Change! 8 stars who were not afraid to dramatically change their image in 2020

Why change your image?

Answering this question is easy and difficult at the same time.

On the one hand, a person wants to stay in his comfortable “shell,” but on the other hand, he often understands that he needs to move on, become better, more interesting, discover new horizons and opportunities.

Don't expect everything to go quickly and easily - it's impossible to wave a magic wand and turn you into a different person.

Changing your image is work, and you, not just the stylist, will have to work.

If only because it is creativity, experiments and sometimes not entirely successful. But mistakes and blunders should not stop someone who is firmly moving towards their goal.

Lady Gaga

Shocking, eccentric images were once the calling card of singer Lady Gaga. A variety of colored wigs, bright makeup, unimaginable costumes, and hoofed shoes left no one indifferent. Over time, the star began to dress a little more modestly, but she still loves to change, sometimes trying on the image of a retro diva, sometimes transforming into David Bowie.

Irina Ponarovskaya

For a long time, the singer did not go out into the world and avoided public events in every possible way. But some time ago she broke her creative silence and literally burst into the social life of the capital, surprising not only with her appearance, but also with a radical change in her image.

Fans immediately noted that thanks to the change in image, Irina Ponarovskaya began to look much younger than her real age. But there were also those who suspected the singer of plastic surgery. There is only one answer to this: even if the operation did take place, it really benefited the woman.

Charlize Theron

For Charlize, transforming her appearance is not just fashionable experiments and a search for style, but an important part of her work. The Oscar winner has more than once sacrificed her beauty for roles: in the films “Monster” and “Tully” the star appeared very plump and unkempt to the audience, and for filming the action movie “Mad Max: Fury Road” she shaved her head. And in 2020, the actress managed to change her image three times. What lengths you will go to for the sake of art!

Daria Moroz

This actress's early film roles are almost all of the same type. For some reason, directors offered her to play women with difficult fates. Although Daria has much wider acting potential. Apparently, the time has come for her to make herself known. Therefore, quite recently, viewers saw Daria Moroz in a completely new image.

She exchanged her long brown hair for a daring short haircut in a shade of blond, and calm nude makeup for make-up with an accent on bright lipstick. The image is indeed not particularly familiar, but fans supported the actress. Perhaps the change in image also influenced Daria Moroz’s inner feelings, because now more provocative and bold photos have begun to appear on her page on the social network.

However, there is another explanation for the change in Daria Moroz’s image. She probably decided to make a change after she separated from her husband. In any case, updating the image is the right decision!

Kylie Jenner

It’s time to make a separate film about Kylie Jenner’s beauty transformations: the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan enlarged her breasts and buttocks, reduced her waist, changed the shape and volume of her lips, corrected her chin, straightened her nose, and tried Botox. Her hair also underwent a lot of changes: by the age of 22, Kylie tried on the look of brunette, blonde, pink, green, blue, ash and even purple hair colors.

Polina Maksimova

We are used to seeing this actress in films in “light” roles as blonde girls, which fully reflect the stereotypes about such women. However, quite recently Polina Maksimova appeared on the screen in a completely unusual role for herself - a daring girl in a leather biker jacket and with a short haircut.

The image is so different from what many are used to that at first Polina heard a lot of criticism directed at her. But now, apparently, fans have considered all the advantages of such a change and have come to the conclusion that the actress did the right thing. After changing her image, her role in cinema may also change.

Bella Hadid

Bella's career began with numerous plastic surgeries, thanks to which her face changed beyond recognition. Then it was the turn of the hair: the model regularly changes hairstyles and colors, transforming into a blonde, a brunette, or a light brown hair.

Don’t be afraid of change and finding yourself: sometimes changing your image can be the first step to success, happiness in your personal life, or starting something new. However, even if you are not going to change your life, you don’t need to limit your imagination. After all, each of us is a little bit of an artist!

Simple ways to change your image

Every representative of the fair sex strives to look attractive, have a well-groomed appearance and feel attractive. However, often, by the age of 40-45, a woman, having become accustomed to one style of clothing or hairstyle, is in no hurry to “try on” a new look, citing the high cost of new things or the inability to find a good hairdresser. There is no need to radically change your hairstyle or empty your salary card to change your image: small changes can radically change your image. Below are quick and low-cost ways that will add a new touch to your style.

