25 Great Psychological Thrillers That Will Intrigue the Imagination

My dinner with Andre

My Dinner with Andre

Genre: drama

The viewer experiences a “live” improvisational communication between two old acquaintances who have not met each other for a long time. At first, they don’t even know what to talk about, because they lead such different (even outwardly) lives, but starting with a common professional topic - theater, they move on to the “eternal themes of existence”, realizing as the conversation progresses that in essence they are similar and care they are one and the same.


Year of premiere:

Marc Webb (“The Amazing Spider-Man”)
Tom Flynn (“Togo”)
Chris Evans, McKenna Grace, Octavia Spencer
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

The film is a complex ethical puzzle about the upbringing and childhood of gifted children. Frank truly loves his niece Mary, a seven-year-old math genius. The girl also loves her guardian uncle, her friend (a forty-year-old neighbor) and her one-eyed cat. Frank's model of upbringing is simple: Mary is, first of all, a child, so her uncle wants the girl to go to an ordinary school, communicate with ordinary children and enjoy communicating with an almost ordinary cat. And everything would be fine, but Grandma Mary believes that her granddaughter’s talent for mathematics is more important than playing with peers, walks along the coast and other happy life. Which of them will win in the fight for the life of a child, how acceptable is it in general to decide for another (even if not quite an adult) person how to live, and whether superpowers are really a gift and not a black mark - we watch and look for answers in this movie .


A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange

Genre: fantasy, drama, crime

The film provided an exhaustive analysis of the causes of crime among young people, the intolerance of the new generation towards the usual moral values ​​and the principles of life of modern society. The ruthless leader of a gang of teenagers who commit murder and rape is sent to prison and undergoes special treatment to suppress the subconscious desire for violence. But life outside the prison gates is such that measures taken to “correct cruelty of character” cannot change anything.

Three billboards outside Ebing, Missouri

Year of premiere:

Director and screenwriter:
Martin McDonagh (“Six Shooter”, “Seven Psychopaths”)
Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson, Peter Dinklage, Lucas Hedges
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:
8 ,2

The best way to describe this movie is uncomfortable. There's no convenient backstory to help you immediately recognize who to root for; it has an uncomfortably large number of characters, each of whom is chaotically connected to the previous one; in the film it is difficult to fully understand who is actually fighting with whom and why; and finally, the theme of the film itself is very uncomfortable. And yet, when watching through the jungle of all these ideological obstacles, the viewer receives an excellent psychological drama.

Mildred Hayes is an imperfect mother. She has a complex character, she is prone to aggression and is accustomed to domestic violence. But she is still a mother, so it is very difficult for a woman to come to terms with the fact that her daughter was raped and killed. And the fact that the police not only did not find the criminal, but also slowed down the unpromising investigation infuriates Mildred. The woman needs a culprit on whom she can take it out and relieve the pain, and the inconsolable mother makes the local sheriff this culprit. Having bought three billboards from the city, Mildred places accusatory remarks on them addressed to the sheriff.

And the war for these billboards will attract all the attention of the city, because the sheriff himself is very loved here. In addition, the sheriff is also dying of cancer, which adds tragedy and (again) inconvenience - it’s hard to hate a generally good person, especially with such a diagnosis. In general, throughout the entire film, the audience, Mildred and other residents of the city will struggle with concentrated hatred, anger and resentment, and it seems there is nowhere to run from them.



Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell won an Oscar and a Golden Globe. At the Golden Globe Awards, the film also received statuettes for Best Screenplay and Best Dramatic Film.

Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs

Genre: thriller, horror film

Clarice Starling, a young graduate of the FBI school, is invited by Special Agent John Crawford of the FBI to participate in solving a mysterious case about a murderous maniac who rips pieces of skin from female victims. Hoping that the cannibal maniac Hannibal Lecter, a former psychiatrist, held in special conditions, will provide a clue to the psychology of the behavior of a criminal who has not yet been caught, Clarice tries to gain Lecter’s trust, has intimate conversations with him, not suspecting that the cunning and dangerous prisoner matured his plan. The peculiar game between them for the sake of fulfilling their own goals makes you nervously and anxiously follow the development of the action, the outcome of which is truly unpredictable and will amaze anyone.



