How to cure depression with hypnosis?

Depression is a multifaceted chronic disorder. It is accompanied by a decrease in the emotional background, inhibition of intellectual processes, apathy to everything that happens, fatigue at the physiological level, and the development of somatic pathologies.

It is extremely difficult to get out of this state without professional help. The fact is that this condition tends to become chronic, recur and take a severe course. As a result, such people experience suicide attempts, which end in death.

Depression in one form or another affects a large number of people around the world. According to WHO statistics, more than 350 million people of different age categories suffer from it. This condition often causes disability and loss of ability to work. Experts make a disappointing forecast - depression comes out on top among diseases, ahead of cardiovascular pathologies and infectious diseases.

Depressive states develop under the influence of various provoking factors. Many of them arise in a person at an unconscious level and cannot be analyzed and controlled by him. In most cases, a person is unaware that he has problems associated with depression.

One of the reasons for the development of a depressive state is the incorrect interpretation of a negative event. Personality traits such as pessimism, low resistance to stress, inappropriate reactions, the use of alcohol as a means of relaxation, etc. contribute to depression.

From a cheerful, sociable person, he becomes withdrawn, irritable, and gloomy. Access to the reasons for such changes can only be obtained by a specialist hypnologist, who will see them in the “unconscious sphere” of a person when he is in a trance state. Hypnosis takes a person back to the past. It allows you to see the whole picture of the problem. In a state of hypnotic trance, all the negative experiences and emotions that have accumulated over the years and led to such a difficult condition appear in the human subconscious.

So, hypnosis can determine the true cause of the disease. Can he treat it?

According to clinical studies in Europe, the USA and in our country, the key methods of treating depression are antidepressants or mood stabilizers, as well as psychotherapy. As world practice shows, there is no point in treating depressive pathology without psychotherapy. Hypnosis is a special case of psychotherapy. It allows you to cope with a psycho-emotional state disorder without having a negative impact on the patient’s body. It has a number of advantages over drug therapy and is considered by world medicine as one of the most effective methods of combating depression.

What is depression

Experts in the field of psychology have long divided depression into several types: endogenous, deep and neurotic. With endogenous depression, a person is overcome by an irresistible melancholy, he is far from reality and goes into his own thoughts, movements become slow, and solving even the most insignificant problems becomes impossible. A deeply depressed person blames only himself for any failure, engages in soul-searching and destroys himself with negative thoughts. Neurotic depression drives a person into a dead end, depriving him of joy and positivity. He is constantly in a bad mood, sleeps poorly, and often gets sick. All these types of depression require mandatory correction. Hypnosis for depression and anxiety is the first aid for these types of disorders.

Trance power

When you are in a trance, you are in a different mental state. You are awake, you are in control, but your attention becomes narrow and incredibly focused. You are more receptive to any suggestions that the “operator” tells you. Your subconscious opens, and you are ready to see things that are beyond rational comprehension. Through hypnosis you can encourage a person to quit smoking or dance on a table, but both are a task for a professional. On the other hand, absolutely anyone can enter a light trance in order to subsequently reach a hypnotic state.


If there are a lot of reasons leading to a depressive state, then the symptoms are mostly similar. Common symptoms include:

  • depressed mood, which becomes a constant companion;
  • apathy;
  • severe fatigue;
  • loss of interest even in previously favorite activities;
  • feeling of fear;
  • anxiety;
  • low concentration;
  • poor self-esteem;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • sleep and appetite disorders.

In a state of depression, a person cannot concentrate on anything, constantly thinks about his uselessness, and often remembers life’s failures. Bleak prospects drive the patient into a corner: he stops taking care of himself, tries to limit communication with friends and colleagues, and rarely leaves the house to go outside. A person understands that he cannot do without the help of a specialist, but constantly puts off visiting a doctor. The longer this state lasts, the more difficult it is for a person to get out of it. It turns out to be a vicious circle, which can only be broken in one way - by seeing a specialist and starting treatment for depression with hypnosis.

