Somatized depression: symptoms, causes, therapy

Somatization depression is one of the most difficult disorders because it is very difficult to diagnose. Depression itself includes a huge number of a wide variety of psychopathologies, and its somatized type can completely confuse the doctor and the patient himself, since it is practically asymptomatic.

This disorder almost does not manifest the main symptom of any depression - a change in the patient’s character.
More precisely, all manifestations are disguised as various somatic causes - pain in certain parts of the body and so on. Because of this, general practitioners, for example, therapists, are not always able to correctly recognize the disease and prescribe treatment in time, which is very important, since it is impossible to get rid of the disease on your own. Articles on the topic

Depression without depression

Depressive disorder is accompanied by deterioration in sleep quality

Somatization depression is one of the most complex depressive disorders. This disorder occurs very often, but is extremely difficult to diagnose, primarily due to the wrong choice of a specialist when visiting the clinic and incorrect treatment tactics, which do not bring relief.

The pathology is often called “depression without depression” or “masked depression.” The main feature is the absence of typical manifestations of depressive disorder.

Patients with this disorder complain of numerous physical (somatic) symptoms. At the same time, mood changes may manifest themselves slightly, which is associated with general physical malaise, but not with a mental disorder.

In ICD-10, somatized depression is not classified as a separate disease. It can be designated by code F45, which describes somatoform disorders with various manifestations.

The main problem is the incompetence of general practitioners. When general symptoms appear, patients always consult a physician. The doctor conducts a comprehensive examination (often very expensive), but cannot make an accurate diagnosis, since the patient’s complaints are not clinically confirmed. In this case, general treatment is prescribed, which does not bring relief, while an experienced psychiatrist would quickly select the optimal treatment regimen aimed at eliminating the cause of somatic disorders, and not at combating the symptoms.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Somatized depression is a consequence of experienced stress and traumatic events that happened to a person in the recent past. In fact, somatized depression is a protective reaction of the body that occurs at a time of severe nervous overstrain, or due to exhaustion of the nervous system.

In addition, the cause of the disease can be long-term chronic diseases that weaken the entire body as a whole.

Speaking about somatized depression, psychiatrists emphasize the importance of severe stress as a diagnostic criterion for suspecting this disease.

Note! Depression without depression is a consequence of exhaustion of the nervous system.

The appearance of somatic symptoms in this case is a specific reaction of the body to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. In other words, the body seems to be trying to draw attention to an existing problem.

The appearance of specific symptoms of somatized depression is based on disruption of the autonomic nervous system. It is this section of the peripheral nervous system that is responsible for ensuring vital processes. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for heart rate, blood pressure, vasoconstriction and dilation, breathing and other processes that occur in the body without the direct attention of a person. Thus, the mechanism of development of somatized depression is in many ways similar to autonomic dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia), and therefore these two disorders are often confused.

Typical symptoms

The disease causes frequent headaches

With somatized depression, symptoms of depressive disorder are completely absent or moderately expressed. The disease can take various forms. A typical manifestation is periodic pain that occurs in different parts of the body for no apparent reason. If a person consults a doctor with complaints of pain, the examination does not reveal any objective reasons for the appearance of symptoms.

Moreover, the discomfort associated with somatized depression can be disguised as various diseases, and as soon as one seriously begins to treat one problem, another immediately appears, or the initial symptoms cease to bother the patient.

Most often, patients with somatized depression indicate the following somatic symptoms:

  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • back pain;
  • myalgia;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • paresthesia;
  • cramps in the stomach.

Such symptoms force the patient to consult a therapist, neurologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists, but it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, since there are no objective reasons for the discomfort.

You want to isolate yourself

Are you actively and joyfully leaving your home? Do you think that a short conversation with someone you know is too difficult? Are you socially isolated when a friend wants to "drag" you out of the house? The fact that you don't want to communicate with friends is a sign of depression. A support group is not just a healthy way to protect yourself from it, but also a very important factor in leading a fulfilling life. Somatized depression, treatment and symptoms will now be easy and understandable for you.


If you have symptoms of the disease, you should consult an experienced psychiatrist to establish an accurate diagnosis (it is better not to self-medicate)

Diagnosing somatized depression is very problematic. The first difficulty is that the patient does not turn to a psychiatrist. The success of treatment in this case depends on the competence of the general practitioner. An attentive therapist will suspect the presence of a psychosomatic disorder due to the absence of visible causes of illness after a full examination. In this case, the patient will be referred to a psychiatrist.

Neurologists and therapists often mistakenly diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia. This condition is not an independent disease, but rather a general disorder of the body due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. It is very difficult to distinguish depression from VSD at first glance. The reason for contacting a psychiatrist in this case is the ineffectiveness of drug therapy for VSD.

