerate them, and women downplay them.

A man’s behavior, one way or another, may still reveal his experience in intimate relationships. An uninhibited representative of the stronger sex, who easily conducts a conversation and skillfully gives compliments, is probably knowledgeable in love affairs. Such a man becomes the object of close attention of a woman who is interested in his focus on her.

By maintaining a golden mean in communication, you can achieve much more than through frank stories about your past life.

Financial well-being

The cave days are far behind the twenty-first century. If previously a man could stand out from the crowd of his own kind by defeating the largest mammoth in a hunt, today prey has a direct material way of expression. Having a high social status coupled with an elastic wallet says much more about a man than the fact of wealth. This suggests that the man is an experienced hunter, capable of obtaining benefits with the help of such qualities as intelligence, education (not always), focus, determination.

However, clearly demonstrating your position can have a completely different effect. If the prospective partner flaunts the brand of his car, talks endlessly about country estates and wastes money, spending it on expensive drinks, the real state of his affairs may be completely opposite.

Paying for the young lady you like in a bar or cafe, treating her to ice cream in the park or giving her a ride home in a private car can say much more than feigned stories about untold wealth.

Alcohol factor

Alcohol is perhaps the thinnest bridge on the path to building relationships. Unless the relationship is short-term.

Of course, with the help of intoxicating spells, any person becomes much more courageous and liberated, but there is a line beyond which both a man and a woman simply cease to be themselves. For an evening of dating, the ideal companions are a couple of glasses of wine or a weak cocktail.

If the evening is in full swing, but one of the partners feels approaching intoxication, acquaintance can be extended with a cup of coffee. This drink adds some intimacy to communication, being a symbol of closeness and sincerity.

What dating leads to: a man's view of intimacy

Continuation of acquaintance can lie in two areas:

  • a casual conversation between two partners smoothly flows from the meeting place to a more intimate setting . As a rule, this happens if a man and woman are looking for a “one-time” meeting;
  • acquaintance continues if the partners are interested in each other on a personal level from the point of view of common interests and life position.

In the first case, the man is more assertive. His body language clearly shows how attractive his interlocutor is - dilated pupils, open gestures, direct gaze into the eyes of his partner. If a woman exhibits the same signs, it means the evening can end happily for both parties.

If a girl diligently avoids eye contact and behaves awkwardly, she clearly does not intend to continue the acquaintance in a horizontal position.

Take care of each other and trust

When a loved one is far away, it is more difficult for your significant other to endure life's difficulties. You won't be able to hug him, pat him on the head, or spoon feed him ice cream right now. But at the same time, you can listen to your loved one and give him good advice - do not neglect this.

Also, be careful with any caustic statements. You can easily offend your partner in a fit of anger or through carelessness, but you won’t be able to come up, apologize and hug him.

Also, do not provoke your loved one to jealousy. She is bad in ordinary relationships, but at a distance this feeling can be even stronger. On the contrary, show your love and trust. Learn to cope with surging emotions and understand that speculation may have nothing to do with reality.

Tricks and tricks: the secret to successfully attracting women

Men often resort to all sorts of tricks and tricks to attract female attention. Sometimes there is nothing reprehensible in this, especially if it concerns shy representatives of the stronger sex or is aimed not at satisfying carnal needs, but at making the girl more open and getting to know her character. The last factor is very easy to guess, especially for sophisticated women. In such a case, a man does not clearly express his intentions, he tries to listen and, most importantly, hear his interlocutor.

On a friendly note

The easiest way to build close relationships is through conversation, looking for common points of contact. This could be a professional environment, hobbies and interests, taste, music and other passions.

It is not without reason that there is a common belief that the best lover is a friend with whom intimacy is possible and desirable.

On the basis of friendly contacts, a genuine feeling often arises, so the more partners open up to each other, the sooner a spark can appear between them.

A man who shows genuine (or not entirely genuine) interest in a woman has a better chance of success than those who choose the straightforward path of banal courtship.

Be my vest. Or I'm yours!

One of the most common ways for men to interest a woman. By playing on her emotional component, the man, through sympathy and participation, wins over the girl and evokes almost maternal feelings in her.

In the West, the method of dating with the help of a co-pilot, a faithful companion of a man in his evening adventures, has gained incredible popularity. In this case, the young man’s friend evokes sympathy by telling heart-warming stories about his friend.

Do women take this kind of courtship seriously? It all depends on the first impression and the non-standard nature of the stories. A well-presented legend (or even the truth!) can arouse interest and genuine emotions.

There is also a flip side to this coin. A man himself can act as a vest, become a faithful adviser in difficult and difficult situations, support and empathize. This path is more effective, since chivalry attracts women much more than pretend play.

By helping a woman, rescuing her from trouble, a man acquires more positive qualities in the girl’s eyes, the status of a protector, an attractive gentleman from romantic films.

Sex appeal

Demonstration of sexuality clearly indicates the subtext of the relationship. Tight turtlenecks, shirts with the top buttons undone, and a belt with a large buckle express a man’s sexuality and dominant character.

In combination with other qualities, sex appeal becomes the key to fruitful, vibrant communication. Especially if the girl feels the same waves.

Romantic nature

Romantic men have become a real rarity these days. Broad gestures, unexpected actions, and surprises are valued by women much more than the most tender words and assurances.

The most important condition for a romantic man is the non-banality of expressing his feelings. Getting a rose in the middle of a noisy party, walking across a bridge, throwing a flashlight into the sky and making a wish are, albeit simple, deeply personal gestures. The personal factor can turn even the most inconspicuous gesture into a cherished memory.

It is important for any woman that a man is attentive to her needs and desires, so often expensive jewelry is not as valuable as timely help or walks, travel that can take her out of the routine of gray everyday life.

How psychology manifests itself in life3

In fact, having thoroughly understood male psychology, it is easy to see it in everyday life. Men are also capable of showing their love, although it looks somewhat unusual for girls. We will tell you more about the psychology of love among male individuals later.

  • It’s not that men are considered slobs, but they pay much less attention to their appearance, unlike women. Therefore, if he cares about how his hair is styled, how he smells and what his clothes look like, most likely there is someone in his circle who is attractive to him. Of course, if this is not his normal behavior, but sudden changes.
  • But signs of attention described in novels and accepted by society should not be trusted. The thing is that the habit of giving flowers or gifts is developed in childhood, with an eye on the behavior of the father or the men around him. It's just politeness and upbringing, nothing more. But you should definitely pay attention to the fact that he will throw on a jacket, offer to choose a more convenient place, or share the last cookie.
  • Indeed, if a man is in love, he will do everything possible to spend more time together, such is the psychology of men in love. Therefore, if a man constantly does not have enough time for his chosen one, most likely, he is simply not interested in her.
  • Only a man truly in love can share news, and even more so a hobby. If his girlfriend is not interesting to him, he will not tell her about how his day went or what film his favorite director released. But if he is in love, then he will excitedly talk about the coolest car for tattoos or about what a fool his new work colleague is.
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