How to properly care for a girl and not be branded as henpecked?

A notorious romantic

Romantic words

As a rule, experienced adult men intuitively feel how to properly care for a girl. Most likely, they have done this more than once, starting from their youth, so they don’t really ask themselves this question. At least until they mess up a lot. Otherwise, they begin to scour the Internet in search of a beautiful and original way to apologize “for a mistake” to their beloved, where methods and methods of original courtship can just help with this.

In order to understand how you can beautifully look after a girl, it is enough to remember the endless soap operas broadcast on TV, or come up with something of your own, original. We will give you some chic ways that will help drive the young lady crazy. Moreover, you didn’t even think about some little things.

Trevor Buntin, Unsplash

What does it mean to court a girl?

Caring for a girl means making her world better and more colorful, and many proven methods and your imagination will come to your aid in this. You can start by introducing or highlighting one girl you already know among the rest. You can attract a girl's attention with actions and words.

Signs of attention are quite easy to show: calls and questions about her affairs, pleasant text messages in the morning will do. When communicating on social networks or via SMS, you have many different opportunities in the form of sent emoticons and stickers, songs and pictures - all of this is worth using. However, if you reduce all your communication to virtual, then the girl may stop attaching any serious importance to this. Virtual communication is just a nice addition to telephone conversations, real meetings, spending time together and your direct physical presence in the girl’s life.

Caring for a girl means caring. This category includes actions included in the code of etiquette - giving a hand, helping to take off and put on outerwear, holding the door, moving a chair. But also don’t forget to focus on the situation and give her a hand when it’s slippery outside, meet her with an umbrella if it’s raining, bring medicine and oranges when the girl gets sick. Caring is manifested in questions about how her day went, her well-being and condition, offering her help and providing it. Such examples can be listed endlessly, but if you are really interested in a girl, then such behavior will be quite organic for you, and the desire to learn about her affairs will arise in you sincerely. From such small but constant signs of attention and care, a strong and positive opinion about you is gradually built.

How to court a girl you like? Naturally, you should protect your chosen girl from troubles and help her, but you should be careful in what form you present your help. If you are interested in helping her with bags or business issues, you will most likely hear a refusal, even if the help will be pleasant and necessary for her. Act confidently, speak in affirmative sentences, and even if she told you that you don’t need help, still take her bag of groceries or help with the presentation. Girls like confident ones and don’t like to impose themselves; not one of them has ever answered the question “Can I kiss you?” did not answer in the affirmative.

In your attention, observe moderation and caution, respect personal space and give the girl time and the opportunity to take a break from you. A common mistake is to show up immediately after saying goodbye in order to continue communicating in a virtual environment. Give her time to digest your meeting, the opportunity to brag to her friends if you made an impression, and then get bored. A girl needs space to better assess the situation, and with your constant, albeit virtual presence, you deprive her of this and bore her. Even if you were amazing, it is this kind of obsession that can cause rejection.

Many books and articles have been written about how to care for a girl, it is impossible to learn all these tips, so remember the basic principles - be sincere, try to please her, watch your manners. The latter is very important, because even if you shower her with bouquets and gifts, regularly send SMS with compliments, but at the same time be rude to others, swear and violate the rules of etiquette, the young lady will soon stop communicating with you.

A true gentleman4

Pick-up artists write that women only fall for brutal boyfriends. In other words, they love bad guys.

This is actually a half-truth. If they have to choose between shy guys and narcissistic egoists, then the latter will win because they seem more confident. Their behavior pattern often does not fit with that of a gentleman. It is difficult to judge how long such a relationship will last. In principle, the “pickup” itself is not designed for the long term.

If we talk about women’s preferences more objectively, then indeed, they love confident men. But self-confidence does not always lie in defiant behavior and narcissism. In that case, what if you try to court a woman from a position of strength? This does not mean rude physical behavior, and in general rudeness has nothing to do with it.

A man with strong character is not afraid of women, he puts himself a little higher than them just to protect them. That is, he does not lie down in front of them, trying to appease them with gifts, compliments and good attitude. It's about a sincere desire to care. You can show it by giving your hand when getting off the bus, helping you put on your coat before getting off the bus, and so on. In this case, the girl will feel like she is behind a stone wall.

How to properly care for a girl?

