How to kiss a girl correctly - learn and kiss her well on the lips with tongue

The first kiss is a very exciting moment not only for a girl, but also for a young man. What should it be: tender or passionate, with or without tongue? Do you need to ask a girl’s permission before kissing, or can you start without it - what is the right way to proceed?

  • Kissing with tongue: how to kiss correctly and not leave hickeys - training video
  • How to properly learn to kiss a girl passionately - on the lips or on the neck
      How to kiss passionately on the lips correctly - can such a kiss be unexpected?
  • How to kiss passionately on the neck correctly
  • 11 tips for a good kiss - how to kiss correctly
  • How to kiss a short or tall girl correctly
  • How long should the first kiss last?

    One of the confusing questions about most first kisses is how long should it last?

    It's better to keep it short and sweet than to awkwardly linger with your lips pressed against hers or torment the girl with your swirling tongue. Remember that this should be pleasant, you should feel a little hot, your heart rate should increase.

    If you like it, you can step away for a few seconds and then come back again. This allows you to take a break and make the kiss more sexual.

    At the end you can say the magic phrase:

    "I've wanted to kiss you for so long"

    This statement works great and has a very positive effect on the girl.

    When is it appropriate to kiss on the cheek?

    As mentioned above, a kiss on the cheek can be either personal or formal. This type of kiss is not very intimate, so you can kiss a person on the cheek both at home and in public places.

    A kiss on the cheek does not oblige you to anything. You kiss your relatives and friends on the cheek, but is it possible to kiss the girl you like on the cheek? It's more difficult here. To allow you to kiss her, she must know you well and have a positive attitude towards you. If you haven’t been communicating with her for a very long time, and especially if you don’t even know each other, you shouldn’t allow yourself to kiss her. They kiss those they trust on the cheek. So first you need to enter a circle of trust. Chat with the girl. Get her interested. Find out everything about her preferences, what she likes to do in her free time. If she enjoys sewing or beading, show interest in this activity. Say that you would like to learn too. Perhaps she will help you in this difficult matter.

    Tell us what you are passionate about. Perhaps you like to draw? Or do you have a talent in the culinary arts? Invite her to try it. Rest assured, she will be interested. She will become interested in you. Show her what a versatile person you are. Show all your positive sides. Let her see you as an interesting conversationalist and person.

    Do not forget that with all this, you must be a man in her eyes. A man with a capital "M". To do this, you need to show yourself from the masculine side. Help her carry a heavy bag, open a jar of cucumbers, or remove a spider. At first glance, it will seem to you that these are mere trifles, but believe me, the girl will notice and appreciate it. No wonder they say: “Our life is made up of little things.”

    You must not only be strong, but also brave. For example, if your lover is attacked by hooligans, what will you do? Will you run away? This is not the act of a real man. You must be able to stand up for yourself and for your lady love. And even if they give you a bruise and you don’t emerge victorious from the fight, for her you will forever remain a hero. A hero who stood up for her. A hero who cares about her.

    Invite her somewhere. It doesn't have to be a date right away. To begin with, let's call these friendly meetings. Invite her to a movie or to eat pizza. Invite her for a walk in the park. You can just sit, talk, get to know each other better. Roller skate or go to the skating rink. And if the weather is bad outside, play a board game at home.

    Try something new. For example, try cooking something together. And then clean the kitchen together after your experiments. Working together brings people closer together. Spend as much time as possible together. Gradually she will begin to trust you. When you become good friends, you can move on to the next stage. If simple friendship is not enough for you and you want something more, a kiss on the cheek will be the next step in your relationship.

    You can kiss her after another walk, walking her home. This kiss will mark the beginning of your future relationship as a couple. This kiss will open the door to her heart for you.

    What is the perfect kiss?

    Everyone wants their first kiss to be perfect. But what does ideal mean? In my opinion, the ideal kiss is one that occurs between two people who are in love and attracted to each other. And as long as the couple’s intentions are good, then the kiss will be good.

    So don't worry if it doesn't go exactly like in the movies! By the way, even if you turn to them, you will notice that everyone kisses differently.

    This is manifested in everything - the position of the hands, head, body, tilt towards the girl and distance, even the very “attachment” to the lips is different for each actor.

    Therefore, you will have your own personal style. If she reaches out to you for another kiss, it means you are delightful, sweet, ideal for her.

    Don't worry about technical details. Just make sure that when you suck on her lips, the pressure on them does not increase (don't turn into a vacuum cleaner). This should all happen delicately and affectionately.

    My first kiss was terrible, yet I fell in love with this guy. He sucked my two lips at the same time and so hard that they then hurt for a very long time and severely. Then it seemed to me that this was the only correct option. Yeah, his wife won't be so lucky.

