What sedative can a mother take while breastfeeding?

Often after childbirth, the mother experiences deep stress, which affects the quantity and quality of milk. Often, premature cessation of lactation or a reduction in milk production occurs precisely because of strong feelings. Depression affects the well-being of both the nursing mother and the baby.

Therefore, mothers should protect themselves from stress as much as possible. Do not rush to take sedatives. Many of these products contain substances that are prohibited during breastfeeding. They can not only cause allergies or digestive disorders in the baby, but also seriously harm the development of the body.

You should also be careful with medicinal preparations, since some herbs also cannot be taken during lactation. For example, mint reduces the amount of breast milk.

Why do nursing mothers turn to sedatives?

It would seem that after the birth of a child, nothing can disturb the peace of mind of a new mother, since an event happened that she had been waiting for for 9 long months. However, every second woman after childbirth is overtaken by a state of postpartum depression. Its duration can range from a couple of weeks to several months. Moreover, such conditions arise regardless of the conditions in which a woman lives and how prosperous her family is. Leading psychotherapists have compiled a list of the most common factors influencing the development of depression:

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  • Hormonal changes

Throughout pregnancy and during childbirth, the female body undergoes a hormonal shock and endorphins are overproduced. This hormone, produced in huge quantities, helps to survive the process of childbirth, triggering the pain relief mechanism. It is also his fault that the mother of a newborn baby experiences indescribable joy from the birth of a child, forgetting about the pain of childbirth. But this state of euphoria passes extremely quickly, changing emotions of joy to irritation, increased irritability, or even apathy.

  • Changes in family structure

The birth of a child, especially if we are talking about the firstborn, completely turns the world upside down. A woman plunges headlong into caring for her baby, who takes up 100% of her time, and stops devoting time to herself and her husband. All this works against the family, leading to depressing TV series.

  • "Help" from third parties

After the birth of a child, a young mother needs help. The first to respond are relatives - grandparents, aunts, sisters, girlfriends, and so on. However, such active participation does not always bring positive results. The older generation often tries to impose their opinions on young people, based on many years of experience and an outside view. Few people will like it when you are constantly being taught how to care for your child in your own home. Therefore, such help creates a seed of uncertainty, giving rise to depressive states.

How to correct postpartum depression without pills

The simplest thing a nursing woman can do is go to the pharmacy and buy a sedative. However, according to many psychologists, not everything is so simple. The fact is that the nervous system is a complex organism that cannot be returned to normal by taking just one pill.

First of all, you should try to find the specific cause of the nervous state and try to solve it together with your husband. In most cases, this technique helps and after some time the young mother returns to her usual state. You should resort to pills only when all methods have been tried and no effect has been achieved.

What a woman can do herself to get out of postpartum stress as quickly as possible:

  • Don't put yourself last. Even after the birth of a son or daughter, you need to leave an hour of time for yourself: for reading books, hobbies, sports or beauty. Even such a short rest can give a boost of vigor and energy for the rest of the day;
  • Nutrition and hygiene. No matter how your day goes, never forget about food, toilet and proper sleep. If possible, allow me to help you, and when the baby is sleeping, relax together;
  • Accept help. Don't be shy to ask for help if you're tired or need to take a breather. Joyfully accept help from loved ones and relatives.
  • Don't be afraid to express emotions. If you want to cry, cry, don’t accumulate problems, this will only make them more;
  • Don't distance yourself from life. Do not isolate yourself from the events that happen in your home; your opinion is still important for the family;
  • Try folk remedies for calming - tea with honey at night, warm milk and so on.

If the above methods do not have the desired effect, it would be a good idea to contact a specialist. It happens that depression drags on and requires medical intervention. It is recommended not to prescribe medications yourself; this should be done by a doctor. However, if you do not have the opportunity to visit a psychologist in person, you can purchase one of the medications approved for nursing mothers.

