Class hour on the topic: “A man of a free society”

"True freedom starts from within"

What is freedom? Have you ever asked yourself this question? We talk about it with our family, in relationships, in politics, religion, work, in every aspect of our lives, but what is it?

Now we will tell you one secret, we don’t really like this question. We don't want to define what freedom is, because as long as it is vague, we can say whatever we want about it.

The truth is that real freedom is a fiction. It simply doesn't exist. Freedom is a concept created by people, an idea that has contradiction right at its core.

What's your choice

What kind of society do you want to be born into? In a free society, where you have to fight for comfort, or in an unfree society, where comfort is given to you from birth?

This is where people are divided into two groups:

  1. People from the first group risk comfort, but get the chance to achieve both comfort and freedom.
  2. People from the second group reject the risky offer and accept comfort, knowing that they will not achieve freedom.

This is why people from the second group are afraid of a free society. They don't want to make decisions and take risks. They want to get everything ready and enjoy their illusions. People from the second group flee from a free society, because they are afraid to be independent and responsible. In their minds, responsibility means showing up to work on time, watching your children, washing the dishes, and not killing people.

Unfortunately, if you look at these points, you will notice that there is very little in them aimed at taking responsibility for your life.

People are not afraid of responsibility for things and for other people, but they are damn afraid of responsibility for themselves.

A free society tells them: “Everything you do affects your life. If you make a mistake, you could lose her. By making the right decisions and overcoming pain, you will achieve happiness.” An unfree society says something else: “Everything you do affects the things you own. Follow the instructions and you will never be hungry. You won’t get happiness, but you will get illusions with which to replace it.”

The path of a free manMaxim Vlasov, 2020


Dear readers, before you start reading this book, I must tell you that this is a special book! It will completely change your consciousness. With its help, you will find your path in life - this is the path of a free person, independent of various limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold our mind captive. The path of a free person is a life with a pure and boundless consciousness, in which only we decide what is valuable and important to us, and how we best live our lives. This path will lead each of you to boundless, absolute happiness!

With this book you will begin to look at life in a way you have never looked at before. And the point is not what is written in it and how. The fact is that by reading it, you will tune in to a special wave of life, eternal life, in which there is absolute and comprehensive freedom, the awareness of which allows a person to plunge into a state of peace and serenity, when life is lived in joy and love, without any suffering and pain . This book is not strong in logic and reasoning, but in the strong idea that it offers and the energy that this idea emits and nourishes the reader. There is no need to strain while reading this book, you do not need to think too much about what is written here, you can read this book easily and calmly, relaxing while reading and enjoying it. The effect of such reading will still be, and it will be very strong. Because you will realize the basic principles of freedom when you do as you please, even while reading this book. What your conscious mind does not do through understanding what is written, your subconscious mind will do through believing in this magnificent idea.

This book is a true salvation for lost souls, for those people who have not found themselves in this life, for whom it is painful and difficult, for those who suffer. With special love and care, she helps a person find his own meaning in life. She will tell you how to find your place in the world. Thanks to it, you will determine your purpose, your mission, and will be able to understand life values ​​in order to understand which ones can make you truly happy and which ones are not worth wasting your time and energy on. This book could well be called the “Bible of Freedom,” but we will not step into the field of other ideas that have other semantic goals. It is enough for us to understand that this idea - the idea of ​​freedom, is strong like no other, because it is absolutely true, there is no admixture of human egoism in it, no fictions or ambiguities, because freedom is an objective eternal value, expressed in its subjective perception by each individual person . You can experience freedom the way you want, you don't have to adapt to others, your own freedom is the absolute truth! All you need is to just be imbued with this Great Idea, everything else will happen by itself, you will understand everything that needs to be understood and you will feel everything that needs to be felt.

By reading this book, even if not very carefully and thoughtfully, you will improve your life. Miracles will begin to happen in it that will be difficult to explain in simple language, they will simply happen because you will tune in to a new wave of perception of reality, which will give you opportunities that you did not have before. With their help you can achieve a lot. You will enter a completely different world with the help of a feeling of freedom, where you will have a completely different life, much happier. The way this world works is that there are a lot of unhappy people in it. They feel unhappy because they do not understand the important values ​​of life and how to possess them. They don’t know what to live for, what to strive for, what to want and what to love. This problem is relevant for all people in all countries. Wherever a person lives, no matter how well off he is, he may be dissatisfied with his life and suffer greatly because of this. There is always something that spoils our mood, that makes us dissatisfied and therefore unhappy. And if a person does not have ideological support, he can break. But now you have such support, in the form of the idea presented in this book. She will put you on the path of a free, and therefore happy, person.

