Feminine traits that men really like

  • What all girls like
  • What kind of guys do girls like in their youth?
  • What kind of guys do girls like after 25 years old?
  • What kind of men do women like after 35 years old?
  • How to please a girl: tips

What explains likes and dislikes for the opposite sex? Why does a handsome man evoke negative emotions in some ladies, while a boy of ordinary appearance delights the same women? Why is this happening? The banal phrase that there are no comrades according to taste and color is appropriate here. However, there are guys who are liked, if not by everyone, then by most of the fairer sex. It is worth considering these individuals in more detail.

Face without makeup i

Applying makeup is a special ritual that almost every girl performs every day. Many people think that only with makeup on their face can they look irresistible and attractive to the opposite sex. Actually this is not true. Naturalness is much more attractive than carefully applied foundation, powder and shadows. After all, this is the only way to see true beauty, without retouching, without “disguising”. Men often complain that their other half even sleeps with makeup on, preventing them from enjoying the pure charm.

In addition, a lot of time is spent on makeup, which could be spent with your loved one. Endless getting ready, crookedly drawn arrows on the eyes, smudged lipstick - sometimes everything just irritates guys. Not to mention that kissing lips with a thick layer of lipstick on them is such a pleasure.

The main mistakes men make when communicating with girls

Even the best first impression can be ruined. , guys make a huge number of mistakes on the first date

  • They try to show themselves better than they really are;
  • They come on a date unkempt;
  • They are often silent;
  • They say stereotypical phrases;
  • Throughout the date they talk only about themselves;
  • They behave too arrogantly.

There is no need to put on a huge number of masks and attribute non-existent qualities to yourself. After all, sooner or later the truth will be revealed. Just be yourself. The path to every girl is different and only you can find it. Listen to yourself and your heart! Love and be loved!

Sweet carelessness2

Hairstyles in which every hair lies in its place, and the entire “structure” is covered with a layer of varnish - this, of course, is impressive. But not as attractive as a slight mess on your head. Soft strands falling on the face, slightly covering the eyes, gently touching the shoulders and back - this is indescribable beauty. Such a girl looks defenseless and trembling. This is the kind of person you want to hug and hold close to you and never let go.

Another reason why men like messy hairstyles on women is primal instincts. The fleeing “victim” is always disheveled, her hair is flying, she is light and free. But that beauty who prefers to patch her hair doesn’t look like a helpless victim, but rather like a dangerous predator who has everything under control.

Barefoot spontaneity3

Is it possible to argue with how impressive and beautiful a girl looks in high heels? This is true sexuality that drives you crazy, and you can say that this is what men like in women. But many guys consider the moment when a lady walks barefoot around the house even more attractive. Why is this so alluring and seductive?

The thing is that women's legs are much prettier than men's. They are most often smaller in size, they have small fingers, delicate skin, and a neat pedicure. There are many foot fetish fans who literally worship girls' feet. It's really very cute when a strong and brutal guy gently takes his girlfriend's leg and gently massages it with his fingers.

But ladies should not forget one important point. If you decide to attract your boyfriend's attention in this way, then ensure proper care of your feet. Make sure that the heels are not hard and do not resemble sandpaper, that the nails are trimmed and varnished. Only in this case will you be the object of attention of your loved one, otherwise unkempt feet can even cause disgust.

What girls can't stand in guys

To find out for sure what girls like most about guys, it’s worth knowing what they absolutely can’t stand.

If you find at least one trait from the list below, try to get rid of it, perhaps it is precisely this that prevents a girl from liking you:

  • Ungroomed. This includes dirty hair, unclean body odor, and unkempt clothing. These nuances can repel any self-respecting person.
  • Stupidity of actions. Unobjective and short-sighted guys look stupid and repulsive.
  • Excessive vulgarity. If a guy switches to pronounced vulgarity immediately after meeting, this can push a woman away.
  • Aggression and rudeness. These include guys who are often involved in conflict situations.
  • Sissy. A man who has no opinion of his own and follows his mother’s instructions in everything. 9 out of 10 women will ignore such a man.
  • Balabol. Excessive talk about nothing is a sign of a frivolous and frivolous person. It is also very bad if he makes a lot of promises and does not keep them.
  • Braggart. Presenting other people's achievements as your own. For example: the financial viability of the parents, the availability of an apartment at the expense of the parents.
  • Excessively long hair. If a guy does not consider himself a rocker, then particularly long hair can rarely attract a girl, causing an association of immaturity.
  • Glamor. The use of manicure, pedicure and similar things related to female beauty.

