Kinesthetics. What is it, a kinesthetic person, visual, auditory, digital. How to determine characteristics

Signs of perception

Perception is a cognitive process in psychology, the result of which is the formation of a subjective picture of the world through the direct impact of an object or phenomenon on the human senses.

The completed image of an object in the human mind is formed as a result of the combined work of various analyzers. Thus, through vision one can draw a conclusion about the color of an object, and through tactile palpation one can obtain information about its texture. If you take an object in your hands, you can feel its weight, with the help of smell you can feel its smell, and through the receptors on the tongue you can determine the taste. It turns out that in the process of getting to know a subject, cognition and perception merge together.

Important! Perception is always subjective. Individual characteristics of the work of analyzers and a person’s life experience explain the fact that the finished image of an object perceived by different people may differ. The process of perception is inextricably linked with thinking, attention, memory, speech, and the emotional-volitional sphere.

Levels of perception

The process of forming a holistic image of an object goes through 4 levels:

  1. One of the analyzers notices the object. A person can see it, smell it or hear some characteristic sound.
  2. Correlating the signal from the analyzer with a particular object. This process occurs with reference to the existing in memory ideas about the objects of the surrounding reality and the correlation of the detected feature of the object with one or another standard.
  3. Identification and identification. As a result of mental activity, a person comes to the conclusion about what kind of object it is, what it is called, and what it is needed for. The result of the process is the formation of a complete image of the object.

Forming an image of an object

Visual in a social group, society

When talking with another person, a visual person always has active gestures, and when carefully listening to information from the outside, he usually looks at the interlocutor, almost without looking up, or periodically writing something down or drawing in a notebook, since this allows him to cover a larger amount of information and remember it .

However, more often it happens that a visual person has difficulty concentrating on the interlocutor’s speech, but requires full attention. Also, visual people are less capable of monologues “into the void,” that is, when the interlocutor does not listen to him, because he can only maintain a conversation.

His own appearance also comes into the visual field of vision, which is why he is always “dressed to the nines.” A fully thought-out set of clothing items that match each other in color - he demands this equally from himself and from the people around him.

For this reason, the majority of visual artists are women, but of course these are just statistics. True visuals do not exist: one sensory system will only be dominant, but all systems will always act together.

Types of information presentation

Everyday life and human activities are associated with numerous flows of information. Information can be presented in the following forms:

  • The textual method of presenting information is a set of special characters written on paper or electronic media. Such symbols are numbers and letters of the alphabet.
  • The graphical method of presenting information is often used to display statistical data or when there is a need to use visualization for a better understanding of the text. For this purpose, charts, histograms, drawings, charts, and tables are used.
  • Telephony and radio broadcasting use radio waves and sound signals to present information.
  • On television, light signals are used to present information.
  • Multimedia. This type of information presentation involves the use of a computer and combines text, audio, graphic information and video.

First of all, you need to understand why a person, in principle, needs to know which type he belongs to? How can this information help him in life? In total, there are 4 main types of perception:

  • visual – using vision;
  • auditory – due to the hearing organs;
  • kinesthetic – the senses are involved here;
  • digital – thinking is used.

It cannot be that the other systems are not turned on at all, but one of them certainly prevails. It then begins to launch the thinking process, represents the initial impetus that provokes other mental processes: memory, visualization, imagination.

For example, you are advised to imagine soft cat fur:

  1. A person with a visual type of perception first of all imagines the animal itself, and only then remembers how pleasant its fur is to the touch.
  2. Auditory - will reproduce the sounds that the animal makes, and only then turn to other sensations.
  3. The kinaesthetic will instantly feel the soft fur touching his skin, after which the image of a cat will appear in his head.
  4. The digital must mentally say the name of the object (cat), internal speech will help him recreate its image and fur in his imagination.

It turns out that we can all imagine a four-legged pet, but for some the image will immediately pop up in their heads, while for others it will be reproduced later using their prevailing system. It is through the trigger system that the stimulus is transformed into an image in the brain. Accordingly, if you want to learn to better understand your loved ones, as well as yourself, and understand in what form the information presented will be absorbed faster and better, you will need knowledge about the types of perception.

Let's take a closer look at all the types with their characteristic features.

How to deal with kinesthetic learners?

A kinesthetic person is not just a psychotype for whom touch is important.

This person still needs the following items:

  • cosiness;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • tasty food;
  • comfortable clothes and shoes.