Experiment with parting your hair . How many years have you been doing the same hairstyle every morning? Try making a different parting - it seems incredible, but even such a simple action will add not only volume at the roots of the hair, but also a new accent. If your hair has become “accustomed” to the same type of hairstyle, stylists offer a little trick: before going to bed, form the desired parting, apply a little mousse and secure your hair with a wide fabric bandage. In the morning, keeping the new, neat parting, you can create any suitable hairstyle without any problems.

Add bright accents . There is no need to empty your wallet and buy new collections of famous designers to refresh your wardrobe. The key to success is accessories: scarves, gloves, bags can be freely used with clothes of any season, and from the financial side it is much cheaper. Follow the latest trends: next year clutches and large tote bags will be popular; Main color schemes include pastel colors with a small bright accent or colored symmetrical patterns. Choose accessories with a matte metallic finish - they look more expensive and prestigious.

Changing decorative cosmetics . On the Internet you can find many tips and recommendations on how to “erase” 10 years from your face with makeup. The main thing to remember is that the selection of cosmetics should be age-appropriate, and after 40 years, the “rules of the game” change. Use delicate, pastel shades and divide cosmetics into two conditional groups: highlighters, foundations, powders, contour pencils are used to hide age-related imperfections, and lipstick, mascara and shadows highlight facial features.

Update your manicure . Nails may seem like an inconspicuous detail, but their condition says a lot about a woman. Oval-shaped nails in pale pink or flesh color are quite popular, but modern cosmetics give you the opportunity to experiment a little: do not round your nails, but give them a rectangular shape, and round off the corners. When choosing colors, pay attention to brown and gray shades - these are soft and unobtrusive tones that suit any style of clothing.

New hairstyle using “mom’s” methods . Classic hair styling tools are now back in fashion! Large Velcro curlers are very inexpensive and easy to use. You just need to divide your hair into 6-8 strands, apply a little mousse and curl it with curlers. As a result, your hair will become more voluminous. While you get dressed and apply makeup, leave the curlers on and only take them off before going out - after that all you have to do is carefully separate and style your hair with your fingers and the hairstyle is ready!

Radiant skin . The topic of choosing and correctly applying cosmetics to create a makeup base may seem boring, but the right foundation is the key to creating an attractive look. Stylists recommend using not only round, but also wedge-shaped sponges - this makes it easier to apply foundation in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes and sinuses. In order to achieve the effect of “radiant skin”, you need to mix a few drops of lumenizer with foundation - a slight shimmer will give the skin a youthful, fresh look and minimize all age-related imperfections.

Get your wardrobe in order . It's hard to part with your favorite sweater or skirt, but a consistent wardrobe "inspection" will allow you to take a fresh look at possible combinations of items and take your style to the next level. Be categorical and leave only those things that are relevant to you - you can safely combine them, adding interesting accessories and creating new, interesting ensembles.

New colors in eye makeup . Black or brown shades of eyeliner pencils are still popular, but they have a rival - deep blue. Blue and light blue shades of eyeliner are suitable for women of all types of appearance, and the depth of color allows you to adjust the shape of the eyes and gives your makeup an original, modern look. In addition, blue eyeliner makes the whites brighter and the look more radiant.

Shiny and healthy hair in 2 minutes . Of course, the type of hair says a lot about a woman, but there is not always time for special salon or home treatments. Leave-in sprays quickly and effectively add shine and lightness to your hair, and are very easy to use. When you comb your hair, you need to apply the spray to your hair and wait 1-2 minutes. When choosing a spray, you need to focus on the type and problem of your hair. If your hair has split ends or you often get your hair cut, the spray will also be useful, since it has the ability to “seal” the ends of your hair.

Anna Starshenbaum

The sweet face of this actress has become the adornment of several wonderful films and TV series. But Anna Starshenbaum was not afraid to step out of her usual role and try on a new image. She seems to have no regrets about getting rid of her long locks, getting a short pixie cut, and dyeing her hair blonde.

However, this is not the only radical act in the life of the actress. For example, she dropped out of school to work at the Moscow Youth Theater. And later she left the theater and entered GITIS. But even here she studied very little, exchanging one of the best theater institutes in the country for work at the Center for Drama and Directing.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

The sex symbol of the 90s did not make her presence known for a long time. But recently she reappeared on the song horizon and announced the resumption of work. And she did it very effectively.

Today's Natalya Vetlitskaya still pleases fans with her excellent shape, but instead of going blonde, she chose to dye her hair youthful pink. Some people thought this stunt was too “stretched”; they considered the chosen hair color too inappropriate for the singer’s age. Others, on the contrary, praised Natalya Vetlitskaya for her courage and noted that the change in image refreshed and rejuvenated her.

Photo source: Internet

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