Where to meet: a selection of the 8 best places

I remember all your cracks...4

It is now customary for the body to be perfectly smooth, clean, toned, without a single hint of a fold or wrinkle. In the photographs, everyone is strenuously covering up their scars to look even more beautiful and flawless. However, if you build a strong relationship with your significant other, then she will accept you for who you are.

Therefore, it is completely in vain for girls to be embarrassed by wrinkles in the corners of their lips, scars left after operations or long-standing injuries. Even if you think that this spoils your appearance, for a loving person all this is a feature.

After all, in fact, every mark on the body carries a certain story and makes us unique. For example, postpartum scars are a reminder of the birth of your baby, which brought you a lot of joy. Men love these things, because no one is born perfect to have skin without any marks.

Morning stretches5

How pleasant it is to open your eyes in the morning, see the sun outside the window and sweetly stretch. At such moments, a person looks especially sweet, since he has just woken up, is a little disheveled and at the same time incredibly charming. Especially the fair sex. Some guys love to see their lover snoring, but nothing compares to the moment of waking up. In couples where there is a strong relationship, such moments are especially valuable because there is nothing better than waking up together.

However, it is worth remembering that if you want to look touching while stretching, it is worth considering some nuances. Firstly, what build are you?

Curvy ladies do not always look touching when they begin to deliberately stretch and stick out their chests. Secondly, what clothes are you wearing? An old and faded T-shirt that has seen better days is unlikely to evoke a surge of tenderness in a guy. A nice little shirt or pajamas would be much better suited for this.

Respect yourself - what does it mean?

  • Forget the belief that you are unworthy of the best man and the best treatment for yourself;
  • Respect other people yourself. Don’t be late, take their interests into account, and don’t neglect others. Treat service personnel with respect - cleaners, cashiers, telephone operators...
  • Don't let your personal boundaries be crossed. Stop familiarity with people you don’t know, don’t answer personal questions if you don’t want to.
  • Don't make excuses. If you made a mistake, apologize. And if necessary, correct the mistake, make amends. But don't make excuses.
  • You must know what you want. And listen to your desires, your values, and not just go with the flow.
  • Take care of yourself, your well-being.
  • Don't cling to people who don't want to communicate with you. At least if they are not close relatives.

Exciting roundness 6

Another stereotype that is so firmly imposed on girls is having a perfectly flat stomach. Many people go to the gym to achieve an incredibly flat belly button. And all this just to become the same as thousands of models and pseudo-models.

It is always worth remembering what kind of women men like, soft and warm companions with whom it will be pleasant to hug. There is nothing particularly pleasant from the touches of a bony body, at least that’s what most of the powerful think so. After all, femininity implies curves, and a small rounded tummy is actually sexy.

The key word in this case is small. Without going overboard, because a saggy belly that falls over the elastic band of your panties is unlikely to excite anyone. Therefore, every lady should take note - you should not oppress yourself with diets in the hope of getting rid of the last two centimeters in your waist, but it is not recommended to lean on cakes every day. Moderation is important in everything, so try to find a “golden mean” for yourself.

What kind of women do men respect?

It’s probably been drilled into your head since childhood that respect is the very solid foundation for any relationship.
And although now you may think that the main thing for us men is sex, your breast size and ability to cook, I want to disappoint you, we want to respect our partner, the person with whom we spend most of our time . We want to talk with our beloved girl on an equal footing so that she can keep up the conversation about quantum physics and the latest law adopted in the Verkhovna Rada. We want her to look good, because we really love it when our friends look at us with undisguised envy and think “Lord, why is he so lucky”? We want to respect you, but only if you are worthy of this respect. There’s no need to say that all men are assholes and only want sex from you if you yourself can’t offer us anything other than sex! I will tell you in this article about what kind of women we respect.

First of all, remember a very simple but very important rule - no one will respect a girl who does not respect herself. How does self-disrespect manifest itself?

Appearance is important.

For example, in a sloppy appearance. No one will look after a girl who doesn’t look after herself. Yes, yes, your hair, manicure, facial care are noticeable to us at first sight. It is very reckless to assume that we do not know what a spa or facial cleansing is. Hey, we live in the 21st century, remember? Many girls put on makeup and dress up exclusively for their girlfriends, playing a meaningless game called “who will outdo whom?” “But you want to build a relationship with a man, and not with a girlfriend, so you shouldn’t think that if you come to us on a date in a stretched sweater with pills and a complete lack of makeup, we will be infinitely happy about it. Yes, perhaps somewhere deep under this sweater there is a deep inner world and a sensitive interlocutor, but with your sloppiness you are robbing us of the opportunity to understand this. No one is telling you to turn into a caricature copy of a Barbie doll who is not interested in anything other than cosmetics and clothes, but basic self-care never hurt anyone.