Using just a few of the above points, you can easily win over a kinesthetic learner. For a comfortable environment, first of all, it is necessary to avoid stuffiness and maintain an optimal temperature. It should be noted that most people of this psychotype do not like the presence of drafts.

To create coziness, you need to exclude bright lighting.

In addition, for kinesthetic learners it is important to have comfortable upholstered furniture or chairs. If you need to win the favor of a person of a given psychotype, then you can invite him to dinner. However, before doing this, you should ask about the preferences of the future guest. When cooking, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of the dish. It is better to focus on taste and smell.

Kinesthetic learners love comfort. Therefore, in order to achieve the favor of such a person, you can give comfortable shoes or clothes. It can be something inexpensive, but always warm. For example, gloves. In addition, terry bedding can be an excellent gift for a kinesthetic learner. You can please a person with such features by visiting a spa.

When communicating with people of this psychotype, you should remember their tendency towards conservatism. Therefore, a sudden change of plans, moving, or even an unexpected pleasant trip can cause irritation in a kinesthetic learner. In addition to all of the above, you should not neglect tactile contact. A simple pat on the shoulder will encourage such a person better than pleasant words.

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Types of perception in people

All analyzers always participate in the process of accepting the surrounding reality, but only 1 of them is the leading channel for obtaining information. So, when reading, the leading channel is vision, when listening to music – hearing, etc. Perception is usually classified on various grounds.

In social science, a peculiarity of people's perception of each other has been identified. When meeting someone, it is not possible to obtain enough information to form a complete, complete image. Only in the process of long-term communication do people get to know each other so much that a psychological portrait of a friend is formed in their minds.

At the time of the first meeting, people try to make a good impression if they are interested in a communication partner. They seem to stand on their tiptoes, wanting to become morally superior. At the very beginning of a relationship, people diligently disguise their shortcomings and weaknesses. A person’s primary image of an interlocutor is formed based on an analysis of his posture, posture, gestures, and communication style.

People's perceptions of each other

In addition, if the interlocutor reveals his profession, the person mentally attributes to him the stereotypical qualities of a typical representative of a particular field of professional activity. Thus, people tend to believe that teachers lead a correct lifestyle, and musicians are vulnerable, impressionable, and romantic.

A person’s social status also has a significant impact on the opinion others have about him.

Interesting fact. If a person has a beautiful appearance, then communication partners tend to endow him with positive personal qualities that he actually does not possess. If outwardly the interlocutor reminds a person of one of his relatives, sympathy for him arises from the first minutes of communication.

I once observed a married couple at my psychological appointment. She is a well-groomed, slender, hair-to-hair blonde, with a taut back. Having aligned her legs in high heels evenly to each other, this beauty - a woman with her head held high - gracefully sat on the edge of the chair. “A very uncomfortable, but impressive-looking pose,” I thought.

Kinesthetics of communication

Some people really like to touch their interlocutor, touch him. This applies to both girls and boys. Touch on a kinesthetic level helps to exchange information. It is believed that tactility is more characteristic of girls, and to a much lesser extent - of guys. In some ways, public opinion discourages touching, especially when the conversation takes place in public.

Girls usually do not follow such unwritten rules. They need touch to confirm their own mood and thinking. By touching a friend, girls convey their emotional mood and feel a response. However, if the interlocutor is not in the mood, he may not like the touch, and may even make him irritated. Is touch necessary if a friend recently had reduction mammoplasty? The cost of tactile sensations can be assessed at the level of the reaction of the most ancient nerve centers responsible for tactile perception. In this situation, the girl will certainly appreciate the unobtrusive protection from the guy, when he himself does not touch correctly, but with his hands and back he will protect her from unexpected shocks and inconvenience. This type of kinesthetic communication, which excludes direct contact, can be very effective if a guy wants to win a girl’s affection. Any beauty will appreciate the feeling of protection and reliability.

In a conversation with guys, a girl unconsciously touches her interlocutor, conveying her feelings to him, increasing the emotionality of what was said. Especially if the guy is attractive to the girl, then the attractiveness increases significantly. A girl may unconsciously touch her arm, shoulder, or hair. These are completely random movements, and if you talk about them, the girl simply won’t remember what she did with her hands. But she will definitely pay attention to the fact that the guy holds her palms a little longer during a greeting, puts his hand on her shoulder with a winning smile, and fingers his fingers during a casual conversation. This will arouse undoubted trust on the part of the girl and will help quickly establish warm, friendly relations.

