How to get rid of depression on your own and forever? One proven way

There are situations in the life of any person when you feel a loss of vital energy, the desire to do something, you give up, you are constantly in a bad mood and nothing makes you happy. As a rule, a person strives to cope with such a condition on his own and often simply does not pay attention to it, which can subsequently have a bad effect on both physical and mental health. Treatment of depression at home is possible only at the initial stage of the disease.

What is depression

The normal reaction of a living organism to stress is a slowdown in vital processes and a decrease in performance. Normally, after solving any life problems or troubles, a good mood returns, and a person feels full of strength again.

If the cause of the disorder is eliminated, but feelings and behavior do not change, depression, loss of strength and apathy for life are again felt, you need to seriously think about your condition and eliminate the developing depression.

Also, the first warning sign should be apathy after minor troubles in life, which minimally affect a person’s plans. Most often, psychologists distinguish several types of depression, depending on a specific season (winter, spring, autumn).

In its advanced form, depression can manifest itself not only as loss of strength and bad mood, but also cause persistent affective disorders of the nervous system. Treatment of depression at home is justified only in some cases when the disease is mild or is at an early stage. In this case, you can use introspection, self-hypnosis and take medications from natural remedies such as herbs or certain foods.

What to do

To solve one or two problems in a person’s life, it may take more than one year of regular consultations with a specialist. And feeling depressed is a whole complex of problems that require a deeper and more serious approach.

In order to have the strength and desire to live, in order to finally confidently say “I no longer feel depressed,” it is necessary to completely resolve all issues with the past, to free oneself from its influence.

The most effective for this, in the opinion of many who have tested it, is the Turbo-gopher system. Almost anyone can practice this system. It does not require special knowledge, skills, special training or extra effort. All that is needed is your desire to free yourself from the state of depression.

The peculiarity of the system is that in its work it uses the limitless power of the subconscious. After just a few months of training using the Turbo Gopher system, you will feel how your attitude towards many situations and people began to change, how traumatic episodes of the past began to lose their emotional charge, releasing energy for a new life.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

Depression: symptoms and treatment, clinical picture of the disease

Depression, like any disease, has clearly defined clinical manifestations, with which it can be diagnosed as quickly as possible:

  • lack of concentration and attention;
  • memory problems;
  • apathetic state;
  • a constant state of oppression and distraction;
  • inability to concentrate on a specific issue or action;
  • indifference to situations that previously caused joy and satisfaction.

A depressed person may constantly replay negative thoughts in their head that have no basis in reality. In addition, you need to pay attention to unconscious fears, anxiety and restlessness, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, and sudden weight loss. All these symptoms are characterized by depression. The causes, treatment and features of therapy can only be determined by a specialist.

Manic-depressive syndrome

It is a special manifestation of depression, which is characterized as frequent mood swings with loss of attention and reality. It has two phases - manic and severe depression.

The manic phase manifests itself:

  • state of euphoria;
  • hyperactivity;
  • possible occurrence of hallucinations;
  • delusional;
  • irritability;
  • fast speech;
  • sharp jumps from one subject to another;
  • lack of concentration;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep problems;
  • loss of skills (social, professional, educational).

Symptoms can be mild or severe. The severe depression phase has several manifestations, including the appearance of phobias, anxiety, obsessions, and a state of panic. Treatment of depression at home should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will help you choose effective methods and, if necessary, prescribe the correct dosages of medicinal drugs.

Causes of depression

A subdepressive state (subdepression) may appear for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of vitamins. This happens in autumn and spring, when the body does not have enough sun.
  2. Stressful situations. For example, changing jobs, moving, death of a loved one, divorce.
  3. Dissatisfaction with yourself and your life. Unfulfilled dreams, unloved work, lack of friends and personal life can provoke depression.

Another similar condition is typical for people whose body is weakened after a long illness or serious injury.

Phobias with depression

A phobia manifests itself as an unconscious fear. The cause can be any action or object. The occurrence of phobias is not limited; they occur at any age and are often completely unfounded and unnoticeable.

A person who has a certain phobia is ready to do anything to avoid an unpleasant situation. Therefore, he often behaves inappropriately in a seemingly standard situation. Treatment of depression with folk remedies in this case is not entirely relevant, since the help of specialists and taking medications together with psychotherapy will give the fastest and best effect.

Get rid of depression

It is very important during the period of recovery from depression to do something that can give you pleasure. It’s clear that during depression you won’t enjoy everything, but you should at least try to start enjoying the things you used to get pleasure from again. The same can be said about things that give you confidence. Surely there are some. And they should be remembered immediately when it comes to how to get rid of depression. Also try to concentrate as little as possible on any unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Drive away all this negativity and pessimism.

You may need knowledge of how to get rid of apathy and depression for other reasons. For example, in the near future you will have to make some serious decision regarding the arrangement of your personal life or career at work. If you are in a state of depression, it is not difficult to guess which way an important decision will be made. It will be accepted from a pessimistic point of view, that is, with a pronounced negative connotation. But all this can be avoided if you consult doctors in time, who will tell you how to get rid of depression. Modern medicine has reached great heights, so the help of a qualified specialist will certainly be effective.

Get rid of depression forever

Contact our clinic. We are ready to help get rid of depression forever to everyone who wants and is ready to follow all our recommendations. We own unique technologies that are used only in selected clinics in Europe and Israel.

You can contact us by phone: +7(495)6320065,

We help in the most difficult cases, even if previous treatment did not help!