Away with easy accessibility.

None of us men appreciate what comes very easily to us. An elementary rule that many representatives of the fair sex have stubbornly begun to forget about recently. For some reason, you want to seem incredibly liberated to us by talking about sex after 5 minutes of meeting each other. Yes, perhaps the fashion for modest girls has sunk into oblivion, but why rush from one extreme to another? Do you seriously think that if after two cocktails in a nightclub you go to a guy’s house, then a wonderful bright future awaits you? It’s good if he doesn’t tell you immediately after sex to pack your things and go home, but just falls asleep with his back turned to you. Our interest constantly needs to be stirred up and it’s not that we refuse easy and quick sex, it’s just that it becomes uninteresting to us very quickly. Only if all the most important things happened on the first or second date, what will you leave us for dessert? What will surprise you next? No, of course, if you are looking for a guy solely for sex, then this is the best tactic, but if you want to have a serious relationship, then this is a complete failure. And then you shouldn’t be surprised and complain to your friends that he didn’t call you back again. Why should we call you if someone like you is waiting for us at the club over the next cocktail and is ready for absolutely anything?

Femininity is your everything.

The most important thing is not appearance (that is also important, but I’m talking about something else now), but femininity. We men are hungry for femininity. Most of you are walking men in skirts. You solve issues, you argue, you try to prove something to someone. You are so carried away by this ridiculous idea of ​​gender equality that you are ready to take on a lot of our responsibilities, just so that no one thinks that you can’t do something. No, of course, it’s very cool if you are an independent person and know how to do everything yourself, but maybe we shouldn’t demonstrate this to us so actively? Remember the flirting, the languid look, the beautiful underwear - let us understand that you are a woman and not a business partner. At work you can be a tough and uncompromising leader, but when you come home, take off this mask and become just a woman with whom we are easy and comfortable. Although, looking ahead, I will tell you that it is impossible to combine these two roles at the same time. Therefore, decide whether you want to be a leader or a woman who is wanted.

Your intelligence is important to us.

Yes, your intelligence is important to us! We want to see next to us a woman who can carry on a conversation, who is not ashamed to introduce her to people, who knows how to behave in a secular society, with whom there is something to talk about. Who has hobbies and interests, interests, and not just selfies in the toilet. Our first impression may be your appearance, your beautiful shell. But here, as with candy, the most delicious thing should be under the candy wrapper, even if it’s a very cute candy wrapper. If it is empty, what do we do? We use it and throw it in the trash. Sounds rude? You should understand that if you cannot give a man anything other than your appearance, then we will only take this appearance. It's simple! Therefore, develop yourself, learn languages, get an education, do at least something to become an interesting conversationalist for a man.

Your strength is in your weakness.

Let us take care of ourselves. This is almost our main instinct, and if you cannot satisfy it, we go to another, for whom our care will be a holiday and extravaganza! Allow us to do our manly actions, even if they are the most insignificant - kill a spider, open a bottle, fix a radio that no one needs. This gives us confidence that you need us, it gives us a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. This gives us the desire to perform small heroic deeds for you every day, the main thing is that genuine admiration can be read in your eyes.

No to pessimism.

We don't need snotty pessimists. Of course, you, like every living person, have bad days and depression, no one is immune from them. But if seeing the negative in everything is your philosophy of life, then don’t be surprised if at some point you find yourself alone. You shouldn’t compare yourself with everyone, especially with your friends. We men can't stand it when you start telling us that one of your friends was given a diamond ring by her boyfriend, and a new mink coat for another. At such moments, we just want to send you to this friend, her boyfriend, diamonds and fur coats. We are attracted to girls who know how to enjoy this life and find positivity even in the little things!

Don't be a copy, be yourself.

There is no need to become a copy of us. What makes you think that for us the ideal woman is our twin brother, who is like us in everything and shares all our interests? Yes, perhaps at first we think how cool it is that a girl likes to watch football or go fishing, but if you start to adjust in everything, then interest fades away. When we talk about a particular problem, we want to hear your personal opinion and view on this topic, and not just a dumb one: “Yes, Dear, I Completely Agree with You.” But there is a line here between your point of view and the fact that you will constantly nag us and show your dissatisfaction with everyone. The motto “I am the Smartest and I Know Everything” is a manifestation of masculinity, from which we run like fire.

Be wise.

