How to meet a girl on the phone: to call or not to call

Thanks to the development of technology, mobile phones are now the first popular communication device. Only thanks to this device, people have become much closer to each other. Everyone remembers how it began, endless conversations until late in the day, simple and banal conversations “about nothing.”

The most intriguing were the conversations of young lovers, and everyone thought: “what would be the topic of conversation with a girl on the phone.” This is exactly the problem that has always been encountered among young men who started an affair with a girl for the first time. But no matter how the circumstances developed, the conversation still began.

But there are several criteria that you should adhere to in order to make it easier for yourself to think about what topic to talk to a girl on the phone:

  • Know her interests a little;
  • Take into account the girl’s opinion;
  • Have mutual topics;
  • Be comprehensively developed;
  • Pay attention to her intonation;

How to learn to communicate beautifully?

  • You can copy the person whose speech you like. Everyone communicates differently, so you can use someone you admire as a role model. Find a person whose speech attracts you, and then practice the communication skills that he demonstrates.
  • How would you like other people to communicate with you? What intonation, what words, what might interest you in this matter? Imagine how a girl should talk to you so that you become interested in her or a topic? Start talking the same way to others. The way you talk to a person is how he will talk to you. Pay special attention to the intonation and words you pronounce. Periodically conduct visualization sessions where you imagine how you would like people to communicate with you. Imagine how you communicate with those who talk to you the way you would like them to. Learn beautiful speech from your imaginary interlocutors, so that later in real life you can talk to girls this way. And remember that other people can talk to you in a way that suits them, but you don’t have to adopt their slang. You have the right to talk to them the way you would like them to talk to you.
  • When getting carried away by discussing a certain topic, keep an eye on whether your interlocutor is interested in it. “Sorry, I got carried away, are you interested in this topic?” If a girl doesn’t want to talk about a certain topic, then don’t insist. If you see that a person is not interested in discussing some issue, and you continue to talk, then in the future he will begin to avoid meeting with you, because he will understand that you want to discuss what is interesting to you, and not to him. And even if you are asked to talk about something else, you will not hear the requests, which makes you want to no longer communicate with you. Therefore, be sensitive and understanding: not all people want to discuss topics that are interesting to you, just as you do not always want to talk about what is interesting to others. In this case, it is necessary to find a compromise if you want to maintain communication with the girl, or stop any contact altogether, since you do not have common topics for discussion.

Beautiful communication is an art. You don't need to demand instant results from yourself, but you can start somewhere. Learn to slowly communicate the way you would like. And soon you will be proud of yourself and your successes.


  1. No fear of approach. And there is no fear at all.

To meet someone in person, you need to be able to not worry, look beautiful and at the same time entertain the girl with pleasant conversations. It's difficult, but with experience everything gets better.

When communicating on the phone, the fear of approach goes away , because the interlocutor does not see your eyes and nervous movements. Also, if you don’t see a girl, you can be more relaxed.

After all, no matter the outcome of your conversation, if she meets you on the street, she will not recognize you, and you can start dating from scratch.

  1. Control.

Your voice is much easier to control than your body. You can’t go against your reflexes; a twitching eye and constant swaying from foot to foot will immediately give away your excitement. By directing all your attention to your speech, so as not to blurt out anything unnecessary, you forget about control over your body.

The voice in this case is easier to train. Moreover, with the help of intonation you can declare a lot about yourself. For example, active, loud and joyful speech will define you as a witty, cheerful person.

Comfortable conditions for telephone communication

In order for a girl to enjoy communicating with a guy, she must first create comfortable conditions for a telephone conversation:

  • Time. Neither you nor the girl should be distracted by anything. Neither you nor the girl should be busy. If you are calling a girl, then start by asking if the girl is busy and can talk to you. When she is free, then start a telephone conversation.
  • Target. For what purpose are you calling a girl? Do you just want to chat, invite her on a date, offer to meet at your home, or ask her about her plans for tomorrow? Depending on your goal, your conversation will go in a certain direction.
  • Good mood. You definitely can't do without it. If you want to respond to any whims, claims and refusals with ease, then call the girl in high spirits.


If you have little experience communicating with strangers, then you need to prepare.


  1. Speak clearly and beautifully.
  2. Improvise.
  3. It's funny and timely to joke.

If you have problems with this, try to rehearse on your friends before calling the girl.

Voice timbre is also important. Moreover, telephone communication often changes it and not always for the better. Record several “variants” of your voice on a voice recorder. Choose the best one. Try to say this until you develop a habit.

Topics for communication on the phone

So, what can you talk to a girl about on the phone? Start the conversation with simple topics, such as how you met and she gave you her phone number, or what happened during your day. Just start the conversation by asking about their mood and how they spent their day. The girl should calm down and trust you, especially since you are just starting your acquaintance.

Rehearse your timbre, voice, intonation. It should be a pleasure to listen to you. Your voice should be calm, deep and confident. The idea that the girl is next to you and everything you say, you say in her ear, will help you with this.

After the initial topics have gotten the girl talking about nothing, you can move on to more serious topics. We can talk about:

  1. Goals for life. What are the girl’s plans for the near future?
  2. Friends. Who is the girl friends with? How does she like to spend time with friends?
  3. Work or study. If the girl is not very tired from everyday activities, then you can discuss this topic.
  4. Date. This topic is quite pleasant and intriguing. Ask the girl how she would like to spend her date with you? What would be her ideal meeting? Let him describe everything in detail.
  5. Hobbies and interests. What does a girl do in her free time? What gives her inspiration?
  6. Shopping. This topic may not be interesting to a guy, but many girls will be happy to talk about how they spend money, choose clothes or shoes.
  7. Relationships. Ask the girl what kind of guy she is looking for? What qualities attract her in a guy? What does she expect from the relationship?

