Effective meditation to relieve depression

At the current pace of life, absolutely all people on the planet are susceptible to stress. Feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry arise constantly and have become a common feeling in everyday life. And as you know, a person only suffers from such a life. But this is not the time to despair and take sedatives. We previously wrote about how beneficial meditation is for humans. It in itself is a sedative for a person. Helps stabilize the body, fills a person with vitality and tone.

Meditation against stress has a cumulative effect - the more often you meditate and relax, the stronger your body and mind will resist stress, depression and other negative influences.

How I came to meditation

Frankly, for a long time I didn’t take meditation seriously. It seemed to me that this is the lot of monks or specially trained and enlightened people who can sit in the lotus position for hours or days without food or water. I believed that meditation practice could not help me change my gloomy life.

But, as always happens, without understanding the issue, our mind draws its own pictures and gives its own conclusions and definitions. If I don’t know or don’t understand something, then it definitely won’t suit me. In fact, for a long time it was one of my great shortcomings, giving conclusions without understanding the essence of the question itself. Without even trying to figure it out, I could immediately reject anything.

I was very lucky that this time I decided to try something new. I didn’t spend a lot of time studying literature, developing theory, or looking for a mentor who could teach me the correct meditation technique. I started my practice by simply starting to meditate and observe my sensations. This was a real discovery for me. I found exactly what I needed at that moment.

I don't know how it should really be, how enlightened monks with many years of experience in meditation feel, what appears before their sacred gaze, but I was able to stop the crazy flow of restless thoughts in my head, which was causing depression and stress in me. I was able to calm down and put things in order in my head. I was able to rethink a lot, look at my life and problems (most of which turned out to be imaginary and non-existent) from a completely different perspective.

It happens that difficulties happen, negative thoughts return, but this is normal, without this you also cannot live in our huge world. I do not set a goal to become “blessed”, to feed on morning dew and the energy of the sun, contemplating flowers all day long. Although this is also not the worst option to recover, clear your brain of garbage and find yourself.

Treatment of depression

The principle of treatment depends on the diagnosis of a specific type of depressive state. Some of them may not require serious intervention from specialists, but in the case of a stable form, a whole work plan is developed, which the patient must follow without fail in order to achieve the most effective results.

Treating depression at home

Complex forms of depression do not need to be treated in an inpatient setting. When visiting, specialists may prescribe medications. As a rule, they are selected individually depending on the state of health of the body and its specifics, so doctors strongly do not recommend purchasing medications without prior consultation.

Traditional methods are also effective, among them are herbal remedies that soothe and tone the central nervous system. An equally important and responsible measure is the normalization of the schedule and diet and sleep. In addition, you can visit a psychoanalyst who will help stabilize your emotional state.

Another effective method of reducing anxiety and raising the emotional level is aromatherapy. This is a pleasant procedure that is not difficult or financially expensive to organize at home.

Treatment of depression in the clinic

Treatment of depression in a hospital setting occurs exclusively in the most severe cases, when a person flatly refuses to eat, practically does not sleep and completely renounces the outside world. It is important to take into account that in most cases, in order to get rid of a complex form of depression, specialists act comprehensively, using not only effective medications, but also conduct individual therapy, conversations, and hypnosis.

Treatment should be selected exclusively on an individual basis, after collecting a high-quality anamnesis, as well as determining the extent of the disease and its progression.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

The optimal method for those patients who doubt the individual tolerance of medications or completely refuse to take them. Among the most common methods are the following:

  1. Foot massage. Not only is it an excellent therapeutic agent, but it can be used as a preventative measure. If it is not possible to massage manually, you can purchase inexpensive products made from wood.
  2. Meditation or yoga practice. Ideal for home use. Physical activity brings a person into the necessary tone, acts on the central nervous system as a sedative
  3. Using tea made from herbs: peppermint, orange or valerian. You can prepare a relaxing bath by adding blueberry juice, St. John's wort or horsetail
  4. Take st. a spoonful of table salt and dilute it per liter of boiled water. Apply all over the body and rub.

Honey has a calming effect. It can be used in conjunction with other additives, for example, bee bread. When consumed 2-4 times daily, you can see an improvement in vitality, the appearance of former activity and the emergence of a positive mood.

Treatment of depression with antidepressants

Some antidepressants can be purchased independently at any pharmacy and do not require a doctor's prescription. However, this does not mean that they can be taken thoughtlessly when the first possible signs of depression occur. Before you start taking any drug, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor who will tell you which drugs are allowed to be used in a particular situation.

It is customary to distinguish several groups of medications that affect the inhibition process:

  1. Tricyclic. Drugs in this category belong to the first generation. When used, norepinephrine and serotonin are not reuptaken. The most common drugs are Doxepin, Nortriptyline, and Desipramine. However, the drugs have a large list of side symptoms: the appearance of tremors in the hands, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and disorders of the visual system occur
  2. Drugs whose action is aimed at capturing the reverse type of norepinephrine and serotonin. They are widespread if a person has a constant feeling of fear that cannot be overcome by ordinary methods. Panic attacks and aggression may also appear. If you do not follow the prescribed dosage, serotonin will begin to accumulate in the body. The main representatives include Sertraline and Fluoxetine.
  3. Selective inhibitors. Practiced to combat obsessive phobias. Common symptoms include cyclical sleep disturbances and the development of a depressive state. As a result, weight may increase uncontrollably and a constant feeling of lack of sleep appears.
  4. Heterocyclic drugs. Relevant for use when working with elderly patients if there is persistent sleep disturbance or a developing depressive state.

In any situation, it is not recommended to independently select medications for constant use in order to avoid deterioration of the physical and psycho-emotional state.

