They say that 50% of success depends on luck. Is it true?

Some people believe that you just have to believe in luck to attract it, or that luck is a skill that can be learned. According to research by Dr. Richard Wiseman, people who consider themselves lucky are more likely to find money on the street or take advantage of “lucky circumstances.”

I am the founder of a company and in my life, like many other entrepreneurs, there have also been many successful moments, but I believe that if you pay special attention to luck, the effect will be the opposite. When luck smiles on me, I don’t think about how lucky I am - I’m primarily concerned about what will happen next.

Luck is the same as being lucky or not.

We already have an idea of ​​the first term.
What is a synonym for luck - luck? Let's remember the term discussed earlier. Luck is an accomplished event that meets a person’s expectations. This is one big event.

But luck is a periodically recurring event or an accumulation of certain lucky circumstances, each of which can be called a separate piece of luck. In other words, this is not one incident, but a series of periodically occurring identical phenomena.

These two words also have differences in usage and compatibility. Let's say, when sending a person on a long journey, we wish him good luck, not luck. Another example will make it more clear: “the event ended in failure...”. “Bad luck” cannot be used here.

Now it is clear that these synonyms also have different meanings.

Happiness is simple.

The essence of happiness is that you have forgotten what real happiness is. I know that the evil forces that you have encountered in life have made you feel unhappy, lonely and think that happiness will never come to you. But that's not true. Your tree of happiness has simply withered. But it is alive as long as you are alive. It must be watered and fertilized with good emotions, useful deeds, and so that they come from the heart. Do you know that the most intoxicating happiness is a state of mind? Many people I talked to thought that happiness was a series of luck and luck and therefore waited for this good streak to come. You can wait like this for a long time. And you can simply turn on happiness in your soul, just like we turn on light bulbs. Once upon a time it’s light...

What is more important for success: luck, talent or intelligence?

Especially for mixstuff – Igor Abramov

In a recent study, scientists created computer models of more than a thousand 40-year careers and concluded that luck, not talent, hard work or passion, was the most important factor in success. The preliminary report of this study is currently available for review on a dedicated website, where the materials are awaiting peer review.

The scientists reached their conclusion by creating computer models that tracked the life success of thousands of virtual people over forty years of their professional careers, ranging in age from 20 to 60. As in the real world, these people all had varying degrees of giftedness, which included traits such as intelligence, creativity, determination, ambition and wealth.

These virtual characters “passed” throughout their careers through various fortunate and unfavorable events that happened completely by chance.

When given the opportunity, they were able to use their talent, intelligence, and professional skills to climb the corporate ladder. In real life, such an event could be, for example, a chance meeting with an influential person in a particular business.

But if an unpleasant situation arose, say, a period of deteriorating health or other circumstances, the computer model robbed the virtual person of part of his wealth.

When the virtual forty-year career was over, the scientists evaluated and ranked all their characters to see if there were any similarities between them.

First of all, they were able to confirm the well-known Pareto principle, according to which wealth is always concentrated in the hands of a small percentage of people.

In the real world, the world's eight richest people have the same amount of wealth as the poorest 3.6 billion.

In the computer simulation, the 20 characters out of a thousand who achieved the greatest results had 44 percent of total “success.”

Researchers have found that talented people are, on average, more likely to be successful than people of average ability, but, what is especially curious, they are somehow rarely among the most successful.

In over 100 simulated careers, the character who achieved "victory" was one of the "mediocre" ones.

We'll have to wait and see if this study is published in its final form after being peer-reviewed, but it appears to confirm earlier studies that also concluded that luck determines everything in life.

For example, some of them showed that scientists with a last name starting with a letter located at the beginning of the alphabet have a higher chance of obtaining senior positions at the most prestigious universities.

People with names that are easy to pronounce are rated more positively than those who are unlucky with a name.

Even something as small as month of birth can affect a person's chances of becoming president of a company.

Where is the best place to start?

Let's see who fortune favors? Whose dreams does he fulfill with lightning speed? And then we will understand what we need to do to attract good luck to ourselves.