State of anxiety or panic

It manifests itself as anxiety, fear, and a feeling of uncertainty. The feeling of anxiety is a necessary life factor for a person, as it gives him the opportunity to stop in time in the right situation, monitor his health and condition. But it is necessary to ensure that anxiety does not exceed an adequate limit. Increased anxiety prevents a person from making timely decisions and forces him to think and concentrate for a long time.

Women are more susceptible to anxiety conditions; they are often associated with disruption of the endocrine system and can be inherited. Psychological traumas, especially those sustained in childhood, also cause unreasonable fear when faced with similar situations. Treatment of depression, reviews of which can be heard from former patients, indicates the effectiveness of psychotherapy and medications.

Anxiety states are characterized by rapid and loud speech, the presence of certain forms of behavior (pacing around the room, squeezing hands, lack of concentration, trembling in the body, irritability).

Panic conditions tend to be more severe. The state of anxiety intensifies and brings a person to panic or horror; this state can last for several hours, which significantly affects the state of the human nervous system.

Getting rid of depression: a technique for changing your attitude towards events

As I said, every event in our lives can make us either stronger or weaker. What makes us stronger are those events that we perceive as lessons and from which we have learned valuable experience. These are events for which we are grateful to God, the universe, our teachers (those people who participated), and ourselves.

A sign that you are on good terms with a particular event is that you are grateful for this event. That is, when you remember him, you feel sincere gratitude!

Your goal is to get into such a state that when you remember any event in your life, you experience a sincere feeling of gratitude. In this state, you will regain all your former strength, and even more.

Is the goal clear? (if you have questions, write below in the comments, I will be happy to answer)

So the second step is to realize that this goal is achievable.

It is achievable simply because you can first imagine yourself in such a state and then achieve it.

Axiom: whatever you can imagine and want, you can achieve. This is how human consciousness works.

After all, relationships are something intangible. Consciously and voluntarily changing relationships is not lifting weights. This is a skill that can be achieved even by a paralyzed person. However, 90% of people do not have this skill.

Some events from your past may be very difficult to understand again. You may want to take very severe revenge on some of your offenders, even to the point of killing them. You don’t accept certain events that have happened, etc.

But with a new perspective, you can see that these were invaluable life lessons. They contain enormous value that you can realize and make part of your new, even stronger life than before. But which, if you knew everything in advance, what these lessons are and what their value is, you would never dare to enter. And only thanks to these people (whom you previously perceived as offenders, tyrants), you entered into this, and thanks to yourself, you got through it. (And thanks to God and fate, this event even arose in your life).

Axiom: The more difficult the situation you find yourself in, the more you will receive a reward for it - satisfaction for completing this task.

Axiom: The reward for surviving a life situation always exceeds the price you pay. That is, the positive is greater than the negative (if it is not clear why this is so, ask in the comments to this article - I will answer).

What is the value of each event in your life - you have to find out for yourself.

This is your internal work, which no one will do for you . There is no other way. Either the path to life or to death. This is how the universe works, these are the laws in it. And this is good, this is truly wisely arranged by the Creator.

(If you follow S.N. Lazarev, the essence of all life lessons is the realization that love is above all. I recommend reading his first book, “Diagnostics of Karma.” If you have depression and you want to end it once and for all, you are ready for in order to receive this information)

The price of such internal work is your restored personality, a strong life in a new quality. In a quality that is now difficult for you to even imagine. This is an even stronger life than before the depression.

So, the third step is to decide to choose a path to life and accept all the events of your life with gratitude. And even those events that you don’t yet know how it’s even possible to be grateful for them! If you make such a decision, then it is a matter of time before you become fully aware. (Depression disappears forever at this step. I don’t presume to explain this, this is a psychological phenomenon. Note: the recapitulation has not yet been completed, the decision has just been made! Don’t take my word for it - check it).

The fourth step is following your decision: recapitulating those events of your past that torment you the most. As a rule, such events are few in number; most often it is one. The main thing here is to gain the skill of how to work with them and experience sincere gratitude for them.

If you have a mentor in this, you are lucky. It’s more difficult on your own, but it’s also possible. Books by S.N. can help. Lazarev, when reading, you will have a new vision, an understanding of how even extremely negative events in your life can be viewed in a positive way.

Next - work with all other events of the past. It takes time. For the Toltecs it took years, but after a complete recapitulation they regained youth and strength. According to Castaneda, a fifty-year-old woman looked thirty after the internal work was done.

As for depression, it goes away instantly and forever , not when you have been doing inner work for several years, but when you have just decided (firmly decided) to find a path to gratitude for your entire past, to your strength and to your present full life. (That is, internal work is necessarily implied, but it will come later)

So, the irony of fate... Depression can be a path to death, or it can be a guide to true life. What it will be for you depends only on your decision. The time will come when you will probably look back on your depression with gratitude.

Successful work on yourself!

* * *

PS Now is the time - the time of transformation. We need to help each other, everyone, even strangers. We are all one... If you solved a problem for yourself, you have solved it for thousands of people. As I understand it, this experience of decision is transmitted as energy through channels that are created when people are attuned. Customization can also occur through text. And sometimes just in silent presence. So, good luck to you in helping other people as well. Good luck!

And finally, an anecdote about a psychologist and their methods.

The man was treated by a psychologist for enuresis. A friend asks - now you don’t pee in bed? - Why, I’m peeing - but now I’m proud of it!

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