What is prenatal depression and how to treat it

In the last trimester of pregnancy, many women experience a deterioration in their emotional state. First of all, this is caused by the physical discomfort that the body experiences. The load on the spine increases, causing lower back pain. The kidneys work in a forced mode, for this reason swelling of the feet and face appears.

The pressure that the fetus puts on the pelvic organs leads to constipation, urinary incontinence and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If, in addition to this, surges in blood pressure, headaches, dizziness and gestosis are added, it becomes really difficult for a woman to maintain calm and a friendly attitude towards life.

Pregnant women experience worse sleep before giving birth, general anxiety and an uncomfortable position on their back or side, which makes it difficult to restore strength and rest at night.

Almost all women by the end of pregnancy get tired of their situation and dream of giving birth as soon as possible. Prenatal depression has not only physical, but also mental prerequisites.

Depression before childbirth: causes ↑

This condition can be explained by serious physiological and hormonal changes in the female body, sometimes becoming critical, even having an overwhelming effect on the psyche.

But upon a detailed study of the issue, it becomes clear that the causes of prenatal depression are ambiguous, since all its cases, as well as the causes that caused it, are unique and individual.

Here are the most common of them:

  1. Fear associated with the upcoming birth of a child - pregnant women are afraid of complications that may arise during childbirth, pain, and the possibility of surgical intervention (for example, cesarean section).
  2. Fear for the health and life of the baby occurs not only in expectant mothers with various abnormalities in fetal development. This fear is typical for 98% of pregnant women, who worry both about the life of the baby and about the possibility of his being born with physiological disorders.
  3. Fears for the future of a newborn - despite being absolutely far-fetched, it occupies third place in the list of reasons that provoke prenatal depression. A woman comes up with all sorts of misfortunes that await her baby in the future (when he is 7, 15, 20 years old), and treats them as if they were a fait accompli.
  4. Worries about one's own appearance are a fairly popular cause of depression in pregnant women. Often observed in women who have gained excess weight and have many stretch marks due to low elasticity of the skin.

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Treatment of prenatal depression

The main question: is it possible and necessary to treat depression before childbirth ? According to some researchers, children whose mothers suffered from depression during pregnancy have an increased risk of developing developmental problems. Although the mechanism of this dependence still remains unclear, researchers do not doubt its very existence. Therefore, if we are dealing with a truly depressive state, treatment is necessary.

Wandering through the forums, we read a lot of advice on how to get out of prenatal depression : shopping, massage, swimming pool, communication, yoga, etc., etc. Of course, all this is good and correct, but when you’re depressed, you don’t feel like shopping, yoga, or socializing. And it is unlikely that such advice will cause any reaction other than irritation. That is, they can be considered “conditionally useful”, or even completely empty.

In addition, on the forums you can receive openly aggressive, derogatory comments, which also does not help to get out of an anxious state. Therefore, we recommend that instead of “mom chatter” you contact a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Risk groups ↑

  1. Experts say that it is especially necessary to closely monitor the psychological state of expectant mothers who were susceptible to depression before pregnancy.
  2. Anorexia, which is an eating disorder in women, is not uncommon these days. Therefore, young ladies who obsessively monitor their weight are also at risk.
  3. If a woman has had causeless anxiety or phobia at least once before, you need to pay attention to the fact that during pregnancy these conditions tend to intensify.
  4. The risk group includes women who took medications to improve their psychological state, but stopped because they did not want to harm the fetus. Be that as it may, you should consult a specialist, as sudden interruption of treatment may worsen the condition.
  5. The next category is those who have relatives suffering from depression.
  6. And finally, suspicious women with an anxious character who worry about any reason.

What is it caused by?

There are no clear reasons why some women experience antenatal depression, but there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of it occurring:

  • problems in family relationships (any difficulties in relationships with a partner can cause fear of loneliness and depression),
  • predisposition to depressive conditions (depression in the past or the presence of a problem in one of your relatives),
  • negative memories associated with pregnancy (loss of a child or difficulties in childbirth),
  • pathologies of pregnancy (if expecting a baby is complicated by medical problems, severe stress may arise about one’s “flawedness”),
  • lack of support from loved ones (when serious changes are coming, the support of others is necessary).

