Spending an unforgettable first date with a girl: useful tips.

General rules of conduct

During the first date, many girls are nervous and often do not know how to behave correctly on the first date with a guy. Because of this, they act unnaturally and make a lot of mistakes, for which they later blush. As a result, the relationship ends before it even begins.

To avoid such mistakes, act as naturally as possible. Be yourself, there is no need to pretend to be a femme fatale, an experienced seductress, a businesswoman or a cynical bitch.

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You have already somehow hooked a young man if he invited you to a romantic meeting, so try to show your strengths from the best side, but do not engage in self-promotion and do not talk about former fans. But you shouldn’t humiliate your positive qualities either. Try to keep it simple, but with dignity. A guy will appreciate such a girl correctly.

Remember: the advice of friends, mother or psychologist, of course, is useful when dating the man you like, but sometimes a woman’s intuition will better tell you how to act. Rely on her and you will succeed!

Girl behavior

So, you're on your first date with a man. How to behave to please him? It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you really want this relationship, and you didn't go on a date out of boredom, give up the hypocrisy and the desire to embellish your life. After all, sooner or later a man will find out the truth, and you will have a reputation as a fib or even a liar.

While working on yourself, do not forget to look at the behavior of your gentleman. Pushy, arrogant, or vulgar behavior suggests that his intentions towards you are not serious and he is only motivated by the desire to spend a night with you without commitment. In this case, the decision is up to you. If you want to conquer an insolent person, surprise him. If you don’t want to become one of his numerous list of mistresses, run, don’t look back, don’t pick up the phone and don’t make a second date, don’t be afraid to refuse.

Selecting a location

Inviting a girl to go somewhere on a date is the prerogative of a young man. It is he who decides where to best spend time. But a well-mannered young man will definitely ask his girlfriend where she would like to go.

Try to be more modest and do not offer an expensive, pretentious place. You don’t know the man’s financial situation; in addition, he may decide that you want to test his generosity or, at his expense, get into an elite establishment that you cannot afford.

Offer a small cozy cafe or a walk to beautiful places. Food and drink should not be the goal of a romantic date; lovers should be interested in communicating and learning as much as possible about each other. In this case, a joint walk will be very useful.

Never agree to hold the first meeting at a young man’s home, because you don’t know each other well and have no idea what awaits you. Let the date take place in a public place where there are a lot of people.

What's best for a girl to wear on a first date?

No wonder they say that a man loves with his eyes. The appearance of a young lady is very important, but for the sake of a good impression, you should not break your established image. Some girls wear jeans and sneakers, others wear business suits, many have their own style. The young lady will feel comfortable in her favorite clothes. Of course, all things must be clean and tidy. There is no need to console yourself with thoughts that a man will not see a stain or hole. Representatives of the stronger sex notice everything and immediately draw conclusions. Usually they do not forgive women for untidiness and promiscuity.

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While trying not to disrupt your usual style, you need to make sure that there are no errors in your clothes.

Don't forget about what should not happen on a romantic date:

  • the smell of sweat from an unwashed body;
  • greasy hair strands;
  • peeling nail polish;
  • unbrushed teeth, etc.

Try to be as natural as possible, but remember that sometimes simplicity is worse than theft. The main thing is that the man does not decide that from the first minutes of meeting him he understood absolutely everything about you. The woman is beautiful in her mystery.

Clothing for a girl's date: what's best to wear?

Girls, having received an invitation, begin to think about what to choose from clothes and what hairstyle to do. Opening the closet, they frantically sort through things, believing that the success of the meeting will depend on this. Dozens of layers of varnish and makeup are applied to all possible surfaces of the skin. But perhaps this shouldn't be done.

Of course, you need to be well-groomed and combed, you can wear a beautiful dress, but don’t overdo it. Try to be yourself, because then he will have to see you without pasted eyelashes and false nails. Therefore, of course, prepare, but do not forget that it is more important to make a spiritual impression , to find common points of contact, than to simply throw dust in the eyes.

In addition, naturalness is in fashion today. If you want to look neat, it is enough to apply discreet makeup that hides minor facial defects and style your hair so that it emphasizes your strengths or hides your flaws.

Simple dresses and skirts, tight jeans and low heels always go with a bang. This image seems to tell a man: “I have nothing to hide, it will be easy and interesting with me.”