This book will teach you to enjoy everything that is in this world. And there are many joys in it, but we cannot always fully enjoy them, because we are not free in our heads, even if our body is free. Therefore, it is important for every person to know what can be so valuable in this world, besides life itself, for which it is worth waking up every day, getting on your feet and going to do something, achieve something and strive for something. We must know what we need to fight for, and life is impossible without fighting, and this must be done every day. A person often has to suffer for something, sacrifice something, endure something or someone, and put up with something. Life is not sugar, there is a lot of salt in it. And when it’s hard and painful for us, we need to know why we continue to do something, for what great value we fight, suffer and generally live. People need not just faith in something pure, bright, meaningful, they need to feel this value with all their being in order to be imbued with it and fall in love with it. Only then will this value become part of their lives and themselves, and they will understand what they live for. When this happens, they will become incredibly happy. You, dear readers, will become happy! This will happen very soon, right after you start reading this book. Everything will change, friends, your life will never be the same, it will become a thousand times better!

You know, religion helps someone in life, people find salvation in it when it’s hard for them. And that's great too. Only religion can greatly limit a person’s life, driving him into a certain framework of prohibitions and taboos. And this is no longer very good. Someone likes some kind of political ideology, to which people are ready to devote their entire lives. Good too. But it’s not always promising; you can live your whole life in such a struggle for your political interests, without really enjoying it and without coming to anything. And someone finds the only joy in their life in constant consumption. Well, I think this is completely primitive. There are also people who devote themselves to their work and career, and this allows them to feel comfortable. But, you know, it’s like becoming a robot, a money-making machine. But for what reason is not always clear. In general, everything has its positive sides, but not every value will make a person truly happy, so that nothing else bothers him. It is clear that there are eternal values, such as love, family, children, truth, justice and many others, including the one that we will discuss in this book, that is, freedom. But there is always something that determines all other values, some basic value. She is the key link on which everything depends and around which everything revolves. And the value that will be discussed in this book is the very key link that determines all other values. This is freedom, my friends, freedom, true freedom! This is what a great thing you touched upon when you started reading this book.

This value, which you and I will fully absorb here, gives this world life and happiness. It is as great as love, but unlike love, it is easier to control and shape in your consciousness. After all, freedom is a feeling completely under our control, moreover, it completely depends on us. It is we who decide whether we will be free or not. Many people have always strived and strive for freedom. This has happened throughout human history. People know the value of freedom. And if you, dear readers, have not yet decided for yourself what values ​​are most important to you in your life, then this eternal value will definitely fill your life with meaning and help you achieve complete happiness. And, just imagine, it is completely under your control. You decide whether you will have this great value or not. This is wonderful!

The idea of ​​freedom itself is not new. But what is new here will be our approach and attitude towards it, our view of it and its understanding, as well as the very desire for freedom. We will formulate this value in a way that no one has formulated before, so that it takes root in our consciousness and never leaves it again. It’s not so easy to find it, it’s not so easy to feel it, no matter what kind of life you live. Because everything great requires special treatment. We will caress freedom with you so that it simply cannot help but enter the life of each of you. This book presents a teaching about freedom that will allow any person to thoroughly rethink his entire life in order, no matter how it turns out, to make it happier, thanks to the acquisition of freedom, first internal, and then external. This book will become for you that beacon in life, which you will always be guided by, so as not to stray from the true path and not to succumb to the crafty temptations of all kinds of villains, because of which people often find themselves in difficult situations, and sometimes even lose their lives. Freedom will lead you to a pure and bright love that needs to be built. And this can only be done by free people who create their own destiny, and not rely on circumstances.