Caution during breastfeeding

Any, even seemingly harmless, herbs can have side effects:

  • herbs can easily cause allergies in mother or baby;
  • the baby may sleep too long and refuse to breastfeed;
  • some medications have the opposite effect and, instead of calming, excite the nervous system. The baby may cry constantly and not sleep.

If a negative reaction occurs to a drug prescribed by a doctor, you should immediately stop taking the drug and, if necessary, try another one.

Important! Find out from your general practitioner what medications you can take and not self-medicate.

Allowed sedatives for mothers

According to reviews from nursing women who have repeatedly resorted to taking such drugs to normalize the nervous system, you can safely take this sedative for nursing mothers. Experienced lactation consultants recommend weighing the pros and cons before making a final decision. First, let's figure out what medications nursing mothers are allowed to take.

Valerian tincture

This herbal preparation is prepared from the stems and roots of a plant called valerian. The popularity of the drug is wide all over the world due to its affordable price and lack of side effects. What is important, for all its harmlessness, the effect of valerian on breast milk has not yet been established. This is evidenced by a recent study by American scientist Thomas Jones, conducted in 2010. Thus, when using this drug during lactation, you act at your own peril and risk.

But there is another opinion, taken from the world famous E-LACTANCIA directory. Based on this source, valerian tincture is considered a remedy with unproven effectiveness. The drug contains several essential oils, tannins and amino acids, which have a sedative effect on the human body. However, their excess can cause an exacerbation of symptoms, making a person even more nervous and anxious.

Domestic medicine has been using valerian for many years, recommending it to pregnant and nursing mothers. As for the latter, it is recommended to exclude the neonatal period, that is, not to use a sedative drug at least in the first 2-3 months after the birth of the baby. The recommended dose for a nursing woman, which should not have a negative effect on the baby, is no more than 8 grams (in tablet form) or 2-3 grams (dry extract). However, the vast majority of doctors strongly recommend using this remedy as rarely as possible.

Motherwort sedative

This drug is also classified as a herbal sedative, like valerian. The active ingredient, which has the desired effect, is motherwort, or rather its extract. In addition to the fact that the medicine relaxes the nervous system, its effect is also aimed at the cardiovascular system. One of the advantages of using motherwort is the absence of side effects. However, in order to feel the effect of motherwort, you will have to be patient and wait at least two weeks.

Speaking about the international classification of this sedative, it simply is not there. The fact is that it is not considered a medical drug; no studies have been conducted to prove its effectiveness. Accordingly, we can conclude that there is no scientific answer to whether motherwort affects the composition of breast milk or not.

In Russia, motherwort is often used as a sedative during breastfeeding. Women give preference to him only because they did so from their mother, friend or even grandmother, that is, they completely trust their experience. Only you can decide what is more important to you, someone’s dubious experience or experiments on your own child. If you do decide to try the sedative properties of motherwort, do not use it as often as the instructions require. You should not purchase motherwort in the form of an alcohol tincture because it can inhibit the production of breast milk.

Modern medicine Novo-Passit

This sedative contains seven powerful plants. Among them are:

  • Melissa
  • St. John's wort
  • Valerian
  • Passionflower
  • Elder
  • Hop

Based on the instructions for use, this drug is not indicated for use during lactation. The fact is that no special studies have been conducted regarding the effect of Novo-Passit on the quality and composition of breast milk. Modern lactation consultants, together with neurologists, still use the drug in their practice, but do so with caution. You should strictly adhere to the doses indicated in the instructions and, if possible, change them downward.


This drug contains several extracts of medicinal plants: peppermint, valerian and traditionally motherwort. As for the question of whether it is possible to drink this sedative while breastfeeding, the answer is ambiguous.

The annotation states that Persen is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, many young mothers still use it, but in a much smaller dose than required by the instructions. In the case when the drug is taken in the doses recommended by the manufacturer, there is a real risk of losing lactation.

What sedatives can you take while breastfeeding?

Do not be embarrassed or experience a maternal inferiority complex if you take sedatives while breastfeeding. A child needs a calm, balanced mother who is confident in her actions. According to research, children of depressed mothers who experience constant stress gain weight worse and, consequently, develop less well. The lactation period in such women is shortened; they transfer their children to artificial feeding early.

