Success adjectives for the word

What is success like: (definitions are given in the nominative case)

Making the Word Map better together

My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out! Thank you!

I will definitely learn to distinguish widely used words from highly specialized ones.

How clear is the meaning of the word decline

Associations to the word “success”

Synonyms for "success"

Sentences containing "success"

  • Otis has achieved
    greater than expected success

Quotes from Russian classics with the word “success”

  • The word, in this case fortunately, quickly turned into action, and energetic efforts were crowned with success

The meaning of the word "success"

SUCCESS, -a, m.

1. Positive result, successful completion of smth.
Successes in cultural construction.
(Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

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The meaning of the word "success"

SUCCESS, -a, m.

1. Positive result, successful completion of smth.
Successes in cultural construction.

Sentences containing "success"

Otis has achieved success

better than expected, especially in international markets.

Greatest success

The discoverers of new branches of production are achieving, industries that no one has ever thought about.

The following, in chronological order, is a brief summary of the air operations of the first stage of the war, which confirms what initially seemed to be the possibility of success


Source of the article: %B5%D1%82/%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%85


Absolute, disastrous (obsolete), crazy, unconditional, unparalleled, indisputable, trustworthy (obsolete), brilliant, brilliant, big, stormy, fast, faithful, prominent, outstanding, dizzying, huge, loud, notorious, enviable, wonderful, significant, amazing, exceptional, colossal, blood-borne, large, light, flattering (obsolete), unlikely, small, slow, imaginary, visual, reliable, real, small, unprecedented, incredible, unprecedented, unexpected (colloquial), unexpected, insignificant, considerable, extraordinary, extraordinary, unusual, unexpected, undeniable, incomplete, unheard of, undoubted, undoubted (obsolete), huge, definite, obvious, stunning, ostentatious, full, half (obsolete), striking, stunning, durable, decisive, resolute, sensational, serious, fabulous, modest, random, doubtful, impetuous, crazy (colloquial), triumphant, convincing, fantastic, phenomenal, partial, wide, noisy, ephemeral, bright. Windy. Acting, brigade, military, general, diplomatic, collective, space, literary, personal, general, writing, political, production, sports, stage, creative, etc.

Meanings in other dictionaries

• count. Dictionary of Russian Idioms

  • success - Derived from usp'ti (to have time). Literally – “what we could (managed) to do.” Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • success - With the same success - with the same result, in exactly the same way. ► You can just as easily cover this distance in an hour. Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  • success - SUCCESS -a; m. 1. Positive result, successful completion of smth. Big u. Achieve success in production reconstruction. The actor's performance was a success. The trip was a success. U. in smb. in fact guaranteed. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • success - Success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success, success Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • success - USP'EX, success, male. 1. Good luck in your planned business, successful achievement of your goal. “Our successes in the field of socialist construction are truly enormous.” Stalin. Be successful. Succeed. The search was successful. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • success - see >> victory, happiness, luck see also -> meet success, have success, fail, be crowned with success Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms
  • success - noun, number of synonyms. Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • success - SUCCESS - FAILURE Lucky - unlucky (see) lucky - unlucky (see) lucky - unlucky luck - unlucky (see) successful - unsuccessful (see) successful - unsuccessful (see ) Luck in smb. business - failure in some way. in fact. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  • success - See have time Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • success - Success/x/. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • success - success m. 1. Success in any business, successful achievement of a goal. || Success in a military operation; victory. 2. Recognition of such luck from others, public approval of something or someone’s achievements. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • success - spelling success, -a Lopatin's Spelling Dictionary
  • success - -a, m. 1. Positive result, successful completion of smth. Successes in cultural construction. □ Ivan Ilyich's trip was crowned with amazing, unexpected success -. Small academic dictionary
  • success - SUCCESS, a, m. 1. Good luck in achieving something. Succeed. Develop (maintain a high rate of attack; also translated). 2. Public recognition. Noisy performance. The book has 3. pl. Good results in work and study. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • success - noun, m., used. often (not) what? success, what? success, (see) what? success, what? success, about what? about success; pl. What? success, (no) what? success, what? success, (see) what? successes, what? successes, about what? about success. Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

I want to know what success is!

- Take a seat, stop standing on the threshold. Would you like some tea? asked Professor Starage.

“No, thank you,” Mikhail answered briefly.

