Psychological attitudes of the patient and the experience of pain. Review

In the previous article, I tried to highlight the basic mechanisms of the relationship between the body, consciousness and emotions, and now we will figure out how to get rid of pain in practice, that is, we will talk about the basic algorithms and do exercises.

To begin with, it is important for you not to panic and maintain at least relative clarity of consciousness if it suddenly turns out that the situation requires medical attention. And it is even more important to be able not to “wind up” yourself until the situation worsens.

And if it’s just a temporary spasm, then this technique will help you completely get rid of pain for the next period.

Navigation through the article “How to get rid of pain: techniques for working with pain”

  • Step 1: Focus on the pain
  • Step 2: Finding a Body Position to Reduce Pain
  • Step 3. Coping with pain: inner work and awareness
  • Step 4. How to get rid of pain for a long time? - investigate the causes of illness
  • What else is worth remembering when practicing pain management techniques?
  • Signals of different levels

Emotional background

No less important is a person’s mood, the emotional background that accompanies pain. This position can be confirmed by the research of the doctor G. Becher, who observed the perception of pain of wounded soldiers during the Second World War.

The doctor noticed that wounded soldiers needed less morphine to relieve pain than people in peacetime after surgery. Becher associated this with the emotional state of a person: soldiers were happy to be alive, while people after surgery tend to be pessimistic and easily depressed.

Thus, a positive attitude makes a huge difference in the perception of pain - another reason to become an optimist


Wedge with wedge

It sounds strange, but it turns out that a little pain can help with severe pain. This feature was used two centuries ago, when, during tooth extraction, dental assistants pinched the patient, distracting him from the main severe pain. The thing is that epicritic pain can suppress protopathic pain.


Experiments by neurophysiologists have confirmed that epicritic pain inhibits the excitation of nerve cells from protopathic, severe pain. As a result, protopathic excitation does not reach the brain at all, which means that the person does not feel severe pain.

This may explain the fact that when a person experiences severe pain, for example through injury, he bites his lips or digs his nails into his arm. At least this way you can distract yourself until the doctor arrives and receives a painkiller injection.


The pain sometimes becomes unbearable, mainly this happens with a strong destructive effect on the body. The body signals a person that he needs to react somehow and change his tactics. This doesn't always meet the athlete's needs at that particular moment, so athletes want to tone down the sensitivity a little so it doesn't hinder their ability to win.

At the psychological level, painful sensations depress and plunge a person into a state of panic. Sensitivity varies from person to person. There is increased (hyperalgesia) and decreased (hypoalgesia), but may also be absent altogether (analgesia). Doctors have noticed that men experience long-term pain more acutely than women.

Adapting to pain is difficult; this process is divided into physiological and psychological. And in both cases, training and consistency are needed. Gradually, under the influence of repeated and prolonged impacts (impacts), a restructuring of the body’s functions occurs, which pushes the boundaries set by nature. In a word, addiction to pain occurs, sensitivity from blows decreases.

Japanese ninjas began to accustom their babies to pain literally from birth. Light slaps and pinches were gradually replaced by rather strong blows. At the final stage, the older children endured regular beatings with a faceted wooden stick. Such kids turned out to be legendary warriors who seemed able to overcome anything and everything.

Modern science has confirmed the effectiveness of this method in rats. The adults that grew from the rat pups participating in the experiment were strikingly different from ordinary animals. They turned out to be resistant not only to pain and injury, but also to hunger and cold.

Physical adaptation to pain is inextricably linked with psychological adaptation. The cerebral cortex is capable of softening or completely removing a person’s sensitivity. When an athlete feels that his injury is not fatal, he is able to tune out the pain and focus on winning. There are cases when wrestlers with broken bones, dislocations and cracks became champions.

The athlete needs to come to terms with the fact that it will hurt. In this case, what happened will not be a surprise and will not cause a panicky desire to give up. Thus, it becomes clear that victory over pain consists of physical training and the athlete’s willpower.

Pain is a natural protective reaction of the body, thanks to which humanity has managed to survive. After all, if the body were not susceptible to pain

, a person simply did not notice many dangerous situations and would not be able to get out of them. However, sometimes it is necessary to temporarily numb the pain.

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