As a rule, psychological tests cannot fully identify somatized depression. It is recommended not to self-medicate and consult a psychiatrist if symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing pain or normalizing sleep is ineffective.

More than a bad day

How can you tell that this is depression and not just a bad and sad period? You need to ask yourself a few questions about the events in your life.

What is somatized depression, symptoms and treatment, you will learn today from this article.

Are you sad about something that happened at work? Are there problems with your life partner? There may only be isolated moments of sadness, but if you feel hopeless, realize that you want to cry for no reason, and if you are empty inside for more than two weeks, it could be an episode of somatized depression.

How to treat somatized depression?

It is almost impossible to overcome this disorder on your own, so you should consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible. Antidepressants are used in therapy. The choice of drug is made by the doctor on an individual basis. If the patient's general condition is accompanied by nervousness, antidepressants with a sedative effect are indicated. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe a short course of tranquilizers.

For asthenic depression, stimulating antidepressants are prescribed. Such drugs normalize the production of neurotransmitters in the nervous system, and at the same time have a tonic effect, helping to eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome.

For asthenic syndrome, general restoratives and tonic herbal preparations based on ginseng, lemongrass, and eleutherococcus may be additionally recommended.

Note! Antidepressants have a cumulative effect and do not work immediately. The first results of treatment can be assessed 10-14 days after the start of drug therapy.

Along with drug therapy, psychotherapeutic treatment is practiced. It is aimed at identifying the causes of depression. As a rule, cognitive-behavioral psychocorrection is practiced; good results are achieved by attending group psychotherapy sessions. In any case, the choice of treatment method is made by the doctor.

What is depression and its symptoms

Depressive states are accompanied by despondency and mood swings, which range from intense cheerfulness to deep sadness. Depression is a mental disorder manifested in decreased self-esteem, increased anxiety, unreasonable fears and apathy. The first signs of depression look like this:

  • frequent complaints about fate and dissatisfaction with one’s own life;
  • feeling of uselessness, loneliness and guilt;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • irritability, unmotivated aggression;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in appetite;
  • tormenting thoughts about a dangerous disease;
  • isolation, reluctance to communicate with people.

The main signs of depression include: a person’s “obsession” with negative judgments and forecasts, a feeling of despair and loss of interest in current events and people around him. If the state of emotional depression becomes chronic and becomes severe, the subject may experience hallucinations or delusional disorders.

At the second and third stages of depression, symptoms appear such as: statements and judgments that are divorced from reality and do not have any logical connection, defiant behavior and aggressiveness towards familiar and unfamiliar people. As for vital depression, its symptoms are most pronounced in the first half of the day. It is very difficult for a person suffering from such a disorder to perform basic hygiene procedures, prepare food, clean the home and maintain appearance in proper condition.

If you don't like it anymore

If you no longer enjoy going out with your friends, having fun in your free time, or having sex with your partner, you may be suffering again from a disease called masked somatization depression. If you have been diagnosed with depression in the past and now notice that your feelings for your spouse or children have cooled, or that your hobbies and work do not bring you as much satisfaction as before, it is time to talk to your doctor. Treatment of somatized depression and reviews of this method will be provided to you by your doctor.

Symptoms of depression can return at any time.

You are more irritable than usual

Depression can also manifest itself in symptoms of irritability. Those who have a relaxed lifestyle may argue with their loved ones without realizing that depression is speaking for them. This leads to a sharp decrease in stress tolerance.

People diagnosed with depression are likely to act stupid, nervous, or even aggressive.

I don't know if my sadness is important

We all have different problems or too high expectations that we didn't have before, but that doesn't mean we're depressed. However, depression or a depressive episode is a combination of several emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive symptoms. And if you are experiencing sadness, irritability and other symptoms in your life, then you should consult a specialist as soon as possible!

If the number of symptoms is present for most of the day/almost every day/at least two weeks from the onset/have now appeared or are clearly worse than the person's previous condition/significantly impair the person's social, occupational or other areas of functioning. For some people, this dysfunction may not be as obvious, may be communicated by the person concerned, or may be noticed by others.

Depression can be cured and can also be controlled through psychotherapy. Depression is a condition that often goes undiagnosed, and those who suffer from it are often stigmatized and convinced that it is not a real problem. In fact, depression can affect anyone, from young to old, and it is one of the most common diseases in the world.

The feeling of futility torments you

Old ideas and feelings of disgust and hatred directed at your loved one may reappear. They may hide with self-criticism, which usually increases as a depressive episode approaches. A positive mentality can turn into concentration problems with a deep focus on your failures and shortcomings.

You may blame yourself for situations that are out of your control or think that everything bad that happens is your fault.

Discussing this with a therapist can help improve your self-confidence.

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