Sadness and depression: two different dimensions, but one treatment

Why is despondency dangerous?

Falling into a state of melancholy, sadness, despondency, sadness, a person does not think at all about the possible consequences that these destructive emotions are fraught with.

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Some even attribute to this state some subtlety of the mysterious Russian soul. But psychiatry experts say that when a person is in a depressed state for a long time, depression develops, which means a serious danger to his health and even life. Various researchers put the figure at 20% - exactly the same number of people around the globe who suffer from depressed morale.

As for the church, it has long added despondency to the list of major sins. Next we will figure out what caused this.

Steps to help deal with depression

When you feel like you're going through another tough time in your life, try these steps:

  • Be sure that you continue to read your Bible and pray. You have the power in Christ to do what pleases God.
  • Thank God for His love and for helping you through difficult times. Remember that God's Word, not your emotional state, is your authority.
  • Try not to make important decisions these days.
  • Thank God for taking care of you, even if you don't feel it. This spiritual exercise will help grow your faith and strengthen you.

Here are some final thoughts that will also help you fight depression:

At times, depression has to do with emotions that have been ignored for many years. Try not to avoid them, but to meet them with the power of Christ. As the Gospel of Matthew says: “Blessed are those who mourn, for God will comfort them.”

Not every situation can be helped by advice; you may need to talk to a doctor and start taking some medications to cope with depression.

Find a good Christian counselor who can provide support and help you identify the cause of your depression. He can also help you develop a plan for further action.

Bruce Hennigan Translation by Igor Petrov

What is despondency in Orthodoxy

Let us turn to the statement of Victor Trostnikov, professor of the Russian Orthodox University John the Theologian, who says the following:

“Despondency is classified as a mortal sin exclusively in Orthodoxy. For comparison, Catholics included sadness in this list, but only Orthodoxy singles out despondency as a separate sin.

It is for this reason that in Orthodoxy there are only 8 mortal sins, and not 7. At first glance, it may seem that sadness and despondency are one and the same. If we look in more detail, we establish that sadness is a passing sensation related to some unpleasant incidents, but this feeling is temporary, passing in nature.

And if we are talking about despondency, we should note that it appears in the form of a protracted, chronic condition, and there are often no obvious factors for it. Dejection is precisely a state of mind; it is quite capable of visiting you, even if outwardly everything looks quite well. At the same time, a person will not be able to give himself an intelligible answer to the question of what he really needs.

Be that as it may, the Church calls both sadness and despondency mortal sins. A layman must perceive all types of tests sent to him, having a complete soul, being filled with faith, hope and love in his soul. In the opposite case, he begins to renounce the whole, does not recognize this whole, and therefore condemns the teaching about God, the world and humanity. This is one of the variations of lack of faith. When the spirit is left to its own devices, and the individual is automatically doomed to various pathologies and suffering.”

All mortal sins have a destructive effect on the physical and spiritual shell of a person. It is not for nothing that despondency is known as “evil laziness.” When an individual begins to be influenced by this passion, he becomes lazy and finds it difficult to motivate himself to perform any actions. He also does not experience any joy or consolation, and loses faith and hope in the best.

It is not for nothing that there is a saying that “a dry spirit can dry up the bones.”


Look at yourself in the mirror. What's your facial expression there? It probably feels like you are offended by the whole world. Do you look a lot like a child whose favorite toy was taken away? Your gloomy and dissatisfied face spoils the mood of the people around you and sows seeds of negativity around you. If you continue like this, you may run away with your luck. Any person wants to get away from problems, close their eyes to everything and not change anything in their life. You are happy with everything, because you have become accustomed to the idea that despondency and melancholy are a normal state of mind. A person who never lost heart is not about you.

It's all about how you feel about your condition. You are used to going to work with an eternally dissatisfied face, and your colleagues are already tired of being surprised by your gloomy mood, and even moreover, they are trying to avoid you. Finally, shake up your consciousness, drive away depression, otherwise you will stay in it for a long time. Try to see the positive aspects even in the most deplorable situation, and soon the world will turn on the bright side towards you.

