Topic to talk to a girl on the phone or how to interest her

Making eye contact with a girl

The delights of drunken sex

We are always looking for clever ways and secret tricks that will allow us to hook a pretty girl in order to attract her female attention. But this does not always work out. How to hook the girl you like when communicating or intrigue her in correspondence on social networks? Working methods that will increase your chances of a successful acquaintance by 10 times.

Arousing a girl's interest is not easy, but it is quite possible. All girls are different and require a unique approach, but there are general rules of seduction. Here are win-win ways to hook a girl and make her interested in you. If you seduce on the Internet or in reality, these tips will be 100% useful.

How to arouse reciprocal interest in the communication process?

A significant problem for young people is the development and maintenance of conversation. Everyone is familiar with the concept that love for a woman comes through the ears, so you shouldn’t focus only on appearance.

If you want to arouse reciprocal interest in a girl, you will need the ability to engage in conversation. There are several simple and useful methods.

Leisure conversation

A confident man speaks without haste. When unsure, a person expresses his thoughts hastily, as if he were pronouncing a tongue twister and is afraid that he will interrupt at any moment.

Reference! The slower and calmer you speak, the more the girl will want to continue the conversation. Surprisingly, this is true. But of course, you shouldn’t overdo it with slowing down, otherwise the result will be the opposite.

Sexuality in the voice

You need to talk to the girl so that a picture emerges in her imagination that she wakes up in the morning with this man and hears a gentle whisper. The voice should be soft, gentle, like the rustling of leaves. But it is important that the girl hears all the phrases clearly, otherwise the conversation will turn into torture.

Important ! At first, you may not notice that the interlocutor is interested in this tone of conversation, but in the future it will bear fruit.

How to behave with a girl to interest her is explained in the video:

Nice smile

A wide smile tells the girl that there is great interest in her and she does not see any further interest in winning the attention of a man. She becomes confident that as soon as she wishes, he will be there and will only be with her.

But smiling slightly, the man remains a mystery to his interlocutor and makes her want to know this secret.

How to interest a girl by correspondence?

The prevalence of the Internet has allowed all people to meet on dating sites and social networks. Here, what you look like today and how confident you are become unimportant. The commonality of interests will also remain unnoticed for now. In correspondence, you need to use other techniques that will interest the girl.

  1. Your photos.

The most important thing that needs to be flawless is the photos you post on your page. The girls you are trying to meet will definitely go to your page first to look at your photos.

What image does the guy in these photos create? How attractive is he? Do you like what girls can see in the photos? If the photos were taken poorly, then they are the reason why girls refuse to meet you. Girls don't like your appearance, your clothes, the people who surround you in the photographs, the places against which you were photographed.

Thus, in order to interest a girl, you need to display beautiful and attractive photographs taken with a high-quality camera. Having written any first message in contact, the girl will first come in to look at you, and then answer if she likes you.

  1. Lack of abundant messages and comments.

Many guys make the mistake of starting to comment heavily on photos of girls they like. The more messages you send and comments you leave, the more needy you come across. You long for a girl to be interested in you, but this usually does not attract, it repels.

Keep your distance, even if you like the girl. Write in response to her messages. Comment exactly as much as she comments.

What questions can you ask?

During the conversation, one way or another you have to ask questions. This helps to maintain a conversation and get to know the interlocutor. Questions are asked in such a way that the girl will warm up to the man, gain confidence and answer them easily, without embarrassment.

The questions asked should interest and make you laugh.

Expanded question. There is no need for a short and monosyllabic answer. It starts with the words: how, why, why, what, which. These questions assure the girl that the man is interested in continuing and developing the conversation.

Each question can be easily transformed and expanded. For example: “Do you like plum?” - "What fruits do you like?" Using questions, they start a conversation with the girl (“How are you?”, etc.) and provide support.

Important ! There are also taboo questions, after which the conversation can stop completely. It is better not to raise these topics when communicating with girls.

Even after spending a long time together, such questions can hurt. For example:

  1. How much do you weigh?
  2. How many partners did you have before we met?
  3. What is your IQ level?

You need to remember some rules:

  • Original, creative questions.
  • Fantasize.
  • Don't be afraid of stupid questions, but be afraid of boring questions.
  • We need positive questions.
  • Do not address issues related to bad memories.
  • Know how to change the subject in time.
  • The right question at the right time.
  • With close communication, questions become more frank.

When a partner laughs on a date, it is a sign that she trusts him, is open to him, and most importantly, she is not bored.

Examples of questions that, upon hearing, will make a girl happy:

  • Who do sheep count when they fall asleep?
  • What will a cat do if a dog is doused with valerian?
  • If eating at night is harmful, why do you need a light in the refrigerator?

Questions moving towards personal topics:

  • How old were you when you had your first kiss?
  • A memorable day filled with romance?
  • Rich or good?

By asking such questions, a man introduces a slight flirtation into the conversation and the conversation moves on to frank topics.

Questions on vulgar topics. These topics are discussed only in close relationships. It is inappropriate to ask them at the first meeting.

You shouldn’t base the conversation on questions about sex, especially if your partner doesn’t like it.

  • Unusual place to have sex?
  • Are rude women really good in bed?
  • What song is suitable for intimacy?
  • We tell interesting stories

What questions should you ask a girl during communication are shown in the video:

Girl's opinion2

The most important rule in a telephone conversation is the rule “to be able to listen.” This rule, like no one else, should apply to the girl. Any girl will always carry on even the most banal and empty conversations, and if a guy is seriously interested in her, he should listen to the end of how “Santa Barbara” ended. Only after this, express your opinion, preferably in positive emotions, using irony and humor.

But you should always be extremely careful and attentive; when watching any “Santa Barbara”, a girl expects something completely different than a guy. When talking to a girl on the phone, be sure to listen to the story to the end, otherwise the girl will simply be offended by the unheard conversation.

