How can a girl kiss a guy for the first time?

How to kiss a man without embarrassment and awkwardness?
How to make a kiss innocent and look casual? Nowadays, it is customary to show sympathy, not be shy about expressing feelings and giving free rein to actions. Sex education is being actively introduced into schools, children are being found less and less often in cabbage, and the stork has stopped bringing them. Despite this trend in upbringing, you still want to maintain some intimacy, to be more sensual and emotional about relationships with the opposite sex, although now a person is allowed to build relationships regardless of gender. Today there are a lot of know-it-alls, and that’s good, but there are cases that won’t be written about in a manual or taught in school. For example, the first kiss. Every girl dreams of a kiss like in the movies. How to kiss a man, take the initiative first, when there is no script like in “Titanic” or “50 Shades... something like that”? In what cases is a kiss coming from a woman most appropriate? There are few situations in life when the birds sing, the music fades, everything around dissolves and the very moment comes for the two of you.

First kiss technique without tongue

Girls are accustomed to the fact that a young man on dates usually takes the initiative on his part, which helps the lady relax and accept the situation.

The problem arises when the initiator is a young lady - then you can’t show too much pressure, you just need to direct the guy in the necessary direction.

The most popular type of kiss on first dates is the one without tongue.

It is suitable for teenagers who do not know how to kiss properly, as well as for people trying to start communication with romance.

Let's look at the main nuances to learn the technique of the first kiss without tongue:

  1. The guy should lean down a little towards the girl, turn his head so that his nose does not interfere with the process. Next, it is recommended to gently touch the lips of your chosen one to make her feel good.
  2. It is not recommended to involve the tongue in the process - then the kiss looks assertive and harsh, which characterizes the guy from the negative side.
  3. After touching, move your lips over the girl’s lips, then kiss them again and whisper pleasant words in her ear.
  4. When a girl takes the initiative, when kissing a guy without tongue, the same actions must be taken. A sharp pressure characterizes a lady from a negative side, so everything is done smoothly: the girl approaches the guy, closes her eyes, approaches his lips and kisses him tenderly.

Finish the procedure by wishing you a pleasant evening and thanking you for the meeting and the time spent together. You should not immediately ask about subsequent dates; this is discussed over the phone or online.

How to decide to kiss a boy at school?

In order to kiss a classmate or a student of another class for the first time, you must decide to do this act. After all, without a decision made, the right attitude and self-confidence, you will not be able to do this. So before moving directly to the kiss, you need to tune in to this so as not to be scared at the last moment.

To decide to have your first kiss with a boy at school, you need to clearly understand that it is just a kiss. And even if something goes wrong, there will be nothing fatal about it. So you definitely need to overcome your fear, because it can fetter all thoughts and actions. And although fear at this age is completely understandable and justified, it is necessary to abstract from it. You won't be able to completely get rid of it, but you can try to minimize its impact.

The decision made to kiss a boy should be really strong. You should have no doubt that you want to kiss a person. Therefore, before you decide to kiss a boy at school or after school, you need to make sure that you want this kiss and that you really need it. The stronger your confidence, the higher your mood for this exciting task. Well, the higher your mood, the easier it will be for you to do this.

To make it easier to get ready for a kiss, you need to talk with your girlfriend about your desire to do this. You don’t necessarily need to look for her approval of your desire, as she may begin to dissuade you. However, you should not listen to such advice, because your friend does not know how you feel about the boy. Moreover, her excuses can become banal jealousy towards you or the boy. So there is no need to look for approval in her words. You need to talk to your loved one.

You don't need to take this very seriously. Try to be as relaxed and cheerful as possible. Laugh more often when talking to a guy, and you will be able to calm your nerves.

First kiss with tongue

They say that the first kiss is a kind of test of a couple's compatibility. Adults do not think about how to correctly perform this procedure.

Having experience, they simply relax and surrender to the process. To do this beautifully, you need to remember the basic nuances.