Remember: luck loves those who do not sit idle. It comes to purposeful and persistent individuals. Therefore, take at least small steps in the right direction. What if you don't know where to start? Make any attempt to achieve what you want anyway. Read literature about this, make a plan, consult with those who have already achieved what you only dream of.

And one more important point: learn to take advantage of opportunities. Luck is a capricious lady. She does not tolerate inattention to herself. If she has already taken a step towards you, you need to take advantage of this and also come closer. Be grateful even for the pleasant little things that you get for nothing. And if you happen to get a chance to do something you’ve long dreamed of, don’t delay, take it. Otherwise, real fortune will turn into a missed chance, which you will regret later.

Is it possible to become happy?

Of course yes. There are methods that will help with this:

  • Positive thinking. Everyone knows that thoughts are material. Therefore, they should be bright and positive, aimed at achieving goals and success.
  • The optimistic attitude and behavior of a successful person are aimed at seizing a lucky chance in a timely manner and taking advantage of it. Such people are able to make the most of even small accidents. They can find themselves in the right place at the right time and at the same time arrive in the mood appropriate to the situation.
  • Happy people attract successful events. How? Everything is very simple. They circulate among a wide range of people. Communication and new acquaintances provide endless opportunities. After all, no one knows where a profitable and interesting offer may come from. One fateful meeting or invitation can change your whole life. Lack of fear of risk, optimism and communication skills will help you get a lucky chance.
  • Buy lottery tickets. After all, without ever purchasing them, you cannot hope to win, but everyone definitely has the opportunity to get it. Maybe you'll be lucky.

It is impossible to say for sure that you can become lucky. But sitting at home with folded hands, being in a depressed state, this will definitely not be achieved.

Give tithe

There is also one rule for rich people who do not become blind and deaf to the world around them (I say this very mildly), to give 10 percent of their income to charity. And this helps very well to attract money into your wallet. It is believed that 10 times more money is returned to the patron. You have an excellent opportunity to check if this is true.

In conclusion, a video about positive thinking:


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What is success and how does it differ from luck?

Home » Everything for success » What is success and how does it differ from luck?

Nowadays, many are accustomed to thinking that a successful person is one who has a lot of money, a luxurious mansion, holds a high position or is engaged in his own business, and also drives a latest model car. But no one can call an ordinary person who receives a small or average salary successful. In fact, success has many facets, not just financial, such as health, family, respect, recognition, study and many others.

Success does not come on its own; it must be achieved through activity and perseverance. For example, to achieve it in your studies - to get a “gold medal” or “honorable diploma” you need to study a lot and strive for your goal.

What is the difference between luck and success?

Of course, luck and success are related words since both bring positive results to life. But luck, compared to success, usually bursts in unexpectedly, and practically no persistence is required to achieve it. For example, you win the jackpot in the national lottery.

Therefore, achieving success is much easier than waiting for luck, if it comes to you at all. After all, success is the achieved result of a set goal, and luck is an accident or coincidence.

So, what is a successful person? And are billionaires always more successful than ordinary citizens?

Despite the fact that multimillionaires have incredibly huge bank accounts, they cannot buy everything their heart desires.

Especially health and a good family, and usually this is the real happiness for any normal person.

Therefore, a person who lives in abundance and goes to work as if it were a holiday, and from there returns home to his beloved family, cannot be called less successful than a billionaire. After all, one is successful in the financial sphere, and the second is successful in his personal life.

The conclusion is:

Each person has an individual character, as well as a view of the world around them. Some people need worldwide fame and a lot of money, others need a family, others need children, and some live only on science. Therefore, everyone has their own special path to success.

If you want to achieve any success, set a goal and start taking action. Even if slowly, but surely.

I wish you success in your life!

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How to set yourself up for success to attract good luck

Knowing the basic principles of independent influence on your own subconscious, you can understand how to set yourself up for success

and other intangible benefits.

Self-hypnosis and self-discipline mean a lot in the life of a modern person. First, you need to free your mind from any negative thoughts - they only scare away your luck.

After all, you, not believing in your own success, in your own strength, send negative vibes into the space around you.

They envelop you like an invisible, strong cocoon through which nothing from the positive world can break through. You are depriving yourself of a chance for success, even if you know all the other points of the plan: how to set yourself up for success


Of course, taking and letting go of all the negativity (especially if it has already become a strong, inseparable part of your life) will not work overnight.

