Progressive neuromuscular relaxation according to Jacobson

In the article about muscle relaxation, you could already read about how much tension in the body affects the emotional state. The more chronic muscle blocks we have, the more difficult it is to maintain a positive attitude and joy in life. There are many effective techniques to help avoid unnecessary bodily stress. These include massage, sauna, well-chosen physical activity, as well as exercises that you can do yourself at home. One of the most popular of these complexes is progressive neuromuscular relaxation according to Jacobson. In this article we will look in detail at the features of its implementation and learn how to independently relax your body.

Progressive neuromuscular relaxation according to Jacobson is very popular in Europe and the USA. Its effectiveness has been proven by numerous clinical trials. The author of this set of exercises is American neurologist Edmund Jacobson. He noticed the relationship between stress and bodily tension and created a technique that allows you to relax the body as much as possible, thereby reducing the manifestations of anxiety and restlessness.

Despite the fact that progressive neuromuscular relaxation according to Jacobson is a psychotherapeutic technique, it is quite possible to master it independently. After reading this article, you can learn to relax all major muscle groups and get rid of many chronic blocks and tensions. The essence of this technique is to quickly and completely relax the body and get rid of the effects of stress and anxiety that accompany us almost every day.

Relieving tension

In order to learn how to relieve stress and relax, there are special exercises. You will need a separate room in which you can retire so that no one distracts or interferes with the exercise.

You need to take a comfortable position, you can turn on monotonous music or just a beautiful composition. Concentrate your attention on your breathing and physical body. In this case, special concentration should include inhalations and exhalations.

To relieve tension, special breathing exercises are often used. It allows you to get rid of tension in a short time. When breathing, a person frees his thoughts and directs positive energy for his own benefit.

The fatigue accumulated during the day should go away. If you do not relieve yourself of tension in time, it can result in illness, chronic fatigue and even depression.

People who regularly practice yoga know how important it is to be able to switch off and relax in time. Not everyone is given this ability by nature, but it can be developed.

Teacher-psychologist: Karaseva K.V.

Explanatory note
One of the best ways to overcome stress is relaxation, or relaxation. When the body and mind relax, the alpha rhythm in the brain turns on. Alpha rhythm is an oscillation of waves in the brain with a frequency of 7-14 hertz. Typically the brain operates in the beta rhythm at a frequency of 20 hertz. With the alpha rhythm, healing processes in the body are 10 times more active than with the beta rhythm. I propose to master two very simple methods of Dr. Jose Silva, which will allow you to quickly achieve relaxation, switch your brain to the alpha rhythm and free yourself from stress.

Instant Relaxation Method

Close your eyes and lightly press your index finger onto your thumbnail. Imagine yourself completely relaxing and mentally repeat: “Every time I press my thumbnail, I enter a pleasant, relaxed state of mind and body.” At the same time, press lightly on the nail and slowly release the pressure. Imagine your body relaxing even more.

At this time, your brain moves to the alpha rhythm level. Spend some time at the alpha rhythm level and count from 1 to 5. When you come out of relaxation, open your eyes.

Repeat the exercise 3 times within 5 minutes.

This method can be used any time you want to relax. It works even with your eyes open. The more you use it, the more effective it will be.

Instant stress relief

Relax and slowly stroke your thumb from the 1st knuckle to the tip of your finger with the index finger of the same hand. At the same time, mentally repeat: “Every time I slowly stroke my thumb with my index finger and see the tension leave my body, I feel confident and able to cope with any problem.” Imagine how the tension melts into the air. Exit the state of relaxation by counting from 1 to 5. Within 5 minutes, repeat the exercise 3 times. Train 1-3 times a day. A three-time workout (3 times for 5 minutes) will take you only 15 minutes a day, but will give excellent results.

Progressive relaxation for quick stress relief

By alternately tensing one group of skeletal muscles and relaxing another, working the muscles under conscious control, you can relieve stress within a few minutes. At the same time, you lower cholesterol levels, relieve headaches, high blood pressure, treat colitis and peptic ulcers, because all this is associated with stress.

