How to stop drinking forever? Step by step instructions here!

Alcohol addiction seriously complicates the life of the drinker and those close to him. Health problems, tense family relationships, loss of respect from others are all associated factors of drunkenness. Do you understand the scale of the problem and want to quit drinking alcohol forever? Check out some simple recommendations and discover a life without addiction.

How to stop drinking alcohol on your own for a man

When I was about 25, and I was already wondering how to stop drinking alcohol, Allen Carr’s book “The Easy Way to Quit Drinking” helped me. I read it in 2 weeks, I read little and carefully. I was scared to finish the book because I knew that by the time I finished it, I would stop drinking alcohol and would be a little upset because I would lose my support. I would even say that I will lose the support of a certain friend.

I even remember how I finished reading the book to the end and decided that today I would have a good drink in order to remember all the fun. I drank vodka, beer, ate borscht. Then I don’t remember anything. The next morning I woke up with a heavy head, I didn’t remember much, but I was sure that that was it, I wouldn’t drink anymore. I was more confident in myself than ever, even knowing that my drinking friends would offer me a drink and try to talk me out of my action. But I was steadfast.

What can I say, Allen Carr’s book is very good, many people don’t believe in it and consider it a waste of time. This may be true, but I know one thing: those people who really want to stop drinking they only need a reason, and reading a book is that reason. So I strongly recommend this method to at least see if it suits you or not. Next, read about the reasons for alcohol abuse and why, if the situation gets out of control, it is best to work with a psychologist.

Causes of alcoholism

In this section, I have compiled a list of reasons for alcohol abuse that are obvious to me, but of course it is not complete; there are probably very not obvious reasons that are extremely rare.

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No goals in life

Here lives a man, making plans for the future. And the future is getting closer and closer, but plans are not being realized. What to do in such a situation? It’s right to feel sorry for yourself and start drinking. Since the pain from disappointment in life is very strong and can only be overshadowed by alcohol, and then only for a while, and then a new dose is needed, and so on constantly.

By the way, the surest way in this situation is to admit that sometimes goals may not be realized, to understand that you are only human and it’s normal if something doesn’t work out for you. Yes, it’s a shame, yes, I’m disappointed. Yes, he swelled up a little and got angry. But you got up from your knees, set new goals and plans and start working again. Yes, starting from scratch is difficult, but by the way, getting drunk is also not easy, how much health and money it takes.


One of the not obvious problems associated with alcoholism. Although this is probably not alcoholism, but rather the impossibility of giving up alcohol. That is, simply put, you are at some kind of holiday or just gathered with some company and there is alcohol on the table. From the beginning you planned not to drink, but now you are offered a drink and you jump over the barrier and are already pouring a glass, another, a third. So how did this all happen?

It’s not obvious, but the brain perceives alcohol as a kind of pleasure, since dopamine is released after the first glass. And we really want to get this pleasure. But why can't we refuse? This is where a non-obvious trait like greed comes into play. “How is it possible that they will eat and drink everything delicious without me?” This strategy comes from childhood, when they didn’t share or invite you to eat something tasty and you developed a strategy that if it’s tasty, then you need to get it right now, a lot and faster. Otherwise, it will all end and you won’t get it.

Let's call on the imagination to help

There is also a very simple remedy that will help overcome alcoholism. And then a person will not have to face the problem of how to abstain from drinking alcohol. You need to use the negative power of the mind: teach your imagination to imagine unsightly pictures associated with alcohol.

For example, an alcohol addict can imagine a glass of beer as slurry, teeming with billions of bacteria, eggs of worms and parasites. Like a mush, from the smell of which you can catch an infection that causes such a strong disgust that it is impossible to overcome.

Doesn't sound appetizing, right? Yes, it is true: the more disgusting the pictures, words or sensations drawn by the mind are, the more disgust will be caused by the consumed product, which contains at least a drop of alcohol. As a result, after some time he will understand that he simply cannot drink alcohol.

What to do if you no longer have the strength to fight alcohol?

I'm looking for 5 people with an alcoholism problem or lack of willpower who want to give up alcohol.

You already understand that it is not possible to give up alcohol using willpower.

You feel that degradation is going on, all thoughts are only about alcohol

In the morning you suffer not only from a hangover, but also from a feeling of shame in front of your loved ones

If you recognize yourself, sign up for a free 15-minute consultation

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