If suddenly a girl starts telling a sad story from her life, you cannot interrupt her. On the contrary, it is necessary to show sympathy, understanding, and support. In addition to positive emotions, a girl should receive support and understanding from a guy. This will allow her to open up to him even faster.

Since you are calling a girl for a reason, but for a specific purpose, smoothly change the topic to a question that interests you. It’s good if this can be done smoothly, “by the way,” “by the way.” Let your conversation, as if by chance, turn to the topic you need when you offer what you want to get from the girl.

It will be difficult for a girl to refuse in such a situation, so after a long and confidential conversation she will simply have to agree. If she refuses, no matter what, don’t despair. Continue to communicate on other topics until the girl “ripes”.

What should be the structure of a telephone conversation?

You can use a simple script for talking to a girl on the phone:

Greetings. It is quite possible to use standard greetings - “Good evening”, “Hello”, “Hello”, etc.

Performance. It is important to remind yourself by indicating who you are and where you met the girl. You can also remind her of the context of your correspondence so that the girl remembers some pleasant moments of your communication.

Ease of communication. Be sure to ask the girl if she is comfortable talking. This is where the first branch of communication will go. If communication is inconvenient, offer to call back at another time. If convenient, you can go to the next point.

Mood. Ask what the girl’s mood is today - and think in advance about how the events of the conversation will develop depending on her answer.

A little humor. Come up with a couple of jokes in advance; they can be used to cheer up the girl and put her in a positive mood.

Gradually begin to lead to a proposal for a meeting. To do this, you can use female curiosity - if you mentioned something interesting in a conversation and the girl started asking about it, immediately explain that you will definitely tell about it - but only in person.

Offer. Prepare phrases with which you plan to ask a girl on a date. You definitely need to think about how you will respond to possible objections and end the conversation on positive emotions. You can use a compliment or a light joke to end your conversation.

How long to talk to a girl on the phone?

Some guys talk to girls for a couple of minutes, while others talk for hours. Often because of this, girls break off relationships with guys. Either they feel that they are not interested in them, or, on the contrary, they begin to get bored. How long to talk on the phone with a girl?

By the way, you can ask a girl this question directly to get an answer. If you intuitively want to understand how long a girl wants to communicate with you, then follow these recommendations:

  1. If the girl herself tries to end the conversation, citing being busy or on vacation, then she talked as much as she needed.
  2. If there is silence, then it’s time to end communication.
  3. Try to communicate first for 30 minutes, and then for 10 minutes. Ask during the third conversation, when did she enjoy communicating most?

By and large, do not communicate with a girl for more than 30-40 minutes. This time is enough to pleasantly share your impressions and clarify all the questions without boring each other.


If you are not targeting a specific girl, then you need to find as many numbers of beautiful strangers as possible and write them down. If the numbers are obtained from social networks, then you can write down the name next to it, describe the appearance, and identify interesting topics from the posts.

Using this information, you can maintain a conversation, as well as determine the girl’s veracity.

For example, on social networks her name is Marina, but on the phone she introduced herself as Elena. This means that the girl is wary of you, with distrust, and you shouldn’t count on a quick date.

How to end the conversation?

All good things come to an end sooner or later - just like a conversation with a female person of interest to you.

You can tell her about this directly , ending the conversation.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether you feel awkward because you have exhausted all the topics for conversation or your mother calls you to help with something - it would be better to refer to the fact that there are some things waiting for you.

Be sure to try to end the conversation in such a way that the girl is confident that you have something else to talk about .

Express the hope that you will talk again - it is not at all necessary to agree on an exact time. Tell your interlocutor that you would be glad to hear from her again.

You can suggest that she herself, if she wishes, call you at her leisure, but do not ask this intrusively - remember that it is the guy who is traditionally expected to take the initiative.


If you know a girl or have seen her somewhere, then it is easier to establish communication. You need to keep the conversation going on the topics that unite you.

If you are looking for communication on a random number, then you need to use your wits and improvise.

Be tactful and moderately relaxed. The girl will not want to talk to the robot.

What reasons might there be to call:

  1. Wrong number. Play out a situation where you have the wrong number. You can continue the conversation with the words: “Girl, I heard your voice and forgot where I called.”
  2. Secret admirer. Girls are flattered by the attention of men, so she will want to know who you are.
  3. Mutual acquaintances. This option is the most reliable. If you say that a mutual friend gave her number, the conversation will go easier.

Advice! Start with ordinary questions such as “how was your day?”, “What do you do?”, “Where do you work?” But there is no need to interrogate her. Find a common, neutral topic that will help relieve tension.

Time and place

I hope you understand that calling early in the morning or late at night is not a good idea. You can run into aggression and instantly get blacklisted. The best time to call is from 18 to 20. If a girl says that she cannot talk, ask when it will be convenient for her to communicate and call back at the appointed time.

For conversation, choose a quiet place without wind or drafts. Check the signal level and charge on your phone. It will be a shame if a girl agrees to meet you, and the phone turns off. Next time she may not want to communicate with you.

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