This exercise is performed in a lying position in a quiet room. It is very important to be as passive as possible about what you are doing. So, close your eyes, take a breath and forcefully clench your right hand into a fist for 5-7 seconds. Exhale and relax. Feel the tension release from your hand and forearm. Notice the difference in sensations during tension and during relaxation. Rest for 45 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Then do the same with your left arm and then with the biceps of each arm, then with the muscles of the face, neck, shoulder girdle, chest, abdomen, thighs, feet. Tighten and relax all muscles in order. When working the shoulder muscles, imagine that you want to connect them together from behind, move your shoulders back. Working your chest muscles, pull your shoulders forward.

Please note that progressive relaxation cannot be practiced if you have muscle pain.

Watching movies, concerts, walks in the park or forest, picnics, chatting with friends, playing cards, massage, and music help relieve stress. It is very useful to sing 2-3 songs yourself during the day or just whistle. It is especially effective to sing or whistle while taking a hot shower.

When choosing a method of dealing with stress, there must be an individual approach. Choose the method that suits you best. The main thing is that the chosen method contrasts with your daily activities. So, with a sedentary lifestyle, you need to choose movement, and vice versa. Do what makes you happy.

Verbal method 1

This technique is described by the following sequence of settings and actions.

  1. “I feel good and calm, I’m comfortable. My breathing is deep and my heart beats steadily.”
  2. “I tense the muscles of my right arm, I feel how taut and tense they are. My shoulder, forearm, hand, fingers - everything is filled with tension” (you need to hold this feeling for a few seconds and think only about it).
  3. “I relax my right hand and at once release all the tension and fatigue. My hand is warm, heavy, relaxed.”
  4. “This feeling is pleasant to me, it brings pleasure” (try to concentrate on the difference between the feeling of tension and relaxation).
  5. Continue the exercise in the same way with the remaining muscle groups.
  6. “My whole body is relaxed. I feel light and at ease. I'm pleased. I'm resting".
  7. “I rested. I feel lightness throughout my body. I feel cheerful throughout my body. I want to get up and start acting. I open my eyes. I am full of strength and vigor. I’m getting up!”

It is important to note that these exercises are not recommended to be done on an empty stomach or during an exacerbation of any disease of the internal organs.

Verbal method 2

  1. Keep your head completely still, look as high as possible (without straining) and then as low as possible. Repeat three times, relax. After each exercise, blink your eyes seven times quickly.
  2. Make three circular movements with your eyes, first to the right and then to the left. After each series of exercises, relax and blink.
  3. Look alternately first at the lower right corner, then at the upper left, then at the lower left and finally at the upper right corner.
  4. Massage your eyebrows and the point between your eyebrows. If you find areas of hardened skin, pinch them several times.
  5. Rub your forehead until a feeling of intense warmth appears.
  6. Feel the painful areas on your temples and massage them for three minutes. You need to press lightly on your temples at first, then harder, and finally press firmly towards the back of your head.
  7. Find areas of increased pain on the back of your head and massage them. Rub the skin on the back of your head.
  8. Rub your palms to make them warm and cover your open eyes with them. Look into the “darkness” for a few minutes.

It is worth emphasizing that this method of relaxation is most suitable for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer.

Verbal method 3

1. “I'm resting. I'm relaxing. I feel free and easy. I am calm. I am calm. I am calm. The whole body is relaxed. It’s easy and pleasant for me.” 2. “My right hand is getting warmer and heavier” (repeat five times). 3. “My left hand is getting warmer and heavier” (repeat five times). 4. “My right leg is getting warm and heavy” (repeat five times). 5. “My left leg is getting warm and heavy” (repeat five times). 6. “My stomach is getting warmer” (repeat five times). 7. “My hands are heavy and warm.” 8. “My legs are heavy and warm.” 9. “My stomach is warm.” 10. “Warmth spreads throughout the body. I feel warm and good. My heart beats calmly and evenly, my breathing is deep.” 11. “I am relaxed and calm. I feel free and easy. I'm resting". 12. “I will succeed. I am valued and respected at work. I'm a good professional. I can do whatever I set my mind to.”