But you need to work in this direction, and the sooner you start doing this, the better for you. Meditation is good for clearing the mind.

If for any reason you do not trust Eastern psychological practice, seek help from a professional domestic specialist.

There are many Western methods of working with the conscious and subconscious and the goal of “ how to set yourself up for success.”

", one of them will definitely suit you.

The main thing is to remember what your next day will be like: happy or sad, only you choose.

Step two is the realization that if you don’t do something successfully, if you don’t achieve something on your own, then hardly anyone will help you with this.

Even if you can count on one-time support, it will most likely only be a “disservice” for you (an action not for benefit, but for harm), because you are only delaying the need for your own steps and actions.

You should always rely mainly on yourself in everything, and not expect that relatives, friends, acquaintances, or the state will help you. Success loves independent people, and only if there is an extreme need for teamwork, then it should really be done collectively.

Step three – nothing should distract you from achieving success, so if you have any problems in life (in the family, with health, at work, in business), then first you need to get rid of this burden, that is, resolve them safely.

Otherwise, your thoughts will return again and again to the problem gnawing at you, and you will not be able to set yourself up for success.

Step four is programming yourself for success. The power of self-hypnosis is a serious psychological weapon, wielding which you can not only attract good luck, but also move mountains.

But it requires a lot of effort, energy expenditure, and daily training. Every day, starting right from the moment you wake up, you should tell yourself that everything will be fine for you, that everything you have in mind and planned will turn out.

You need to speak out loud, clearly, loudly, confidently, without irony or mistrust. If you doubt your actions and their results even for a second, you can stop this useless activity altogether.

Because they will not bring a positive outcome for you. Just a waste of time. Only deep faith in what has been said can be the key to success.

This morning mentality should energize you if you perform the exercise correctly for the whole day.

And of course, the last element in the matrix: how to set yourself up for success

- active actions. Without them, success will definitely not come to you. You shouldn’t wait for the weather by the sea, just like you shouldn’t wait for manna from the sky, so move on from words straight to action.

This is exactly what Eastern businessmen do (in particular, Japanese and Chinese, who today are ahead in their success even of their North American competitors).

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Luck and success

It should be understood that luck and success are completely different concepts. Luck cannot be your fault, just like winning a lottery.

Luck is a random phenomenon; luck can happen just like that.

But, in fairness, it is worth saying that luck comes to those who know how and when to count on it, that is, they know how to be at the right time and in the right place. These are successful people.

What is the difference between luck and success?

Success is the destiny of strong people who achieve it. You had an idea of ​​what you needed; you did everything for this; Now you have received the reward you were striving for. This will be your success, which always goes with you.

If being lucky is a pleasure, then being successful is prestigious! And, of course, it’s more reliable, because the bird of luck doesn’t arrive on schedule! Although, if he arrives, he will definitely choose a smart and very enterprising person. So luck and success are two different things, but they definitely love people who are organized and know how to achieve their goals.

At least, for example, you can remember the joke about the poor Jew.

Once upon a time there lived a poor Jew, and he always wanted the Lord to help him become rich. To do this, I sat on the rug all day long, constantly bowing and praying to God. But just like that, a year passed, then a second year... and the Jew still did not receive God’s help, the rug was practically worn out, and he still had no money. So he couldn’t stand it and turned out in his hearts:

- God, why are you so unfair? I lived according to your commandments, constantly kept fasts and Fridays. Why don't you help me? Why, Lord, is there still no financial help from you?

And then the Lord answered him:

– Abram, maybe it’s time to get your ass off the mat and go, at least I’d like to buy a lottery ticket? Well, at least one?

Luck is a myth

Why is one businessman lucky, while the other cannot expand his production? Maybe because the first universal businessman is constantly active and is a very enterprising person? That is the only reason why luck accompanies him through life.

When there is no luck, he simply does not wait for it, he takes confident steps in his work and learns exactly what was thought out and planned. He will always be successful precisely because he calculates his steps in advance and will only take on promising work.