It happens that guys forget how to care for a girl and consider the flowers-compliment-cafe program mega-effective, but these actions may not change anything in the girl’s attitude towards you. That's right, because courtship is not only the material side, but also the organization of time and leisure. Take your beloved for a walk around the city, having drawn up an interesting route in advance, replace the standard cafe with an original exhibition, and replace the cinema with a performance in the drama theatre. The richer and more original the program, the more emotions the girl will have, the more opportunities you will have to demonstrate your best sides. Many young ladies want to give responsibility and choice to a man in order to simply enjoy what is happening, so your phrase “where do you want” will sound magical only a few times, and then it will begin to weigh down the responsibility for the time together.

The two questions that concern men most are how to start courting a girl and how to turn courtship into something serious. The decisive point is that you don't try to buy it; if you are going to build something serious, then try to interact on a personal level, not barter. Behave naturally, without any extreme actions such as climbing onto her balcony or singing serenades at night, accompanied by several guitarists.

Do not confuse the girl with sudden declarations of love; a quick and vivid manifestation of feelings can scare her away. Remain attentive and courteous, show the girl who has attracted your attention your interest, including intimacy (better with actions than words), but maintain distance in your relationship. This behavior will help arouse the girl’s interest precisely because she does not understand what you feel for her and what you want. When you see changes in the girl’s behavior, notice steps forward on her part (for example, she began to call more often, show interest), only then can you change tactics. You can talk about your feelings and future together, arrange a romantic surprise - all this will melt the remaining ice very quickly.

How to properly care for a girl? A girl should feel safe next to a man. Of course, this is manifested in your willingness to stand up for her, to protect her from external unpleasant events, but she also wants to feel security in the relationship between you. Always be available, unexpected disappearances with your phone turned off can give rise to a lot of doubts and guesses. If you are busy or planning to leave, and you guess that she may be looking for you, warn the girl about this in advance.

You can demonstrate your caring not directly by taking care of the girl, but by providing protection and support to your younger brothers and sisters or nephews, pets, people around you, and simply passers-by in need. Representatives of the fair sex are very attentive and can be wary of a person who is as caring as possible with her, while completely ignoring the world around her and treating others cruelly.


When a girl has a boyfriend, she begins to take care of herself more carefully. It’s clear that she looked good before, because people paid attention to her. But now she wants to look stunning. Manicures, pedicures, depilations, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. were used.

Most men look at the image as a whole and rarely notice the seemingly small details. And for women they are important. Guys probably often witness girls giving each other compliments like: “Oh, what cool eyelashes you have!” And the men stand aside. Sometimes they do the right thing.

Paying compliments to women is thoughtless and often borders on flattery, which is off-putting. This can be a recipe for getting into the “friend zone”. On the other hand, not saying them at all risks causing the relationship to cool down. But there is a way out - to give compliments only when the guy himself wants to. The main key to success is sincere sympathy. She will tell you what to say and when to say it. It is advisable to address pleasant words several times to the same little things (eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.).

How to look after a girl beautifully?

Just wandering the streets, silently eating pasta in an Italian restaurant, having previously been handed standard roses - there is nothing exciting or beautiful about such a date. To look after beautifully is also a certain talent, and if it is not innate, then it can be developed. Think about dates with a girl, in addition to booking a table. Imagine a fascinating route along the sights or beautiful views of the city, find out in advance about the places where you will pass so that you can tell her about the monument, historical building and that oak tree that was planted by the poet executed by the tsars. If there is nothing so interesting in the nearby area, then remember the interesting details about the fauna and flora, mythical stories and traditions of any nation related to the time of year in which your date takes place, and in the evening on the street the whole starry sky with astronomical discoveries will help to support the conversation and ancient myths. Come up with some exciting topics in advance.

How should a man care for a girl? We should also talk about compliments. The common belief that girls love with their ears is confirmed by life situations time after time. Therefore, if you are wondering how to start courting a girl, start with compliments. Even if you have known each other all your life or you are connected exclusively by a working relationship, then with the help of a compliment you can make her look at you in a new way. In addition to attracting attention, compliments help develop relationships, as well as maintain a cozy emotional environment within the family.