Sensory reproduction

This method is based on the mental representation of pictures that bring pleasure and bring a feeling of pleasant relaxation. Whether it is a corner of nature - a pine forest, a seashore, a snowy plain or a room with a fireplace and a comfortable rocking chair - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to capture it in all the details, try to feel the smells, sounds, see the shades of colors that accompany the images. For additional relaxation, you can imagine a ray of sun or a breeze that warms or refreshes you.

It is recommended to complete a session of sensory reproduction, as well as auto-training or neuromuscular relaxation, by focusing on positive thinking, solving current problems, or affirming one’s own strength and significance.

Birach method

“Lie down comfortably on the couch. Place your hands along your body without touching it. The legs should lie extended and also not touch each other (do not cross your legs).

Relax every muscle.

Think about every muscle in your face and relax it: forehead, cheeks, lower jaw. First of all, remember to relax the muscles at the back of your head.

Your lower jaw should be so loose that it even hangs slightly.

Now relax the muscles of your right hand, and then your left. Rest. Then concentrate your attention alternately on your right leg and your left, relaxing the muscles of your feet, calves, and thighs. Next, relax your abdominal and back muscles.

Try to breathe more rhythmically than usual. With each exhalation, the chest should fall lower and lower.

Now imagine that your arms and shoulders, legs, and vertebrae on your back are tied with ribbons. Loosen these bands until done. Your body begins to slowly flatten under its own weight. Imagine that there are holes in the tips of your fingers and toes. Every time you exhale, air leaves your body through these holes. The body seems to melt. The state of relaxation is very pleasant.

Find a point on the ceiling located at forehead level. Try to keep your eyes on her. If your eyes wander away from it, then immediately direct them back to the point. After a short time - at most, 1-2 minutes - the eyes will begin to blink, a burning sensation will appear in them, and slight tearing will begin.

Don't close your eyes on purpose. Wait until your eyelids close on their own.

Finally, the eyes close, a feeling of complete peace and indifference appears.

A. Birah considers the most significant thing in a state of relaxation to be the fact that a person at this stage of inhibition of consciousness “opens a direct path to the subconscious.” Despite the fact that a person is still able to think about what is happening around him, this state is already enough “to carry out commands given to the subconscious” both in verbal and figurative forms.

It is characteristic that in a state of relaxation, consciousness, as a rule, does not turn off, but only seems to be relegated to the background. A person retains the ability to navigate to a certain extent in the environment, analyze his internal sensations and give himself the necessary commands. This is especially easy to do with increasing training. The commands must be extremely categorical: “I’m tired, I want to sleep”, “I slept for five minutes - that’s it!”, “I got excited - that’s enough.” Calm down!" etc. At the same time, it is important to reinforce verbal commands with appropriate visual images, imagining oneself mentally falling asleep in the first case, waking up vigorously and energetically in the second, calm and unperturbed in the third, etc. People describe their state after such sessions according to -different. However, all descriptions have one thing in common - the state caused by targeted muscle relaxation is followed by a surge of strength, vigor, and increased performance.”

General health text

This text can be used for relaxation sessions (including group ones), when someone (usually a psychotherapist) reads this text in a calm (but not monotonous) voice. It’s even better if the leader of the lesson knows the text by heart and “feels” it. You can use tape recording.

If you pronounce this text to yourself in the first person, you can use it for independent relaxation. But the best results, as practice has shown, are achieved after several group sessions.

Despite some unusualness, this text is well-verified and effective (although, of course, as in the case of other techniques, there are people for whom it is not suitable).

