Temperature during VSD: why does it change and how to deal with it

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Neurosis is a very insidious disease, because it lies in wait for a person who is already exhausted. Along with anxiety, lack of rest and overexertion, stress hormones begin to be produced, while other important hormones decrease. At such a moment, the person’s condition worsens many times over.

Features of hormonal depression in women

This type of disorder is also called “female depression”, since it practically does not develop in men. The reason for this lies in physiology - representatives of the stronger sex are less susceptible to changes in hormone levels.

Most women do not even realize that they have such a deviation.

If we look at the statistics, it turns out that every eighth woman has experienced a depressive episode associated with changes in hormonal levels in her life. However, most often such changes are not given any significance.

However, such depressions are quite easy to identify. This condition can be diagnosed when, literally during the day, a woman exhausts all her energy reserves, suddenly becomes indifferent to everything around her, irritable and painfully reacting to the actions of people around her.

On a note!

In a state of depression, a person does not know how to believe in a good future, does not remember pleasant moments from the past, and does not expect positive changes in his life. And even if he tries to change something for the better, he is still sure of failure. Realizing that these thoughts are false and getting rid of them means getting better.

Causes of hormonal depression in women

The occurrence of this disease is based on problems associated with hormonal instability. There is also a physiological factor here.

Let's consider the main reasons that can provoke the development of this form of depression:

  • Menopause.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Infertility.
  • Birth of a child.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Endocrine diseases.

Experts have long traced a certain dependence of a woman’s mood on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, severe depression occurs, requiring the prompt intervention of a psychotherapist. Many women make attempts to simply endure this condition.

However, this approach to the problem is highly discouraged by modern specialists. The fact is that constantly being in a state of apathy can lead to a woman’s life losing all meaning, resulting in certain negative consequences.

One of the most common causes of depression concerns the onset of menstrual periods. But in this case, the changes are only temporary, and therefore it is not advisable to take any serious measures here.

Psychologists say that depression is often the result of overthinking. Our mind creates problems that do not exist in reality.

As a rule, after the end of menstruation, a woman can return to her usual lifestyle. A similar condition can occur shortly before the critical days.

If the patient has a tendency to develop apathy, then she is recommended to take special medications. They can significantly alleviate a woman’s condition and prevent the development of possible negative consequences.

Depression that occurs against the background of hormonal imbalances can be extremely difficult. It is often impossible to cope with them without the help of a specialist. With the development of prolonged depressive conditions, a woman may need to normalize her hormonal levels.

On a note!

Approximately 15% of women who give birth to a child suffer from this serious illness. A new mother will experience such unpleasant symptoms as lack of sleep and appetite, feelings of guilt, self-flagellation, and pessimistic thoughts. The woman is troubled by the feeling that she is a bad mother, unable to care for her child. She does not feel any love for the baby, and he himself seems hostile to her. The woman thinks that she made an irreparable mistake by giving birth to a child.


In children under 12 years of age, it is quite difficult to identify such a condition of the body as vegetative-vascular dystonia without the necessary diagnostic tests. An accurate diagnosis can only be made once the child reaches the age of twelve. If the child has the above symptoms, then there is a need to conduct a number of studies:

  1. Consultation and work of psychologists, social educators, psychotherapists to establish the causes contributing to the development of autonomic dysfunction.
  2. Examination of a child for hereditary, acquired or congenital diseases that have not been previously identified.
  3. Constant monitoring of the child by a pediatrician.

Differential diagnosis is necessary to exclude those ailments that are similar in their symptoms to vegetative-vascular dystonia. Prescribed in the following cases:

  • If you complain of pain in the heart, check for the presence of rheumatism;
  • If there are changes in breathing, bronchial asthma is excluded;
  • In case of fever, laboratory tests are prescribed to determine whether the illness is oncology, acute respiratory infections, endocarditis or sepsis;
  • If blood pressure is high, primary hypertension is excluded;
  • If there are changes of a psychological nature without additional symptoms, they are examined only by a psychotherapist.

Symptoms of hormonal depression

Identifying hormonal depression is usually not difficult. Against the background of this pathology, a woman experiences complete powerlessness and reluctance to engage in any activity. She withdraws into herself and tries to concentrate on her own condition.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Tearfulness . A woman begins to take any phrase personally, misinterpreting the words of those around her.
  • Excessive sentimentality. The disorder can be caused by almost any event, movie or book plot.
  • There are increased requirements for comfort . Bright light, pungent odors and unpleasant shades can generate a wave of negative emotions. The woman is not just indignant, but feels real discomfort from being surrounded by such irritants.
  • Irritability . Despite chronic fatigue and lack of energy, the woman retains the strength to fight quarrels and scandals. This leads to the fact that a nervous breakdown becomes possible even during the cleaning process.
  • Loneliness and melancholy . Due to chronic bad mood, the patient thinks about problems. In their absence, she can begin to create them on her own.
  • Blaming others. In view of this symptom, the possibility of developing quarrels and scandals increases significantly.
  • Poor concentration . Forgetfulness and inattention develop. However, the woman is absolutely not worried about this.
  • The emergence of irrational fears . Fears may appear when performing everyday activities, for example, traveling in an elevator or bus.
  • Significant decrease in performance. Doing anything becomes a burden, and all motivation is lost.

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In most cases, hormonal depression goes away on its own. If this does not happen, then it turns out to be very difficult to get rid of it. The basis of treatment in this case is the normalization of hormonal levels.

Interesting to know!