We like wise women who guide a man on the right path and are ready to help at any time. But do it in such a cunning way that we would never even think that all these actions were committed under your influence. You shouldn’t reproach us and say “If it weren’t for me, then You wouldn’t have anything” and other stupid things that you love so much. Yes, perhaps it was the right woman at the right time that stimulated us to take certain actions, but we shouldn’t raise the bar and say that without you we are just helpless creatures. Sometimes it is very important for us to feel like a real hero and think that we did everything on our own, without your participation.

Don’t think that we are just tyrants and demand something impossible or supernatural from you. Just be the kind of woman you would like to respect, with whom you would be interested in talking, with whom you would like to look, with whom you would be happy and at ease. You don't need to conquer Everest and be a Nobel Prize winner to win our respect, just try to follow the advice outlined above. I don’t think you would respect a stupid, uneducated man who doesn’t take care of himself at all, so everything is fair - you try for us, and we try for you!

Silly image7

An intelligent woman is always a mystery for a man, because he never knows how she will behave in the next moment. It is for this reason that many guys believe that a girl who, albeit intentionally, tries on the image of a silly woman is sexy. For example, when she doesn’t understand a joke or laughs for no reason at some little thing. This shows the sensitive feminine nature, and it is precisely this that distinguishes ladies from their partners. The girl should behave more directly, especially if the situation allows. Then it will be much easier to gain trust.

But here, as with the previous point, moderation is important. If you laugh like crazy at sheer nonsense or don’t “enter” a simple situation, then you are more likely to push your partner away. Who would be interested in spending time with a crush who doesn’t know basic things?

What kind of women do men respect and love? You can trust her with secrets

What is the main women's problem? In the women's chatter! This is why many men do not see a strong friendship with them. Yes, even among themselves women are “weak in tongue.” How can you contain within yourself what is asking to come out:

  1. The intimate secret of a friend that worried the whole society. This could become a sensation, and it would be such a shame that you would not be the source of information. But you don’t seem to want to be a gossip, but it turns out.
  2. Scandal in a family of friends. You, wide-eyed, run supposedly to safety, but you are bursting with curiosity and a desire to be at the source of the showdown, so that later, with the air of a wise psychologist, you can discuss their problem in confidence with the whole world.
  3. Former sworn friends. This is the biggest problem. The one who initially trusted you as himself suddenly becomes the object of gossip and gloating in failures. And such evil comes precisely from women.

But there are women who can be respected for their absolute trust in her and wise silence. Rarely, but they are found. They can be among colleagues who will find the right excuse for their boss to save their colleague, or among friends for whom someone else’s secret is a grave.

Men love, appreciate and respect such a woman very much. But the women themselves - not so much. She doesn’t like gossip, won’t discuss her ugly neighbor, and won’t pry into the personal life of her new colleague. There is something suspicious about her. But men know for sure: this woman is a rock, worthy of respect.

Love for children 8

In this case, we are not talking about those who have an obvious prejudice against the birth of babies. We are talking about couples in which having their own family and children is the limit of simple human happiness. The girl who coozes with the little ones, plays with toys with them, tells fairy tales and laughs cheerfully at all the pranks looks very touching. Even if it’s only a younger brother or nephew, this is a kind of test of readiness for a serious future for both of you. And in the eyes of any man, a woman is not only a lover, but also a mother, so the ability to get along with children is important.

It will look repulsive if, when you see a child, you try to hide behind your companion’s back, begin to behave rudely, or even be offended that you receive less attention than the baby. This will force your boyfriend to draw certain conclusions about you, and you definitely won't like them.


It just so happens that many are accustomed to considering women as wasteful creatures and associated with certain expenses. Undoubtedly, such specimens exist, and they have their own fans who are able to bear this financial burden.

However, what guys admire most about their companions is their ability to count and save money. After all, if a girl knows how to manage a budget wisely, then she is not afraid to trust her with her salary. It’s unlikely that a guy will be happy if the lion’s share of income goes to expensive clothes and cosmetics, then the refrigerator at home shows its emptiness.

It is important here not to confuse prudence and economy with stinginess and greed. Sometimes it's good to "squeeze" a little to save up for certain things, but giving up simple things is already overkill. Therefore, every time before going to the store, try to determine what you really need and what you can do without in the near future.

Normal appetite 10

A lady who tries to eat no more than a poppy seed at the table and constantly winces when she sees her partner devouring fried chicken by both cheeks is not the most pleasant sight. In addition, men feel discomfort around such girlfriends, because they do not do anything prohibited, but at the same time they are gradually criticized.