This text, like other texts, is pronounced to music, like melodic recitation. This contributes to a faster immersion of the patient into a hypnotic state.

“Make yourself comfortable. Relax. Choose a point in front of your eyes and look at it without tension. You don't have to try to sleep. Calmly accept the state of the body that occurs during the session and accept it. You are immersed, immersed in an even, calm, deep state, deep healing peace. Fatigue goes away, anxiety goes away, tension goes away. The brain tunes into my words, and my every word acts as I say... Deep healing peace... 1-2-3... 4-5-6... 7-8-9... Everything is balanced, calms down... 10-11-12... 14-15-16... 17-18-19... Deep healing peace... Calm, balanced nervous system. You answer everything evenly, calmly, without unnecessary worry, without wasting energy, and thereby save yourself from painful stress... No one, nothing takes you out of a state of calm and balance, spiritual lightness, joy of life, faith in yourself and your strength... Tension, irritability, anxiety go away, disappear, disappear, and in their place comes calm, balance and peace of mind... The feeling of pain, if there is one, goes away, disappears, disappears, and in place of the pain comes a feeling of warmth, spreading warmth... Your sleep is excellent . You quickly fall asleep, sleep long and soundly all night, without waking up, without any unpleasant dreams, and in the morning you wake up cheerful and rested... Your heart works calmly, rhythmically and evenly, without any painful sensations. Blood flows easily and freely through wide, soft, elastic vessels without any extra pressure, under completely normal pressure... Your breathing is calm, free and easy. You breathe easily and freely both day and night, both at rest and during physical activity. Air easily and freely enters the lungs, leaves the lungs through wide, free bronchi... Every cell of your body is well supplied with oxygen... All the juices of the body: gastric, pancreatic, bile flow freely, without stagnating anywhere... Your protective healing powers, protective healing substances act powerfully, strongly, everything heals, restores, cures, cleanses and balances, and what is not needed, harmful to the body, is dissolved and removed... And now you will spend a little time in a state of deep immersion... Everything will be balanced, it will return to normal. Every cell of your body will accumulate strength, energy, get rid of fatigue... And what I told you about will happen... Deep, healing peace.”

(At this time, only music sounds).

Then the text described above is pronounced, but in the future tense (Your nervous system will be calm, etc.).

“And when you come out of the immersion, you will feel great, with a feeling of a surge of strength and vigor... 1 - immersion goes away, the body is light, the eyelids are light... 2 - the immersion goes away, the body is light, the eyelids are light... 3 - the eyelids are open, you feel great... Stretch, like after sleep, inhale, exhale deeply and lie (sit) a little quietly.”


Imagine: I tilt the cup of a flower - and along with the dew, amazingly fragrant nectar pours out. I look into it from below - and it turns into the blue sky, and the finest aroma pours on me from above. Flower pollen rains down from above like a golden rain, envelops you in a golden cloud, penetrates inside, gilds and illuminates your entire body. We watch how the golden wave seeps, penetrates deep into the body: from the head to the very soles. The body begins to sway, let’s give it freedom: let it sway, bathe in the golden stream. Let your hands rise and, like leaves of seaweed, splash in the warm, gentle, pleasant streams of golden light. (Relaxation in the “half turtle pose.” The text continues with relaxation:) The songs in the Singing Forest were different at different times of the year. Also, every new day, every time of day gave birth to its own melodies: In the morning: cheerful, sonorous, pink - Pine songs, birch songs.

During the day: velvety and golden - Songs of honey, songs of resin.

In the evening: different - blue, red, dark purple - and spring And very pleasant mint songs.

This is how this Singing Forest lived. And everyone was delighted by his songs - the Deer, the Fox, the Squirrel, and even the Hare, whose ear the Bear stepped on. And everyone had fun in this forest.

And underground, the little mustachioed Mole laid out his labyrinths and built tunnels. He also loved listening to songs. He especially liked the Robin's song, so he always hurried to meet the first morning trills of his favorite singer.