Makeup and accessories

There is no need to put on your face the war paint of an Indian going out on the warpath for the scalps of white-faced people. Too bright makeup does not attract the opposite sex. A thick layer of foundation and tons of lipstick do not make you want to touch your lips to your face. Half a bottle of perfume poured on your head does not intoxicate you with its aroma, but, on the contrary, creates a desire to move away.

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Makeup should be light and highlight all your assets. As fashion trendsetters say, the best makeup is the one that is not noticeable on the face.

The same goes for accessories. It is not at all necessary to hang a lot of expensive jewelry or cheap sparkling jewelry on yourself. A girl hung with trinkets resembles a Christmas tree and evokes an unpleasant feeling. A man who meets a young lady decorated in every possible way decides that she is ready to do anything to attract his attention, so he behaves accordingly.

Let's understand the details

As we know, the devil is in the details. Clothes, hairstyle, perfume - all this can create a positive impression, or it can ruin it irrevocably.

Think carefully about your image. This will help you get in the right frame of mind.

They meet you by their clothes

A luxurious evening dress and tailcoat are as inappropriate for a first date as a tracksuit or shorts.

It is much easier for men to choose clothes. The main thing is that it is neat and clean. Trousers or neat jeans without scuffs or holes, a T-shirt, shirt or sweater - a classic casual look will be the optimal solution. Shoes must match the clothing and the season. Before going out, it wouldn’t hurt to treat it with cream or simply wipe it off from dust.

Women can spend many hours in front of the mirror choosing an outfit. A few rules will help you navigate:

  • no extreme: extravagant minis, multi-colored feathers, ball gowns, as well as your favorite leather jacket should be left at home;
  • it is not necessary to choose a dress: neat trousers or jeans will also be appropriate;
  • clothes and shoes should be comfortable and suitable for both a restaurant and a leisurely walk in the park.

Getting your hair done

An unkempt hairstyle can ruin even the most carefully chosen outfit. There is no need to spend tons of hairspray, curl unimaginable towers on your head, or dye your strands green. It is enough to wash your hair and carefully style your hair. A laconic ponytail, bun or braid is also suitable if it matches the look.

Doing makeup

You don't have to be a professional makeup artist to get ready for a first date. The best option would be light makeup that emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws. It is acceptable to focus on the eyes or lips depending on the facial features.

Choosing a scent

When choosing a perfume for a first date, it is important not to overdo it. If you have a favorite scent that suits your style well, it's worth using it. The smell should not be too intense and intrusive. This applies not only to women, but also to men.

Taking into account the weather

When going on a date, don't forget to look out the window and check the weather forecast on the Internet. If you are unable to continue your walk because your feet are cold or wet, the meeting will be a mess.

Is it possible to kiss on the first date?

Thinking about how to behave on a first date with the man they like, girls often wonder whether it is possible to kiss after such a short acquaintance.

Mothers always instruct their young daughters that a young man should never be allowed liberties. Usually young ladies forget their mother's instructions as soon as they meet an attractive guy.

With age comes experience and knowledge. The girl will no longer rush into kissing, since she will be preoccupied with other issues.

True, when saying goodbye, young people, even the most modest ones, try to kiss their companion on the cheek. If the girl does not allow the guy to do this, he may decide that she did not like her and will stop further communication, so a light kiss goodbye is quite acceptable.

How to behave on a first date?

What to do on the first date with a girl if you usually fall into a stupor at the sight of a beautiful woman? First, relax. You can pour 50 grams of whiskey for courage, but no more. You want to become an interesting conversationalist, not a blurring pile of shit.

Believe me, the girl is nervous too, because she, just like you, is dating a stranger. And your task: not only to control yourself, but also to win her over. So you have to be as composed as a cheetah before a leap.

By the way, the timidity of girls on the first date looks quite cute, but don’t be fooled by it. She, too, can show her best side, and there’s an annoying bitch hiding around the corner.

  • To begin, just like when meeting someone, make eye contact and maintain it throughout the evening. No, don't stare at her like you want to hypnotize her. Just don't look away when she talks. Especially on the boobs. You need to look into her eyes, you can look at her lips, but that’s at the end of the evening.

    What to tell a girl when you first meet? A simple compliment is enough. Just focus your attention not on her clothes, but on her: “Excellent taste. You look gorgeous in this dress!” “Perfectly chosen aroma. Perfectly complements the image.”