Positive thinking actually hurts some people and can lead to depression and anxiety. Happy people often prefer not to notice problems and put off solving them until later, but this only makes the problems bigger.

Prevention of thermoregulation failures

To prevent VSD from changing your daily plans by increasing your temperature under any load, you need to train your body and eliminate a number of bad habits:

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air during VSD accustom the body to light physical activity, so that when walking quickly, the autonomic system does not react with a temperature failure during VSD. Fresh air saturates the circulatory system and normalizes the psychological state during vvd.
  2. Herbal teas for VSD instead of the usual coffee and black tea will calm the nerves, strengthen the immune system, and give strength. Mint, linden, raspberry, lemon, strawberry are an excellent alternative to industrial drinks for all types of illness, especially for panic attacks, depression, overwork and signs of vitamin deficiency.
  3. Adequate and timely sleep (at least 8 hours a day and no later than 10 p.m. lights out). Even when the temperature rises during the day, sleep helps to restore strength and normalize the temperature during the night. Neglecting this recommendation can lead to overwork and greater exhaustion, both physical and psychological.


There are several types of hormonal depression, which depend on the severity of the disease:

  • Clinical depression. This is the so-called “classical” form of deviation. Characterized by a gradual development of symptoms. This diagnosis is made in the presence of three main factors: motor retardation, decreased mood, apathy.
  • Chronic depression . This form of the disease quite rarely develops against the background of hormonal changes. As a rule, the symptoms of this pathology are observed for two or more years. Moreover, in comparison with the form described above, they are less pronounced. The person is able to perform professional duties, communicates with relatives, but avoids other people and shows no interest in his hobbies.
  • Bipolar depression . It is the most severe type of disorder, in which mental disorders may occur. Patients experience sudden mood swings, irritability and tearfulness. He refuses to communicate due to slow speech and mental activity. In this case, immediate treatment is necessary.
  • Monopolar. Patients experience severe melancholy and self-esteem is significantly reduced. Such symptoms persist for a long time and require the intervention of a specialist.
  • Seasonal . It occurs in autumn and spring against the background of hormonal changes in the body. This is the mildest form of depression, which most women manage to cope with on their own.
  • Postpartum . The development of unpredictable disorders bordering on hallucinations and thoughts of suicide is possible. In some cases, patients develop postpartum psychosis, so you should consult a specialist at the very first symptoms of the development of pathology.
  • Dystrophic . The manifestation of the disease occurs due to attacks of uncontrollable irritability. Anger can arise for any reason. Such symptoms have no connection with fatigue and can cause severe aggression.
  • Adynamic . The patient experiences constant weakness. Even with minor loads, severe fatigue is observed. The person experiences a strong desire to be alone and avoids other people.
  • Ironic . In this case, ostentatious irony is used as a protective reaction of the body. This condition is extremely dangerous, since a woman only appears to remain socially active. In fact, she is deeply depressed with a high likelihood of suicidal thoughts.
  • Somatized . Against the background of this type of disorder, patients experience chest pain and migraines, as a result of which they sooner or later turn to a specialist. The main danger of this condition is the high probability that the manifestations of depression will be confused with the symptoms of other diseases, and the woman will be treated for non-existent diseases.
  • Asthenic . A woman becomes completely indifferent to the world around her. At the same time, her emotions and feelings are significantly dulled.

There is a connection between depression and physical health. For example, cardiovascular disease can lead to depression and vice versa.

Treatment methods

Therapy for hormonal depression should be comprehensive and include the following steps:

  • Drug treatment . It is used when we are talking about advanced pathology. In this case, the basis of therapy is the normalization of hormonal levels. Antidepressants serve as adjuvant therapy.
  • Psychotherapy . One of the key stages in the treatment of depression. A competent psychotherapist will help set the psyche for recovery, and the person will quickly get out of a depressed state.
  • Diet . Women suffering from hormonal depression should reconsider their diet. It is very important to include foods containing large amounts of vitamins in your daily menu. The diet must include dried fruits, seafood, chocolate and nuts.
  • Complete rest. First of all, we are talking about sleep lasting at least 7 hours. It is advisable to develop a certain routine and go to bed at the same time.

People with depression typically have elevated levels of cortisol and adrenaline, the fight-or-flight hormones, and this wears out the brain and many systems in the body. The results are dismal: exhaustion, cardiac strain, damage to the kidneys, circulatory and digestive systems, muscle fatigue, loss of appetite, impaired immunity and increased vulnerability to infections.

What should nutrition be like for VSD?

Nutrition correction is one of the main points in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is why it is necessary to increase the amount of magnesium and potassium salts entering the body. They are contained in the following products:

  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • legumes (peas, soybeans, beans);
  • rose hip;
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • eggplant;
  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • onion;
  • nuts;
  • parsley.

Thanks to these products, nerve impulses are transmitted and the performance of the heart and blood vessels improves. Also, foods rich in magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on restoring the balance between the sections of the ANS.

Foods containing potassium and magnesium

With the hypertensive type of autonomic dysfunction, you need to limit the consumption of the following products:

  • tea;
  • coffee;
  • salt;
  • pickles and marinades.

Preference should be given to products that help reduce vascular tone: carrots, beans, spinach, lettuce, barley porridge, cottage cheese.

With the hypotonic type of neurocirculatory dystonia, increase the consumption of products that help increase vascular tone: coffee, tea, kefir, milk.

With the normotonic type of VSD, the diet includes foods that reduce spasms in blood vessels and improve blood flow: citrus fruits, vegetable oils, spices in moderation.

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