Let's listen like moles. Somewhere high above us a fairy-tale melody sounds. Only isolated sounds reach us. I will feel that there is clear sunlight up there. And in the sky there is a huge loving creature - the Sun! There is a desire to get at least a little closer to him. It equally evenly gives its light and love to all living things. It depends only on us how close we are to Him - on our persistence in moving towards Him! We tear, push apart the dark layers of earth with our hands, push the body forward. The further you go, the easier it is to move... We make our final effort and emerge to the surface! Let's enjoy the Robin's song, the light, the warmth! Joy and satisfaction from having managed to overcome obstacles fill us to the brim! We are strong, we were able to overcome a long and difficult path!

Relaxation “Meeting with the Sage”

Leading. Do any of you know a person who regularly reads horoscopes?
How many of you know someone who has been to an astrologer at least once? Do you know people who have visited a fortune teller at least once? How many of you think from time to time about what his life will be like in 10 or 20 years? Of course, no one can say exactly what will happen in his future life. However, from time to time it is useful to dream about the future, because sometimes dreams come true. Now you will sit very comfortably in a chair and close your eyes.
Take three deep breaths and exhales... Your arms lie completely calm, slightly bent along your body. Your feet are relaxed. Your arms and legs become completely calm and heavy. The tension decreases. Your whole body is resting... Imagine that you are in a foreign city and walking along some small street. To the right and left there are beautiful old houses. A predictor of the future lives in one of them. This is a special predictor. For many of those who turned to him, he predicted an exceptionally good future, and they gained additional strength and determination to make their lives wonderful. You open the heavy oak door and a friendly-looking gray-haired old man greets you behind it. He invites you to follow him. In his office, shelves with old books are striking. On the table there is a deck of cards and a wonderful glowing crystal ball. A black and white cat sleeps on the sofa. The fortuneteller offers to sit in a comfortable chair and looks at you carefully. Then he says: - Close your eyes and I will tell you something good about your future life... After these words you fall asleep. You no longer know whether you are hearing the voice of an old fortuneteller or watching your own dream. Images of your future life appear before you. Perhaps you see how and with whom you work, you see the people who work with you... Perhaps you see your future home and the people with whom you live... Spend some time looking in detail at individual images of your dream. From time to time you hear the friendly voice of a fortuneteller. You can make out individual phrases: “You are wonderful... We love you... You will succeed...”. These words help you watch your wonderful dream. (Pause 1 minute)
Now you feel that it is time to say goodbye to the fortuneteller.
You thank the old man for what you saw here. You may want to say something to him in parting, perhaps he himself says something. The old man accompanies you to the door. You walk along the small street again and come back here to us... When I count to six, you will wake up and be cheerful and fresh. Analysis of the exercise:How did you feel in the old man’s house?

What did you like most about what you saw? What surprised you?

Why is it so important to have a clear picture of your future?

Breathing exercises

A very important aspect in relieving tension is proper breathing. A set of relaxation exercises includes certain breathing techniques that allow you to get rid of negativity and stress.

Relaxation exercises involve a person being in a separate room with dim lights and no extraneous sounds. A person must completely devote some time to himself.

A very important instinct for any person is breathing. It is impossible to live without it. By using your breath while performing the technique, you can allow yourself to relax and become energized.

There is a definite connection between breathing and mental processes. When breathing, a person feels the filling of oxygen in the lungs, the blood receives the necessary elements, due to which the brain begins to function actively. When holding your breath, the body receives a certain portion of the necessary elements, due to which the person receives a healing and rejuvenating effect.

Each human system activates its work during breathing exercises. However, there are certain contraindications. For example, this gymnastics should not be practiced by people with heart failure, those who have disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system, as well as neurological abnormalities.