Yes, help from loved ones and attention are important for the mother of an infant. But in addition to this, in some cases, approved sedatives are needed. Moreover, a number of drugs for the mother are generally safe for the baby, while others have shown low or very low concentrations in the baby’s blood plasma.

You can take the following drugs during breastfeeding:

  • Valerian. A herbal medicine that has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves muscle tone and spasms, dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and normalizes pulse. It has a beneficial effect on sleep and relieves pain due to its antispasmodic effect. It is taken in the form of water tinctures and tablets. Breastfeeding mothers are not allowed to take drops in an alcohol solution.
  • Motherwort. The sedative is made from plant materials; the drug from motherwort is harmless for breastfeeding infants. We use it in the form of tablets, aqueous solutions, but alcohol tincture is contraindicated. Motherwort has a sedative, antispasmodic, vasodilating effect due to its rich content of alkaloids. These nitrogenous compounds contained in plants interact with nerve cells and have a systemic effect.
  • Glycine. This amino acid has a nootropic effect, that is, it affects higher neuropsychic functions. Reduces anxiety, has an antidepressant effect, improves brain function, in particular memory and attention. Its protective effect is also known during periods of increased physical, emotional and intellectual stress. While maintaining the emotional stability and composure of the mother, glycine does not affect the newborn’s brain.
  • Light sedatives based on plants such as Alora, Persen and others. Lactation is not a strict contraindication for their use, since the composition is based on the same medicinal herbs. Some experts advise choosing single-component preparations rather than those containing many different herbs. For example, mint in Persen can reduce lactation.
  • Homeopathic sedatives are not contraindicated during breastfeeding, because the active ingredient in their composition is in extremely small doses. There are various drugs like Nervohel, which are taken outside of meals according to a certain schedule.
  • Modern medicine believes that some synthetic medications used in the treatment of depressive conditions are also relatively safe for babies. This series includes substances that increase the amount of natural neurochemical serotonins in the brain, increasing tone and mood, reducing anxiety levels, and eliminating irrational fears. Studies have shown that a number of drugs have a low risk of toxicity to the infant. But they should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Homeopathy against depression and nervousness

Most often, nursing mothers use two homeopathic remedies - Nervohel and Valerianachel. In pharmacies you can find these drugs in two forms:

  • Drops
  • Pills

If we are talking about nursing mothers, it is worth giving preference to tablets for the reason that the alcohol contained in the drops is absorbed into breast milk. It is worth saying that, according to many pediatricians (led by E.O. Komarovsky), homeopathic remedies are the ideal sedative for breastfeeding. This is based on the fact that such drugs have no side effects or contraindications. But, according to many doctors, the result is achieved due to the well-known placebo effect. Even if this is the case, this is not a reason not to solve some psychological problems using the above means.

Valerianaheel and Nervoheel are drunk no more than three times a day, preferably before meals, with plenty of liquid. However, it is recommended to take the final dose before going to bed to ensure a sound and restful sleep.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a doctor should decide whether or not to take sedatives during feeding. This must be done for the reason that he must check the actual compatibility of each drug with feeding the baby, based not only on the instructions, but also by analyzing research in the field of medicine.

Herbs with sedative effects

What sedatives can you use while breastfeeding? It is best to take the medications prescribed by your doctor. Doctors often recommend replacing conventional sedative pills with natural herbs. You can purchase a collection of ingredients at a pharmacy chain or mix the components yourself.

Permitted sedatives for breastfeeding (in the form of herbs) may be the following: valerian root, motherwort inflorescence, passionflower herb. This collection can be supplemented with mint or lemon balm.

These plants are usually sold dried and crushed. You just need to combine the same proportions of ingredients and add hot water. You need to insist this collection for about half an hour. After this, you need to strain the drink and take half a glass twice a day. The broth can only be stored in the refrigerator.

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