Any painful experience can become a reason for the development of prenatal depression , but it is important to track what kind of thought or situation interferes with the normal expectation of the baby.

Main symptoms ↑

  • bad mood (alarming symptom - the duration of this state is more than 2 weeks);
  • lack of interest in what was previously fascinating;
  • excessive decrease in activity;
  • periodic thoughts of a suicidal nature;
  • round-the-clock pessimism and groundless self-flagellation.

Unfortunately, cases where prenatal depression is overlooked are not uncommon. But it is frivolous to assume that this is a common phenomenon that disappears without a trace after childbirth. Women who experience depression in the early stages may even decide to terminate their pregnancy.

Possible problems are inflated to incredible proportions for them. To overcome an anxious mood, pregnant women are able to resort to alcohol and nicotine, which will cause harm not only to them, but primarily to the baby.

Even a lack of appetite, sleep disturbances and anxiety can trigger a miscarriage or negatively affect labor.

Untreated prenatal depression can last after childbirth, so it is important to treat it in a timely manner. Recommendations from a psychiatrist and gynecologist will provide adequate assistance.

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Mental condition

Fears and apprehensions before such significant events as the birth of a child are completely justified. Even patients giving birth again say that they are not only expecting childbirth, but are also afraid of it. According to statistics, girls giving birth for the first time suffer from prenatal depression more often than mothers with many children.

To reduce your own fears, you should:

  • talk to those who have already had experience of successful childbirth;
  • ask all your concerns to your gynecologist;
  • read professional literature on psychology and obstetrics;
  • watch a video recording of childbirth, both normal and pathological, to look fear in the face and mentally prepare for the upcoming event.

Depressive disorder can negatively affect a woman's cognitive abilities, making it difficult to learn new information.

In order not to struggle with all the difficulties before childbirth alone, you should enlist the support of a professional psychologist. With the help of a specialist, it will be much easier to cope with the difficulties of this period of life.

How to cope ↑

The main task of the expectant mother is to take care of her body and the child. It includes both a physiological component and a psychological one, and consists of 3 subtasks:

  • accepting one’s own new status and setting life priorities;
  • trust in your body and acceptance of its changes as a necessity passing over time;
  • following common sense and one’s own intuition, regardless of public stereotypes and other people’s opinions.

Here are several methods for getting rid of depression before childbirth:

  1. The easiest way to deal with emotions is tears. With their help, you can avoid neurosis, which is contraindicated for expectant mothers. But only if it is crying and not hysterics.
  2. You can improve your mood with the help of elementary joys: a conversation with a friend, a funny comedy, purchasing children's things.
  3. Maintain a sleep schedule (don’t overeat before bedtime).
  4. Reading your favorite books will set you up for pleasant dreams.
  5. There is no need to watch action movies and quarrel with your loved ones.
  6. Talk to your midwife about any questions you have.
  7. A professional photo shoot will help you feel harmonious and beautiful with a grown belly.
  8. Aromatherapy is an excellent remedy for getting rid of depression, as smell is extremely important for creating mood.

Depression before childbirth is normal, as it is associated with hormonal changes. Each expectant mother should know that such a condition at this time is within the normal range.

However, at the same time, she should take into account that preventing the consequences of serious depression is her main task. And if it is difficult to cope with it on your own, you need to seek help from professionals.

Depression after childbirth: how to cope and calm down?

Good afternoon, young parents. Postpartum depression is a fairly common and at the same time, rejected by many people phenomenon. But, in fact, after childbirth, depressive disorders are very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Depression after childbirth: how to cope and calm down?

Therefore, do not hesitate to visit a psychotherapist - timely treatment will save you from many unpleasant moments and help restore the joy of motherhood. If you have depression after childbirth, you will learn how to cope from this article.

What causes a mental disorder?

Many women suffer from such depression, but not all. Even fewer turn to specialists for qualified help. This happens for various reasons, but most often due to a lack of information about this psychological disorder.

In order to recognize the development of postpartum depression in time, it is important to know what triggers it.

