Poems for the girl you love: 50 beautiful poems with meaning ✍

Relationships between a man and a woman (or a guy and a girl) can be of any form - friendly, collegial or neighborly - until one of them makes a declaration of love.

After this, the relationship changes radically; it either reaches a new level, which involves physical intimacy, or cracks if the love is not mutual. The latter often becomes an obstacle to a decisive step on the part of guys - thinking about how to beautifully confess their love so as not to get rejected, they keep putting off this crucial moment.

Psychologists do not advise guys to be too constrained; this does not make them look better in the eyes of women who prefer decisive action on the part of the stronger sex. This is confirmed by the results of a small survey conducted by our authors on one of the social networks. We will share some interesting stories that we learned through the survey with you.

How to confess your feelings to your loved one

There are a considerable number of ways to confess your love to the “lady of your heart”: from beautiful pranks with an incredibly romantic ending to simple SMS with a touching text. In this case, all methods are good if the girl likes them. Before you do this, you should think about whether it is wise to make a noisy declaration of love in the presence of many people if the girl you love is an introvert. Or send a short message to a woman expecting a fountain of emotions or adoration. Hopes for the favor of the beloved in both cases are minimal.

Words must be spoken sincerely and from the heart

In your own words in prose

Any girl or woman prefers to hear a declaration of love from a man in her own words, so that it is expressed simply, clearly and unambiguously, and she does not have to decipher it. A man in love can only say “I love you” - and for most girls this is quite enough. To these words you can add:

  • you are so beautiful (kind, smart, interesting), I have liked you for a long time;
  • I think you have been waiting for these words for a long time;
  • I want to be honest with you;
  • I would be happy to live my whole life with you.

But here are the phrases that, according to many women, are undesirable to precede your declaration of love in prose:

  • we need to have a serious conversation;
  • I've been meaning to tell you one thing for a long time;
  • I need to tell you something.

It is better when words of love are heard in an environment conducive to this, although surprise options are also not bad.

Having interviewed happy families who have lived together for decades, we came to the conclusion that methods of recognition do not affect the duration of feelings if they sound sincere.

In verse

If a girl is interested in poetry, it is very dangerous to write her her own poem as a declaration of love. You need to understand that bad verses in this case can work against you. But trying to write better than Yesenin or other “singers of love” is pointless. Therefore, before offering self-written poems as a declaration of love, it is worth making a reservation that this, of course, is not high poetry, but the words come from the heart.

Many confession poems are offered on the Internet, but to choose a worthwhile one, consult with one of your friends or people who understand poetry, so that it has not only rhyme, but also meaning. If you don’t want to look stupid, avoid vulgarities like:

“You are like the embodiment of a fairy tale: Very beautiful and sweet. You conquered me like a vision, and you tamed me.”

If a girl understands poetry, this poem can put an end to your relationship, unless, of course, she shows angelic condescension.

We offer an example of a passable poem that a girl might like:

“I just told the stars, How grateful I am to September (how I thank the month of May, how I thank July, etc.) For sending you to me - After all, I have loved you since then.”

Let us note once again that most girls treat poetic confessions with distrust, so this method of showing feelings should not be abused.

Beautiful confessions to a girl

If you are sure that a girl is worthy of a beautiful declaration of love, there may be many options:

  • invite a musician under her balcony and read poetry or ordinary words of declaration of love against the background of the melody;
  • write “I love you” on a bunch of balloons and launch them under the girl’s window;
  • lay out a declaration of love with flowers on the asphalt in front of her windows;
  • send a bouquet of flowers with a note in the middle “I love you!”

A beautiful confession does not have to be grandiose; confess your feelings in such a way as not to put the girl in an awkward position. No matter how beautifully you prepare for this event, you should not force the girl to immediately reciprocate your confession or make some fateful decisions “on the spot.”

The very best options for expressing feelings for a woman

It’s interesting how women themselves evaluate different options for declarations of love, and which ones they remember most:

  • when on the next date a man suddenly leans towards her face and whispers “I love you”;
  • when he sends small gifts from a “secret admirer” who is easy to identify;
  • when “at the meeting” he declares: “You will be my wife!”

According to women, the most memorable declaration of love can be spectacular, that is, making an impression, but be ineffective, that is, not guaranteeing a strong relationship. The general opinion of the female sex can be expressed as follows: the fewer words, the better, show your love with deeds.

Love that is not supported by deeds, as women reasonably note, fades very quickly.

It is difficult to disagree with this opinion, but still, it is extremely important for many ladies to understand how to actually perceive a good relationship with a man - as friendship or love, in which case it is better to explain to her.

