Business is on edge. High profitability of the psychological services segment

0 2853 August 5, 2020 at 11:38 pm Author of the publication: Diana Nurgalieva, marketer, Darlene Carmenate, teacher of English and Spanish languages

I drank coffee in a regular cafe. The cars were stuck in a traffic jam. Someone was sitting in a cool foreign car, and someone was in an old, cheap, beat-up car. There was a university diploma on the table. Now new opportunities opened up for me - a full-time job, a career. Business, the psychology of a millionaire, goals for life - thoughts were rushing fussily in my head. I painted a picture of a successful and happy life.

I wanted money to always be in my hands. Drive an expensive foreign car, live in a huge apartment in a prestigious area, travel at the first call of your heart, dress only in expensive boutiques and have only the most beautiful and luxurious women nearby. Get out of the constant lack of money and achieve maximum financial success. I psychologically did not agree to anything less!

My first psychological business training

It was raining heavily outside, and I was sitting in this cheap cafe and drinking disgusting coffee. I never managed to find a suitable job. They offered me such a low salary that even the prospects for career growth were not attractive.

Internet searches led me to a famous blogger. He once refused to work for someone else's uncle in favor of his own business. His main idea was that financial knowledge is not enough, but the psychology of business management makes it possible to quickly start and successfully develop in a short time. Now for him, earning a million rubles has become the norm of life.

How? How did he find the formula for success through business psychology? A happy young millionaire smiled at me from the screen. How am I worse than him?

The answer turned out to be very simple. I need to undergo business psychological training, and the knowledge will give me advantages and open up new horizons for me!

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The average cost of one visit to a doctor ranges from 2 thousand to 14.5 thousand rubles, although some specialists offer individual consultations, the price of which starts from 40 thousand rubles and can reach 150 thousand rubles.

“The services of a professional are expensive, but in order to become one, you need a lot of money, time and effort. We have to regularly participate in training seminars, supervision, intervision, and personal therapy,” explains Svetlana Kubareva, a medical psychotherapist. According to her, psychologists and psychotherapists are in great demand.

“Society has accepted the fact that we have not only a body, but also a soul that can suffer or be sick, and therefore there is nothing wrong with turning to a specialist psychotherapist in the same way as we turn to a regular therapist,” adds Svetlana Kubareva .


“Good evening, let's check if everything is okay with the sound... Great, there is sound.
Super. Okay, let's go. Hello, dear friends. Today we are going to discover something absolutely incredible. And those who are here today are incredibly lucky, because the importance of the information that I will give out is difficult to overestimate. And those who didn’t make it, didn’t have time, were really unlucky…” – these are the words that usually begin my webinars. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is not possible to reach everyone. That's why I decided to resort to good old print media. I am Yuri Chernikov. A person who teaches psychologists, trainers and coaches how to build a harmonious and, no less important, profitable psychological practice. As a rule, I work with psychologists and people of related professions. I bring to your attention my first book. And it was written not for general development, but solely as a guide to action.

This is a step-by-step instruction filled with practical tricks and tips that you can use in your daily work. I will try to present in an accessible and convenient form everything that has become the achievement of my non-stop two-year work.

If you implement just 15-20% of what I am teaching here, in just one evening you can make $500, $1000, $2000 or more! Remember, there is no limit here - it all depends on your determination and desire to move forward. Your main task is to use this information in practice, because learning is a passive process, and only the implementation of acquired knowledge or skills leads to success, which, according to Noah Webster, is nothing more than achieving the desired goal.

In 2010–2011, I developed a system of psychological practice 2.0 based on information business tools. It allows psychologists, coaches and trainers to make their practice profitable. My personal result for six months is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

During my career, I have mastered the following professions: psychotherapist, consulting psychologist, teacher, trainer, information businessman. Now I am developing two directions: building psy-practice for private psychologists, as well as consulting on increasing sales in psi-practice for training centers.

Through the combination of these skills, I was able to not only find workable models for promoting psi services, but also discover true freedom, supported by financial independence. After all, my profession allows me to actively travel around the world and open new horizons. I live almost all over the world, travel a lot, only occasionally coming to Moscow for live events.

A psychologist is a vocation, the driving force of which is the desire to help, heal, alleviate, guide. In turn, I help psychologists realize their mission through competent promotion of their services. My main task is to serve people, my goal is to make you happier and richer materially and spiritually.

And if you picked up this book, you already want and can succeed!

The most important thing about all the information presented in this book is that it has practical value. Everything that is written here is 90% implemented, tested and works. Only the application of the acquired knowledge will bring results. Every day you must implement something, because no amount of reading information will bring money or new clients. This is an obvious truth, but for some reason many people listen and say: “Yes, I know that.” But when you test in practice any of the methods outlined in this book, you find that there is no result. You must remind yourself every day that your success is only ensured by implementation, and the speed of implementation is critical. I emphasize: it is not correctness in this model that is the decisive factor, but speed, because the dynamics are powerful and the intensity of the processes is high. Even if you are used to doing things slowly and measuredly, remember, the main thing is to act and implement every day.

Fashion trend

According to Natalya Sheshenina, head of the psychotherapy department at the Scandinavia clinic, the services of a psychologist are most in demand among people aged 15–35 years.

