What makes us depressed and how to deal with it


There is no point in telling yourself what you should have done or what you shouldn't have done in the past. You cannot change the past, but you can live in the present.

Just accept that you made the best decision you could with the information and resources available to you at the time. It is clear that, looking into the past from the height of past years and having additional information, you now see the situation more clearly and more fully than at the time of the event.

But it's best not to punish yourself for mistakes. And, as mentioned above, stop “chewing gum” and don’t generate anxiety out of nowhere.

Classics about the causes of depression


People who have a history of this disease in their family are more prone to depression. Although, of course, it also threatens those in whose families nothing like this was observed. And this is due to other factors.

For example, biochemical

The development of depressive disorders can be caused by biochemical disorders that occur for some reason in the brain. Depression can also be caused by taking certain medications, in particular hormonal ones.

Scientists also believe that depression and suicidal tendencies are closely related to low levels of serotonin, called the happiness hormone, in the brain.

Stress and other environmental factors

The loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, a large debt, a significant change in lifestyle - these and similar factors can lead to the fact that a person is unable to cope with the enormous psychological burden and “goes into depression.”

Long-term abuse of alcohol and drugs also inevitably leads to depression. Sometimes a person, with their help, tries to relieve mental pain, but finds himself in the same dead end from which he tried to get out.

Psychological and social reasons

We are all different, and what one can easily cope with causes significant psychological trauma to another. People who are impressionable, worried about anything, and have a pessimistic approach to life are more susceptible to depressive illnesses, especially if these character traits are affected by emotional stress.

Interestingly, women are about twice as likely to suffer from depression as men. There is an opinion that the role of biological, hormonal and reproductive factors cannot be denied in female depression.

In addition, psychologists distinguish between teenage depression, which most often manifests itself in the form of hostility and irritability, and elderly depression, which is associated with poor health, loneliness, lack of support, etc.

There are many reasons for this psychological deviation; they are individual for each person, but there are common psychotraumatic situations that can lead to this condition.

A number of individual psychotraumatic situations can lead to such a disorder of emotions. The manifestation of this condition in people is approximately the same.

How to help a person get out of depression? To do this, you should know the list of the main possible reasons leading to this condition:

  • serious illness;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • dismissal and problems at work;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • misunderstanding on the part of others (especially close ones).

That is, the impetus for the development of depressive neurosis is given by a psychotraumatic situation.

A funnel of negative emotions sucks a person in like a swamp. But it is important to distinguish a depressive state from a short-term (albeit strong) experience. The following signs help make a correct diagnosis:

  • Anhedonia is the loss of the ability to notice the good, the absence of any positive emotions.
  • Pathological thinking is the perception of all life situations through a negative prism, a pessimistic attitude.
  • Inhibited actions, prolonged gloomy mood.

On the other hand, depressive manifestations can be individual: for example, someone tends to withdraw into themselves, someone continues to maintain social contacts, but shows aggression, and so on. The lack of timely assistance only leads to further deterioration of the chronic condition.

How to get depressed in 10 minutes?

Always be interested in the opinions of others about you, notice envious people. The opinion of others is very important. This is the ultimate truth, it is not even subject to discussion. Does someone not like you? Do you get judgmental or judgmental looks? Here! This means there is something wrong with you. Surely you don’t know how to behave in polite society or you have no taste. Perhaps you don't look good and you shouldn't have gone out in those clothes and with that hairstyle. Try to become the person everyone wants you to be - this is very important!

Remember that you can't do anything . How can you achieve anything in this life if you are not as smart, talented, beautiful (underline as appropriate) as others? Do you have any weaknesses? Well, that’s it, the road to happiness is closed for you.

To fall into depression

Make enemies. Enemies are everywhere, just some slippery personalities skillfully disguise themselves, portraying hypocritical kindness and friendliness. In fact, they are all jealous of you! Take a close look at your friends and colleagues. Most likely, someone secretly hates you. Pay him back in kind!

Compare yourself to others . Just not with friends and acquaintances (they are not ideal), but with famous actresses and models. Do you like the comparison? Surely, the figure is far from that of a model, and the skin is not as perfect as that of the girls on the covers. Here is another reason to cry, terrible depression has almost appeared. But we don’t stop there.

Read news about murders and disasters . Our world is doomed, humanity will soon become extinct, no one loves anyone, there is so much hatred and violence everywhere. Terrible tragedies happen everywhere, what if tomorrow you get into an accident or worse?

Forget your dreams and do something you don't like at all. Achieving goals and dreaming of a wonderful future is useless. You won’t achieve success anyway, so why think about the impossible. It’s better to get a low-paying, uninteresting job and complain every day about your bastard boss, hypocritical colleagues and stupid clients.

Get into bad habits. Such habits help to overcome depression, so smoking, drinking and overeating will be a great addition to a bad mood.