Genre: thriller, detective

Leonard Shelby is elegantly and expensively dressed, drives a brand new Jaguar, but lives in cheap motels. His goal in life is to find his wife's killer.

His problem is a rare form of amnesia, loss of short-term memory; although he remembers everything before the murder, he does not remember what happened fifteen minutes ago. His friends are Teddy and Natalie, and are they really his friends? His companions are a Polaroid camera and tattoos on his body.

The plot is extremely unusual. Requires re-watching.

flying over Cuckoo's Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Genre: drama

Having feigned insanity in the hope of avoiding imprisonment, Randle Patrick McMurphy ends up in a psychiatric clinic, where the cruel sister Mildred Ratched is the almost undivided master. McMurphy is amazed that other patients have come to terms with the existing state of affairs, and some even deliberately came to the hospital, hiding from the frightening outside world. And he decides to revolt. By oneself.



Genre: drama

This story took place in the San Fernando Valley on a rainy day with not a cloud in the sky. Thanks to the intervention of higher powers, as well as a heap of coincidences, accidents, the actions of different people, their lives and destinies will intertwine and penetrate each other within one day, the ending of which will be unforgettable.

Mind games

A Beautiful Mind

Genre: drama, biography

The hero of the film “A Brilliant Mind” (in our release it was released under the not very successful title “A Beautiful Mind”) is a real person, mathematician John Nash, who in his declining years became a Nobel laureate for his early work. And this “bright mind” suffers all his life (after all, he is still alive) from clouding of reason, namely schizophrenia, which during the period of exacerbation of the disease led to a dangerous mania of persecution, in a milder form - to visions taken for reality.

Uwe's second life

Year of premiere:

Director and screenwriter:
Hannes Holm
Rolf Lassgaard
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

Ove is a perfectionist. This elderly grumbler always has everything in perfect order, and Ove is used to seeing every task through to the end. And one of the main tasks of the hero at the moment is to commit suicide. His beloved wife died, there are no children, Uwe quits his job at the depot after forty years of service - why else live? A rational old man sees no point in wasting resources, so he tries to hang himself, jump in front of a train, or poison himself with gas. But every attempt by Ove to commit suicide is interrupted by saving someone else. Ove is ready to give up his life, but this does not mean that no one needs Ove himself. Even if he's just a mean, lonely old man. A very touching and light drama that will make everyone who has something softer than a granite pebble in their chest smile and cry.


In the wild

Into the Wild

Genre: drama, adventure, biography

After graduating from Emory College, one of its leading students and athletes, Christopher McCandless, leaves all his belongings, donates $24,000 to a charitable foundation, and hitchhikes to Alaska to plunge into the wild. Along the way, Christopher meets different people who influence his life in one way or another.

Fight club

Fight Club

Genre: thriller, drama, crime, detective

This film tells about two Americans who met by chance, about thirty years old, who begin to get involved in fighting matches in some underground clubs, where fights are conducted harshly, with virtually no rules, until the moment when someone himself, choking in blood, begs for mercy. .

Marriage story

Year of premiere:

Director and screenwriter:
Noah Baumbach
Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

Charlie and Nicole decide to get a divorce. Nicole takes their son Henry to Los Angeles, where she was offered to play in the series, and Charlie remains in New York, where he directs theatrical productions. The creative couple treats each other with respect, and they have no serious complaints about each other. But the death of any marriage attracts vultures—divorce lawyers. These predators are not used to taking into account the feelings of their clients; their goal is to throw mud at their opponents and get more rights for their ward, and more money for themselves. Charlie and Nicole's divorce turns into a hell of scandals, although the guys themselves want only one thing - to continue to live in peace with themselves, each other and their son.

