How to get rid of an annoying guy you don't like

2 3022 January 27, 2020 at 00:15 Author of the publication: Oksana Agadzhanova

What thoughts do we identify as intrusive? Strange, illogical, groundless. The ones we don't want to think about. Those that we didn’t order and can’t get rid of. These are scary pictures that pop up involuntarily, and an unstoppable carousel of fragmentary thoughts, and persistent thoughts about death, and an obsession with a man, and an obsessive counting that is harmless at first glance. Obsessive thoughts interfere with your life, prevent you from working, ruin relationships and health, and finally take up your time and energy. But neither this understanding nor self-persuasion helps to cope with them. The question arises: how to get rid of annoying thoughts?

What methods does the Internet offer? Prayers, conspiracies, visualizations, affirmations, relaxation, self-control, creativity, help from a psychologist...

Why doesn’t self-control or affirmations help? Why are attempts to convince yourself that these obsessive thoughts and fears are unreasonable, that they only interfere, and that it is better not to think or experience them? Because in this way we do not touch the root of the problem. We cannot consciously command or persuade the unconscious. Anxiety, obsessions, fears and other negative states are caused by our shortcomings, that is, unsatisfied unconscious desires and unrealized mental properties.

They can only be realized in the outside world, for other people. Developing memory and attention, self-hypnosis and meditation focus a person on himself, and therefore do not help get rid of obsessive thoughts.

We cannot control our thoughts, it is an illusion. Thought forms arise involuntarily. We can only create conditions for necessary and true thoughts to come to mind, but we are not able to stop them. Therefore, advice to logically refute your obsessions, put them off for later, or switch to something else does not work. Relaxation and breathing techniques will not help, since the reason for the appearance of obsessive thoughts lies in the psyche, and not in the body.

Creativity and good deeds are good ways to get rid of obsessive thoughts, but they are not suitable for everyone. Which people they will help and in what condition can be easily determined with the help of the System-Vector Psychology training.

Prayers and conspiracies can briefly alleviate the fears of impressionable people, but they do not solve the problem - with a new opportunity, obsessive thoughts return or turn into no less obsessive rituals: knocking on wood, spitting over your shoulder, walking in zigzags or counting to 100 to “ward off trouble” . For intellectuals, such “remedies” will not even temporarily help relieve negative states.

Why is the version that we are “overcome by demons” still alive? Indeed, it often seems that these obsessive thoughts are alien - after all, they arise against our will. Sometimes they contradict our conscious desires and ideas. And they are not always active - they periodically “let go.” We are unable to control them or predict them. We don't know where they come from and where they go. Until we know how the unconscious works.

The “System-Vector Psychology” training easily brings these “demons” to light, revealing the cause-and-effect relationships of such phenomena as obsessive thoughts in the head, obsessive fears, anxiety, obsessions, obsessive thoughts about illness, obsessive thoughts about a person.

A deep understanding of the laws of the unconscious is in itself a therapy that relieves these unpleasant and difficult phenomena. The “System-Vector Psychology” training provides the knowledge necessary and sufficient to understand the reasons for the appearance of these negative states and understand how to get rid of them. Truthful, correct, accurate knowledge can help you get rid of obsessive thoughts.

How to understand that a man has become too annoying:

  1. He is jealous even if there is no relationship as such yet.
  2. Always nearby, even if you don’t want it at all.
  3. Tries to control communication with other representatives of the stronger sex.
  4. Acts as if he is a slave owner.
  5. He completely integrates himself into his personal life, meets relatives, despite the girl’s reluctance.
  6. At first, you may like this behavior and increased attention, but it quickly becomes boring, since there is no personal space left.

Nutrition to help relieve depression

(my recommendations)
1. A complex of natural vitamins and microelements. Consult a doctor who specializes in preventive medicine . It is best to undergo a microelement analysis (hair) to determine the type of your metabolism, and what substances you are missing, what dosages and what microelements you need. If you don’t know where and how to take this test, or you don’t know where to find the world’s best high-quality natural vitamins and microelements, write to me using the feedback form. If it turns out that there are many people who want to know this information, I will write a separate article on this topic. In the meantime, to study the issue, you can write in Google the phrase “the best vitamins in the world.” The best vitamins in the world exist, and if you set out to find them, you will find them.

And pay attention to the complex of natural B vitamins - “Nutrilite B-complex”.

2. Coffee beans - brew and drink (according to instructions) at least once a week. Caffeine improves mood and is a mild antidepressant. Determine your norm, taking which you will get the desired effect during the day. The less often you take coffee, the better the one-time effect (since it is addictive, and then you will need more coffee to get results). I especially recommend coffee on cloudy days, and on those in which you feel especially hard. If you already feel normal, don’t “catch up” with coffee, put it off for next time - it works more efficiently this way.