Find the culprits. Who is to blame for your failures and problems? That's all of them!!! Who are they? If you wish, you can come up with a lot of ready-made options: the government, parents, children, weather... You simply became a hostage of circumstances.

More drama and bright emotions. Become a real “drama queen”, let everyone around you know what exactly you don’t like. Scandals, scenes of jealousy, broken dishes - all this will add a little variety to a dull and boring life.

More drama

Repeat af. The text can be rewritten at your discretion. These statements must be repeated every day - morning and evening.

Find negativity everywhere . There is so much dirt around, how can you be happy if everyone in this world suffers?

Listen to depressive music . Heartbreaking melodies about unhappy love are exactly what the doctor ordered.

Fall in love with an unavailable man. Choose the most inaccessible male representative, for example, a handsome married man. You can find a notorious scoundrel. There are many options. You are guaranteed a sea of ​​suffering for the coming year.

How to recognize depression?

The following signs (in their combination) will tell you that our loved ones or we ourselves are slowly but surely sinking into a depressive state:

  • constant feeling of anxiety, negative thinking;
  • loss of interest in everything that was interesting or enjoyable in the recent past (including sex);
  • irritability or a condition referred to as “wet eyes”;
  • feeling of hopelessness, guilt;
  • sleep disorders: insomnia or, conversely, sleeping too long, reluctance to wake up;
  • loss of appetite with weight loss or, conversely, a constant desire to chew something and, as a result, weight gain, which often aggravates the state of depression;
  • loss of strength, lack of energy, lethargy, reluctance and inability to make decisions, impaired concentration;
  • thoughts of death and reluctance to live;

These signs are often accompanied by physical symptoms (indigestion, headache, etc.) that cannot be treated.

Instead of conclusions

There is no generally accepted opinion as to what causes depression. Various factors contribute to the development of this disease, here is what you should pay attention to if you have the first signs of depression:

  • Biological differences. People suffering from depression have physical changes in the brain. The significance of these changes is still being determined, but it may help identify the underlying causes of the disease.
  • Chemical composition of the brain. Neurotransmitters are natural brain chemicals and likely play an important role in the development of depression. When this chemical is imbalanced, symptoms of depression may occur.
  • Hormones. Changes in hormonal levels can cause or contribute to the development of depression. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by thyroid problems, menopause, or a number of other conditions.
  • Heredity. Depression most often develops in people whose biological relatives suffered from this disease. Researchers are trying to find genes that contribute to the development of depression.
  • Events in life. Traumatic events such as the death or loss of a loved one, financial problems, stress or childhood trauma can also cause depression in some people.

Drug treatment

How to help a depressed person? If we are talking about a pathological condition, it is quite possible that the doctor will prescribe medication.

The most commonly used antidepressants are:

  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • inhibitors responsible for serotonin reuptake.

In the case of bipolar disorder, medications that have a stabilizing effect (improving mood) are needed. Speaking about such drugs, we can recall lithium.

Neuroleptics with antipsychotics help cope with delusional states (which are also accompanied by depressive mood).

Finally, in the case of manic states, anxiolytics are usually prescribed. Dysthymia is treated with tricyclic antidepressants or bupropion.


Do your best to distract yourself from negative thoughts. There are many things that give people real pleasure: playing with pets, walks in the park, reading, water treatments and much more.

Dangers of Depression

Some people do struggle with depression throughout their lives, but the reasons why this happens are not known. The phrase “fight depression” really holds true in this case.

The disease is quite complex and can take various forms and directions. Patients diagnosed with chronic depression often experience mild to moderate depression. Patients suffering from attacks of the disease may recover from the illness and quickly regain a stable good mood, but then fall back into a state of apathy. Today, many people suffer from just such wave-like attacks of depression.

Depression is a difficult illness to treat because it is associated with a genetic predisposition to perceive stress. But genetics is still an area that has not been thoroughly studied by science.

People with wealth, fame and success are not completely protected from this disease. Even with a seemingly happy and carefree life, a person may become deeply depressed, and all attempts to get rid of it may be ineffective or provide only temporary relief.

Cognitive therapy

Science shows that sensory therapy works well for some people to cope with depression. Treatments such as acupuncture, massage, acupressure, reflexology and others reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increase the production of oxytocin.

Cognitive therapy can also be extremely helpful in combating depression. This principle is based on the exclusion of a certain way of thinking that led to a mental disorder.

The therapist examines the patient's current thought patterns, highlighting false and harmful ideas. The goal of the method is aimed at changing the way of thinking to a more realistic and useful one, as well as eliminating thoughts that cause depression.

What to do if you are left alone with a problem

Each disease has its own treatment methods. The body is treated by some specialists, and the soul by others. Doctors who relieve mental disorders are psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Self-help and support for loved ones

To prevent depression, you can recommend regular words of encouragement to yourself, since in a state of depression a person does not love himself at all, and he needs to constantly work on increasing his self-esteem.
When planning your day, be sure to include in it what and how you will please yourself today. It's good to have a hobby. Walking and moderate physical activity help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. If depression lasts more than 2 weeks, this means that the person cannot cope on his own and will not go away on its own. In this condition, you should contact a psychiatrist for medication help. Additionally, see a psychologist, especially if depression is caused by external troubles. Medicines correct brain chemistry, a psychologist works with the individual on self-regulation of behavior, advises practicing psychologist Olga Alpeeva.