But, if, nevertheless, failure befalls him, he will be able to turn it to his side and turn it into his victory in the future.

Efficiency is the ability to implement rules in life, and not just understand the basic principles of its activity!

What can be called a universal businessman is not the one who, in times of urgent need, begins to intensify correct and effective actions, but the one who has always been like that. Someone who knows how to speak Russian correctly and during a conversation does not need to remember the rules of tense agreement or choose the endings of words: after all, he can speak not only freely, but does it automatically.

  • Remember: “Culture is what remains when all learning is forgotten.”
  • I also want you to watch the video What is success.

1) How to save money correctly? 2) Turning a competitor into a partner (win-win principle) 3) How to survive a crisis when a euro costs 100 rubles?!

What is the meaning of the word "luck"

In general, this is a relative concept. Because luck comes, as a rule, to those who strive to achieve some goal. But it should not be confused with success, which we will talk about a little later.

Thus, luck is a positive outcome of any event that is associated with unpredictable circumstances in a person’s life path. This is the desired outcome of any enterprise. A synonym for luck is luck.

And more tips to help attract good luck

First, it’s worth understanding: for luck to accompany you, you need to change something in your life. So, recommendations:

It's worth the risk. Of course, we are not talking about thoughtless actions. There is no need to invest all your savings in an unfamiliar and suspicious event. The risk must be justified. Visualize your goal. This suggests that you need to imagine your dream in the smallest detail. You can depict it in the form of a collage and constantly think about it. Don't neglect any random event. Happiness will not fall on your head if you sit with your hands folded. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's not scary. Any experience adds to our knowledge base, which will help us avoid new mistakes in the future. Buy a good luck talisman

It doesn’t matter what it will be - a frog with coins, a pyramid or a horseshoe. The main thing is to believe in its power

Faith works miracles.

All of these tips will help improve your overall quality of life.

British psychologist Richard Weissman identifies four principles that will help you attract luck into your life:

  1. It is necessary to optimize the capabilities. His book The Luck Factor suggests that extroverted and balanced people are more successful. New things cannot be denied.
  2. You need to listen to your inner voice. Successful people develop their intuition in every possible way; it allows them to achieve unprecedented heights.
  3. We have to wait for luck. Optimists train themselves to have self-control, which helps them fight failures and not be afraid of them. They never lose faith that everything will work out, although the chances may be slim. You need to believe that you are lucky, and you will definitely become so.
  4. Turning failure into success. The lucky ones never despair and never stop. All mistakes and mistakes are perceived philosophically, relying on the fact that in the future they will turn into success.

We are the creators of our own destiny. Having received some kind of disappointment or blow, locked ourselves at home alone with a problem, plunged into depression, we will not get a new chance, another opportunity to fix everything. Change for the better, enjoy wonderful moments, and then the world around you will become friendly, bright, and life will be happy.

Additional education in psychology

What prevents us from being happy and rich? Why do some people succeed in everything in life, while others achieve almost nothing? How to catch your luck by the tail?

— In our culture, “success”, “luck”, “happiness” are completely different concepts. Our sayings also speak about this: “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy,” “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.” And no matter how much we strive to be like the Americans, their concept of a “successful person” does not fit our lives at all. Because we are two completely different civilizations. Americans consider a person who, by the age of thirty-three, has an apartment, a good job, a wife and a child, to be quite successful. At the age of forty - a second apartment, a second wife, a car for each family member.

Our understanding of success is focused on what a person wants in this life. If he feels that what he does is needed by other people, he experiences a feeling of deep satisfaction, which means he feels successful.

“However, “success” has two sides to the coin. There are people who are truly successful, they know what they want in this life. But there are others who only consider themselves as such. How to distinguish illusion from reality?

Very simple. Those who consider themselves successful are constantly looking for confirmation of their success. They go to various social “get-togethers” where they show each other watches, socks, ties... It’s as if they subconsciously say to each other: “I’m just like you.”