Meditation is the path to Mindfulness for everyone

I do business, live in a big city, and have a family. I live an ordinary life. There are successful and unsuccessful periods, and serious difficulties occur. But now it is not problems or failures that control my life and emotional state. The mind is responsible for this, which assessed and interpreted, thought up and did not realize the real picture under the influence of emotions. My mind was my enemy. How long have I slept! But apparently, in my case, only after suffering to the point of exhaustion, I was able to wake up and take the path of Awareness.

Where to start?

Any meditation begins with breathing. We very often forget about our breathing and in moments of stress we can even catch ourselves not breathing at all. It is not right.

Breathing allows you to relax and focus at the same time. It is not for nothing that breathing practices are used during childbirth and when working with people who have experienced shock.

Set aside 15-20 minutes a day when you can be alone with yourself. Believe me, over time you will learn to meditate even in a shopping center on the first day of sales. But you need to start alone. Choose a quiet, cozy place where no one will disturb you.

Sit in a way that is comfortable for you. Very often I even lie down on a more or less hard surface. The main thing is breathing and comfort. You should be so comfortable that you can completely relax all your muscles. At the same time, nothing should interfere with your breathing, so your back should be as straight as possible.

So, we turned off the phone, isolated the children and... let's go.

Meditation as a prevention against stress and depression

Meditation for me is a powerful simulator. If I want to pump up flabby muscles, I go to the gym and pump up every muscle - biceps, chest, legs, back, etc. If your mind is prepared, it is ready for any external and internal challenge.

There may be problems, but they will not be able to control you, they will not be able to cause stress. There is a problem, it can be solved, you calmly solve it right now. If there is no decision at the moment, accept this fact. You don’t create even more problems, don’t scroll them through your head, causing dozens of negative emotions. The brain does not come up with scary scenarios or options for the development of events somewhere in the unrealistic future. The mind is calm, focused and ready for any challenge. You give yourself space. And at this moment a miracle happens.

How is meditation useful?

Numerous studies in recent years have proven that meditation not only helps relieve stress, but also increases learning ability, improves memory and has a beneficial effect on the brain.

If earlier meditation was considered to be pampering and profanation, today this practice has become the object of research by various scientific centers and medical schools. They all agree on one thing: meditation can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders.

For example, Miriam Subirana , ​​argues that people who have practiced meditation on a daily basis for a long time cope with stress more easily, are able to clearly formulate life goals and are able to remain themselves, regardless of external circumstances.

However, for many of us, meditation still remains an incomprehensible ritual, akin to shamanic songs or esoteric rituals. What do you need to know about meditation to become friends with it?

How meditation can help with depression

How can meditation help with depression? The remark is quite appropriate. I also asked myself similar questions, and my mind, as always, gave definitions and drew conclusions: “If I sit twice a day for 30 minutes with my eyes closed, then my life will change, I will become calmer, fears and worries will no longer torment me. me" It sounds too simple, but it really works.

Let's talk more about the essence of meditation. I sit and focus my attention on my breathing or send waves of attention through my body. My only task is to observe my breathing; I don’t need to do anything else. What can this do? In fact, even scientists recognize the enormous benefits of meditation for depression:

  • learn to control the flow of negative thoughts;
  • you will be able to understand and understand the cause of stress or depression;
  • concentration training;
  • will help relax the physical body and mind, boost energy:
  • gain control over your emotions;
  • will help you move along the path of Awareness.

And it works very simply. While practicing, you concentrate, for example, on your breathing. All attention is focused on inhalation and exhalation. From time to time different thoughts come to mind. This is completely normal. They are like clouds flying across the sky of consciousness. Your task is not to fly away with them, but to simply be an observer. Let them be, calmly return your attention to your breathing. Inhale and exhale. Perhaps a very restless and alarming thought may come. It spins around in your head and tries to draw you into the thinking process. Don't try to fight it. Let it be. If it's so important to her, let her stay. Just watch it from the side for a while, and then return to your breathing. Don't blame yourself for thoughts that come during practice. That's how it should be!

The most important thing is happening right now. Meditation for stress and depression is not a task of completely remaining without thoughts, sitting and not thinking about anything. Remember, meditation is a simulator. Right now, you are strengthening and training your mind, acquiring critical skills that can completely transform your life.

We'll talk about all the useful acquired skills and principles next time.

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Diagnosis and treatment of depression

Diagnosis of depression is carried out only after collecting a high-quality and as complete anamnesis as possible, passing tests and talking with the patient. To be diagnosed with depression, a patient must have at least two of the triad and three of the associated symptoms. Among the second group, the most common are unreasonable feelings of guilt, increased anxiety, low self-esteem, suicidal mood, and decreased appetite. If a doctor suspects the development of depression, he will redirect the patient to other specialists, depending on what symptoms he is experiencing.

Outpatient treatment often includes types of depression such as recurrent, atypical, postpartum or dysthymia. If the disorder reaches a critical point, then inpatient treatment can be arranged. Depending on the individual case, various methods can be used, ranging from psychotherapy to the latest generation of pharmacological drugs. In the latter case, it is important to note that modern drugs cause a minimal number of side symptoms, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of treatment.

Among the most popular drugs are antidepressants. If inhibition is observed, then drugs with a stimulating function are used, and in case of anxiety, drugs with a sedative effect are used.

The response to antidepressants also manifests itself differently, depending on the individual body's response.

Focus on images and colors

According to my observations, all people who are characterized by visual thinking benefit greatly from concentrating on images or colors. For example, I imagine how, as I inhale, a stream of blue or pink flows down my spine. Or I mentally draw a sphere before my eyes.

The idea is no different from the previous ones. We deliberately offer the brain a topic to concentrate on.

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