    Kissing with tongue: how to kiss correctly and not leave hickeys - training video

    Many sexologists believe that a true kiss can only occur with the participation of the tongue. If you do everything correctly, it will turn out beautiful, sensual, exciting. It has a great influence on the processes occurring in the body: activation of the spinal nerves, endocrine and pancreas and nerve endings of the perineum - all this causes sexual arousal. If you kiss without tongue, there will be no such effect.

    French kissing is equivalent to the Samayana technique, which was described in the Kama Sutra. The ancient book of love describes several types of tongue kisses that can be attributed to this technique.

    1. “Mill” - one of the lovers inserts his tongue into the other’s mouth and rotates it in a circle - it is correct to move both clockwise and counterclockwise.
    2. “Exquisite” - one of the lovers inserts his tongue into the other’s mouth and runs it across the roof of his mouth.
    3. “Royal” - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it behind the partner’s cheek.
    4. “Stinging” is sucking on the lover’s lips, which periodically alternates with a sharp, short insertion of your tongue into his mouth.

    In order for the lady of your heart to like a French kiss, it would be right to try to control your salivation. No person will enjoy an overly wet kiss and the feeling of someone else's saliva on his face. Of course, a more intense exchange of saliva during a French kiss has an exciting effect on some, but for others it may turn off.

    No matter how much you would like to immediately begin openly caressing your lips using your tongue, it would be right to first check your partner’s readiness. To do this, you need to gently touch your beloved’s lips with your lips, and then run the tip of your tongue over them. At the same time, it is important to observe the girl’s reaction: if she frowns, does not reciprocate, or even moves away, the time has not come for such a kiss. There is no need to insist or rush things.

    If the partner opened her mouth slightly and pressed harder, you can proceed further: penetrate your tongue a little deeper and gently touch the inside of the lady’s lips and tongue. In this case, the partners’ lips should be pressed well against each other, creating a closed space within which a gentle and passionate hurricane rages. You should not put your entire tongue into a girl’s mouth - this is uncomfortable for your partner and may be unpleasant for your partner. It is correct to penetrate the girl’s mouth gradually, increasing the intensity of movements and not forgetting to alternate them.

    An excessively open mouth and too active tongue work have nothing to do with a sensual French kiss and are unlikely to please a girl. It is more correct to start softly, as if exploring the chosen one’s mouth. It should be understood that the first “adult” kisses are a gradual rapprochement and discovery of each other. Don’t take too long with French caresses—remember the 10-second rule.

    For clarity, here is a video tutorial on how to kiss in French correctly.

    How to choose the right moment for a kiss

    To kiss the girl you like, the first thing you need is to find a secluded place. This is very important, especially for the first kiss. People who are nearby can distract and ruin the moment.

    I don’t recommend kissing during the movie, especially the first kiss.

    The second thing you should pay attention to is the right moment.

    When to do this? If you're on a date, kissing usually happens towards the end, especially the first time. As for the number of meetings, there are no clear dates. Some teenagers can date for a month and never kiss, but girls aged 26-30 are ready to kiss on their first date.

    By the way, read How to ask a girl out on a date: simple ways (opens in a new tab).

    In general, the best time is when you want it. If you feel that the atmosphere is conducive and the moment has come, then act!

    Any hesitation will make you look like an indecisive person. Or the girl will think that she is not interested in you and will no longer want to continue such a “sterile” relationship, in her opinion.

    How to learn to kiss without a partner

    If you don’t currently have a betrothed, and the desire to learn how to kiss does not leave you, or you want to master kissing techniques before you have to use them on a person, read the following methods.

    How to learn to kiss on a tomato or apple

    There is no need to be shy, this is normal, the main thing in such a matter is the absence of allergies. A friend of mine once got sprinkled with nectarine on the eve of a date!

    First you need to choose a product. The tomato (other similar fruits and vegetables, berries) should not be too small. First of all, after you have washed it, bite off a little - just a little - so that the flesh can be seen. Make a hole in the center of the bite. Imagine that the tomato is the face of your loved one, and the place where you bite is his mouth. Kiss alternately the upper and lower parts - “lips”; then activate your tongue: the hole you made earlier serves as the oral cavity. Use your imagination, close your eyes and practice.

    After this experience, you will feel more confident when you kiss a guy for the first time, and you can practice biting on your hand and feel the tenderness of your lips.

    How to kiss a girl correctly if you're nervous

    It's normal to be a little tense before kissing someone. Moreover, this does not depend on age; some people did not have their first kiss even at 20 years old.