Also, knowing what can cause postpartum depression can help you prevent it from developing. How to cope with depression after childbirth? First, let's look at the factors that contribute to the development of depressive disorder.

  • The primary cause of depressive disorders after childbirth is physiological changes in a woman’s body. Due to hormonal instability at this time, sudden mood swings may occur and sensitivity to various kinds of irritants may increase. Women's emotional health especially suffers during the onset of lactation, since it is prolactin that often provokes a sharp depression of the nervous system.
  • Postpartum depression, according to statistics, occurs in those women who decide to have a child out of wedlock, without having a relationship or help from the child’s father. In this case, mental disorder is a consequence of stress and tension, which is provoked by problems and lack of support.
  • Practice shows that black women suffer most often from postpartum depression in the world, although science has not yet found a relationship between racial differences and susceptibility to depression.
  • Problems of a material nature, an urgent need for the most necessary things can also cause the development of a mental disorder. The fact is that maternal instinct triggers new tasks in a woman’s brain related to providing the child with everything he needs for development and growth. But, due to the inability to do anything during this period to improve their financial situation, the woman becomes fixated on negative experiences and very often this leads to the development of a depressive disorder.
  • A predisposition to developing postpartum depression is also noted in those women who have or have had an unfavorable relationship with their mother. If such a woman has postpartum depression, a family psychologist can tell you what to do.
  • The risk of depression after pregnancy increases in those women who have already experienced any psychological problems during pregnancy or before its onset.
  • Statistics show that postpartum depression most often overtakes those women who have minimized social contacts, and during this period practically do not communicate with their friends and loved ones.
  • Poor nutrition leads to exhaustion of the body, and in the period after childbirth there is an increased need for nutrients. Their deficiency can lead to depletion of the nervous system.
  • Conflict situations in the family and frequent quarrels that have a domestic cause increase the risk of developing depressive disorder during this period.
  • The habit of frequently introspecting, criticizing yourself and analyzing your every thought can also provoke postpartum depression.
  • After childbirth, complications of any nature increase the risk of the disorder and can also aggravate its course.
  • Some individual characteristics of a woman’s character and a woman’s passive life position also increase the risk of depressive disorder in the postpartum period.
  • Hereditary factors also determine an increased risk of developing postpartum depressive disorders in women.
  • At risk are those mothers who gave birth to their first child after 35 years of age.

How can you tell if you have postpartum depression?

It is very important to diagnose postpartum depression early and begin to take measures to eliminate it. And in order to make it easier for you to recognize a depressive disorder after the birth of a child, we will consider the most typical symptoms for it.

Before you decide how to deal with postpartum depression, you need to know for sure that you are dealing with it.

  • The very first sign of incipient postpartum depression is increased sensitivity to any psychological stimuli. A woman takes any trifle too seriously, and even a small thing can provoke crying and hysterics.
  • Mood swings in the period after childbirth also quite often indicate developing postpartum depression. It is important to understand that postpartum depression is not always accompanied by sadness and despondency. Most often, depressive disorder manifests itself as emotional instability.
  • In 80% of cases, depression is accompanied by a sleep disorder. Insomnia, problems falling asleep, nightmares - all these are symptoms of postpartum depression, which, unfortunately, only aggravate the situation, as they further deplete the nervous system.
  • Attitude towards the child is also a significant symptom of postpartum depression. Very often a woman does not experience warm feelings for the baby, which discourages her. Moreover, a new mother can be irritated by the baby's crying, and at times infuriated. In some cases, obsessive thoughts appear about cruel actions towards the child, which in most cases are not realized, but very frighten the woman.
  • Eating disorders are constant companions of any disorder, regardless of the period in which it developed. In some cases it may be bulimia, and in others it may be food refusal, appetite and digestion disorders.
  • Postpartum depression also manifests itself in the fact that a woman absolutely does not see the prospects for her future, draws pessimistic forecasts and does not believe that anything can be changed. The lack of bright prospects is just an illusory idea of ​​a woman, which is caused by an unstable emotional state.
  • During the period of postpartum depression, a woman gets tired too quickly and every simple task related to household needs or child care is given to her with great difficulty.
  • In especially severe cases, a woman’s condition is aggravated by the appearance of hallucinations and uncontrolled behavior. This stage of development of postpartum depression requires compulsory treatment in an inpatient psychiatric clinic.