A sad spirit withers the bones

Next we will look at the main signs that indicate the beginning of destructive processes in the body:

  • sleep is disturbed (a person suffers from insomnia or excessive drowsiness);
  • appetite changes (increases or loses);
  • there are problems with the intestines (constipation);
  • sexual potential is noticeably reduced;
  • the general energy state decreases, the person begins to become more tired of the usual physical and mental stress;
  • Various types of uncomfortable pain sensations arise in the torso.

As a result of such a conflict with oneself, even organic pathology can arise. In this way, sin begins to penetrate the human physical body.

Modern medicine offers methods of healing from depression, but the famous specialist in this field, Yuri Polishchuk, who is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, also advises using spiritual and religious methods of psychotherapy.

He expresses the following opinion about treatment for despondency: “If someone who suffers from depression came to me and asked for a way out of this state, I would definitely recommend that he not only visit the temple of God, but search for his personal spiritual mentor in one of the monasteries.

Of course, this option will be more difficult, since it requires effort to search, but as a result, they will not just listen to you for a couple of minutes, but will try to establish the true source of mental suffering. Conversations with spiritual mentors last for several hours, and sometimes the convert is offered to stay within the walls of the monastery for a certain time in order to endure fasting and begin to heal his soul.”

Father Anatoly (Berestov), ​​who is a hieromonk and the head of the Orthodox Counseling Center of John of Kronstadt, as well as a doctor of medical sciences, is confident that a person who dreams of healing this ailment not only on a physical, but also on a spiritual level, must definitely seek help from holy church.

After all, it is Orthodox medicine that is called upon to save a person, to free him from internal sins that destroy body and soul.

Although, on the other hand, believers who have suffered from depressive conditions should not neglect official medicine, because according to St. Theophan the Recluse, “medicine and medicines were given to us by the Almighty, and to refuse them means to reproach the Creator.”

Good news: the disease has a cure

Imagine a world full of darkness. In this world, your ability to hear, smell, taste and touch is greatly limited. You spend most of your life standing against a rough stone wall, surrounded by the noise of a crowd. You feel the warmth of the sun as it shines on your face, but you cannot see it. Then the shadow appears, bringing with it coolness. And now you hear the voices of people passing by you, asking the question that you have heard so many times: “Since he was born blind, who sinned: himself or his parents?”

What can lead a person to the mortal sin of despondency?

It becomes clear that despondency can seriously harm both the physical body and cause damage to our immortal soul.

But why does this passion arise? The main factors that provoke despondency include the following:

  1. Loss of meaning in life.
  2. A condition when a person has no control over his life.
  3. Lost faith in yourself and in the Almighty.
  4. Laziness.
  5. Lack of responsibility.
  6. Loss of joy.
  7. Disappointment (in oneself, other people, ideals, life in general, and so on).
  8. Constant feeling of guilt.
  9. Reluctance to admit one's own mistakes.

Of course, perhaps the most important point of all listed is the meaning of life. Until a person has found the answer to the question of why he lives on Earth, what his true purpose is, all attempts to achieve happiness will fail.

As a result of this, internal blocks of consciousness begin to arise, manifesting themselves in the form of irresponsibility, lack of faith in one’s own strengths, self-hatred and a complete refusal to move forward, neglect of one’s capabilities.

Help others

A person should radiate goodness, light, warmth, warming him with the rays of those around him. Only in this case the good will return to him many times over. Smile often and repeat to yourself: “Never be discouraged!” Give compliments and nice words. Surround yourself with positive and cheerful people who infect you with their fun and humor. Don't constantly think about your problems and failures. Focus your attention on something else. For example, find yourself a favorite activity, have pets, and provide selfless help. By benefiting people, you will gradually forget about your troubles. When solving other people's problems, a person, as a rule, forgets about his own. Caring for other people and helping to resolve difficult situations will gradually crowd out negative thoughts.

For what reasons does the sin of despondency arise according to Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church names its specific factors for the emergence of this passion:

  • tests sent to man by God so that he could improve spiritually;
  • wounded pride;
  • vanity;
  • loss of faith;
  • godlessness;
  • little spiritual life.

Due to a disrupted lifestyle and unwillingness to observe morality, people find themselves in a state of spiritual crisis, from which getting out is already quite problematic.

Dejection provokes a vicious circle: the individual is in a depressed state, he has no desire to perform any actions, such idleness plunges him even more into a state of despondency, forces him to do even less, which ultimately is fraught with an even greater state of despondency.