We all want to be happy, but each of us understands happiness in our own way, depending on what we value most and what we know about. Someone is made happy by the money he can earn, someone by the love he experiences, and someone by freedom, which is not actually opposed to any other values, but only complements and even defines them, if understood correctly and manage it wisely. Is the same love possible if a person is not free? And money, is there so much happiness in it if a person feels unfree, regardless of where and how he lives? Without freedom, nothing else is valuable! You can take any value and see how it depends on freedom, on the feeling of freedom. And we will see that without a sense of freedom, nothing will help us feel completely satisfied; without this great value, no golden cage will give us true happiness. But now, everything will be different, now you will never be unhappy again, because now you will know what freedom is and will find it in your consciousness. And she will give you great happiness!

In this book you will find answers to many questions about freedom, including those that you have not yet had time to ask yourself and others. And there is no doubt that after reading it, your life will become different. This is an already accomplished event, it is already irreversible. Now your life will inevitably become better in many aspects because you will have a clear understanding of what you want and why. Now you have a landmark, a beacon, a base that determines your happiness in this world. You will never lose this again. When you finish reading this book, you will find absolute happiness! And nothing will ever darken your life again! You will live in complete harmony with everyone around you. Now we will begin our irrevocable immersion into this Great Idea! Remember: once you take the path of a free person, you will never be able to leave it. Because this idea completely takes over a person’s consciousness and no matter how much he later wants to give it up, he will never be able to do this again. Freedom is life itself, which can be abandoned only by abandoning life itself.

Free society - why people are running away from it

Confrontation between comfort and freedom

The problem with people who dream of the return of the USSR is that they are deliberately running away from freedom. This may sound crazy to you if you are a full-fledged person. Since childhood, we have the idea that freedom is good. And even sick people understand this. But they lack the voice of reason to understand that they are afraid of this “good”.

The freedom that comes to a person whose situation is not much different from that of other people forces him to fight for his dreams. But you understand that not every person is a fighter by nature. Many people prefer to close themselves in their “golden cage” and not stick out from there.

We will not talk about people who received money and influence from their birth. This is an exception.

"I am a man of a free society"

"I am a man of a free society"

(System of work on instilling patriotism (from work experience)

Apevalina Elena Nikolaevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature MBU Secondary School No. 56

For the fifth year now I have been working according to my own educational system, “The Garden of Our Soul.” One of the directions of this system is “I am a person of a free society”, the goal of which is the formation of culture, educational and work activities, interpersonal relationships in the team; education of national-international, legal, environmental, economic culture, patriotism.

Patriotic education is one of the priority areas in the Russian education system, as it contributes to the formation in students of a high patriotic consciousness, readiness to fulfill civic duty, and the most important constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Before starting work on instilling patriotism in students, I looked in dictionaries. In S. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary we find: “Patriotism is devotion and love for one’s Fatherland, for one’s people.” And here is the interpretation of this word given by the “New Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary”: “Patriotism is love for the Motherland, attachment to the native land, culture, traditions.” How to raise a patriot in modern conditions? First of all, through love for your homeland. In my work I use design technologies. Research projects have led us to such a science as linguoculturology, where a word is considered from the point of view of origin, meaning, functioning in the minds of people, use in speech, literature, and art.

Let us turn to the words of the unknown author of the 13th century: “Oh, bright and red-decorated Russian land! You surprise us with many beauties: you surprise us with many lakes, rivers and springs... steep mountains, high hills, frequent oak forests, wonderful fields, various animals and countless birds, wonderful villages, monastery gardens, church churches and formidable princes, honest boyars, many nobles! You are full of everything, Russian land!” is a declaration of love for the Motherland from the poem “The Lay of the Ruin of the Russian Land.”

Have you ever thought about what the Motherland is? Some will say that this is the country where a person was born and raised and where the people to which he belongs live. Others will answer that this is their home, where they took their first step and uttered their first word. Still others will object that the Motherland begins with people close to us - mom and dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents, relatives and friends. And you can hear that the Motherland is your native land, where everything is familiar and dear: the path from your parents’ house, and the apple tree under the window, planted on your birthday...

For me, Russia is white birches,

For me, Russia is morning dew,

For me, Russia is you more than anything else,

How much you look like my mother.