“Among this category of people, visiting a psychologist is not considered something shameful; it is even fashionable to some extent, as it corresponds to modern trends towards self-development, self-love, and obtaining “secret knowledge” to improve one’s life and improve its quality. The situation is different with the generation of people aged 40 and older. They have a widespread and popular stigma that if a person goes to a psychologist, then he is either very sick or weak and cannot cope with his problem on his own. Also, people of this age think that visiting a psychologist is a waste of money. They think that they can chat about problems with friends with the same result,” says Natalya Sheshenina.

Among the complaints with which St. Petersburg residents go to the doctor, problems of interpersonal relationships lead. In second place in popularity are appeals related to fears, anxiety and various phobias.

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“Due to the acceleration of the pace of life and the prevalence of multitasking, the number of anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD), whose forms vary greatly, is growing. We can distinguish mesophobia (fear of germs, dirt, etc.), fear of closed spaces, fear of going crazy and harming yourself or your loved ones, fear of contracting some disease, including cancer,” says Svetlana Kubareva.

Further in descending order are the problems of finding oneself and self-realization, psychosomatics, depressive disorders, stress, and decadent moods due to a midlife crisis. Experts also note an increase in requests from people of unconventional orientation who are trying to establish strong relationships in a homosexual couple, as well as solve problems of gender identity.

Most of the experts surveyed noted the growing demand for such methods and directions in psychotherapy as group trainings and gestalt therapy. Also popular are art therapy, family systemic and behavioral therapy, and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques. A service such as coaching, which was initially positioned as psychological support for successful people, is in demand. Today, coaching is becoming a mass phenomenon. Requests for this direction are increasingly coming from people who are just planning to start their own business.

The dominance of impostors

The growing demand for the services of psychotherapists and psychologists has created a fairly extensive offer and a high level of competition. Thus, on the portal, the help of a psychotherapist and psychological counseling services are offered by 945 specialists working privately. These are mostly single specialists who conduct consultations at home or provide consultations via the Internet. Another 430 experts work in psychological offices at multidisciplinary medical centers or in specialized clinics. In addition, there are state medical and social institutions in St. Petersburg, where psychological services are provided both free of charge (under the compulsory medical insurance policy) and for money.

According to various estimates, the share of professional psychologists is at best 50%, and among private practitioners - no more than 10%. Most of the individuals who position themselves as psychoanalysts and specialists in various psychological areas often do not have not only a special education, but also simply a higher education.

“The competition among psychologists is quite high, but despite the fact that there are a lot of specialists, there are few good and effective experts,” confirms Natalya Sheshenina. This situation was led to by the lack of legal responsibility for the unlawful assignment of the status of “psychologist” or “psychotherapist”.

Business psychology as a way to solve my problems

Already in the first lessons I realized that I was in the right place. Here they understand me without words, they voice everything I strive for. Working for someone else's uncle is too petty, but earning millions in a short time is normal. Buying the most expensive car in a year is as natural as brushing your teeth. We were promised that they would reveal the psychological secrets of millionaires, for this we need to undergo business training, psychology will help us take the first step and achieve our goals.

Do you want to set the right goal? Business psychology will give the answer

We were given little financial knowledge, business psychology is designed to help us start thinking like a millionaire, and the rest will happen automatically. This was the main strategy. The classes inspired me, I felt that the impossible was possible.

Using psychological techniques, the coach asked precise questions about my goals for the future. Imagine, what I want is small! “It is important to think globally and only positively! This is a psychological effect. And remember that thought is material! Haven't you seen the movie "The Secret"? Do you want a Toyota Land Cruiser? You fly low, BMW of the latest series – that’s another matter! An income of 300 thousand every month is not bad to start with, but after a year it will be at least twice as much. A million is better! You came to business training, psychology will help you understand what prevents you from achieving success!” My heart began to pound with joy. It's time to expand your horizons!

I came up with my own project, launched a website, diligently followed all the psychological recommendations and constantly studied books on business psychology. I waited a long time for my first orders. At some point, our hands gave up, sales were not happening, and debts were growing. But at the next lesson, the trainer gave me a psychological coaching session, after which I realized all the mistakes I had made! And finally the first orders have arrived!

My business and psychology as a way to solve problems

During business psychology classes, all doubts and fears disappeared into thin air. I believed that I would succeed! Psychologically I felt great. There was no room for any doubt. Ups and downs are normal. The most important thing is the dynamics of growth. And I felt as good as ever.

We worked as a team, setting short and long term goals. We were excited to see which team would win. In the evenings I studied books on business psychology and became more and more savvy not only in financial knowledge, but also in business psychology.

At the next lesson, we were offered to take the next level of business psychological training, a more expensive personal development training. And at the end of the meeting they offered to come to a private party for a select few. My heart began to pound with happiness. “Wow, a private party for the elite! I am the chosen one! The entrance fee was decent, but I withdrew the funds from my credit card without hesitation. Psychologically I was ready for this too.

Business psychology and results

A pile of envelopes lay in front of me. I didn't want to open them. Letters from the tax office, the Pension Fund, bank demands. Debts put psychological pressure on me. I looked at the statistics of my business. There were sales, but they were rare. Even after selling the car, I could not pay off all the debts. Where? Where is the promised profit? I went outside.

Again this disgusting coffee in a cheap cafe. For exactly a year I built a picture of a happy and successful life. I took a course where they promised me that business psychology would help me become successful, rich and happy. They seemed like really cool guys to me, the whole world lay before me. But all dreams collapsed. I was mentally depressed. Why?

I took two more courses in business psychology from other trainers. Everything was the same everywhere.

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