- Well, I guess I’ll do it for myself. So let's figure it out, what do you really want to know?

— I want to understand what success is. When can you safely say that a person is successful, and when is success imaginary? How many times have I been told that Artem Kislinsky is a successful person, but now he doesn’t even have a home. So what should I strive for, professor?

- Maybe you want to know how to succeed?

- No, professor. You can achieve a goal only when you know where to go, and if I don’t know what success is, how can I look for ways to achieve it?

— A worthy answer, Mikhail. It’s immediately obvious that he didn’t sleep during my lectures,” Emmanuel grinned. In fact, no one slept during his lectures - Okay, I’ll try to answer your question, just promise me that you will definitely do everything I tell you.

- I promise! – the young man said decisively.

What are successes: (definitions are given in the nominative case)

Making the Word Map better together

My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps you make Word Maps. I can count perfectly, but I still don’t understand very well how your world works. Help me figure it out! Thank you!

I will definitely learn to distinguish widely used words from highly specialized ones.

How clear is the meaning of the word scratch

Associations to the word “success”

Synonyms for "success"

Sentences containing "success"

  • Otis has achieved
    greater than expected success
  • Quotes from Russian classics with the word “success”

    • Alexander. And I wait and believe in success! (He walks around whistling, then, lost in thought, stands at the buffet. Nadezhda and Vera enter, hugging; they don’t see him at first.)

    The meaning of the word "success"

    SUCCESS, -a, m.

    1. Positive result, successful completion of smth.
    Successes in cultural construction.
    (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

    Submit Comment


    The meaning of the word "success"

    SUCCESS, -a, m.

    1. Positive result, successful completion of smth.
    Successes in cultural construction.

    Sentences containing "success"

    Otis has achieved success

    better than expected, especially in international markets.

    Greatest success

    The discoverers of new branches of production are achieving, industries that no one has ever thought about.

    The following, in chronological order, is a brief summary of the air operations of the first stage of the war, which confirms what initially seemed to be the possibility of success


    Source of the article: %B0%D1%8E%D1%82/%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%B8

    Success is not an accident!

    Success is a definite result of continuous and persistent activity aimed at achieving set goals.

    Just as you can't build a house without a blueprint, you can't build a better life without a clear list of goals you'd like to achieve and a written plan of action to achieve each of those goals. The very process of writing down what you want to achieve and what you intend to do to achieve it in the next three to five years will change your life. By writing down your goals, you will immediately become a different person. Your attitude towards yourself and your future will change in a very positive way. You will feel more confident and filled with optimism.

    Most people are afraid of change, even positive ones. This is why goal setting is so important. Goals ensure that changes in your life are directed in the direction you want.

    Successful, happy people think and talk only about desirable things; it becomes a habit for them. People who do not know success, people who are unhappy most of the time, unfortunately, think and talk about what they don’t want.

    Due to the laws of belief, expectation, attraction and correspondence , what you think and talk about most of the time is exactly what happens in your life. Always remember that you made yourself the way you are. It is determined by your choice and your decision. You are always free in your choice.

    The wonderful thing about goal setting is that the process itself frees you from the law of chance and brings you directly under the shadow of the law of control, the law of cause and effect .

    Setting goals gives you a sense of control, meaning in life, and moving forward. It allows you to become the master of your life and elevates you in your own eyes. This is why goal setting is called the number one skill for success. By engaging in a regular, systematic, daily process of goal setting and planning, you will achieve results that will amaze you and those around you. You will achieve more in a year or two than others do in five to ten years. There is perfect justice in the world, at least in the long term - what you put in is what you get out, the more you give, the more you get.

    The law of sowing and reaping says : “What you sow is what you reap.” The meaning of this law is that you cannot get anything without investing anything. There is no other way.

    And one of the most important principles of success: “Act as if failure is impossible, and it really will become impossible.”

    Set goals, plans, prioritize, imagine that failure is impossible, and then just do it.

    Just do it!!!

    These three words truly contain one of the greatest formulas for success.

    Be decisive! Try it! Act boldly and appear successful, and unseen forces will come to your aid. And your ability to persevere in the face of failure and disappointment is a measure of your faith in your success.

    Persistence is an iron quality of a successful person! This quality is often the most important on the path to success. It may even be the only quality that gives you an advantage over others.