Psychosomatics of postpartum depression

Everyone knows that our psyche is closely connected with the physical body. That is why any psychological disorder inevitably leads to the appearance of tangible bodily symptoms. Let's look at the psychosomatic symptoms of postpartum depression.

Very often, depression is accompanied by headaches, migraines, and instability of blood pressure. This may be accompanied by vegetative-vascular dystonia.

A very common symptom of postpartum depression is indigestion.

General weakness and disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system are also typical signs of postpartum depression, while in most women who seek medical help, changes in clinical blood test parameters can be observed, not for the better.

How to cope with postpartum depression?

Depression after childbirth: how to cope

In most cases, there is only one way out - to contact a psychotherapist, who will select a suitable set of therapeutic measures and medications. But not all women dare to speak openly about such an “unseemly” problem.

Understand that in this case you should not worry about what the doctor will think - you are not a novelty to him. In this case, you should think about not harming the child due to this disorder.

Therefore, if you are looking for ways to overcome postpartum depression on your own, consider the risks.

For your baby during such a mental disorder, you pose a danger. During this period, it will be quite difficult for you to control your thoughts and actions, so you may harm your baby.

In addition, babies under one year old have the highest level of empathy; almost all emotions and feelings are transmitted to them. Postpartum depression can leave an indelible mark on the baby’s subconscious memory and manifest itself in adolescence.

But the biggest risk is the development of psychosis after childbirth due to depression, which happens to 5% of women in labor.

Postpartum psychosis is a complete lack of control over one's actions. In this state, a young mother can do the worst, even take the life of her baby.

Drug treatment for postpartum depression

How to cope with depression after childbirth? You shouldn’t worry or be afraid that when you contact a psychotherapist, you will definitely be locked up in a “psychiatric hospital.” No, depending on the severity of your problem, an appropriate treatment complex will be selected for you.

Most often, drugs are prescribed to support the nervous system, which enrich the body with magnesium and B vitamins.

To overcome symptoms, the use of antidepressants and tranquilizers is sometimes allowed, which in the postpartum period imply a temporary cessation of breastfeeding.

If a specialist recommends that you undergo treatment in a hospital, you should not resist, as this can save you from harm.

Moreover, in the hospital all conditions will be created for your recovery, which means that you will return to normal much faster than if treated at home.

Tips for overcoming postpartum depression

  • If you have the opportunity to ask for help, be sure to use it. Understand that this will only benefit you and your child. Shift some of the worries to your family, and if possible, delegate all household responsibilities.
  • Talk to your loved ones (husband, mother, brothers and sisters). Tell them what is happening to you and ask them to help you care for your child. Support from loved ones will help you overcome postpartum depression much faster.
  • Use every minute you have free from caring for your baby to sleep. Melatonin, a sleep hormone, promotes complete renewal of nervous tissue cells, which means that if you sleep a lot, you will return to normal very soon.
  • Try to surround yourself only with positive people who will instill optimism in you and help you overcome postpartum depression. And vice versa - avoid anxious people who are filled with judgment towards you.
  • Remember that a lot depends on you - a positive attitude and the ability to restructure your emotions will help in overcoming the problem.
  • Watch more funny films, read jokes and take every opportunity to be happy. Laughter stimulates the production of hormones necessary to overcome depression.
  • You shouldn’t give up your hobbies during the postpartum period - they can be your “lifeline.”

Postpartum depression is a preventable illness.

It is better to work on how not to become depressed after childbirth than to look for solutions later. Therefore, you should not judge yourself and blame yourself for what you feel.

You don't blame yourself for having a runny nose, do you? How to cope with depression after childbirth? Contact a specialist, follow all his recommendations and soon everything will be back to normal.

We wish you and your baby good health!

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Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/soseddomosed/depressiia-posle-rodov-kak-spravitsia-i-uspokoitsia-5da53473c05c71667f4919f3

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