N. Solovyov

Love for the Motherland is closely related to the feeling of the beauty of the native land. The words of K. Paustovsky are imbued with a deep patriotic feeling: “I will not exchange Central Russia for the most famous and stunning beauties of the globe... I will give all the elegance of the Bay of Naples with its feast of colors for a willow bush wet from the rain on the sandy shore of the Oka.” Loving the Motherland means being a patriot. And in order to love and feel, you need to know. The children gain knowledge about their native land through meetings of the “Literary Cafe” as part of the “Mom, Dad, Me – a Reading Family” project. These are poetry evenings on the theme: “Oh, Volga, my cradle!”, “Literary Tolyatti”, “The city that is dear to the heart”. For an aesthetically developed and morally educated person, it is important not only to be able to see and feel the beauty of a flower, branch, animal, but also to protect this beauty. True culture presupposes a way of possessing beauty when it is stored in the soul. Capturing beauty in the soul, remembering it, sowing it in the heart - this is the highest manifestation of human culture. Very often I use this form as face-to-face excursions to my native places in the Samara region. We visited Shiryaevo, Zolny, Sosnovka, Stone Bowl, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda of Greater Ryazan. In my work I also use correspondence excursions; exhibitions of photographic works by Togliatti photographers: M. Antipov, M. Krypaeva, N. Goloshchapov are especially successful.

Familiarizing students with the historical and architectural monuments of the city helps to form a sense of patriotism and responsibility for the preservation of the unique appearance of their hometown. The excursions “In the street names there are names that are dear to the heart forever”, “Orthodox Togliatti”, “Togliatti is the automobile capital” introduce you to its past and present, which help develop aesthetic perception, the ability to notice beauty in the familiar, simple, ordinary.

The words Motherland and people have the same root, therefore, the education of patriotic qualities on the basis of folk traditions, customs, rituals, holidays, containing the knowledge, skills and abilities of humanity reliably tested by time and historical selection, is significant and relevant. Familiarization with the ethnocultural traditions of the Russian people certainly contributes to the development of national self-awareness and awareness of one’s own cultural and historical uniqueness. Awareness of the rich pedagogical potential in the system of folk traditions, customs, and holidays is one of the effective means of education, as it provides a mechanism for transmitting norms of behavior, cultural and spiritual values ​​from one generation to another. Such holidays as “Kuzminki”, “Christmas gatherings”, “Farewell to Maslenitsa”, interactive excursions “Visiting the potter”, “Matchmaking ritual”, “Heroic fun” have become traditional in my work; I would especially like to mention the museum lessons and lessons on "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture."

K. Prutkov said: “Find the beginning of everything, and you will understand a lot.” We have already said that the words homeland and people have a common root - clan, which means knowledge of the history of your family or, in other words, your ancestry plays an important component in patriotic education. One of the pages of the children's portfolio is dedicated to genealogy; children draw a family tree, research the origin of their surname and their given name.

Family traditions are passed on from generation to generation. It is very important to teach your child to treat them with respect and, if possible, follow them. “Take care of your honor from a young age,” says a popular proverb. Honor is a person’s respect for himself, but even more so the respect of the people who surround him. Honor is a person's good name. If a person loves his family, respects and honors his relatives and friends, he will try to be worthy of his surname, his pedigree. For class hours on this topic, students prepare stories about their grandparents, bring photographs and family heirlooms. The result is creative work by students in the form of newspapers, essays, and holidays.

In various ways, the brightest dates and exploits are erased from the consciousness of children, thereby breaking the threads by which the younger generation should be connected with their ancestors, with history, with the Fatherland. That is why work dedicated to the meaning and role of the Great Patriotic War in the life of every citizen of our country is important. We hold flash mobs “Remember, in centuries, in years, remember”, “Veterans need our care now”, “A veteran lives nearby”. The literary and musical compositions “Memory” and “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face” for Victory Day have become traditional.

We can talk about the formation of a person’s patriotic consciousness only when this knowledge has helped him determine his position in life and when this position has grown into a conviction that determines his entire life path. The school newspaper Skrepka provides great opportunities for this.

Students can also express their civic position in literature lessons, where the moral ideals of young people are formed using the examples of positive heroes of works of art, a living connection is established between the distant past and the present, and a sense of pride for our Motherland and its people is fostered.

It is always necessary to remember that with all the rich educational opportunities, the process of education cannot solve the entire complex of problems of the comprehensive and harmonious development of the student’s personality. This is possible only on the basis of an inextricable connection with the learning process, with extracurricular and extracurricular work, on the basis of a comprehensive combination of the educational influences of the school, family, student organizations, and the public.

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