Breathing techniques include:

  • Rhythmic four-phase breathing. It involves taking a deep, slow breath through your nose and holding your breath for 2-3 seconds. This is followed by a sharp exhalation through the mouth. This involves the hands. As you inhale, they rise up to chest level, and as you exhale, they drop sharply, as if throwing off all the negativity.
  • Extended breath. This method is performed as follows: inhale slowly through the nose and gradually slow down the inhalation. Then a quick, sharp exhalation.
  • Extended exhalation. Inhale deeply and slowly, followed by an exhalation as if delayed. Inhale for about 2 seconds, and exhale must be stretched for about 8 seconds.

Holotropic breathing in a group

  • Abdominal breathing. Many artists and singers use this breathing. The shoulders are not involved in breathing; movements are performed only by the stomach. You can mentally imagine that a balloon is inflating in your stomach and then deflating. Breathing is slow and sedate.
  • Medium breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose after exhaling deeply. As you exhale, pinch your ribs and push the air to the end. Keep your shoulders and stomach in a fixed position. Feel relaxed.
  • Upper breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose, after exhaling, then exhale slowly through your nose again. As you inhale, raise your shoulders up, trying to open the upper part of your lungs. The complex is aimed at relaxation.

Each technique is aimed at improving blood circulation and saturating the body with more oxygen in the blood and relaxation. Therefore, for any exercise, it is best to take a comfortable position, preferably sitting. You may feel slightly dizzy.

Useful tips for patients

To increase the efficiency of the complex, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before starting relaxation, you need to get rid of clothes and shoes that restrict movement, as well as take off your watch, glasses or contact lenses.
  2. Before taking the starting position, it is recommended to do a short warm-up, which will warm up the muscles of the legs and arms, reducing the risk of cramps.
  3. Perform each stage of the exercise in 4 counts: increasing tension in the muscles while inhaling, concentrating at maximum tension while holding your breath, relaxing while exhaling.
  4. Maximum muscle tension should be followed by relaxation. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 2 times. If there is a feeling of residual tension in the muscle tissue, you can increase the number of repetitions to 7.
  5. Muscle tension should not be accompanied by cramps or pain. If this happens, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the exercise, or completely abandon it.
  6. For better memorization, it is recommended to master exercises for different muscle groups one by one, with an interval of 4 days. This makes it possible to launch a muscle memory program and bring the execution of each technique to automaticity.
  7. After each repetition, you need to concentrate on the sensations in the muscle group on which the exercise was performed.

It may take 15 to 20 minutes to complete all the exercises. It is recommended to conduct a session of neuromuscular relaxation in a calm environment with appropriate musical accompaniment (sounds of the forest, sea, music for meditation).

Muscle relaxation

The body can get the greatest rest only if its body is completely relaxed. It is necessary to learn to relax every muscle, even those that we rarely use in everyday life, since muscle tension affects the level of relaxation. It often happens that a person relaxes his arms and legs, but his face remains tense. When doing a relaxation exercise, you should note whether the whole body is relaxed.

From the very beginning of the set of exercises, it is necessary to relax the limbs one by one. The first is the right hand. At the same time, you can mentally say which zone you are relaxing.

Then - the left hand, after which - the legs. Visually, you need to imagine how the limbs become heavier, the organs are filled with relaxation and relax.

After several attempts, your hands will begin to relax reflexively. The same will happen with your legs. With a visual representation, it is much easier to perform a relaxation exercise.

Postisometric muscle relaxation

During the complex, a person feels pleasant devastation, weakness, and a desire to sleep. After the complex you can lie down and relax.

The muscles may become engorged with blood and a pleasant warmth will be felt.

Relaxation according to Jacobson: let's summarize

Progressive neuromuscular relaxation according to Jacobson is a universal remedy for relaxing the body after a hard day of work or a strong one. A body free from muscle tension and blocks will allow you to sleep well and feel more energetic, healthier and calmer. But you should understand that without psychotherapeutic work on your anxious state and thinking, relaxation will only relieve bodily symptoms. The body's response to stress is always the same - muscle tension. Therefore, practice neuromuscular relaxation and do not forget to work with your thinking.


