phrase - associations to a word. Collocations with the word association

Anyone can become a polyglot.

Once, while on a business trip, I had to watch how a wealthy restaurant visitor, a gray-haired man of considerable age, tried to explain to the waiter that he wanted to order bacon. If you remember the children's game "Crocodile", you will immediately imagine a funny picture of very mediocre acting and unsuccessful attempts to portray a bull, hoping for mutual understanding from a guy in an apron who does not speak Russian. If he had a catalog of pictures, the desired piece of meat would have been served without a humorous prelude.

Visual Dictionary []
Price: Free In-app purchases Developer: Jourist Verlags GmbH
LEXI24 Visual Dictionary application and its main difference from lexical competitors is the emphasis on associative memorization of words. If you have difficulty remembering foreign words, you can’t think of a better “cure” than photo cards with translation. there are over 4,500 such cards in the Visual Dictionary

All words are divided into semantic and thematic categories, which cover almost all areas of communication: from Sports, Household and Clothing, to Transport, Science and Nutrition. There are a total of 14 main topics in the Visual Dictionary .

When studying a specific category, a so-called “word map” is also provided, when several words are marked on one image with the translation of one or another component. For such a simple and effective presentation, the application was awarded a prize in the GIGA-Maus 2020 competition (Germany), becoming a well-deserved winner in the “Best Help Application” category.

All words used in the illustration are displayed in the form of a consolidated list with translation and the ability to hear the natural sound of the phrase from a native speaker, for which you just need to tap on the miniature speaker. Thus, you can study not only individual words, but also entire, even highly specialized topics, such as medical instruments or the structure of the human skeleton.

The first thing that catches your eye is the detailed elaboration of each picture. Despite the fact that all images in the free version of the Visual Dictionary are downloaded from the Internet and require an active connection to work (we will talk about the paid offline version of Jourist below), you will not find a single image familiar from your search queries. In order to better assimilate vocabulary and focus on learning foreign words through the impact on associative and visual memory, the designers worked on each image, creating several thousand unique illustrations.

The peculiarity of the Visual Dictionary lies in the extensive lexical database presented: more than 120,000 words, phrases and expressions, available in six languages ​​(Russian, German, English, Spanish, French and Italian).

The free version of LEXI24 Visual Dictionary is available for download absolutely free of charge. If you are bothered by the presence of built-in advertising and the need to be connected to the Internet, there is also a paid version of the dictionary - Jourist Visual Dictionary . You can use this version without a network connection (especially important while roaming), and all illustrations will be accessible without annoying logos.

Learn a foreign language with the whole family, and the Visual Dictionary will be a good help for memorizing vocabulary and will be suitable for both adults and children.

LEXI24 Visual Dictionary : Free []

JOURIST Visual Dictionary : 219 RUR []

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