  • Show interest in the interlocutor, or more precisely, in your companion. There are men who, on the first, and on all other dates, fluff a peacock’s tail and tell the girl how awesome he is. But in reality, it’s all a joke. I checked with the Akloni team girls and often put this into practice myself: you need to listen to her.

    Ask questions, listen to every word of your interlocutor, show interest in juicy stories. In general, act according to the situation, but remember that you are circling the girl, and not she is circling you.

  • Watch your facial expressions carefully. Really, practice smiling in front of the mirror, looking at all emotions in general. Every guy has that expression on his face as if he's shitting. This usually happens when girls start talking all sorts of crazy things about clothes, cosmetics and all that. Cross him out of your life, just control your facial expressions, smile more and finally relax!

    How to behave with a girl on the first date to arouse her interest? I talk about this and more in courses at Akloni Academy. So register if you still can’t decide. And believe me, not a trace will remain of your timidity.

  • Don't fight over the score. As the main inspirer of Akloni, I affirm that no one likes beggars, not even friends. So pay the bill, of course, if the girl is not crazy. There is a special category of young ladies who go on dates just to eat and sip some normal booze.

    So, if you see that she orders lobster without a twinge of conscience, whisper in the waiter’s ear that you will have separate bills. Let him eat for his health, maybe the child doesn’t finish eating.

    In other cases, the girl should not even see the score. If she shows interest and wants to pay in half, show gallantry and give her such a look that she immediately understands who the daddy is.

  • Pay attention to your gestures as well as your facial expressions. In general, I recommend looking around more often: read the movements of the rich men you look up to. Watch how the gopniks behave in the area and remove their habits from your everyday life. Strive to be the best version of yourself, not for someone else, but to be proud of yourself.

Intimate question

Many people believe that sex at the first meeting is impossible. But if you hint to a young man that your relationship may move to the next level on the second or third date, then he may misunderstand you. In our relaxed times, many people laugh and refuse such rules and consider them something old-fashioned.

However, if you want to continue getting to know this person, then do not rush into bed with him. Remember that men are hunters and conquerors, they do not like game that falls into their hands, they like to conquer the girl.

Of course, there are no rules without exceptions. Sex on the first date is possible if:

  • you have known a young man for a long time, but now your relationship is moving to a new level;
  • you are confident in this person, you know that he takes you very seriously and will not talk about your intimate relationship to strangers;
  • you only need sex and that’s why you went on a date;
  • at the first meeting you cannot cope with passion.

But you shouldn’t go home to a man you don’t know, and you shouldn’t bring him to your place either. Of course, you should definitely think about personal protective equipment, because the consequences of such a spontaneous night of love may not be the most pleasant.

Ending a date properly

You should not artificially delay the date. You shouldn’t cling to a man and waste time waiting for a second meeting to be scheduled. Let there remain a slight understatement between you, which will definitely make you look for new dates.

Let the young man walk you to the entrance or apartment, but there is no need to invite him for a cup of coffee with a continuation.

Don't run home too quickly and don't disappoint your boyfriend. Do not forget to thank him for a pleasant evening, but do not hint too persistently about continuing your acquaintance.

By the way, if a young man does not want to accompany his girlfriend home, this already clearly indicates his upbringing and attitude towards the girl. Usually this is what disappointed young people do, who consider themselves to have been deceived in some way. It is hardly worth continuing to meet such a person.

How to behave after a date

If the young man does not ask for your phone number at parting and does not seek to make a new meeting, do not make a sour face. Try to end the date on a pleasant note. Don't let him think that you are disappointed by his coldness.

If you have his phone number, you shouldn’t call him in the morning and compliment him about last night. He will consider you intrusive and will be seriously disappointed.

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Wait for his call, and if he doesn’t come, then try to “accidentally” meet him and make an impression. Maybe he'll decide he needs to try again.

If nothing works out, there is no need to be too upset. It's possible that you haven't met your man yet.

How to behave on a first date with a girl?

Of course, like a gentleman. Whatever impression you want to make, your courtesy should precede you, just as a girl's tits precede her.

How to impress a girl?