Let's look at the technique of kissing with the tongue for the first time:

  • You need to start the procedure with standard caresses and touches: just touch your partner’s lips and kiss them gently.
  • To get your partner to open his mouth, run your tongue over his lips: if there is no response, you should stop trying.
  • It’s easier for teenagers to say that you don’t know how to kiss than to master the correct technique: for the first time, it’s important to be confident in yourself and your actions.
  • Great disgust is caused by a tongue inserted to its full depth into a partner’s mouth: each movement should occur gradually, the first time should not last long.
  • If it is noticeable that your partner likes the process, you can continue to caress his lips, tongue and teeth: the photo shows how to do this correctly.
  • Girls prefer long heart-to-heart conversations than physical intimacy: be a little restrained - this will give hope for a speedy development of events.

There are a large number of varieties of kissing with the tongue; they should be performed carefully: incorrect movements of a sudden nature can lead to injuries to the tongue.

Important! Many girls wonder what to do if the guy you like is taller than you. Then the initiative for the kiss should come from the young man.

Little tricks will help you cope with the first kiss even in the most sensitive situations.

Step-by-step instructions on how to kiss deeply and beautifully

Despite the short time of acquaintance, partners kiss passionately for the first time.

This indicates the determination of one of the chosen ones and the response of the second opponent. Instructions with step-by-step steps will help you learn how to do this cool.

Note! A classic French kiss always begins with foreplay: there is no need to rush things - it is better to smoothly approach the most important climax.

A video tutorial and step-by-step description will help you master a simple French kiss and subsequently apply your knowledge in practice even at the age of 13:

PreludeBow your head towards your partner, gently take the girl by the neck with your hand. Gently kiss her on the lips, pay attention to her ears
RapprochementStart the kiss by lightly biting your partner's lips
ActionSlowly but confidently run your tongue over the girl’s lips, hinting at penetration inside the mouth. When your mouth opens, use your tongue. This should be done softly and gently, sucking the lips a little
CompletionAfter a passionate kiss, hug your partner, stroke her behind the ear, on the arm, on the shoulder, letting her know that the situation is under control

How to prepare for a kiss at school?

To kiss a boy, you need to prepare for it. First of all, you need to tune in to this emotionally. To do this, you need to overcome all your worries about this. In addition, you need to realize that fear and anxiety in this case are quite understandable. And although you cannot overcome them, you can try not to pay attention to them. The main thing to remember is that your emotional mood largely determines how your kiss with a boy at school will go. Moreover, you need to understand that guys love to kiss even more than girls. Therefore, with your kiss, you can do what the boy has long dreamed of. So even if you are very worried about this, then keep in mind the idea that the guy is worried even more.

In addition to the emotional mood, you will also need other preparation, which you cannot do without. It is imperative to prepare your lips. You need to make sure that they are not dry and cracked, because no one wants to kiss a person who has such lips. So if your lips are prone to dryness or they become chapped in the cold, then buy yourself a moisturizing balm. This product will help you tidy up your lips. In addition to balm, you can also use Vaseline to moisturize your lips, which also does an excellent job of this task. It is worth noting that you should not apply balm before the kiss itself. It is better to do this a few days before you plan to do this, so that the cosmetic product has time to complete its task.

If you are going to kiss a boy at school, then you don’t need to wear bright lipstick on the day you want to do it, which leaves marks. The fact is that if you leave a trace of lipstick on a guy's lips, it can ruin the impression of the kiss. So it is better to give preference to the lipstick that does not leave marks. Well, if you prefer lip gloss to lipstick, then opt for a non-sticky product that will not smudge during a kiss. The fact is that after a kiss, sticky glitter can smudge and ruin your appearance. So this point needs to be given serious attention.

You also need to take care of the freshness of your breath, on which the guy’s impression of your kiss will largely depend. After all, no one wants to kiss a person who has previously eaten garlic salad or salted fish. So if you are going to kiss a boy, then you definitely need to make sure your breath is fresh. To do this, you need to brush your teeth and avoid spicy and salty foods. In addition, it is necessary to have mint chewing gum or hard candies.