The kinesthetic effect enhances mental perception, and psychological reactions are activated. By studying the kinesthetics of communication, we can derive some rules for influencing a partner. However, reciprocity must be taken into account here. When a girl doesn’t like a guy, she won’t touch her and won’t tolerate any touches from him and will categorically reject his attentions.

How are types of perception determined?

Diagnostics of the type of perception

Knowing your type of perception helps a person learn more effectively. There are special techniques that can be used to determine the dominant type of perception.

To begin with, a person can observe his mental activity. Where does the presentation begin: with a picture (visual) or with a feeling (kinesthetic), with sounds (auditory) or with logical meanings (digital)? In addition, the dominant type of perception reveals itself in speech: people tend to more often use those words that have a connection with their dominant perceptual system.

You can also determine the type of perception by the dominant short-term memory. A visual person is a person who finds it easier to remember graphic information. An auditory learner is a person who remembers better by hearing. If for effective memorization a person needs to rely on bodily sensations, then he is a kinesthetic learner. Digitalists are those who focus on logic when memorizing.

In addition, S. Efremtseva developed a method for determining the dominant perceptual modality.

Basic properties of perception with examples

The mental process under consideration has the following properties:

  • Integrity is a characteristic of the final image that arises as a result of a combination of sensations. The final image is always complete. For example, a fly is perceived by a frog as an object of hunting only when the fly moves. If the fly is motionless, the frog does not try to catch it, since it does not perceive it as an insect.
  • Constancy - once acquired characteristics of a particular object, a person tends to correlate it with this particular object for a long time, accurately forming the final image. Minor changes in the characteristics of an item do not lead to difficulties with its classification. So, for example, a young man dates a tall girl who has blue eyes and blond hair. One day his girlfriend dyed her hair brunette. But he still perceives her as his partner; she has not become a stranger to him.
  • Subjectness - the ability to combine an object with a generic group according to key characteristics. For example, green, round, sweet - this is an apple. Green, long, with paws and a tail - this is a crocodile. The process of classifying items into generic groups may take some time. Sometimes, for a correct correlation, a person needs to come up and take a closer look at the object or pick it up.

Objectivity of perception

  • Structurality is reflected in the complexity of the perception process, which cannot be reduced simply to the sum of sensations from different senses. Replacing one of the key characteristics leads to the formation of a completely new image. So, for example, something large, iron and capable of floating is a ship. However, a large, iron one, capable of moving along railroad tracks is a train, not a ship.
  • Selectivity – selection of 1 object from the background. The scope of perception is limited. A child cannot play with many toys at the same time. First of all, he will take the brightest or largest toy. This turns on selectivity: the baby chooses the most eye-catching object by color or size. Having chosen his favorite toy from a variety, the child loses interest in the others for a while; only the best one is in his field of perception.
  • Apperception is the dependence of image formation on the individual characteristics of a person’s analytical systems and his life experience. The same object can be perceived differently by different people. So, for example, the Bible for believers is one of the main books of life, which sets out the rules of life and the foundations of society, but for an atheist it seems to be just a book that is no different from any other work of art.
  • Perception activity is a person’s ability to be aware of the surrounding reality and accumulate experience in using objects. For example, initially the baby does not know what function the spoon performs. He can knock on the wall with it, look at it like in a mirror, dig sand with it. One day his mother shows him that he can eat with a spoon. Having learned this, the baby understands that a spoon is a cutlery, and not a hammer, a mirror or a spatula.

Errors in Perception

As in any other mental process, errors occur in perception, as a result of which a person forms erroneous ideas about objects and phenomena. Typical perceptual errors include illusions and hallucinations.


Illusion is a distorted perception of objects or phenomena. There are 2 types of illusions:

  • Affectogenic illusions caused by emotions and feelings. For example, a timid person can clearly see a monster in the shadow of a bush, while a person with low self-esteem seems to be disliked by his superiors and is constantly being picked on.
  • Pareidolic illusions, which are characterized by the appearance of fantastic images when interacting with reality. For example, black spots on a white sheet can be mistaken by a person for insects.

How does the type of perception influence the learning process?

Knowing the characteristics of your own perceptual system helps organize the learning process.

