Why boring? 9 ways to help you forget about boredom

Do some sports

Lack of exercise is another cause of boredom. If you sit at home all day, occasionally going out to the store to shop, you will feel stressed. Stress and tension accumulate and negatively affect the emotional state. Even simple exercises will relieve physical stress. Why is it boring without playing sports? Physical activity is a great way to increase levels of the hormone endorphin, which is responsible for good mood. You don't need complicated equipment to stay fit and feel good. Push-ups, squats and barpees do the trick. And of course, don’t forget about an ordinary jump rope, which is convenient to train with at home. But you don't need to exercise for too long. Research shows that short exercise sessions are the perfect way to relieve boredom. But playing sports for too long causes depression and physical exhaustion. Yoga is a great choice when it comes to physical activity. Try some simple asanas. This will allow you to put your thoughts in order and relax after a day spent at the computer.

Treat yourself to something delicious

We live in an era of endless diets, manically counting calories. We try to eat healthy foods and forget about the main thing - food should make us happy. Of course, there are hundreds of recipes that make cauliflower the most delicious food ever. But sometimes you need to forget about vitamins, microelements and calories while enjoying your favorite dish. Have a fast day when you eat whatever you want. If you follow a strict diet, a loading day will not ruin your achievements. Moreover, it will allow you to lose weight faster. All restaurants are closed today, but you can order home delivery. This is another way to support your favorite restaurant or local cafe. Finally, try mastering a new recipe. This is a great hobby to escape boredom. Don't be discouraged if you can't cook a new dish the first time. Mastery comes with time.

Throw an online party

Self-isolation is not a reason to forget about parties with friends. Social connections are incredibly important for mental balance. Phone calls and instant messaging are great, but soon you begin to notice that you lack communication. An online party or an online date is a great way to break the monotony of life. A virtual dinner with friends or a game night will put you in a good mood for a long time. Today, many popular clubs are hosting virtual parties on Zoom. This is another opportunity to have a blast and dance to the music of your favorite DJ. In addition, many hobby clubs and even fitness trainers have moved online. Sign up for a class with your friends. You will support each other and have a great time together.

You are a workaholic

Finally, boredom is the scourge of those who love to work and do not know how to relax. In such cases, you are, in general, not that bored. You have a lot of interesting things to do at work. But you have a day off to spend with your family. And you don’t understand what to do with yourself, because all your interest is there, in your work computer. This phenomenon is called “workaholism.”

What to do? Ask yourself what difficulties you are running from at work. How did it happen that family leisure became a burden for you? What problems do you prefer not to solve, but to put on hold? What does this mean in the long term? Isn't it time to change something? How to change it, read the article “Fatigue after work” - there is a section about workaholism.

What to read Vladimir Serkin, “Freedom of the Shaman” (for inspiration) Family and work in a woman’s life (about balance)

What to watch: “Healer Adams” (about the search for meaning) “Good Will Hunting” (about a bored genius)
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Big project

We need purpose to feel full in life. When the usual course of events is disrupted, the motivation that gave meaning to life disappears. It's time to come up with a new goal to strive for. It doesn't have to be a huge project like writing a book or running your own business. Think about the things you've been planning for a long time. Surely you have a list of films or a stack of books that you have long dreamed of reading. Perhaps you've long ago bookmarked a recipe you've been wanting to cook. Even the smallest goal fills life with interesting events. And of course, you will feel joy when you complete it. You don't have to do everything at once. Break the goal into several stages and do little by little.

Start keeping a diary

Bullet journaling is another way to forget about boredom. Many psychologists recommend keeping a diary. This will allow you to understand your feelings and why you are bored. You don't have to describe your day in detail. Write down three good events in your diary. You will be able to understand that you have more interesting events than you think. Journaling is a great way to differentiate one day from another. Write down things that bother you or make you happy. Try to understand the reasons for negative emotions. I like to end the day with a journal, writing down the events that happened that day. Thoughts written on the pages of the diary instantly cease to excite. Therefore, psychologists recommend keeping a diary for people who often experience anxiety.

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How to deal with boredom

Creativity, hobby. A good way to bring something new into your life. It often happens that as a child I really wanted to draw or sing, but somehow I didn’t succeed, and when I became an adult, it seemed that time had passed. In the modern world, there are many opportunities for adults to learn something new: languages, computers, design, photography, dancing, and so on - a wide choice of what you can get carried away with.

Communication. Despite the fact that there is a lot of communication on social networks now, there is still not enough of it, not because the person has no one to talk to, but because it is not possible to discuss important things. In this case, interest clubs or psychological groups can help.

Change of world view. Sometimes it’s even good to stop, get bored a little and ask yourself if I’m really living the life I want. Do I like my work, do I satisfy communication with the people around me, and the like. If the answer is positive and everything suits you, then you can continue in the same spirit, but if not, then you should think about what needs to be changed.

A change of scenery. Sometimes it’s worth going somewhere even for one day to look at life in a new way.

The most important thing is to stop being afraid of change and new opportunities that can help enrich life and make it interesting.

Listen to fun music

Music is a proven way to lift your spirits. Pleasant music will make you forget about your bad mood and sadness. A good playlist will turn the most monotonous work into an exciting activity. Even the dull task of washing dishes becomes interesting when you listen to your favorite artist. I like to listen to music while I clean the apartment or water the flowers. If you cannot concentrate on monotonous work, turn on quiet and melodic music. Psychologists believe that music activates areas of the brain responsible for attention. Choose music that evokes positive emotions. Do you remember the music that played at your graduation? It's time to refresh your memories by turning on your favorite band or artist.

take a shower

It's hard to believe, but a regular morning shower can save you from boredom. We have already told you how to set up a spa at home. Now is the time to take advantage of these tips. A contrast shower will charge you with energy and good mood for the whole day. This is a simple trick to try. Switch the water between warm and cool. But do not forget that at the end you must return your body temperature to normal so as not to catch a cold. When I'm bored, even a different shower gel cheers me up. This is my way of freeing my mind from obsessive thoughts. Try the refreshing aromas of citrus, mint and eucalyptus. They will keep you focused and clear your brain fog. It's time to try that fancy shower gel you got for your birthday.

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Have breakfast in different places

Monotony makes life unbearable. When every day is similar to the previous one, it is difficult to maintain mental balance. It begins to seem to you that you have turned into the heroine of the actresses Natasha and
from the TV series “Matryoshka”, forced to return on the same day. Everyday life becomes like an obsessive and sad dream from which it is impossible to get rid of. So that the days are not similar to each other, every morning should be special. Waking up in the morning, we find ourselves in a series of routines that pull us into our nets. But even a simple change in environment can work wonders. Small changes have a big impact on your mood. If you're used to starting your morning at the dining table, try having breakfast in another room. If you have a cozy balcony, grab a cup of your favorite coffee and go into the fresh air. Perhaps today is the time to have breakfast in bed or while sitting on your favorite couch. Try this simple trick to break your routine.

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