There are people who understand the word “success” from slightly different (more adult or something) categories. For example…

One of my clients, the head of a large industrial enterprise, has the book “Lives of the Saints” on his office desk. This is a twelve-volume book, where for every day there are statements of people who at one time were canonized. When I asked him why you need it. He said: “At the end of the working day, when I read the corresponding page, everything superfluous is removed from me, I return to myself. This helps me remain human.” To be successful is to know your worth to the last penny. Don’t give yourself away cheaply, but don’t take more... No matter how big a position you hold, no matter how much money you have, the main thing is to stop in time and remember that, first of all, you are an ordinary person.

— Why do some become successful and others not?

— Some people are sure that they know what they really want, while others are not so sure. This is directly related to the quality of success and the desire to achieve it.

Many people don't know what they want in life. The reason for this is their unconscious fears. A person is afraid of doing something wrong. This is often associated with improper upbringing... In childhood, the child was not allowed to make decisions on his own, was not forced to think. His parents did everything for him. According to social psychologists, only 5 to 15 percent of the population of our country make decisions themselves, the rest carry out those of others. Therefore, to become successful, you need to get rid of childhood complexes. Moreover, we can talk about a certain “success scale”. The fewer complexes from childhood, the more effective life as an adult

- Do we really not forget what happened to us in childhood? Why are the programs created by our parents not erased over the years?

Unfortunately, they are not erasable. They remain in our subconscious and often bother us. If you go back to your past, a situation will definitely come up when you decided that it was better to follow the advice of others, for example, your mom or dad. It’s easier to live this way, of course, but... You can’t achieve anything in life on your own. However, why be surprised, most parents demand complete obedience from their children, and if something goes wrong, they punish them.

“In this situation, we have a lot to learn from the Americans, who give their children complete freedom.

— The American method of education is also not consistent. They raise their children until they are 16 or 17 years old, then they simply abandon them. They make you dependent on society, on other people.

How can one get rid of the burden of parental “inheritance”?

— One of the psychological techniques that helps to do this is to think well of your parents three times a day for a week. Imagine that their fate turned out differently than in reality, that they were lucky, that they were happy. Thanks to this, a resolution will be born in the brain, which will free you from the unfulfilled desires of your loved ones.

This can also be done through meditation or autogenic training. You can change your behavior when you are too relaxed or too active. If the problem is hidden too deeply, then one of the methods of psychotherapy can help, which will help you return to your past, realize yourself as a child and eliminate the cause of your failures now.

Everyone knows the church ritual - a candle for the repose. When you light a candle, you are unconsciously performing a ritual that soothes the souls of your parents. Thus, you will remove their settings from yourself.

The conditions of modern life force most businessmen to act differently. They literally suppress their emotions, the natural instinctive urges of the soul. I have a businessman friend who runs his business through force. He breaks himself, forcing him to work. He always has pills with him, since he is a very sick person.

— I wonder what makes him do something he doesn’t like?

“When I talked to him about this topic, he answered me: “Even if I feel bad, even if I die earlier, but my daughter will be fine. I will earn money for her, provide her with a future...” He does not even suspect what mistake he is making and what he is dooming his daughter to. After all, she will perceive not what her father did for her, but his model of behavior: you can not give a damn about yourself for the sake of something. If you have a family and children, this does not mean that you have stopped living for yourself. A person must realize himself, at least at a minimum level. If parents give up on themselves for the sake of their child, then they are knowingly dooming him to misfortune. As an adult, he will not be able to realize his goals, and, therefore, will not be able to become successful.

— For some reason, we have developed the belief that a person can only be successful at work. And what about personal life? Doesn’t it count?

— Now a new direction in management is developing in Lithuania - a sincere approach to people. A person with his own personal problems is put at the forefront. According to this technique, if a person does not succeed at work, this does not mean that he is a bad worker, perhaps he has family troubles, or he feels unfulfilled in some way.

— But, as a rule, the employer does not care deeply about the personal experiences of his employees?

— Let me note that this is customary only in Moscow. In many other cities, employers are moving away from American stereotypes. A company or organization modeled after an “ideal” approach to people is more resilient. What does it mean? If, for example, a person performs poorly, the manager, having found out the reasons, helps him solve the problems. He begins to work better, and, of course, becomes much more successful.

— The main attribute of a successful person is having money. But as soon as there are a lot of them, family problems begin: scandals with relatives, divorce from the wife, conflicts with children... And it turns out that there is no success in family life.