The day you decide to kiss a boy at school, you will need to take care of your appearance. Try to dress as nicely as possible and take care of how your hair is styled. A perfect appearance will certainly give you confidence in your own abilities, which will make it much easier to move on to a kiss. Of course, you should always try to look nice when you go to school, because there the boy you like will see you every day. However, on the day you want to kiss him, you must look irresistible. To do this, apply special makeup on this day and wear your favorite clothes in which you look especially attractive. But you don’t need to go too far with your appearance, because you must remember that you are going to school, not to a party. So try to avoid a ton of makeup and too revealing outfits. You should look beautiful but natural. Remember - boys love it.

In addition to your appearance and the condition of your lips, you also need to pay attention to your smell. Apply a special perfume on this day, which you can borrow from your mother, sister or friend. The fact is that when they kiss for the first time, guys remember everything, including smells. Moreover, it is the olfactory memory that is one of the most powerful. So the guy will definitely remember your smell. However, in no case should you overdo it with perfume. Applying perfume to your wrists and behind your ears will be enough.

How different zodiac signs kiss

Astrologers have developed a selection of features, thanks to which you can find out how different zodiac signs kiss. This is a convenient move for those who want to get to know a potential partner better.

Watching an Aries kiss and thinking that all Aries have this style of kissing is naive, because all people are individual.

Try to find your own kissing technique, and below are the main nuances of performing the procedure with different zodiac signs:

  1. Fire signs. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are impulsive signs by nature, so the kissing style is similar. It is unlikely that you will hear the word “I’m afraid” from representatives of the element of fire - they are ready to take any adventure and often initiate passionate kisses.
  2. Air signs. They live by romance and can draw a kiss on paper. Gemini doesn't take the first kiss seriously, Libra dreams of romantic manners, and Aquarius is sensual, gentle and open.
  3. Earth signs. Capricorns never show unnecessary emotions, so the kiss is unlikely to be passionate. Virgos are attentive in everything, so they will try to analyze their partner, and Taurus gently and slowly ignite their partner.
  4. Water signs. Slow Cancers kiss well, but live by their instincts and impulses. Silent Pisces in a kiss will be touching, but crazy. Scorpios prefer to heat up the procedure to degrees of passion.

As you can see, each zodiac sign kisses differently; there are no obvious statements about the features of a kiss. Each person has a style that helped him gain experience in relationships.

What do men like?

Since men lack intuition, the easiest way to find out what he likes is to ask directly.
Moreover, when you are in a relationship, and there are no secrets or misunderstandings between you, there is nothing wrong with sitting down and discussing kissing or intimate life. How to drive a man crazy with a kiss? Most likely, you need to please him, to be an object of desire for him. As for the kissing technique, you don’t need to move your mouth chaotically or wag your tongue like a dog’s tail. Bad breath and haste are undesirable. It is best to watch a couple of romantic films and erotic thrillers to understand how to kiss and what kind of kisses men like. A very clear example of how easy it is to drive your chosen one crazy is the behavior of the writer in “Basic Instinct.” Bold, passionate, bright, but so inaccessible to many. In general, there is a lot to learn from Hollywood cinema. You can also watch more modern films. Knowing what kind of kisses men like, you will kiss your loved one so that he forgets about everything in the world, and you settle in his heart forever. The main secret of such kisses is reciprocity. Remember - no super technique, experience and even the plumpest lips will help you avoid facing indifference and coldness if a man is not interested in a woman and does not want a relationship with her.

A kiss is a manifestation of sympathy, an expression of feelings, so there is no need to re-read manuals and attend trainings. This is your personal happy moment in life, like in a fairy tale. The first kiss is the very first mutual act between two people, after which it will be clear: the spark will turn into ardor and heat between a man and a woman, or will fade away without the slightest chance of a future together. Your inner passion will push you towards each other. Just don't be shy about your feelings.

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