How to take action when you don't feel like it at all

How to pull yourself together and start

If we do not take into account deep psychological experiences or worries, angry states (which will be discussed later), then usually it is necessary to gather courage for something specific, i.e. for a specific endeavor in your own life:

  • Physical endeavors - start losing weight, exercise, eat right, or even seek treatment from a doctor;
  • Psychological – a decision to change one’s own life for the better, to take steps towards reconciliation;
  • Goal goals – start setting goals for yourself, stop being afraid of failures, act towards your goal/dream;
  • Externally implementable - start training to find a new job, change your field of activity;
  • Internally deep - to begin the path to self-development, self-knowledge, spiritual growth;
  • Intellectual – endeavors in the field of mental development and self-education.


In order to understand how to pull yourself together, you should acquire a compelling motive for doing so. Even if a person is not able to gather his thoughts, his spirit, there are always a couple of hidden reserves in the body - i.e. motivators.

The strongest push is always the awareness of all the “pros” and “cons” of a certain situation. No one wants to deliberately look stupid, unattractive, or be such a simpleton in the eyes of others. This is an external and not so strong motivator in most cases, but sometimes it makes its contribution to bringing a person to his senses.

We often have conversations and monologues within ourselves. The inner voice cannot be silent when there is turmoil in our heads, and behavior and feelings are completely out of control.

This is an internal motivator: it’s worth stopping for a minute and soberly asking yourself questions. You want to look like an inadequate type in your own eyes even less than from the point of view of others. This “kick” is strong enough to bring yourself back to normal.


Very often a person’s problems are born from the fact that he cannot find himself in this life. If you have encountered this, try taking our hidden talent test. Perhaps this is what you need to find motivation.

Well, if you still don’t have the strength to start acting, but you want to change your life for the better and control your destiny, and not passively go with the flow, try to puzzle yourself with motivation. She will help you take control of your own life.

Useful tips for motivation

It’s worth getting yourself together and pulling yourself together in order to start living life to the fullest, experiencing interesting emotions, earning more, or making your dreams come true. The causes of adversity are often inaction and poor or absent motivation. No one will ever succeed in love, work or sports without believing in themselves.

Step one: the right path begins with awareness of the problem. If you were able to ask yourself the question: “Why can’t I do anything?”, or: “Where should I go to find my dreams?”, or: “How to transform my life?”, then you have already stepped on the right path. If you are reading this article, you have chosen the right road.

Step two: believe in yourself. Tell yourself: “I can do it.” You really can. We live in a world where there are no barriers to novelty, where any road can lead to unexpected success. Just realize this - watch movies or read books about people who accidentally did something incredible.

Step three: motivate yourself. Use affirmations. These are phrases specially developed by specialists that can guide you along the path of positive thinking. Repeat them to yourself constantly so that over time they become part of your life. We presented the best affirmations for every day in one of the previous articles. Check them out and choose the ones that suit you best.

Step four: Find something to do that excites you. Lack of motivation often plagues those who do not have a specific hobby or job. Don’t try at all costs to occupy yourself with anything in your free time. Find what you really want to do.

Step five: Don't watch TV every night. Information can be gleaned from the Internet when you need it, and television, even in the background, tends to fill the brain with extraneous things, for example, advertising or shows that can easily eat up an hour or two of your time.

Step six: getting rid of bad habits. This includes not only television, alcohol and cigarettes. You can add absolutely everything to this list that makes you addicted. This also allows you to remove television, cigarettes, etc. from the list of bad habits. If you need TV to relax on a Saturday night, then it is quite harmless. Psychologically, smoking is harmful if it distracts you and makes you addicted. A couple of cigarettes in the evening will not greatly push you away from your cherished goal of starting to live correctly. Moderation is important in everything - this is how the advice of the sixth step will sound correctly.

Psychologists also advise going in for sports and constantly broadening your horizons. Develop your body and mind. Don't go to extremes. The best thing in our life is moderation, although often success accompanies only excess. An important amendment - these excesses should be associated with your dream or with what you love with all your soul.

You will be able to finally pull yourself together and start living in a new way if you maintain this rhythm for 21 days. There is a so-called 21-day rule, which we e;t told you about. This rule will help you move mountains, and you won’t even notice it.

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17.05.2016 00:34

Experiences, worries, angry states

Almost no person can live without them. How to pull yourself together if you fall into a similar state, there are several recommendations for emergency ways out of the situation.

Bet on the future. Before a wave arises in your soul to cry, blush, or yell at your interlocutor, think about the consequences of your fleeting desires.

Think about whether such a scandal will be important to you after n number of weeks or months, and what kind of residue will remain after that. It is unlikely that such a breakdown is “worth the candle,” much less your own nerves and those of your opponent.