The process of presenting information for visual learners must be accompanied by clarity. They have good skills in working with text and, if desired, quickly master the technique of speed reading. They remember information well by making mind maps or graphs, working with demonstration models, and gaining knowledge through experimental activities.

Important! Extraneous sounds will not interfere with the concentration of the visual. With the TV on, he will be able to prepare for the exam just as well, using charts and tables, as in silence.

The main channel of perception of educational material for an auditory child is hearing. Lectures are comfortable for him. He learns new material well by participating in discussions and conversations.

For kinesthetic learners, the learning process should involve the possibility of movement and practical actions. The most suitable forms of organizing the educational process for him are practical and laboratory work.

Important! These people have unstable attention. However, their advantage is the rapid switching from one activity to another.

Digital students excel in logical disciplines and programming. Computerized learning suits them. The material will be absorbed by the digital if he understands its logical basis, and new information will be superimposed on his existing knowledge and organically fit into his picture of the world.

Types of perception in communication

In situations of interpersonal communication, types of perception reveal differences, which can be seen in people's behavior.

Thus, visual learners pay great attention to a person’s appearance, facial expressions and gestures when communicating. Eye contact is important for them. Sometimes it seems that such people are able to guess the thoughts of their interlocutor.

Perception in communication

The visual person himself feels comfortable during the communication process and takes an open pose. These are great storytellers.

Attention! They tend to establish a spatial distance with the interlocutor: being too close to a communication partner, visual learners experience discomfort.

It’s nice to communicate with an audio audience. Their speech is literate, rich in intonations, and its pace is comfortable for perception. They understand their communication partners perfectly. A raised tone and insults towards the auditory person will lead to him refusing to communicate.

For kinesthetic learners, the key to a good conversation is the setting. They truly enjoy discussing personal experiences and emotions, both their own and those of others.

Something to remember! Kinaesthetic will not let someone you don’t know close to you. When communicating with loved ones, kinesthetics need physical touch.

Digital people rarely openly show emotions when communicating with others. They quickly grasp the meaning of what the interlocutor said. They don’t like prefaces; they want to quickly get to the point and facts.

Who is a kinesthetic learner?

Kinesthetics reveals a lot among people of other types - he will always prefer to touch, if possible, he will always fiddle with and try something, savor a dish for a long time in a restaurant, feel the bark of a tree and collect leaves in a bouquet in the park. In everyday communication, kinesthetics can be distinguished by several characteristics:

  • He may not look his partner in the eyes during a conversation , but he will try in any way to reduce the distance and touch you. No, this is not because he is in a hurry, he is ashamed or uninterested, he can be very passionate about the conversation with all his soul! And getting closer with touches is by no means harassment or physical sympathy, it’s just that he will participate in the conversation to the fullest.
  • The kinesthetic person is often distracted by some internal experiences and sensations, as if “withdrawing into himself” or as if yearning for something. His gaze stops at one point, his thoughts fly far away - he falls out of the conversation, lecture, lesson. School teachers, when faced with such manifestations, do not shout at the child or pull him back - this can bring a person to shock. They simply gently touch the shoulder, returning to the subject.
  • Most kinesthetic learners are people of action . A kinesthetic person doesn’t understand why everyone spends so much time thinking and discussing what and how - after all, you can already do something! Even if it’s wrong, even if you have to redo it later, the kinesthetic learner will do his thing.
  • A kinesthetic person feels his body well and controls it - therefore, people of this type of perception make the best dancers and athletes, massage therapists and tasters.
  • Kinesthetics love convenience and comfort - and not at all as a synonym for order. Their apartment may be a complete mess, and they themselves are by no means neat people - they can wear the same old faded sweater for years, the touch of which is pleasant to the body. And in an apartment, where everything is messy, but at hand, they feel much more comfortable.
  • In everyday life, kinesthetic people are very calm , reasonable, and can often seem withdrawn. They rely heavily on hunches and intuition. If a kinesthetic person is offended or needs support, then it is best to express it through a hug.

Kinesthetic child: how to raise

The foundations of perception as a mental process are laid in infancy. However, at an early age, the baby’s perception is still very imperfect. In the first years of life, a child develops visual-tactile and visual-motor connections that arise in the process of manipulative activities with objects. Later, the manipulation turns to “feeling” a new object with the gaze - this indicates a new stage in the development of perception.