Predictions of effectiveness, complications

Predictions for the effectiveness of therapy depend on many factors.

  • Psychotype of the patient, features of his personality. Some personalities are less susceptible to suggestion. These, for example, include schizoids; people of the stuck type are extremely difficult to suggest, and a separate approach needs to be developed for them. Therefore, it is also necessary to evaluate the suggestibility of the sufferer, so as not to waste time on pointless attempts.
  • The qualifications of the attending physician, his desire to treat the sufferer. To manage those suffering not only from depression, but also from other disorders, it is necessary to have a sufficient level of knowledge and skills. In addition, everything is decided by experience, the ability to correctly assess the situation and act according to the circumstances.
  • Method of induction into trance, its depth. In some cases, a superficial trance with complete preservation of consciousness is not effective. In this situation, other approaches are indicated. There can be many options.
  • Severity of depression. Severe resistant forms of the pathological process require an integrated approach. There is no point in hypnosis alone. Psychopharmacological support is required. Plus, to work effectively, you need to know the causes of the disorder. Its background. The results depend on how carefully the doctor approaches the problem.
  • Establishing rapport, quality of established contact. Without high-quality trusting contact there can be no talk of treatment. It's a waste of time. As soon as the doctor senses a lack of contact, he tries to resume it. If ineffective, the only solution is to refuse further restoration. But this happens relatively rarely.
  • Age. In the early years, as well as in the elderly, the suggestibility of patients increases. Therefore, it is somewhat easier to work with them compared to mature people and young people. They are influenced much worse, for the most part.

What happens when a patient is managed incorrectly?

There are not many complications. Basically this is the lack of effect from the procedures. In addition, in the presence of psychosis, sharp exacerbations of psychotic symptoms and progression into acute psychosis are possible. Worsening of the course of depression also occurs. The appearance of somatic manifestations and exacerbation of diseases is possible.


Hypnosis as a treatment method

The traditional method of treating depressive conditions is drug therapy. People take pills for months, sit for hours at doctors' offices, but often the situation not only does not improve, but is also aggravated by the appearance of new symptoms. A hypnosis session for depression in such cases is much more effective, solving the problem at the subconscious level. Moreover, this method has no side effects. Experts in the field of hypnosis believe that a stressful situation simply triggers the mechanism of depression. The reason itself lies in the subconscious - as a long-term result of human perception of reality. It is enough to competently change this perception to permanently save the patient from depression and its negative consequences.

Without realizing it, a person regularly falls into a state of trance. He concentrates on some important task, and his brain stops hearing distracting sounds and does not see external stimuli. The body is designed in such a way that trance “mini-sessions” are necessary for it to function normally. The work of a hypnologist is also based on putting the patient into a trance state to help him get rid of fears and phobias and change his internal attitudes to positive ones. During the session, a person relives a stressful situation, at which time the hypnologist gives the correct instructions, which helps to look at the problem from a different perspective. Treatment of depression with hypnosis can completely change your attitude towards your own fears, direct your thoughts in the right direction, and restore joy to life. In addition, a person after several sessions of hypnosis:

  • leaves destructive behavior behind;
  • replaces negativity with positive deeds and thoughts;
  • begins to live in the present and future;
  • changes his attitude to the realities of life;
  • stops expecting bad events;
  • becomes balanced externally and internally;
  • feels replenishment of energy.

Modern techniques for depression

In addition to hypnosis, there are also methods that help with depression. Treatment is selected for each patient individually depending on the severity of the disease. Comprehensive treatment includes:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Consultation with a psychologist.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Rehabilitation.

Special groups are created where people have the opportunity to communicate with each other and share positive emotions while getting used to a new way of life.

If your health worsens and the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact your doctor in order not to let the disease take its course and prevent the disease from progressing to a more severe form. The specialist will immediately determine what treatment needs to be prescribed - a conversation with a psychologist is enough or additional prescription of medications is necessary.