If you really want to look more “human” and natural, then stop this gastronomic terror. After all, guys are pleased to see that their beloved knows how to enjoy food, that she has her own preferences. This brings people together better than heavy silence during meals.

But even here we must not go too far. Normal appetite is the ability to consume a normal amount of food at one time. Stuffing a triple burger, eating a large portion of fries and drinking a liter of cola is not normal. Especially if your boyfriend is not capable of such a feat. It will look strange if a girl eats much more than her companion, and with the appearance that this is no big deal. You shouldn’t pretend to be a man with a black hole in your stomach, because this might just scare the man away, but he won’t like him even more.

What kind of women do Aries men respect? 4 How to win a heart?

Elegance and styleYou should always take care of yourself and your appearance. Aries like sexy girls, but they won’t win over a guy with a vulgar clothing style. Therefore, it is recommended to put the miniskirt aside and keep the top buttons on the blouse buttoned
PunctualityA man values ​​time, so you shouldn’t be late for dates, because he can leave without waiting for a potential partner
Femininity and fragilityAries men do not like masculine women who use dirty and vulgar words in their vocabulary. You shouldn’t put everything on your shoulders. They happily perform all men's duties: they will nail down a shelf, carry heavy bags, and repair an electrical outlet.
Unpredictability and mysteryMonotony in relationships repels Aries; he wants to constantly receive new emotions. Therefore, you should not immediately open up completely to him, you need to surprise him periodically
InitiativeSometimes you have to be active. This applies to both plans for joint vacations and sexual relationships. A man will easily agree to all his lover’s proposals
LoyaltyAries is very jealous. He will be glad if his beloved attracts the attention of men with her beauty, intelligence and femininity. But he will not like the increased interest; he will try in every possible way to protect the girl from this. He will not tolerate advances from his beloved; for him this is tantamount to treason, betrayal. Although he himself is not averse to flirting with other girls
DelightAries love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears. It is important for him that a woman admires his achievements and says pleasant words. But don’t flatter, he will notice the falseness in the words and be offended
SubmissionThere is no need to argue with a man, even if he is wrong. It’s better to remain silent and try to make him understand that he was wrong
EaseA strict routine and clear plans will push the Aries man away from the girl. The beloved should always be in a good mood; he will not share prolonged depression. In relationships he needs ease and ease

As an epilogue11

There are dozens of qualities that guys may find cute, charming, touching, childlike, attractive, sexy. Only you yourself can understand what attracts your chosen one so much. All of the above is just a help to those who, one way or another, find themselves captive to stereotypes.

A girl is not a soulless robot who should have an ideal smooth shell and an indifferent look. This is a personality with its own whims and characteristics. The most important thing is to be able to present yourself correctly, to be sincere, and sometimes even crazy.

However, as mentioned above, moderation is important in everything. To be an eccentric and broken beauty or a reserved intellectual, to have some rudeness in your appearance or to become a real embodiment of femininity - it’s up to you to decide. Understanding what men like in women will take time and patience.

Just try to put aside your fears about your own imperfections, and then you will immediately notice positive changes. After all, another quality that all men, without exception, love is confidence in their own beauty. And every representative of the fairer sex should find it.

Ideal guy

From childhood, every girl dreams of a prince on a snow-white horse, endowing him with the best qualities. Having matured, a girl knows what kind of man she will definitely like. The girl pays attention to many worthy qualities, which very rarely can be combined simultaneously in one person. So what is the ideal man then?

To attract the attention of the opposite sex, a man needs to act according to certain rules. Qualities and signs that can conquer any woman:

  1. Stylish way of dressing. Proper selection of clothing that emphasizes your figure.
  2. Slimness and smartness in a guy.
  3. In some cases, slight stubble can add a special charm.
  4. One of the most influential factors is the wealth of the young man. Security significantly increases the chances of conquering a girl and giving her a guarantee of a carefree life.
  5. The presence of hair on the head, but some people like bald, everything is individual.
  6. Ownership of movable and immovable property indicates a man’s intelligence and determination.
  7. Presence of intelligence. This is not about having a higher education, but about the prudence and adequacy of a person.
  8. Character traits such as: determination, self-confidence, charisma. Girls like conquerors who know how to defend their own position and who can be relied upon under any circumstances.
  9. A man of action, not just empty promises.
  10. Girls are attracted to caring and attentive men.
  11. Women quickly warm up to kind, generous, friendly people.
  12. A girl needs to feel from a man his ability to be successful and his desire to take care of her and their future children.
  13. Strong men, both morally and physically, are significantly attracted to the opposite sex.
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