How to look after a girl beautifully? There are several rules for writing a competent compliment. First, praise something specific (hairstyle, shoes, report) and do it sincerely. The standard “what beautiful eyes” will not have the desired effect, since such a compliment lacks individuality, but “this scarf sets off your eyes so well” will be more memorable. Choose something to praise that is the direct merit of the girl (she inherited the shape of her ears genetically, unless, of course, she had plastic surgery, but she chose the dress herself, spending the whole weekend in shopping centers). Secondly, avoid vulgarity and comparison in pursuit of originality. And if a comment about the appetizingness of the butt at a certain stage of the relationship can add a special spice and suit the girl’s taste, then the comparison is obviously a detrimental option.

Give flowers. Many people don’t do this because “it’s hackneyed, outdated, everyone gives them flowers,” but in fact, every second young lady no longer remembers when she received a bouquet. You can find out what kind of flowers a girl likes and give her those or choose others. Do not choose huge expensive bouquets - the price does not justify the amount of emotions evoked, it will be difficult for a fragile young lady to carry a huge bouquet, at home it will stand in a bucket on the floor, and in a week it will wither. Choose small delicate bouquets or a single flower - they will deserve their place on the bedside table, and after a week you can present her with a new bouquet, and then a few more, which in their total amount will be equal to one huge one.

If you decide to give a girl a gift, then let it emphasize her originality and your attentiveness. By original gift we do not mean the offers that Google will give you and not the “original gifts” store window, but what will suit this particular girl, and what she does not expect to receive. It makes sense to spend time getting to know the girl’s tastes and needs, and only then start giving her something. After all, what is valuable is not how much money you spend on a gift (and there is a risk that the high cost of the gift will force the girl to return it to you), but how much it will speak about you as a person who understands the subtle nature of your chosen one.


To maintain romance in a relationship, a man needs to remember some dates. In modern times, these are March 8, February 14, a girl’s birthday, New Year, the day a relationship begins. The rest are at your own discretion.

It is strictly not recommended to forget about them, even if the relationship has recently begun or, conversely, has lasted for some time and tension has developed in the couple. These days, a guy should think about what he can do nicely: a bouquet of flowers, dinner, a gift, an unusual date, a movie, and so on. You don't have to give expensive gifts. It is more important for women that guys remember these dates and give their loved ones attention.

It may be that on one of these days the girl is supposedly busy at work, studying or something else, and somehow casually mentioned this to her boyfriend. In this case, the man should still take her out for at least 10-15 minutes to give her flowers and drink a cup of coffee, and see how it goes. In fact, women always expect such actions from men. This way the guy will show perseverance, and girls love stubborn people.

Be yourself7

If a guy decides to impress a girl by bragging, playing at being another person, then little good will come of it. It may happen that the girl will first pay attention to him, will keep up the conversation, maybe go on 2-3 dates. Then it “cools down” and disappears somewhere. The conclusion here is logical - I lost interest. Her interest may be lost because the guy was trying to impersonate someone else.

Women are very sensitive to such things, so it’s practically impossible to deceive them, and there’s no reason to. The best option for dating and courtship is to be yourself. Girls love it when a person opens up to them. Just don’t show your soul inside out right away. It is necessary to determine what the guy's strengths and weaknesses are.

When communicating, try to emphasize your positive traits, relax and enjoy the communication. If you liked the guy, good; if not, and she moved away, then life will soon give you another opportunity.

Staring game6

Women love it when men look into their eyes. Even if they don’t know each other yet, but at the moment they are a few meters or centimeters apart from each other on public transport, a street or indoors, and the man gives her a gaze, the woman will think: “Maybe he really likes me?” Even if he doesn’t come up to meet you, although he should have, if she looked back or smiled, then the girl will come home in a good mood.

The staring game itself consists of holding your gaze. If a person is afraid to look into the eyes, then he needs to be trained to remove embarrassment. Then you’ll even like it. To begin with, you can look not immediately into the eyes, but into the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose. Or focus your gaze on the girl’s right eye. She should be the first to look away.

Show what you're really good at9

To impress her, you need to demonstrate your talents. Everyone has abilities and skills for something. Now it’s worth determining what these abilities are.

For example, a guy knows how to play the guitar or piano - a great opportunity to have a romantic evening. Either he draws well or understands painting - which means you can draw her portrait or take her to an exhibition and tell her a lot of interesting things instead of a guide. It could be anything. The main thing is that the guy is sure of this and pleases his beloved.


They say a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Maybe so, but they greet you by their clothes. A guy doesn’t have to be a glamorous handsome man, but neatness and neatness, maintaining personal hygiene, fresh breath, clean shoes and clothes are mandatory rules for a worthy gentleman.

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