When a person becomes richer, he must build completely different relationships with loved ones. I often hear from businessmen: “As soon as I had money, my relatives hated me.” It's not about relatives at all. If you want to become successful, you need to make sure that your loved ones accept you as rich. Convince them that the money that surrounds you is not yours personally, but working capital. Family problems should be perceived as a way to develop further. You must learn to adapt to circumstances. And yet, success is the ability to set goals. Moreover, they must be exorbitant. And not necessarily related to money. If you do a business for money, it will definitely fail. Money is just an application.

— They say that children raised in poor families, when they become adults, begin to earn money with terrible force...

This is how they work out the unrealized program of their parents, we have already talked about this.

But not all families are so bad. After all, there are people who work out, say, the good program of their parents. And they enjoy doing it.

— My dad has been interested in astronomy all his life. But fate was such that he had to earn money to feed his family. But his desire for heaven remained in me. I am also drawn to the stars. And my children will be drawn. This dream is realized only in the seventh generation. These are our biological rhythms.

- Do you believe this?

— For something to happen in our lives, we must believe in it.
And to believe, you need to trust it. Behind success is trust. Trust in what you are striving for and in yourself. Podkhvatilin N.V.


Figure 1: Example of input parameters for our simulation. All simulations presented in this work were conducted in the agent-based simulation environment NetLogo. N
= 1000 people (agents), with varying degrees of talent (intelligence, skills, etc.), randomly distributed into fixed positions inside a square world of 201 × 201 areas with cyclic boundary conditions.
During each simulation, which spans several decades, they are exposed to a certain number of NE
good (green circles) and bad (red circles) events moving around the world along random trajectories (random walk).
In this example NE
= 500.
N Ti mT σT NE pL 100 − pL NE NE → ∞ NE ≈ N/2

mT σT mT ± σT P δt Ci = C(0) Ɐi = 1, …, N t Ak
No event point intersects the position of agent Ak - this means that no similar events have occurred during the last six months, agent Ak does not perform any actions. The position of the agent Ak is crossed by a lucky event - this means that a lucky event happened in the last six months (note, according to the link, the generation of innovative ideas here is also considered a lucky event that happened in the agent's brain); as a consequence, agent Ak doubles his capital/success with a probability proportional to his talent Tk. The increase will be Ck(t) = 2Ck(t − 1), but only if rand k, that is, if the agent is smart enough to benefit from good luck. An unfortunate event crosses the position of agent Ak - this means that an unfortunate event occurred within the last six months; as a consequence, agent Ak loses half of his capital/success, i.e.

Ck(t) = Ck(t − 1) / 2.

2.2. Results of many runs

N mT σT I δt C NE pL Cmax Tbest mT Cbest Tmax Cmax Cbest

Cmax mT mT ± σT Tav mT T mT 2σT T Cbest

mT G(T) Tav P Cmax T G(T)dT T T + dT T Tav P Cmax T T P Cmax T

Cmt Cat mT C Cmt Cat T Cend T Tbest Cbest Cmt Cend

Effective Strategies for Balancing Luck

3.1. Accidental discovery, innovation and effective financing strategies

N mT σT I δt C NE pL FT

  1. Equal share for everyone (equalization criterion) to encourage research diversity;
  2. Only a certain percentage of the most successful (“best”) individuals (elite criterion), which was previously called a “narrow-minded” meritocracy, for the distribution of finances among people based on past performance.
  3. “Premium” distribution among a certain proportion of the most successful individuals, and the remainder, in small equal parts, among the rest (mixed criterion);
  4. Only a certain percentage of individuals selected at random (random sampling criterion).