In addition to caffeine, there are other safe psychomodulators - matein (found in mate leaves, you can buy “mate tea”), adaptogens (Rhodiola rosea, ginseng). Also, Chinese Pu-erh tea has an excellent effect.

3. Try to eat healthy. Don’t overeat at night, less meat, more fruits and vegetables, include bee products in your diet: honey, pollen.

Follow these 3 points for 6 months. After which you will notice significant improvements in your well-being: the body will forget previous negative, deep depressive states, and will strengthen in a new state. But don’t forget to work on yourself (as described above), this is primary.

How to get rid of an obsessive man:

  1. To say directly, and not with hints, that there can be no relationship either now or in the future. We need to do this in such a way that he understands, so that he has no doubt that this is reality.
  2. Do not give hope, refuse even friendship, otherwise he will continue to impose himself.
  3. Stop communicating over the phone, stop corresponding with him in apps and social networks. The best way out is to block the contact in all resources, notifying him about it in advance.
  4. Do not give in to persuasion about a farewell meeting or dinner, otherwise there will be a dozen more such farewell evenings.
  5. Do not contact with mutual acquaintances, with the help of whom he can find out about the personal life and work of the object of adoration.
  6. Do not visit familiar places for a while, where a fan can wait with a bouquet of flowers and another proposal to spend the evening together.
  7. Ask a male friend to stay nearby for a while, for example, go for a walk with him, invite him home. An annoying fan will definitely find out about this and, perhaps, will completely lose hope for a future relationship.
  8. It is advisable to leave for a while without notifying your admirer. It is worth going on vacation to relatives or going to the sea. And upon his return it turns out that he has already found another victim.

In such a situation, you cannot leave everything to chance and wait until the man gets tired of caring, otherwise you can accidentally get married.

Photo: Pixabay

Getting rid of obsessive thoughts on your own

In general, obsessive thoughts can be divided into two large classes: those born in the sound vector and in the visual one.

Sound - arise from the restlessness of a powerful, unfilled mind, created to solve the most complex problems. Visual obsessive thoughts and anxieties are born as a result of an unrealized capacity for empathy and love, that is, from a state of fear with the participation of a strong visual imagination. Other vectors can join visual and auditory ones, giving obsessive thoughts a special direction and character.

By the composition of thoughts and their manifestation, one can determine the vectors that need filling and implementation. The “System-Vector Psychology” training most accurately determines what unconscious desires and aspirations live within us and what kind of fulfillment they require. When implementing (filling the properties of the vector) such negative states as anxiety, fear, bad mood, obsessions do not arise.

No one can realize our talents for us, so effective disposal of obsessions is possible only on our own. Fortunately, both visual and auditory people are naturally gifted with both the ability and the desire to work independently - both with information and with their souls.

The stages of effective independent struggle with obsessive thoughts will be as follows:

  1. We observe and systematically analyze the composition and manifestation of obsessive thoughts.
  2. Based on their meaning, we determine which vectors are involved.
  3. We fulfill and realize desires.

Completing these three steps with accurate knowledge of your mental nature is enough to come to an even, balanced state in which obsessive thoughts will not arise. By filling and realizing unconscious natural desires, it is possible to completely get rid of fears and obsessive thoughts.

Implementation certainly requires some effort. At the same time, a person’s maximum realization of his natural properties most often becomes the realization of a dream, so it is a joy for us to make these efforts. And the results of these actions bring incomparable happiness and inspiration for new achievements. The principle of pleasure has already been invented by nature, and all we have to do is follow it wisely - fulfill our role.

For an adult, the realization of natural properties is necessary for mental health and balance. People who realize themselves to the fullest are not only free from obsessive thoughts, but also in difficult and dangerous situations are more resistant to stress.

Now let's take a closer look.

How scary to live! Anxiety and fears in visual vector

Obsessive, scary pictures or entire films that involuntarily appear in the head, anxiety and concern for oneself and loved ones are a sure sign of the presence of a visual vector, as well as the fact that it needs more complete implementation.

Fears and anxiety are exclusively states of the visual vector. Nature gifted the audience with colossal impressionability. Rapid change of emotions and imagination are their innate talents.

Numerous phobias have one common root - the fear of death. As a person grows up, he develops visual vector abilities. From anxiety for yourself - to sympathy for your neighbor, from admiring the beautiful - to creative expression of yourself, from fear for your life - to love for the whole world. Today, visual potential is limited only by the scale of the Universe. A visual person is not happy if his soul does not live a rich life, if there are no high feelings, deep experiences, strong impressions.