Those who have been practicing yoga for a long time know how important meditation is for a person’s mental health. During meditation, all processes in the body slow down, which can significantly reduce stress and tension. Relaxation occurs after a person has learned to accept relaxation and performs the exercises not intentionally, but with complete acceptance of relaxation.

For complex meditation, mantras, yantras, and other auxiliary elements are often used to speed up the onset of relaxation.

A person practicing meditation should be in a quiet, calm environment; no one should disturb him. You can turn on or play mantras yourself. The most basic mantra is “OM”. It not only allows you to relax faster, but also cleanses and opens our chakras.

For meditation it is not necessary to use any techniques or complexes. It will be enough to take a comfortable body position, relax and direct all your attention inward, while turning off consciousness completely. There should be no thoughts, and this is the most important rule for relaxation during meditation.

Instructions for using the technique interpretation by doctors “Dirar”

Based on Jacobson's progressive method, his own interpretation of muscle relaxation techniques appeared. The center’s specialists suggest performing an exercise consisting of alternating tension and relaxation of different parts of the body, which ultimately gives deep relaxation. The tension cycle in this exercise lasts only 6-7 seconds, and relaxation lasts 30-40, during which time you need to concentrate on your sensations. In addition, after muscle relaxation occurs, other areas of the body are added to the muscles already involved.

The exercise itself is best done while sitting, its algorithm is as follows:

  • clenching your fists tightly, holding them in front of you, feel how your hands tense;
  • Relax your muscles for 30 seconds and try to monitor the relaxation process as much as possible;
  • clenching your fists, you need to bend your upper limbs at the wrist, feeling how tension begins to arise in the forearm;
  • then again a period of 30 seconds of relaxation;
  • clenching your hands into fists, you should also bend your arms at the wrist and elbows, while straining your biceps as much as possible;
  • again a period of relaxation;
  • clenching your fists and bending your arms at the wrist and elbows, while straining your biceps, then you should bring your shoulder blades together and lower them downwards - the tension is in the upper back;
  • relaxation stage;
  • stretching your legs forward, you need to bring your toes inward, and on the contrary, spread your heels wider and. bending your leg at the shin, pull your toe towards you, and then raise your legs, while feeling the tension in your shin and hips;
  • the last period of 30 seconds of relaxation.

The set of exercises should be repeated up to 5 times to get the desired effect from the Progressive Relaxation technique and learn to manage your emotions.

Physical relaxation methods

Muscle relaxation exercises allow you to get rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day in a short time. Stretching and yoga are good for relieving tension. A set of relaxation exercises allows you to relieve muscle tension, thanks to which a person receives significant relief from back and joint pain.

There are special exercises for relaxation. One of the popular and effective exercises from the relaxation complex is called “Fly”. It allows you to relieve tension from the facial muscles.

It is done this way: you need to imagine that a fly has landed on your face and crawls from one eye to the other, then onto your nose, and then crawls onto your mouth. At the same time, each muscle where it visually sits must be relaxed.

Another exercise “Lemon”. Imagine that you have a lemon in your hand. The hand will squeeze it until all the juice comes out of it. Then gradually relax your hand. Then change hands.

A complex called “Seven Candles”. Mentally imagine that there are lit candles nearby. It is necessary to slowly and relaxedly blow them out one by one.

How the technique works

In order to explain the algorithm of operation of the muscle relaxation technique, it should first be said that Jacobson relied on the fact that the human muscle structure is divided into certain groups, and exercises were arranged in the same sequence in accordance with them. Thus, the progressive relaxation complex was performed in the following sequence:

  • arm muscles;
  • forehead muscles;
  • neck;
  • rib cage;
  • stomach;
  • lower limbs.

Muscle relaxation begins with short-term (up to 5 seconds) muscle tension, which then relaxes, and a person’s attention shifts from tension to the feeling of relaxation that arises in the body.