Methods and methods of treatment

In order for treatment of depression with hypnosis to be successful, psychological contact must be established between the hypnologist and the patient. A person must trust a specialist and understand that a hypnosis session is a tool with which one can get out of a negative state and open the door to a new life - positive and fulfilling. Any session consists of several successive stages:

  1. Creating a calm, balanced environment.
  2. Focusing the patient's attention.
  3. Putting him into a trance state.
  4. Therapeutic suggestion.
  5. Breaking out of trance.
  6. Return to reality.

There are many ways to introduce hypnosis. But they are all based on several methods that are classics of the “genre” in the treatment of depressive conditions.

Direct suggestions. The method only works if the person is easily suggestible. The hypnologist gives direct commands, after which the patient falls into a trance. With the help of commands, suggestion is carried out, and all further work is built.

Fixation on an object. The person’s gaze is focused on the pendulum of the clock, the hands of the hypnologist, or any other object. At this time, the hypnologist puts the patient into a trance and makes certain suggestions.

"Confusion". A person is confused with the help of various conclusions, which at some point introduce his consciousness into “chaos”. When the patient is ready to do anything to break these puzzles, he is put into a trance state.

Template break. The hypnologist performs generally accepted actions, and at some point does not correspond to the standard situation. The patient is confused, and at this time he can be easily put into a trance.

Age regression. The hypnologist mentions the days of the week, well-known dates, gradually leading the patient to the most significant dates in his life. At the time when a person remembers life events starting from birth, a suggestion session begins. This method is usually used in cases where it is necessary to return to the patient’s past and correct his attitude towards the past.

What additional methods should you use?

In addition to hypnotherapy itself, other types of psychotherapy are also used.

Hypnosis is used as an auxiliary method. First you need to find out what caused the negative state. In this case, the etiology is assessed. It is necessary to talk with the patient, identify the specific culprit of the disorder, and work through this problem. The task is not easy. It takes from 12 to 16 sessions, each one hour long. It is used, among other things, as an auxiliary method of correction.

Aimed at analyzing thinking stereotypes. Patients with depression experience a kind of “locking in” to a negative pattern of understanding reality. The specialist’s task is to change the vector of thinking. Teach a positive perception of reality, an understanding that not everything is so deplorable. This is not easy, it may take more than one month. Cognitive behavioral therapy is provided on an individual basis. Then, after partial improvement of the condition, group classes are indicated. But only when the patient is ready for them.

  • Psychodynamic method of treatment

Based on the postulate that depression, as a disease, comes from childhood trauma. Regressive hypnosis, determination of a specific moment and case is required. Then, at a conscious level, the old problem is worked through, which leads to improvement. This statement is not always true, but in the presence of childhood trauma, success can be achieved.

Can hypnosis cure depression without other measures?

Only in mild forms and in the initial stages. In other cases, you need to adhere to the standards: psychotherapy plus pharmacological support with antidepressants.

Light trance

Light trance is the first stage of self-hypnosis.

1. Take a comfortable position in a quiet and dark room. Relax as much as possible. You can take off your shoes and loosen the belt on your jeans.

2. Find something to focus on. It could be anything: a spot on the wall, a corner of a picture, a candle. Choose something that is in line of sight so you don't have to strain your eyes.

3. Don't say anything, but think to yourself that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. You have to feel it, instill it in yourself. Repeat this thought every 30 seconds.

4. Focus on your eyelids. You will soon notice that they are really heavy. The feeling of this heaviness will deepen over time. Close your eyes the moment you feel that it is impossible to keep them open.

5. When your eyes close, let yourself relax. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Exhale slowly through your lips until you hear a slight whistle. Your jaw should open slightly. A feeling of warmth and heaviness will begin to spread from the top of your head to your toes. Continue to breathe slowly and smoothly, try to enter a state of deep calm - trance has been achieved.

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