    If you or your girlfriend are very shy and have never kissed before, then the best solution is to take it slow. Don't be pushy or pushy, let everything happen naturally. Let's say you planned this moment, and then it didn't happen - no big deal. After some time, you will come back to this again and do it.

    If kissing on the lips is too revealing for you, you can start by gently kissing her hand (just bring it up and press it to your lips, slightly parting them), or in the same way gently kiss her on the cheek.

    Any of these options can develop into a real kiss on the lips now or a little later.

    How to kiss a girl without tongue

    To learn how to kiss on the lips correctly, you first need to follow your feelings. But it is also necessary to know the theory. A kiss without using the tongue is quite simple and at the same time very gentle and sensual - with its help you can convey all your feelings to the lady. Very often this is where relationships begin.

    In order for a girl to be pleasantly surprised and remembered by a kiss for a long time, it is correct not to strain her lips - they should be soft, but not weak-willed. During the process, it’s worth trying to change the pace of movement: this can be done during one kiss, or from time to time. The first kiss should not be too long - the optimal time is 10 seconds. After this, you need to pause and look at the girl: if she reacts positively, you can continue kissing.

    Instructions that will teach you how to kiss

    1. It's good to start with light touches and hugs. If it becomes clear that the girl doesn’t mind, you can move on to the next stage.
    2. Now you need to slowly bring your face closer to your lover’s face, stroking her eyes. Next, tilt your head slightly, close your eyes and bring your lips closer to the girl’s lips.
    3. The moment of the kiss itself comes - here it is important to act correctly. Slowly, you need to alternately wrap your lips around one or the other of your friend’s lips, sucking gently. At this time, all thoughts should leave the head so that the young man can focus on his partner and on the process itself.

    And the most important secret of an unforgettable kiss is complete involvement in the process. Uncertainty, fear, tension - all these are not the best emotions when a couple kisses. In addition to the fact that this will completely erase the magical magic of the first kiss and ruin the sensations, it will also not go unnoticed by the girl, and she is unlikely to want to continue communication. You can read about how to kiss your loved one correctly for the first time in the article “How to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time - learning how to kiss correctly.”

    How to kiss if you have braces

    • If a girl has braces, just don't focus on them. Kiss your lips lightly and gently, then everything will go smoothly.
    • When you have braces, it is very important to brush your teeth and avoid problematic foods that might get stuck in them before kissing.
    • If you kiss a girl with braces, be careful with the back of them - that's where the sharpest parts are.
    • In case you both have braces, don't worry, your braces won't interlock! It's just a myth.

    What does a kiss tell you?

    When you kiss a person for the first time, you can determine not only his skill, but also his character traits, his attitude towards you.

    • A kiss on the cheek shows your importance. They value you and don’t want to lose you. Appreciate it.
    • If you were kissed on the hand, you should pay attention to the circumstances. If earlier it was a purely formal gesture - a tribute to respect, then in the modern world, in most cases, if a loved one kisses you on the hand, this means real adoration. Something more reverent than love.
    • A kiss on the neck speaks of unbridled passion; they want to completely possess you. To obey or not? Decide!
    • A kiss on the nose indicates sympathy. This is a sweet and reverent attitude towards you.
    • If they kiss you on the forehead, they want to take care of you, they want to protect you.

    But what if you haven’t practiced kissing yet and you think you don’t know how to kiss? Now I will help you master the basic skills for your first kiss.

    At the beginning, I want to introduce you to the main rules. Yes, yes, there are rules here! It is not necessary to learn, it is advisable to adhere to:

    1. Lips. Your lips should be soft and well-groomed. Scrub and moisturize if necessary.
    2. Freshness. Your breath should be fresh, if you can’t brush your teeth, use chewing gum/breath freshener/apple. There should also be no unpleasant odor coming from the body.
    3. Liberation. Do not strain your body and thoughts, give in to emotions and desires.

    Kissing techniques and tips

    Love and passion are not the same thing. These feelings sometimes do not arise simultaneously, but complement each other. Kisses in both cases differ in the strength of attraction and sympathy. You can learn to kiss passionately with the tongue, without the tongue, in French. Kissing is an instinctive thing. If there are real feelings between partners, then nature will tell them how to learn to kiss, with or without tongue.

    In addition to technique, kissing has a temperamental component:

    • weasel;
    • excitation;
    • passion.

    In a caressing kiss, the tongue is only lightly drawn across the lips. Exciting and passionate kisses - deep, with a complete interweaving of tongues. Passionate - characterized by intensity, greater frankness and the same touches of hands.

    A passionate kiss and a French kiss are completely different. The latter involves both tongues, while the passionate technique involves tightly touching the lips, with alternate sucking of each lip without the tongue.