Abstraction. It is very easy to learn, immediately when there is a surge of aggression or tearfulness, to remember the pleasant moments of life, think about the good, and most importantly, see something positive in your offender.

A positive attitude takes away negativity with it as easily as a wave of seashells from the coast. By the way, such an image can be visualized and used as a distracting slide.

Pain is like an external switch. Many people use the technique of biting their tongue, clenching their fists, or pinching themselves. It’s just better to do this without fanaticism, so as not to get hurt. A slight painful “bite” brings you to your senses and reduces the degree of resentment and anger.

A few more methods:

Physically burn off adrenaline. Breathing exercises are very effective (several deep inhalations and exhalations, increased breathing). The body spends energy on these actions, so there is no energy left to clarify the relationship.

Reflection in the mirror. We all look very unsightly in such a situation. A twisted facial expression, teary eyes, a sour expression - we don’t like us the way we are! The desire to continue will quickly disappear.

Japanese account or waiting. There is a technique that before you throw your verbal red pepper in the face of the offender, you need to count to 10. During this time, the brain will produce thousands of thought processes and analysis. This often helps to avoid saying too much.

The Japanese also advise waiting until tomorrow before making a decision. The reasons for resentment, worry and anger after a night of sleep do not seem so significant.

Take power into your own hands

Whether it's over a situation, an individual, or an entire team, sometimes we want to take power into our own hands. And for this you need to be able to gather yourself, mobilize at the right moment.

Becoming a leader and putting an opponent on the shoulder is not so easy for an unprepared layman. To do this, you need to develop, accumulate self-control, save face even in the face of clearly impending failure, and always think a couple of moves ahead:

  • During an argument or dispute, when you feel that self-control is escaping you, try to move the conversation to a plane where you are competent. In familiar topics, a person always feels confident, like a fish in water;
  • Practice regularly at home not to show your true thoughts and intentions with facial expressions and gestures. Maintaining composure in public is much more difficult, so practice, practice and practice again in private;
  • Try to piss off your interlocutor by smiling or parrying his attacks;
  • Knowledge of NLP and sign techniques has never hurt anyone's self-control;
  • Remember your strengths and hide your weaknesses deeply from prying minds. Look for the “Achilles heel” in your opponent, and by pressing on it a couple of times, both self-control and confidence will return when it begins to be lost.

Depression or inability to control yourself

A pathologically bad mood and the inability to collect feelings, thoughts, and spirit sometimes signal an illness, i.e. depression. It is important to diagnose this correctly, then the worst advice is to try to pull yourself together.

A person is not capable of this on his own; the will is suppressed. Only doctors can bring the patient out of such a process of self-oppression. And independent attempts will only lead to regression and acceleration of negative symptoms.

Leader's resource state: three main factors

How can you maintain a resourceful state and a high level of energy despite the crisis?
Konstantin Mikhailenkov Jun 16, 2020

Act 575

6. In any acute situation, try to get to know yourself better.

After all, it is in stressful situations that our hidden resources manifest themselves, and we understand that we are capable of more.

7. Have a positive attitude towards yourself and others.

Self-confidence and humor prolong life and also make it fun.

8. Look at what is happening in the larger context and be patient.

  • Ask the question: “For what greater reason did what happened happen?”

Current restrictions and temporary difficulties often hide a worthy prize from us.

9. Leave room for hope in your life and be persistent.

Focus on actions that lead to what you want, rather than on obstacles that may hinder you.

10. Be attentive to your feelings and desires.

Strive for what you truly enjoy and are truly interested in. This will help get rid of unnecessary stress and unnecessary worries.

In the online course “THE WAY OF A MENTOR” we analyze algorithms and working schemes for effectively managing oneself in different situations, and train to apply them in practice.

Change of environment and activity

If the inability to independently manage your negative emotions is not associated with diseases, but continues for a certain period of time, then there is a “magic elixir”.

A change of picture, be it a trip on vacation or a weekend, a transition to a new job, a new field of activity, always gives a boost of vivacity.

Our body, both body and mind, requires constant variety and innovation. That is why it is so difficult to endure routine and take responsibility for your emotional background. Any changes entail an acceleration of neural brain processes and the release of adrenaline; we gather our strength and can handle anything.

Tip #3: Constantly train your memory

By studying or consolidating in practice the new material you have just learned, you automatically train your memory, which will perfectly help you remember and assimilate something new. Constantly training your memory will have a positive effect on the speed of decision-making on the task assigned to you, and will also allow you to collect your thoughts much faster and concentrate your attention on the goal you have set for yourself.

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