In preschool and primary school age, perception is determined by the impressionability and emotionality of children: involuntary perception prevails over voluntary perception.

The most difficult for children to master are the spatial properties of objects that are associated with visual, kinesthetic and tactile sensations. During preschool childhood, children successfully master concepts such as shape, size and size of objects, learn to determine the distance and spatial arrangement of objects relative to each other.

The perception of time poses serious difficulties for children of primary preschool age. They do not always correctly use the words “tomorrow”, “yesterday”, “later”, “earlier”.

Children's perception of time

As the child masters the surrounding world, as well as systematic schooling, the child’s conditioned reflex connections improve, which is an impetus for the development of perception.

The key role in the development of children's perception belongs to adults. Thus, parents and teachers teach children how to operate with objects, guide the child’s development process, and draw his attention to the essential characteristics of objects and phenomena of reality. An adult’s detailed and complete answers to a child’s questions about certain objects and phenomena will mean a lot.

Attention! To develop a child’s perception, it is necessary to organize his play and practical activities with objects. During the game, children learn to distinguish the basic properties of objects: color, weight, shape, size. In order for a child to study an object and understand its purpose, he needs to touch it and try to perform various actions with it. During the game and practical activities, optimal conditions are created for the interaction of analyzers, which leads to the formation of a holistic view of the world.

Children's artistic activities have enormous potential for the development of perceptual skills. In drawing from a model and in the process of sculpting, children learn to feel proportions, convey the shape and size of an object, and distinguish between shades of a palette. Thus, by older preschool age, the child’s perception becomes controlled and arbitrary.

During the period of schooling, perception is improved due to the variety of academic disciplines and various types of activities of children under the guidance of a teacher. To develop perceptual skills, the teacher must use visual aids: firstly, this stimulates the work of several analyzers at once, and secondly, it contributes to better memorization of information. Independent search work of students is of great importance.

Thus, perception plays an important role in human life. Perceptual skills formed at a high level ensure successful learning, harmonious personal development, and the ability for scientific creativity. It is important for adults to remember that this ability will not be formed by itself; it is necessary to create conditions for the child to play with different objects from an early age.

Brief perception of reality

The most important thing in raising children is to choose the right tools of influence that attract attention. For auditory learners it will be sounds, and visual learners will give up everything for the sake of beautiful pictures, but what to do with a kinesthetic child? He almost doesn’t listen because he doesn’t want to take in information by ear. He cannot be made to concentrate by giving an example or showing interesting illustrations.

Kinesthetic children often find themselves misunderstood by adults who simply could not or did not want to find an approach to them. Because of this, they may even be recklessly diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Remember how cinema depicts the classic image of a scientist on the verge of a great discovery. He sat, thought, crumpled up dozens of pieces of paper with notes, got up, measured the room from corner to corner several times, grabbed his forehead and exclaimed “eureka”! This is a typical algorithm of actions for a kinesthetic learner.

Tactile contact: how to identify kinesthetics in yourself?

I didn’t have to look far for an example of a pronounced kinesthetic person: here he is, lying next to me, snoring sweetly, although he vowed to watch a movie with me to the end at least once in his life. I have never seen such a reaction to pictures as my boyfriend’s in my life. “Everything there is so bright, it flashes, and I can’t distinguish the main characters, so I’m not interested in following the plot,” Andrey answers without a grain of joke to a fair question: how can you not watch a single series in your entire life? It was not easy for the poor kinesthetic learner in the visual world: since childhood, Andrei had been memorizing the names of the main characters from cult films in order to support a serious boyish conversation in the spirit of “Batman v Superman.” But he actually didn’t see any of these pictures. Why should he agree to a new film show every time? “I’m just pleased to hug you and lie next to you,” is the selfish answer of a typical kinesthetic learner. Selfish - because this is how, through touch, a person with a dominant kinesthetic type of perception receives new information, pleasure and relaxation.

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The division into types according to channels of perception can be found in two psychological concepts at once: in neurolinguistic programming and in the theory of learning styles. In NLP it is believed that all people are divided into four types: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, digital (logical). Belonging to one of them depends on which sensation is most developed in a person. Through this one, predominant channel, a person most easily perceives information, processes it and makes judgments. According to the NLP system, kinesthetics focus not on vision and hearing, but on their own sensations. Their channels of information are touch, taste, smell, reactions in muscles and the so-called meta-sensations in the body, which inform a person about the emotion that he is experiencing right now (for example, dizziness and nausea before an exam). The way a kinesthetic learner experiences the world and experiences maximum pleasure is through action.