FT FT PT T mT + σT Cend C PT0 T PT PT0 P*T = PT − PT0 P*T P*T E E = P*T / FT

Enorm PT P*T FT PT P*T FT E Emax Enorm = E / Emax Enorm Enorm PT Enorm

Enorm Cend C Enorm E Emax FT PT0 PT P*T Enorm Enorm Enorm Enorm

Enorm FT

3.2. The importance of the environment

mT σT N I δt C NE pL mT σT σT mT

mT σT mT σT mT mT ± σT σT mT T Cbest mT σT Cbest T C T T Cmt Cmt Cmt PT T mT + σT Cend T mT + σT mT + σT PT PT PT0 mT σT N mT σT C NE pL pL pL pL

pL pL pL mT mT ± σT σT pL pL pL Cbest Cmt PT PT0 pL Cbest PT

The UU effect or the feeling of being deceived

A lighthouse in the fog scatters light and an idea of ​​the target

A lighthouse on a clear horizon guides the movement. Therefore, clarifying the concepts that guide our movement, which become our beacons and guideposts on the way to our goals, is a task of enormous importance, which, however, we almost never pay due attention to.

For example, let’s take the following concepts: Success and Luck. Agree, they are inextricably stitched in our minds. Not even that. They are not just sewn, but joined together, like Siamese twins “U-U”. They occupy practically the same place in the matrix of images, the same place in our consciousness.

I used to ask my clients the question, what do they see as luck, and what do they see as success? The answer often contained an obvious dose of sarcasm. By answering, the person seemed to make it clear that he had caught a paradox in the question posed.

“Oh, fox! – Mr. Sotnikov, a 56-year-old man, the owner of the Rybolov+ chain of stores, answered me, squinting, “It’s the same thing!” No, of course, you can speculate a little and find differences not only in the spelling of these words,” he smiled slyly, “But it’s a pity for time, because I’m not paying to look for differences and similarities in words starting with the letter “U”... My time will run out , and you will end our meeting with a formal handshake. And I still won’t make any progress in analyzing the issues that are more important to me. My task is to figure out what is the problem of stagnation in business

I think I'm missing something important. This is what I came for,” he smugly pulled down his trouser leg and crossed his legs, waiting for my reaction

And that time I decided to end the experiment “U-U” with an ellipsis. This often turns out to be a productive practice.

There are clients with whom attempts to bring a person out of the state of “I know this better than you, baby,” end in deaf defense. This was the option. I looked at Mr. Sotnikov and understood that he had resolved some issues for himself once and for all. Since then they have not been subject to discussion.

However, Mr. Sotnikov was able to surprise me. I was once again convinced that it is impossible to know anything about a person in advance. And you can witness any incredible miracle. So, at the beginning of the next meeting, he said that he had thought about my question in the car while driving home and ... “there really is a difference.” He began to list the differences and, in the end, dug so deeply that he ended with the conclusion - Luck and Success are fundamentally different phenomena.

This time I believed in his satisfied bliss from himself. He sat cross-legged again, stroking the stubble on his cheek with a dry palm. This time he managed to go from a stereotyped idea to a deep personal understanding and separate, as they say, “cutlets from flies.”

This was a turning point in our communication. Then progress went by leaps and bounds. It consisted in the fact that Mr. Sotnikov stopped denying himself the analysis of even the simplest concepts and phenomena that have been contained in the consciousness in an unchanged form for decades.

Today my client does not need support. He became noticeably younger and significantly changed the course of affairs and his life. He is developing and is truly prosperous and successful.

For some reason, Mr. Sotnikov became the last client to whom I asked my “U-U” question. Then, looking at his defensive reaction, I suddenly came to the conclusion that the problem of misunderstanding the nature of success is very deep. It is at the root of many of my clients' failures and wasted valuable time. At the same time, the problem of complexes and reluctance to answer “elementary” questions practically leads communication to a dead end: “Well, why are you treating me like a schoolgirl!” “Please, let’s discuss something more significant!”

My insight became the impetus for the creation of the resource THE-MIND.RU, which is now directly aimed at analyzing all the significant beacons of consciousness and giving them a new life in the minds of readers. Now, often my new clients come to an introduction meeting with their “homework” already completed - they declare that they have been thinking about the topic “U-U”. And their thoughts become the object of our first meeting.

How to attract good luck and fortune to yourself

The lucky ones are lucky for a reason; fate favors them for their positive, courageous and open attitude towards life. Richard Weisman, a psychology teacher at the University of Hertfordshire, began a detailed study of this phenomenon and, after ten years of experiments, developed a theory of attracting good luck.