  • You need to make an appointment in advance. Therefore, choose the most optimal time and place and tell the girl about it. Don’t suggest: “Let’s go,” no. Just say: “I want to see you. At 19:00 near …” This will show your interest in the meeting and your busyness in life.
  • Don't forget that she may have plans too. So decide on a couple of evenings when you can meet. There's no need to give her a choice. Offer one time at once, and if it doesn’t work, another.
  • A man should always arrive on a date a little earlier or exactly on time, but his companion can be 5 minutes late. Don't let yourself wait a shitload of time for her. This is already disrespect, better go eat something tasty. More benefits.
  • It's better not to bring bouquets to your first date. But there is a small caveat: if you met online and corresponded for a while, then you can easily bring up the topic of flowers. For example, “I’m choosing flowers for a colleague for a birthday party, which ones would you choose?” In this case, you can bring her favorite flowers.

    If before this your communication was reduced to: “Hello. You're cool. Give me the number,” then it’s better without a broom. She may have a simple allergy.

  • Naturally, all the moments: opening the door, holding your elbow on the steps, helping you take off your coat must be performed impeccably. You are not only the main man at this evening, but also very courteous. Your gestures are always smooth, and your gaze is confident.
  • Important: put your phone on silent mode. A couple of hours will not make a difference in important matters, especially in the evening, and the girl may feel uncomfortable from your constant conversations on the phone.

Common mistakes

If you like a young man and want to continue your relationship with him, then try to avoid typical mistakes that will lead to the fact that there will be no second date with this person:

  • Don't talk too much, especially about yourself. Men also love to talk, try to become an attentive listener, this will impress him.
  • Don’t show your curiosity, if a guy avoids certain topics, don’t insist, don’t try to find out all his ins and outs. Let your companion choose topics for conversation.
  • Try to act as natural as possible. Of course, some shyness on the first date is normal, but loud laughter or the sight of an ice statue will not attract anyone.
  • Defiant behavior repels men. They do not like excessively bright makeup, provocative clothing, long bright nails - all this is associated by the stronger sex with women of the oldest profession.
  • Don't talk about your problems, don't complain about life, relatives, colleagues, arrogant boss and annoying mother. Usually a person does not strive to solve other people's problems from the very beginning of acquaintance.
  • Don’t try to trick the young man into giving him gifts or an expensive meal at a restaurant. He will decide that you are a mercantile person, and even oligarchs run away from such people.
  • Don’t talk about your plans for life, or that you dream of starting a family, having three children, buying a car and an apartment. Men are hunters by nature, but they don’t want to be game.
  • Don't try to show yourself as grumpy and dissatisfied with everything. Please note that men prefer girls who are flexible and know how to enjoy life.
  • Don't make the next date, leave that prerogative to the man.

By reading and analyzing how to accurately behave on a date with a man, you can get rid of many mistakes for which you will be ashamed later. When a nice young man doesn’t call you back after a meeting, don’t be upset, it means you haven’t met your destiny yet. Perhaps she is already waiting for you somewhere around the corner, try not to make similar mistakes in the future.

Greeted by clothes

When choosing an outfit for a first date, how to impress a man, and not make him run away in horror or be ashamed of his passion? Every girl asked herself this question at least once in her life.

You need to start preparing for the event in advance. It is especially important a few days before a romantic evening to go to bed as early as possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If the meeting is scheduled for the evening, start getting ready in the morning, take a bath, refresh your manicure and pedicure, think about your hair and makeup. You shouldn’t experiment with your appearance a couple of hours before the date; it’s better to do it in advance. Prepare your clothes and carefully consider accessories for them.

If you are going on a first date with a man, advice from a psychologist on choosing the right clothes will come in handy. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to make an appointment with a specialist; it will be enough to open any thematic magazine or communicate with a free Internet consultant.

When choosing a festive outfit, you should think, first of all, about where the event will take place - in a cafe, restaurant, theater, museum, square, forest or stadium.

Don't dress up too much for a trip to the forest or park. Otherwise, the meeting can turn into real torment, because you will not be thinking about the beauty of nature and your chosen one, but about how not to break your heel, and how to quietly straighten your skirt that has slipped to one side.

Hairstyle, like clothing, should match the image and location. Don't make your hairstyle too complicated or pour too much hairspray on your head. Try to look natural but well-groomed.

Being well-groomed and natural is what every man considers sexy. A woman, trying to impress on a first date, sometimes acts on the principle of “all the best at once,” so she often comes dressed in vulgar makeup, which only scares off a potential gentleman.

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