For those who are just starting to practice this method, during the first lessons a training practice is carried out, accompanied by detailed instructions on the order of the exercise and the change from tension to relaxation. Instructions created for self-development of a progressive relaxation method, first of all, suggest choosing a comfortable place and a comfortable body position, and then, having closed your eyes first, pay attention to how you breathe.

In general, the technique consists of several stages, each of which is represented by a specific algorithm of actions. So at the first stage, a person should lie on his back, bend his elbows and tense his arm muscles in such a way as to feel a strong tension. Afterwards, the arms should be sharply relaxed, directing attention to the state of the body. The exercise is repeated 3 to 5 times.

At the first stage, another exercise is performed, the essence of which is to contract and relax the biceps, which must be strong enough in order to then trigger the same strong relaxation into the muscles. Next, the torso, neck, shoulders, facial muscles, eyes, tongue, and throat are worked out in the same way.

At the second stage, having assumed a sitting position, you should create tension and relaxation in the muscles alternately, using only those muscles in the exercise that do not support the body in a standing position. Next, it is proposed to perform exactly the same manipulations with muscles that are not involved in activities such as reading, writing, speech, and the like.

At the third stage of progressive relaxation, the time of introspection begins, because It is required to note and remember those muscles in which tension occurs most when a person experiences negative emotions or physical pain. Then, by relaxing those parts of the body that are most tense, you can learn to get rid of negative conditions.

To summarize, we can say that the basis of the Jacobson relaxation technique is the work of consciousness and control of your body with its help. Also, it is worth saying that, despite the technique not being tied to certain conditions, at least at first, in order to successfully practice this method, you should choose the right place, which should be quiet and not brightly lit, you should also ensure that the body was not constrained by tight, tight-fitting clothes.

In addition to the above, it is not recommended to perform exercises immediately after eating, on a full stomach.

Causes of tension

The reasons may be various factors, ranging from basic fatigue to depression and other serious disorders. Subconsciously, a person always strives to relax, but the lifestyle of a modern person does not allow this, so the body gets used to constant stress and over time begins to concentrate so much that relaxation does not occur even at the request of the person.

Relaxation exercises are aimed at suppressing fatigue and relaxation. During any of their complexes, a person feels that his condition is becoming significantly better, even if he has experienced serious physical and emotional stress for a long time.

An exercise with a focal point gives good results. It is necessary to fix your attention on some object. This could be a visual representation of your own comfort zone. Pleasant childhood memories, the view of the sea or the sound of the surf. Anything that makes a person relaxed. The complex is aimed at relieving emotional stress. It is necessary to imagine how the whole body relaxes and plunges into a trance.


“People who know how to relax not only have greater mental flexibility, but are also better able to deal with stress.”

R. Copelan

Hello, dear friend! You've probably heard about such a phenomenon as relaxation. Many people underestimate and underestimate this very effective technique for gaining health. But in vain! I pay a lot of attention to HER, because... Relaxation is the basis for your own development, be it the development of personal qualities, the cure of serious illnesses, or the development of intuition.

For me personally, relaxation is a very important tool in the life of a modern person, which is filled with physical and mental tension, as well as such a common phenomenon as stress.

You may be surprised, but I mastered many relaxation techniques at an early age, and the word “meditation” became a staple in my vocabulary. And for this I am grateful to my parents, who gave me a good upbringing, based on which I followed the path of self-development and improvement.

Thank you Mom and Dad, you are my best teachers and friends!

What is the danger

Stress is of great importance for the human body. Accumulated fatigue causes irritation, as well as many diseases. People who do not know how to relax in time are at risk of becoming chronically tired and have problems communicating because they experience irritation.

In order to protect yourself from excessive stress, you need to regularly perform a set of relaxation exercises, and you can also periodically use this complex when you feel that fatigue has begun to accumulate.

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