The Holy Fathers claim that from time to time each of us may encounter a state of natural melancholy. Thanks to mental suffering, moral virtues are cultivated in the individual. And when a person copes with a state of despondency, he begins to improve himself spiritually and becomes closer to the Creator.

Therefore, we can consider the sin of despondency as a test sent from above that must be overcome.

Recipe from Baron Munchausen

However, the advice to “sleep” cannot be applied endlessly. I ate, slept - it’s time to work. Sometimes a person must, like Munchausen, pull himself out of the swamp by the collar. This is a wonderful image for a Christian. Always drag your own hippopotamus out of the swamp. Dejection is cured by doing - very calm, without pathos, without strain, measured and constant.

Oleg Yankovsky on the set of the film “That Same Munchausen.” Photo:

How to deal with despondency

If you do not take any action, then a state of despondency can provoke deep depression. Doctors note that often getting out of depressive states is quite problematic (sometimes impossible) without outside help.

Modern psychology and medicine offers various methods and means that eliminate such conditions. But the church has always advised people who have experienced despondency to find a way out in prayers. But, as a rule, all prayers are said alone, which means that a person unconsciously withdraws even more from the world around him. Loneliness is also complemented by an internal feeling of guilt. The effect of such “therapy” will ultimately be very doubtful.

What do modern doctors advise people in the fight against despondency? Famous psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and psychologists strongly recommend improving your life through active activities - relaxation, acquaintances, entertainment. It is very easy to trace the effect of such a recommendation - you simply do not have enough time to be sad and yearning.

Of course, there are especially advanced situations when a person came to the doctor too late and already requires drug therapy. In the fight against despondency, one should not forget that it often leads to protracted depression, and it can end very badly.

Therefore, contact a specialist as soon as you notice the initial symptoms of this pathology in yourself or one of your family or friends.

Recipe with a “blanket” from Isaac the Syrian

You just need to admit that there cannot be continuous ups and downs in human life. Life consists of different periods. There are times of fullness and times of emptyness. Times to hug, and to shy away from hugs. Collect stones and scatter stones.

And if despondency sets in, you need to endure it patiently. Recognizing the problem and patiently experiencing it is work that will undoubtedly bring joyful fruit.

There is no need to force anything out of yourself. The Monk Isaac the Syrian advised a monk who could not pray to eat, wrap himself in a robe and go to bed. This is a monk advising a monk!

Rev. Isaac the Syrian; modern icon. Image from

And sometimes, such advice is quite practical: you need to stop trying to force something out of yourself, don’t engage in soul-searching, and just go to bed - the morning is wiser than the evening. Or an option: “lie down” in the sense of stopping fussing and being active, quieting down, looking for your inner, genuine silence.

How to protect yourself from despondency?

The most effective remedy for despondency is moderate physical activity and maintaining an active lifestyle. When a person is exposed to stress, he gets rid of all the negativity accumulated in the body and becomes calm, plus more confident in himself and his abilities.

In addition, in the life of every athlete, no matter whether he is a professional or an amateur, there is always a goal. In some cases it does not manifest itself as clearly as in others, and is more of a struggle with oneself.

But even beginner athletes, when they leave the gym, think: “Today I managed to complete such and such a load. And tomorrow I can do even more (run faster, lift more weight, etc.).” This is the goal that serves as the main salvation from the state of despondency. And it is completely unimportant what purpose is in mind.

Also try to surround yourself with positivity in all its forms - let there be exclusively cheerful people, good movies and exciting events in your life. If life sends you little positivity, start attracting it yourself.

Stupid encouragement does not cure

What to do in a situation when a person is depressed, wants to go out, but cannot? How to help?

You can, of course, encourage such a person to rejoice. It is very easy to encourage others to rejoice, just as it is easy to humble others rather than to humble yourself. But you can't force someone to be happy. After all, joy is fruit. The fruit of a certain path, labor, internal maturation.

To rejoice means to bear fruit.

And it’s better not to squeeze joy out of yourself with all your might and not to rush to “fruit” if you suddenly realize that you are discouraged. This will turn into that same empty activity or hypocrisy. You cannot deceive yourself for long, and such false fruit will not nourish your soul. Moreover, fatigue and disappointment from this falsehood can plunge a person into even deeper despondency than before.

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