In the fight against depression, the support of loved ones is important. Alone, the outcome will not be in your favor. You should think about problems as little as possible, and under no circumstances lead an antisocial life, because communication with others heals the soul. You need to find new hobbies, perhaps more drastic changes are needed - change jobs or plan to move to a new home.

One of the main causes of depression is the desire of modern man for loneliness, isolation, and isolation.
Young people strive to live separately and independently, are in no hurry to start a family and children, and practice guest marriage or open relationships. They take care of themselves, their career, their education. Over time, alienation (coupled with stress) can lead to depressive thoughts, and there is no one to share your experiences with. Unfortunately, in such situations, our society more often judges, calls you names, considers you a “rag,” rather than helping. But there is no need to be afraid and ashamed of the problem, we need to solve it, adds conflict expert Oleg Ivanov.

Unfortunately, people have a hard time admitting that they are depressed. They refuse qualified help. Patients in a depressed state not only consider it shameful to contact a psychologist, but also in every possible way deny that they have problems. They think that only mentally ill people need to go to the hospital, but why should they, because they are completely healthy. Just think, there is no mood and everything is bad, no matter who it happens to. They do not want to tell a stranger, even a qualified specialist, about their psychological state. They are ashamed to share their secrets, they don’t want to let you into their souls.

However, in case of prolonged conditions, it is definitely recommended to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis. Due to the fact that long-term depression mainly affects the serotonin pathways, your doctor may prescribe medications that will speed up recovery from a depressive state and help restore normal serotonin production.

What diet causes depression?

As a rule, depression during the period of dieting manifests itself in a mild degree.

Severe forms of the pathological process with loss of interest in life during weight loss are rare. Most often, with various restrictions on food, a person simply stops enjoying the period of eating. This can lead to mood swings or apathy. What causes this condition?

  1. Unstable mood while following a strict diet can be caused by monotonous food. Most often, depression develops during mono-diets, that is, when a person tries to lose weight by eating one specific product. However, a similar condition can develop with prolonged consumption of a variety of but the same foods. The first signs of depression in this case are complaints of constant weakness, fatigue and drowsiness. A person’s emotional state also suffers.
  2. Depression can be caused by eating unloved foods. During this period, a person receives practically no pleasure from eating food, and in a more severe condition may experience complete aversion to it. All this can cause serious psychological trauma, which most often ends in depression.
  3. There are practically no weight loss diets that can replace a nutritious diet. As a result, the human body does not receive the substances necessary for its life. And in this case, a depressive state is a kind of signal for help.

Foreign practice

Depression is a problem for all of humanity. WHO compares it to an epidemic; anyone can get sick. It leads to problems at work and in the family, illnesses that result in disability.

Every year, up to 150 million people around the world lose their ability to work due to depression. Research shows that residents of technologically advanced countries experience symptoms of depression more often. The largest number of suicides is registered in developed countries: Japan, Sweden and the USA.

According to the Japanese Cabinet of Ministers, more than 27 thousand people committed suicide in 2013 alone. The main reason is health problems, lack of material means of subsistence, and disagreements in the family. In 40-65% of cases, the depressive state is to blame.

Can we influence heredity?
No. And we also cannot influence age. But we can influence stress by changing the perception of this stress, on our social environment, psychological impact, and attitude towards certain issues of life. It is often difficult for a person to do this on his own. Accordingly, among Western colleagues, approaches using various methods of psychotherapy, psychology, and innovation are most common. In Russia, supporting events are only gaining momentum. For example, the level of visits to psychologists and psychotherapists is gradually increasing. They can not only resolve stress-related issues, but also help eliminate potential risks associated with financial problems. Specialists of such lines are usually psychologists or coaches. They help people reach a certain level and change their socioeconomic status, ” says Ivan Rybakov, a researcher at the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute of Occupational Medicine”.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, only 9% of Americans suffer from depression. In Switzerland, the presented illness is the first reason for issuing sick leave to a person and releasing him from work. Experts partially associate the increase in the development of depression with the general aging of people - there is a decline in the birth rate, which leads to an increase in the age of the average person.

Most often, people in remote regions with low levels of medical care suffer from depressive disorders. Insufficient level of medical care, poor environment, low and unequal incomes are the main causes of the disease in different countries of the world. Depression is more likely to occur in people who live in rainy climates and are often exposed to dampness and bad weather. How long the sun shines also affects performance - in the dark a person begins to feel lonely and depressed. Particular attention is paid to natural disasters. For example, all people who survived Hurricane Katrina in the United States suffered from mental disorders.

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