7 Signs Your Relationship Is Really Serious

How to understand that a person likes you

Communicates with you as needed or frequently

If a relationship develops, then a person, as a rule, is looking for an opportunity to communicate. You can chat freely, share your thoughts and feelings, joke and ask each other questions.

But, if a person doesn't really like you, his answers will be very short.


He will only talk to you when necessary and will not try to maintain or continue the conversation.

During a conversation, he will often look to the side or at the phone. If you ask: “How are you?”, the person always answers “Fine” or “Good”, and in messages he immediately gets to the point and never starts with at least a friendly greeting.

Excessive friendliness

An ill-wisher who needs something from you may, on the contrary, show a sweetly friendly disposition, always smile tensely and assent, trying to gain your trust.

It is quite difficult to immediately understand the true attitude of such a person. In this case, it is important to pay attention to other nonverbal signs and how he communicates with other people.

Physical contact

If you are on a date or just meeting a friend, pay attention to whether there is any physical contact between you.

We use touch when we are caring for someone, we want to be physically close, we feel emotionally comfortable.

When you sit next to each other or pass by, you can lightly touch each other. The person may simply place their hand on your shoulder or gently touch your arm. We don't usually do this with just anyone—mostly those we like.

If a person tries to contact you

, chances are he enjoys your company and wants to be closer to you.

Does he make plans?

You can laugh together and have a good time, but pay attention to the fact that he is always making plans


If you notice that you always text first, plan and carry on the conversation, this is not a good sign.

A person who likes you will usually try to take the initiative as well, even if it means it in different ways.

If, on the other hand, you see only a passive attitude, it means that the interlocutor is not so interested.

Is he listening to you or not?

Your friend or well-wisher will value your thoughts and point of view and give you the opportunity to express your opinion


A person who doesn't like you or is indifferent to you probably won't care about such niceties.

If you are not listened to or given time to speak, it leads to a one-sided relationship and you are left feeling like you are not being heard.

Finds excuses

If sometimes things don't go according to plan, that's okay. But, if a person constantly cancels meetings, finds excuses why he cannot meet with you, this can be an important clue.

Of course, we are all busy, but people who like each other find time at least sometimes, and if they cancel the meeting, they try to make amends.

Awkward situations

When we are around those we truly like, everything seems easy and free.

But if your interactions often involve awkward silences or interactions seem awkward, this may be a sign that your friendship or crush isn't as strong as you think.

Sudden silence

If you observe a situation where people are actively discussing something and actively participating in the conversation, but suddenly become silent

, as soon as you enter, or try to change the topic, then this is not a very good sign.

Perhaps you are not well known yet and you are not part of a new group, or there are unflattering rumors about you and you have ill-wishers.

Trust your intuition

Our first impression is often quite accurate.

You can find out a person's true attitude towards you simply by listening to your intuition. It's an instinctive reaction that occurs before you even have a chance to think. It serves as an internal indicator of whether you can trust a person or not.

You may suspect that the person does not want to see you or that he is pretending to be nice to you. Trust this feeling and move on.

You should not maintain relationships with toxic people. Communicate with those who are interesting to you or who are interested in you.


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