Getting rid of fears, anxiety and obsessive thoughts in the visual vector is possible through filling and realizing feelings outward, into the outside world. All our gifts, even as deeply introverted people, are given to us not for ourselves, but for the species as a whole. If we do not know how, or forget to focus outside, we become fixated on ourselves, retreating into an undeveloped archetypal form of life, which in the visual vector means the primitive fear of death as a key experience. Hence - phobias, anxiety, obsessive fears. Properties require implementation!

It happens that seemingly realized people have obsessive thoughts. For example, for a talented designer and artist, obsessive anxious thoughts and an obsessive fear of death most likely mean that the strength of his visual desire has grown so much that the application of his forces in the world of things is no longer enough for full realization. For such a person, salvation and happiness will be charity, volunteering, and the dissemination of humanistic ideas. After all, the visual vector is, first of all, an emotional connection with other people.

The visual vector is a colossal emotionality, as well as high intelligence. Some people grow flowers and grow gardens. Some save animals, some save forests, some save the planet. Someone creates masterpieces of art. Depending on the state of the visual vector in a particular person, the implementation may differ. But it’s always about taking your abilities outside, into the world of people. Visual people are geniuses of harmony and beauty, sympathy and empathy, true love. These are the creators of mood, impressions and emotions for other people.

Giving your best qualities out requires effort and brings much more fulfillment and happiness than receiving pleasure for yourself. This is how nature motivates us to realize its properties. Some people believe that they can be happy with flowers and cats, but today’s temperament (the power of desire) makes these pleasant events insufficient for real, sincere happiness. Create, empathize, love, sympathize, help people. Carry the ideas of humanism, do good - how many defenseless people there are who need help, sympathy and love! Children and the elderly, the sick and disabled...

Caring for the weak is a factor in the survival of our species, and this work is an ideal application of visual abilities. By giving attention, sympathy and love, visual people fulfill their calling, which means they not only bring the greatest possible benefit to the world, but also fulfill themselves.

And one more nuance: what is important to us is what we worry about. Women, who are naturally home and family oriented, in an unfulfilled state will worry not about themselves, but about their husband, children, and about the house itself. This is how one of the lower vectors is connected to the visual vector. Women with an anal-optic ligament in a fulfilled and fulfilled state are ideal, caring, sensitive and attentive wives, mothers and housewives. In an unfulfilled state, such a connection causes both the women themselves and their loved ones to suffer from their anxiety, overprotection, obsessive thoughts and premonitions. How to get rid of obsessive thoughts in this case? Everything is the same - through awareness of oneself and the realization of one’s natural properties.

Go crazy. Depression and obsessive thoughts in sound vector

An unstoppable gallop of thoughts or fragments of thoughts that give no peace. They rush around in a persistent swarm or sound with almost real polyphony. This internal debate could be scientific. The sound brain is capable of processing many tasks and solving complex issues. If this is not done, the brain grabs onto anything, but whatever, unfortunately, does not provide fulfillment, because it does not correspond to the size of the sound request. And the request is no more and no less - to reveal the secrets of the universe, to decipher the laws of the Universe.

When a genius gifted with the sound vector fully realizes his potential, loading his brain to the fullest and solving unsolvable problems, there is no room left in his head for obsessive thoughts. In a negative state, when sound desires are not fulfilled and are not realized for the benefit of humanity, the thoughts of such a superbrain can become obsessive. Nature has endowed sound scientists with the ability to concentrate entirely on the thought process, and thanks to this gift, science, and all knowledge, moves forward, discoveries and breakthroughs are made.

The thoughts of a sound artist who has not yet reached his calling torment a person by becoming meaningless and intrusive - they have no purpose, but do not lose intensity. This racing of thoughts is one of the symptoms of sound depression, which a sound artist who has not found meaning inevitably falls into.

As soon as a sound intellectual reaches his calling, obsessive thoughts are naturally replaced by active thoughts about something truly valuable, important and excitingly interesting for the person himself. This saves both him from depression and the world from the darkness of ignorance.

In any vector there is one key fear - losing control over the erogenous zone. The greatest pleasure is given to the sound person by the thought process and its results; the sound person identifies himself entirely with his thinking, therefore the natural fear of this vector is the fear of losing his mind. It is the fear of going crazy that drives sound people into psychiatry.

The longer a sound person suffers from depression, the higher the chance of developing obsessive suicidal thoughts. The sound vector is the only one that is focused on the intangible and feels itself (the soul) separately from the body. In severe conditions, a sound person may mistakenly perceive the thought of death as salvation, as a way out of suffering. In fact, suicide is the murder of the soul, this is the exact opposite of what the sound artist most strives for. Therefore, the sooner such a person begins to reveal the hidden, to understand the unknown - the psyche - the sooner he will find the meaning that he so craves.

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