This was the first serious study in this area of ​​psychology, thanks to which Professor Weissman and his assistants came to the following conclusion: both luck and bad luck are not paranormal phenomena. They are formed during life, and are not predetermined by any fate, as many believe. In other words, a person himself can “forge” his own happiness. Surely this news will please 65% of people who have convinced themselves that they are haunted by evil fate in life.

The scientists’ efforts were not in vain; soon the book “The Luck Factor” was published - a real gospel for pathological losers. It describes the main principles of attracting luck that can help them move into another category.

Principle 1: Capitalize on Every Opportunity

Luck smiles on everyone equally. The lucky ones catch this smile literally on the fly, while the unlucky ones simply don’t notice it. On the pages of his book, Richard Weissman describes in detail the personality of the winner. According to him, he is an open person, an extrovert, he never sits still and easily gets along in a team. The psychologist assures that everyone has the opportunity to cultivate a positive attitude towards their own life and life in general. To do this, you need to start weaving the so-called “web of luck.” Any person has at least a hundred acquaintances, each of whom shakes hands with the same number of people when they meet. And this is already a thousand potential contacts. Some will definitely take advantage of them, while others will not even try and will miss their chance.

In society it is easy to distinguish the losers from the lucky ones. The first one, upon meeting, will mutter something similar to “hello” and hastily disappear from sight, and the second one will come up with a smile on his face, pat him on the shoulder and, after a strong handshake, say something like this: “You know, I’m not satisfied with my job, I’d like to find better place. And I also need a beautiful and affectionate wife. If anyone is interested, be sure to call me.” There is no joke in these words; millions of lucky people have found wealth and love this way.

Principle 2 : Trust your intuition

According to a survey, more than 80% of successful people act spontaneously. There is a direct relationship between luck and the degree of trust in your inner voice. Most of the lucky ones had to make decisions that were incomprehensible to others and, at first glance, completely irrational. There are many examples of this: a young promising guy who refused a good position only because the boss seemed to him to be an unkind and evil person, or a bride who ran away from the wedding because of bad premonitions. And then life showed that both of them were right. Others (the unlucky ones) do not listen to their intuition. Out of a sense of duty, they humbly go to a new job, come under strong psychological pressure there, but continue to pull the burden. Or they get married so as not to disappoint their parents, and then live long and... unhappily.

Lucky people have one thing in common: they do not look for a logical explanation for each of their actions and are not afraid to take unconventional steps. They often act blindly, at random, and still win.

Principle 3. Sincerely hope for luck

This pattern was discovered completely by accident. Before holding a major lottery, Weissman asked 300 players: “Are you playing?” In the end, it turned out that most of the winners clearly answered “yes” to this stupid question, but the losers were not so confident. The location of the stars? No, everything is much simpler: the winners hoped to win, so they bet. In psychology, there is a theory of “positive and negative expectations.” In this case, it explains everything: the human brain can paint victories in both rosy and gloomy colors - this determines the future. The lucky loser will think: “Never mind, I’ll definitely be lucky next time,” and the loser loser will begin to reproach himself: “Why did I buy this ticket? After all, I knew that I wouldn’t win anything.”

Positive expectations can radically change our lives. By the way, this is successfully used by fortune tellers and all kinds of predictors. If you convince a trusting client that a meeting with the love of his life is just around the corner, he will become confident and attentive to others.

Principle 4. See the positive in everything

Restless researchers also reached the Olympic champions, whose survey led to the emergence of such a thing as the “bronze medal paradox.” Psychologists have found that bronze medalists rejoice at their achievement much more than silver medalists. Why is that? The bronze medalists console themselves with the fact that they were able to get on the podium at all, while the silver medalists were one step away from the desired victory, but missed this chance. This is a real disaster, because there may not be another! It turns out that for some, failure remains a failure, while others are able to see the positive side of it. The lucky ones are convinced that losing is a temporary phenomenon, and there is no bad luck in it. Losers, without knowing it themselves, aggravate their situation with two very bad habits: focusing on their own troubles and collecting bad omens. According to a survey, almost 70% of unlucky people know such signs. And how, one wonders, can one live if everything around is unlucky!

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