    Perseverance is self-discipline in action. People who achieve success are those who have enough self-discipline to develop themselves. An attitude of endless learning is what distinguishes a Master from the crowd. Read and collect success stories, more and more of them.

    The wonderful truth is that you always achieve the goals you set for yourself. Your mind contains a cybernetic mechanism for searching for goals. Once you have subconsciously programmed a certain goal or desire, your subconscious and conscious mind take control and inevitably bring you closer to the goal, whatever it may be. Our entire man-made world is the result of thought embodied in reality. Without creative thinking, it is impossible to achieve significant success.

    But most importantly...

    Never give up, never, never give up!

    Remember that if you move confidently towards your dreams and decide in advance to never give up, you simply cannot help but achieve greater success. No one can ever stop you but yourself!

    Forward! Good luck!

    So, if you want to succeed in life, be liked by people, inspire and maintain the trust of others, follow these tips. The rules and prohibitions described in this article.

    2000 years ago Cicero said: “Silence is an art, but it is also eloquence.”

    • Be a good listener. Show your interlocutor that you are sincerely interested in what he says, give him all your attention and appreciation, which we all lack so much and which we so rarely receive. To earn a reputation as an amazing communicator, encourage others to talk about themselves with words like, “That's great! Tell me something else!”
    • Be inquisitive, know your business and maintain knowledge of your business. “Live forever, learn forever,” our ancestors said, and also asserted: “The root of teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. Anyone who stops studying is an old man, whether at twenty or eighty years old. Anyone who continues to learn will remain young.”
    • Learn to understand the other person's point of view.
      Every dispute is two different opinions, and yours does not necessarily have to be correct. The only way to win an argument is to avoid it. Buddha said: “Hatred can be ended not by hatred, but only by love. You can put an end to a misunderstanding not by arguing, but only by tact, diplomacy and a sympathetic desire to understand the point of view of your interlocutor. Goodwill, a friendly approach and understanding are more likely to change people's minds than the most violent indignation." Forbidden! Always avoid sharp corners. Good relationships cannot be assessed at all. No coercion, no pressure. No attempts to impose your opinion on others!

    Advice: never tell a person that he is wrong, and if you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively.

    • Make your interlocutor aware of his importance and do it sincerely. Tip: Remember that a person's name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.

    Tip: Be generous with praise and careful with criticism.

    Advice: At every opportunity, show respect and admiration for others.

    Forbidden! Don't look down on anyone.

    • Someone said: “Clothes do not make a person, but they make ninety percent of what we see in him.” If a person doesn't look the part, people won't believe he's saying anything important. And there is no need to doubt it: when you feel that you are well dressed, it elevates you in your own eyes and gives you confidence. Your appearance, ability to behave, speak is your calling card.

    Advice: if you want to be welcome everywhere, smile with an honest and kind smile that comes from the depths of your soul.

    Advice: Be yourself.

    Forbidden! Don't be a slave to other people's opinions.

    Advice: notice the good sides of your own life. Learn to see the blessings of life, not its burdens. Try to be grateful.

    Life is a struggle, a constant ascent if you are determined to reach your goal. It's always too early to give up the fight. Never give up!


    SUCCESS. Absolute, disastrous (obsolete), crazy, unconditional, unparalleled, indisputable, trustworthy (obsolete), brilliant, brilliant, big, stormy, fast, faithful, prominent, outstanding, dizzying, huge, loud, notorious, enviable, wonderful, significant, amazing, exceptional, colossal, blood-borne, large, light, flattering (obsolete), unlikely, small, slow, imaginary, visual, reliable, real, small, unprecedented, incredible, unprecedented, unexpected (colloquial), unexpected, insignificant, considerable, extraordinary, extraordinary, unusual, unexpected, undeniable, incomplete, unheard of, undoubted, undoubted (obsolete), huge, definite, obvious, stunning, ostentatious, full, half (obsolete), striking, stunning, durable, decisive, resolute, sensational, serious, fabulous, modest, random, doubtful, impetuous, crazy (colloquial), triumphant, convincing, fantastic, phenomenal, partial, wide, noisy, ephemeral, bright. Windy. Acting, brigade, military, general, diplomatic, collective, space, literary, personal, general, writing, political, production, sports, stage, creative, etc.

    See more words in the "Dictionary of Epithets"

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