    How to learn to kiss in French:

    • heads should be positioned so that their noses do not collide;
    • relax, close your eyes, just touch your lips;
    • penetrating into the mouth of your loved one, unobtrusively touch your tongue;
    • increase activity, stroke your mouth with your tongue in any direction.

    Don't hold your breath, let it flow simultaneously with the kiss. A suffocated partner is not a pleasant sight. In the French kiss, the speed and intensity of capturing and biting the lips changes. Partners take turns taking dominance.

    You can kiss not only on the lips, passionately and with the tongue. A nice, friendly kiss on the cheek will make your loved one smile again. An Eskimo kiss (with noses) will set a playful tone during a date. Kissing the eyes is a sign of tenderness and love.

    Kisses without feelings are more like exercises for the mouth. There is no pleasure, but disgust may appear. There are plenty of other ways to show your maturity.

    All the techniques that tell you how to learn to kiss will not help you make an impression if your partner does not openly show his feelings. In addition to your tongue, use your hands. Gentle touches, stroking, hugs bring lovers even closer together.

    How should a girl behave?

    As a rule, the initiative in a love relationship belongs to the man.
    A girl should not attack a young man at the first meeting. However, sometimes a kiss is constantly postponed. If for some reason the guy does not dare to take this step, then the girl can kiss with her tongue first.


    1. Make eye contact. In many cases, it is the look that is the harbinger of a kiss. Gentle, inviting, alluring - he will not let the guy resist. Often this hint is enough for the man to understand everything himself;
    2. Hug. This should be done gently and smoothly. It is better to avoid sudden movements. The partner's head can be pulled closer;
    3. Touch lips. After a light kiss, you can slightly open your mouth. This will make it clear that the girl is ready for a more frank manifestation;
    4. You need to caress your partner's tongue with the tip of your own tongue.

    It is worth considering that there is no need to kiss at the first meeting. If the young man’s mood is really serious, then he will wait for the girl to be ready for this step. A frivolous man will most likely be scared off by such an act.

    How to prepare for a kiss?

    Before you kiss a girl, first of all, you need to work on yourself. First, you must be determined and confident. After all, weakling guys who are afraid to even say a word only push away most girls. Even if you have never kissed a girl on the cheek before, if you really like her and are scared, do not show it under any circumstances. After all, these girls are modest by nature, you must be strong. Believe in yourself and you will win her heart.

    Also pay attention to how you look. You must be a pleasant, well-groomed young man. Hair should be clean and well-groomed. Many guys have problems with dandruff. If you are one of them, you need to deal with this problem. No girl would like to be covered in white dots after talking to you.

    Naturally you must be clean. You shouldn't smell like sweat. And how ashamed you will be if if she runs her hand over your shoulder or hand, pellets of dirt will collect there. In addition to your body, your clothes should also be clean. There is no need to wear a T-shirt to such an extent that it turns from white to gray. Clothes must be clean, ironed and tidy. Make sure there are no holes in it. And it’s better not to wear darned things either. The same goes for shoes. There is an opinion that when meeting a guy, the first thing a girl looks at is his shoes. Whether it's sneakers or shoes, they must be clean.

    Many girls like it when a guy smells of delicious men's perfume. Get one bottle and it will serve you for a long time. But don't overdo it, you don't need to spray yourself from head to toe. In this case, you will not smell, but stink.

    An overabundance of eau de toilette can even give a girl a headache. Of course, if everything is in order with your appearance, you can consider that a quarter of the job is done. But that's not all. In order for a girl to want to kiss you or for her to want to be kissed by you, there are a number of requirements that must be met.

    You need to take care of the skin of your lips. For a touch on her cheek to be memorable and pleasant, the lips that kissed her must be soft, smooth and pleasant. After all, hardly anyone will like the touch of rough, dry lips.

    To ensure that your lips always look their best, use hygienic lipstick in winter. Moisturize your lips at night using a special cream. It is also very useful to apply honey on your lips. If your lips are very rough, exfoliate. Simply put, brush your lips with a toothbrush. It will remove all dead particles, and your lips will become smooth and pleasant.

    You should also take care of your mouth. No girl wants to be kissed by a man whose breath smells bad. To avoid this, simple hygiene will help you. Remember to brush your teeth daily, both morning and evening. Rinse your mouth after eating. Dental floss will also help you with this.

    If bad breath still haunts you, stores and pharmacies sell special oral fluids. If you rinse your mouth with them, the unpleasant odor will disappear. If you have bad habits, quit them. Remember, smoking damages your teeth. And from the fumes, after smoking a cigarette, all the girls will run away from you. If you and your lover meet by chance, remember about mint gum, lollipops, sprays and more. They will always help out in an unexpected situation.

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