“Just looking” will not give him anything: everything must be tried, smelled, touched, experienced first-hand, even if this experience turns into bumps and bruises. Words that a kinesthetic person often uses in speech: feel, touch, pull yourself together, touch, do. Kinesthetic learners experience pleasure when they are in direct contact with the world around them. They are the same boring people who desperately need to take a bite of cheesecake before letting it be photographed.

A similar classification is given by the widespread theory of learning styles - the VAK model (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). According to it, every person has a natural tendency towards one of the types of learning - aimed at the visual, auditory or kinesthetic system. The key word for a visual learner is look at this, for an auditory learner – listen/say this, for a kinesthetic learner – do this. Relying on “their” channel, the student perceives new information faster, is more interested in the subject, and interacts more actively with the group and the teacher.

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Important footnote: There are no people who are capable of only one learning style. Moreover, over the course of life, a person learns to equally process information from different channels. But in stressful situations, the psyche always chooses a shortcut - and the kinesthetic one will be the first to rush into battle, while the visual one observes and the auditory one discusses.


In the modern audiovisual world, where most areas - from shopping to education - have moved to the Internet, the kinesthetic person risks losing or even never getting to know part of his power. Since all channels of perception work for each person (albeit in different percentages), a kinesthetic person can switch to the audiovisual mode from childhood and not even suspect it. But to turn on the full potential, you will have to return to the roots. The most effective way of learning for a kinesthetic learner is through play. If in preschool age there are still at least some goodies - playing with cubes, cutting out snowflakes, modeling from plasticine, then school education completely pulls the rug out from under the feet of the kinesthetic learner.

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I don’t know about you, but my school teachers saw the hyperactivity of the kids in the gallery as a reason to give them a bad mark for behavior, but not as an opportunity to develop their abilities. According to the European educational program Erasmus+, about 65% of students are visual learners, 30% are auditory learners and only 5% are kinesthetic learners. It is not surprising that the needs of the latter are often sacrificed in favor of the majority. But in addition to the dominant channel, each of us has a secondary, reinforcing one. Here tactile sensations and motor skills occupy leading positions.

In short, everything needs to be developed. But if the visual and auditory channels, thanks to popular culture, develop without any additional effort, then you need to take care of your kinesthetics separately.


• STUDY. How many school lessons can you remember that encouraged you not only to learn the minimum required to get a good grade, but to sift through all available sources on a topic, keep up with your parents for a week with questions, and buzz your classmates’ ears? I am only one. In sixth grade, our history teacher decided to move away from the traditional curriculum and arrange a module on Ancient Greece in the form of a multi-level game. One of the tasks was to stage a performance based on a legend that we had to choose ourselves. So, to choose a legend for the production, my friend and I read the entire Kuhn - from cover to cover. Without expecting kicks or carrots, just like that. Although they could well have chosen the first myth that came across, and the assessment would not have changed. This was not at all necessary, but we came up with costumes for our classmates (after studying materials on the topic “Fashion of Ancient Greece,” which were not even close to being in the textbook). Learned all the dates to get ahead of everyone in the quiz. And during the game itself, for the first time we felt unity and enthusiasm in our usually indifferent class. I don’t know whether it was consciously or not, but the teacher then for the first time chose a form of teaching that was most aimed at kinesthetic learners - a game. This type often has problems learning theory if it is not supported by their own experience. Although this does not mean that kinesthetic learners are loose fidgets who cannot concentrate. When they are actively involved in the process, try and reinforce the teacher’s words with specific actions, they are able to remember instantly.