The film not only poses the uncomfortable question of whether lawyers protect someone other than themselves, but also speaks about love in a way that Hollywood melodramas and classic literature do not. In this drama, love is more than “happily ever after” and something more complex than the romantic force that resurrects hearts. A touching and thoughtful film about how a marriage ends, but the family lives on.



The film was presented in the main Oscar and Golden Globe nominations, but in the end, only Laura Dern, who played the main character’s domineering lawyer, received both statuettes for Best Supporting Actress (Laura Dern also played the career woman Renata in Big Little Lies). .



Genre: drama, crime, detective

The film takes place in ancient Japan. A woman is raped in the forest and her husband is killed. There are four points of view - each of the four witnesses has his own. Each sheds additional light on what happened, adding additional details to what happened. However, which version is true, if each claims to be the most truthful?


Year of premiere:

USA, Mexico
Director and screenwriter:
Alfonso Cuaron (Oscar-winning director who gained popularity after “Gravity” and “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”)
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

A melancholic black and white film about a wealthy family from Mexico City. Among the characters: a mother, a father, four children, two maids and a dog with an interesting script function. Cuarón's main focus is on Cleo, the maid who carefully scrubs the floor for the first five minutes of the film. The entire film looks like an ode to this maid: Cleo is kind, patient and hardworking, and everything that happens in her owners’ house is the background that is woven into the story of her life. Another background is historical events, the “Dirty War” in Mexico in the late 60s. The shooting of students, the lawlessness of the military - it’s dark and scary, but the camera slides away from all these political horrors and always returns to the maid Cleo, who is sincerely attached to the owners’ family and to the eternal cleaning of the floor.



"Golden Lion" of the Venice Film Festival. Ten Oscar nominations and three statuettes for this golden boy: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Director and Best Cinematography.

American History X

American History X

Genre: drama, crime

The leader of the local skinhead gang, Derek Vinyard, firmly holds authority in his area. Convinced that he is right, he mercilessly deals with those who do not have white skin color. Derek's independence and courage are admired by his younger brother Danny, who has already made his choice.

But the brutal murder of two black boys committed by Derek divides the brothers' paths: Derek ends up in prison, where there is a balance of power, and Danny, in freedom, successfully continues his brother's work. Until their paths crossed again...

Green Book

Year of premiere:

Peter Farrelly (“Dumb and Dumber”, “Me, Myself and Irene”)
Nick Vallelonga
Mahershala Ali, Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn)
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

A drama about racism without backs cut with whips, chained half-naked slaves and hunting people as a leisure activity. This film shows more modern discrimination, which still looks like a spit in the face of bright ideas about human civilization.

Don Shirley was a famous African-American composer and musician of the 60s. At that time, racism had already been cured in many states, but proud Shirley decides to go on a tour of the deep South - where black citizens have severely curtailed rights. The sophisticated artist hires Tony “Chatterbox,” a bouncer from a famous nightclub, as a driver and bodyguard. Tony is known for his ability to solve any problems, and Don Shirley will definitely have a lot of them: African Americans in the Southern states are allowed to stay only in certain motels (included in the Green Book), Don Shirley will also have to eat in strictly designated places, and the black population causes There is an unhealthy interest in police in the South. In general, Tony will have to work a lot, saving the musician from a variety of troubles, and the viewer will have to think a lot, digesting the powerful ending of the film.



Aragorn was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe, but missed out on major awards. But Mahershala Ali received both statuettes for Best Supporting Actor. The film was also chosen as film of the year (drama) at both awards.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Genre: fantasy, drama, melodrama

Finally, a machine has been invented that allows you to get rid of any memories. Joel and Clementine decide to get each other out of their minds. But the most tender moments of their feelings are still alive in Joel’s memory. The less he remembers, the more he loves.