We tell interesting stories

It happens that there are no more topics to continue the conversation and the man doesn’t know what to interest him with. In this case, ideas that will help you out of the situation of awkward silence will come in handy.

About heroism, childhood and love for animals

Stories on such topics will rarely leave a girl indifferent. You can tell absolutely everything about your childhood period, even bad moments, this will amuse your interlocutor.

Important ! There is no need to talk about moments of carnage, bullying of younger people, if such cases have happened in life or the person simply witnessed them.

About Wikipedia

The question about attitude towards Wikipedia will support and develop further communication. But here it is worth taking into account the girl’s interest in conversations on intellectual topics.

If there is such an interest, then why not chat, discussing facts from different spheres of life. Get smart, so to speak. Topics from the ancient world, to planets in space and the universe.

Fascinating stories

If a girl asks you to tell an interesting story, then travel stories will do. People want to learn about the experiences of others.

They like to learn about useful nuances:

  • Lost luggage is also suitable here,
  • and a flight or journey with adventures,
  • and eating exotic foods and so on.

Reference ! If the man did not take part, then stories about the adventures of friends will do. Such stories carry useful experience and information, and prepare for unpleasant situations.

Countries and diversity of cultures

If a man travels a lot or works on business trips, then such a topic will not cause confusion, and the interlocutor will be interested.

Stories about the customs of peoples, which are the norm for them, but in our country go beyond what is permitted, are suitable.

Maybe the girl has a dream to travel to some country, and she will share her thoughts. The topic is endless and is suitable both for the first meeting and for getting to know each other.

Books, poetry, authors

Topics about literature will show a girl that a man often reads. The love of reading is rare for men, and knowledge on this topic will pleasantly surprise your interlocutor.

You can talk about interesting facts from the lives of authors, about the differences between genres.

But if a man is not familiar with literature, then it is better to remain silent about it and say that he does not have much free time.

Important ! If you plan to continue communicating with the girl, then you urgently need to start reading literature. There are so many genres and trends in it that you will definitely find something to your liking.

Other topics

There are topics that are not suitable for communicating with girls:

  1. Life planning . This topic is revealed, but not during the first time we meet.
  2. Former relationships. You can still talk about family games in kindergarten, but it will be unpleasant for a girl to hear about subsequent love adventures, just like for a man. If he asks, then mention it in passing, without speaking badly about your ex.
  3. Diseases. A funny story about an illness in childhood, about a green-stained apartment, hidden pills and then accidentally found by parents will do. But you shouldn’t talk about other diseases, if you had them in your life.
  4. Failures and unfortunate moments . If you talk about this with humor, then it’s okay, in other cases you shouldn’t do this in the first stages of communication.

Reference ! If it is impossible to avoid unpleasant topics in a conversation, do not go into them in detail.

The conversation is conducted not only on topics that interest the girl, but also on what the man himself wants to communicate. If a man is an excellent storyteller, then the conversation about technology will be interesting to his partner.

If you have no hobbies, you can ask the girl what she wants to know about the life and interests of her interlocutor. This will not be superfluous, so as not to force her to listen to stories that do not interest her.

What to talk about with a girl so that she is interested in listening to you is described in the video:

How to attract the girl of your dreams?

How to attract the girl of your dreams? Do you dream of a princess, tender and affectionate? Then you have every chance of achieving it, if only you understand how to do it.

To attract the person you need into your life, you must develop in yourself all the qualities, lifestyle, thinking and worldview that you want to see in this person. What you want from your future loved one, the same should be in you.

You must think the same, lead the same lifestyle, go to the same places. The same interests will bring you together: you will meet someone who is similar to you, and your partner will meet you who is similar to himself. After all, this is exactly how meetings happen: only people with the same interests end up in the same places and get to know each other, already choosing the one most suitable for themselves. And for this you must be similar to each other.

Your previous meetings with ex-girlfriends happened in exactly the same way: you were similar to each other in your thinking, worldview, and interests. All this brought you together, made you interested in each other, otherwise you would never have ended up in the same place.

Who are you dreaming about? What qualities does your loved one have? What might he be interested in, what kind of image should he present? Become the same person, with the same qualities and lifestyle, so that you can finally end up in the same place and attract each other with your similarity.

Second phase. Start making hints about sex

  • Write messages with sexual overtones. Women will look for double meaning in all phrases. “I thought about you and my mood immediately lifted,” “Just from the shower? So are you wet now?”, “Let’s have a hug.” These are all hints of sex. Women will not only understand this, but will also think about it. In this regard, women's fantasy knows no bounds.
  • Actively use humor. For example, in winter: “Let's go build a snowman. Do you have carrots? And I always have it with me.”
  • If you wrote and the girl didn’t answer, then you don’t need to pester her: “Huh? Where have you gone? Answer me, I’m worried, are you okay?” Just write: “Are you alive?” and a smiley face. She will definitely react to this message without irritation.
  • Don't bother me. Don't text her every ten minutes. She needs freedom and personal space, which you brazenly fill with your messages. I wrote it - don’t rush to write an answer. Sometimes disappear for a day. Women quickly get tired of hyper-interest and it will begin to dynamite you.
  • You end the correspondence. You are a man, you started it, you lead it, you control the progress and you finish it first. Let her not have the opportunity to read your message and remain silent. This way you lose your position.
  • Invite us to a personal meeting. You don’t need to think long about how to seduce a woman by correspondence, just go ahead and do it. I saw her interest and positive reaction - no need to be shy, drag her out on a date. No cool messages can replace personal, real communication. Women do not like texting; they are interested in men who act. While you write “How are you, did you get enough sleep?” she won't sleep with someone else.
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