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• FIND YOURSELF. A common misconception associated with the division into types of perception is that visual learners will be successful only as artists, auditory learners as musicians, and kinesthetic learners as massage therapists and cooks. Complete nonsense! This in no way predetermines success in a particular profession. The point is different - depending on the type of perception, the method with which it is easiest for a person to enter the work flow and get maximum pleasure from the work differs. For example, it is important for a kinesthetic artist not only to see the picture, but also to be up to his ears in paint. Therefore, he would rather prefer to work with huge canvases than traditional painting, where it is convenient to paint not just with brushes, but with rollers, brooms, or even with his own body. For the same reason, kinesthetic learners love to work with engraving, a type of graphics that requires a whole bunch of tools. For example, for etching you need a metal plate, pens with which to scratch the design, special varnishes and acids. “It turns out that I see my future work first with my hands, and only then with my eyes,” explains Ira, a graphic and kinesthetic artist who has been creating and selling prints using the etching technique for six years. In the same way, for a kinesthetic musician it is not enough just to hear - it is important to feel what the instrument is made of, how it comes to life under the fingers. The key to success for kinesthetic learners in any activity is to start with movement and tactile sensations, and not with a sketch or discussion of a plan for a future project. In critical situations, always choose action and only then smoothly switch to planning and control modes. Your winning tactic is to cut out the unnecessary and adapt to new conditions along the way, rather than try to calculate everything at once and write it down completely. As artists say after the first stroke: the canvas is ruined, now you can start painting. • CHOOSE A STYLE. The traditional uniform of a kinesthetic student, who is not too concerned with visual special effects, is loose-fitting items made from natural fabrics, often in dusty shades. By the way, recycled fashion images fit perfectly into the style of such a person. No matter how much you explain to a kinesthetic girl that neoprene does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the skin, she is unlikely to be tempted. Tactile hedonists will never fall for the external attributes and photogenicity of an outfit if it even slightly rubs, irritates the skin or cuts into it. So as long as there is at least a small percentage of pure kinesthetics left in the world, you don’t have to worry that all retail will go online. “Being able to touch something before you buy it, while it’s not yours, is an important part of the shopping experience,” says my friend Anya, a fashion designer. While working on creating her brand, Anya planned to sew clear basic models whose fit was easy to predict, and wanted to develop sales exclusively via the Internet. But over time, the concept had to be adjusted: Anya realized how important it is for customers to first touch and feel the item on their body. “While I can’t afford a full-fledged showroom, I invite potential customers to try them on right at home. When a girl comes, I treat her to Turkish coffee with cardamom, dark chocolate, and only then does she try on dresses. The result is the ideal customer service for a kinesthetic learner - a combination of pleasant tastes, smells and tactile sensations.” • TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF There is more to the way Anya presents clothes than just effective sales. She creates a kind of ritual, focused on awakening the senses and devoting time to yourself. The kinesthetic formula “How you feel is more important than how you look” is gaining popularity in the beauty industry. Alicia Yoon, founder of the online Korean cosmetics store Peach & Lily, in an interview for The Business of Fashion, notes that women are increasingly inclined to a leisurely pace of life and the development of sensations. In this regard, products that primarily provide sensual pleasure are gaining popularity: scented candles, refreshing sheet masks, fragrant oils for bathing and showering. Consumer trends analyst Karen Grant adds that in the coming years, demand for personal care products will skyrocket, while demand for beauty products will decline.

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Touch Without naming brands or names, have you ever noticed that sometimes you want to buy ice cream simply because instead of rustling plastic, it is wrapped in craft paper that is pleasant to the touch, which evokes associations with an eco-friendly, natural lifestyle? Experiments with craft paper, which brings kinesthetics into unconditional delight, have pulled more than one type of offline business out of the abyss. Manufacturers of notebooks, books and magazines realized in time that it was not visual special effects that would help them retain their audience, but a pleasant-to-touch shell. Even the illustration design that is popular today reproduces the effect of a hand-drawn drawing—uneven, disproportionate, and far removed from clip art examples. Take a bite Another epicurean joy for a kinesthetic learner is to eat a lot and deliciously, preferably directly with your hands. Take it for granted: you are unlikely to be able to follow even the simplest diet, because tastes are an important part of information from the outside world, without which kinesthetics cannot do without. What saves us is the fact that physical activity brings kinesthetics no less pleasure. And by the way, if you have a sedentary job, get up from your desk at least every half hour - this is not only good for your health, but will also allow you to better concentrate on the tasks at hand. Touch In sex, a kinesthetic person is never faced with the question of whether to leave the light on or not. From the very first seconds, he focuses so much on the sensations that the other channels literally turn off, so he won’t even remember whether there was any lighting. And although kinesthetics easily master the art of pleasure at the level of intuition, to expand their experience they need to learn to mute the dominant channel and turn on the other two fully. Thus, for kinesthetics in search of new sensations, it is important not so much to delve into the intricacies of tantra or intimate massage, but rather to learn to speak out your desires out loud and stimulate your imagination with visual images.

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