Realizing that he simply adores Clementine, Joel tries to find a way to return his beloved memory of the past. It's not too late yet... He must defeat the hated computer brain at all costs!

a lion

Year of premiere:

UK, Australia, USA
Garth Davis (“Analyze This”)
Luke Davis (“Beautiful Boy”)
Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

A drama for lovers of stories about unhappy children and the fact that this world is not completely lost.

Many people know this feeling: your mother left you at the checkout with a whole basket of groceries, and the line is getting shorter, and you look around for your mother more and more, and the cashier is already asking if you need the package... Children's suspense is tougher than Fincher's thrillers. And this alarming state of a small lost child in the huge world of adults in Garth Davis's drama is taken to the limit. Five-year-old Saroo goes with his older brother to the station, and as a result, the little boy finds himself alone on an empty train, leaving in an unknown direction. It is pointless to talk about the feelings of a child who cannot even remember the exact name of his village: one look at this tiny creature rushing around the carriage is enough to feel the full horror of the situation. Sar will have to go through more than one cold night and meet a lot of bad people before he ends up with his adoptive parents. But even there, in a new happy home, Saroo’s journey is not over yet: he feels a connection with those who, far away in the Indian wilderness, still love him and are waiting for him to come home.


The film is based on the true story of Australian businessman Saroo Brierley.

Shutter Island

Shutter Island

Genre: thriller, drama, detective

Two American bailiffs are sent to an island in Massachusetts to investigate the disappearance of a patient in a hospital for the criminally insane. During the investigation, they will have to face a web of lies, a hurricane and a deadly riot by the inhabitants of the clinic.


Year of premiere:

Director and screenwriter:
Lulu Wang
KinoPoisk rating:
IMDb rating:

Billie is an aspiring Chinese writer who moved to the States. The girl is not very successful in climbing the steep career ladder, the financial foundation is also crumbling under her feet, and Billie’s only support is her family in China. But life decides to completely throw the heroine off balance, and Billy is informed that her beloved grandmother, dear old lady Nai Nai, is terminally ill. The grandmother herself knows nothing about the fact that she has very little time left to live, and numerous relatives are organizing a real holiday around her - a fake wedding for her grandson. Billy also returns to China to say goodbye to Nai Nai, and a tragicomedy begins on the screen. The film uses a simple and sad example to show the differences between Eastern and Western culture, but this film is not worth watching for the sake of this philosophy.

The movie evokes a feeling of acute nostalgia for childhood and a desire to call your mother, grandmother, grandfather - those loved ones who are far away for various reasons. This is the case when the drama does not seek to shock and does not complain about injustice, unlike most of its colleagues in the genre. This tape seems to sing a lullaby familiar from childhood, soothes and curls up into a bundle of warm feelings somewhere deep in the soul.



Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can

Genre: drama, comedy, crime, biography

Frank Abagnale worked as a doctor, lawyer and airline pilot - all before reaching adulthood at age 21. A master of deception and fraud, he also mastered the art of forgery, which ultimately earned him millions of dollars in fraudulent checks. FBI agent Carl Hanratty would give anything to catch Frank and bring him to justice for his actions, but Frank is always one step ahead of him, forcing him to continue the pursuit.

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting

Genre: drama

Will Hunting is a 20-year-old prodigy from Boston who keeps getting into trouble. And when the police arrest him for another fight, the mathematics professor takes him under his wing, but on one condition: Will must undergo psychotherapy. The "re-education" sessions, which begin with mistrust, gradually develop into friendship between Will and his mentor.

Interrupted life

Girl, Interrupted

Genre: drama, biography

After Suzanne is diagnosed with a borderline condition, the girl finds herself in a closed psychiatric institution, and in order to rise from the bottom of the abyss to the light, she must overcome the chaos in herself and in the world around her. But it’s so difficult to fight an incorporeal enemy, especially if it’s your own shadow...

reviews taken from the site kinopoisk.ru If you know other interesting
psychological films , share them in the comments.

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