Here is an interesting example of a declaration of love, which one lady called the most beautiful in her life. She was at an appointment with a dentist whom she had known for a long time. After finishing the job, he handed her a mirror to show her new filling. On the surface of the filling, the woman saw a thin heart neatly drawn in red enamel. She turned her gaze to the doctor and understood everything without words.

Of course, it is impossible to use the same experience if you are not a dentist, but it is worth developing your imagination in a similar direction.

Short options for SMS

If communication with a girl occurs mostly through a smartphone, you can send her a short poetic SMS declaration of love or start a dialogue that will force her to ask why.
Then you can answer: because I love you, but this should, of course, be on topic: “I realized one thing today.” -Which one? “I spent the years before we met in vain.” - Why? - Because I talked to strangers, but I love only you.

This SMS conversation should not be copied, you can only use it as a model. Other options:

– Hello, there are 2 news. - Which? - I fell in love with you. - And the second? - I love you very much!

If your phone's capabilities allow, you can write not only short declarations of love, but also poetic dedications; such cases are known and quite acceptable. If you mostly communicate in person, making a confession via SMS is bad form.

Original words

As practical experience shows, most women would not really like to hear a declaration of love in some original words. Originality, if it is not spontaneous, will sound insincere, and this is the worst thing to watch out for. A woman who does not believe the confession will not reciprocate, so if you are not an original by nature, do not strive to become one at such an important moment in life.

An ordinary declaration of love in itself is so significant in a person’s life that making it original in words is completely unnecessary.

Cool options

Among the different ways of showing feelings, you can choose several that are truly original in form:

  • when saying goodbye after another meeting, write a confession on her hand (the usual 3 words) and ask her to read it only when she comes home;
  • write a confession on the back of a beautiful card, cut it into puzzles and ask them to assemble it.

For teenagers, this option is suitable:

  • carefully remove the Kinder Surprise wrapper;
  • open the chocolate shell (you can heat a knife and carefully divide it into 2 halves);
  • get a container with a toy;
  • take out the toy, and instead put in a note with a confession;
  • Heat the knife again, run it along the edges of the chocolate shell and glue the surprise together.

Adult men hide gold earrings or rings in this way, but this is already during a marriage proposal.

Options for original confessions and surprises in Kinder

What pictures and postcards can you use?

During the so-called candy-bouquet period, you can give your beloved cards with sweet messages - declarations of love. It is worth carefully reviewing the contents of the postcard in advance, especially if it is musical.

If your girlfriend doesn't like pop music, try to choose a tune that she will enjoy rather than annoy.

If the postcard contains ready-made poems, check what quality they are and whether they contain vulgar or obscene words.

Pictures with declarations of love should not contain angels, family scenes (happy parents and children), strange women's faces, or animals. Flowers and beautiful landscapes are preferred.

How to tell your friend about your love

Friendship between a guy and a girl sometimes (and according to many psychologists, very often) develops into love, at least on the part of one of the friends. If you happen to be that friend, try to talk to her in a friendly way. For example: “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking about you too much lately. Looks like I've fallen in love with you."

Some guys are hesitant to make a declaration of love, worrying that their girlfriend, having learned about their feelings, will break off their friendly relationship. But you shouldn't be afraid of this. If a girl has truly friendly feelings towards you, the friendship can survive. Another important question here is whether you personally need this friendship.

To move her to tears

The surest way to the hearts of women is to move them to tears with your declaration of love. Most of them have a maternal instinct, a desire to pity and care.

Princesses, who are accustomed to having only themselves as objects of care, as a rule, are not looking for love, but for profit.

Mutual pity is by no means an unnecessary feeling between lovers, but it is undesirable to start building a relationship with it. Do you need a woman who became yours out of pity? So try to touch her with only one thing - sincere love, tenderness, masculine care. And all these words - I can’t live without you, I’m going crazy, and so on - sound too dramatic.

Funny options

A declaration of love is not the best time for jokes, especially if your chosen one has a lack of a sense of humor and self-criticism.
She can be offended by anything, and even more so by an attempt to joke at a crucial moment. Funny declarations of love are only appropriate if you know 100% that the girl loves you too, and she’s okay with humor. Here, for example, is a real-life incident: young people dated for a long time, but somehow the young man could not confess his love. And one day he decided: “Let’s tell each other the most important thing that is in our hearts right now.” They sat opposite each other, looked into their eyes for a long time, and then, on the count of 3, simultaneously blurted out: “I love you!” They laughed for a long time, got married and lived happily. A story told by a lady at an advanced age can also be called a funny declaration of love to the woman she loves. When she was young, a guy wrote her a note: “Come there, there’s a conversation.” Arriving at the appointed place, the girl found him in terrible confusion, nervously gnawing on seeds. According to her, he was still able to clearly explain to her why he called, it only helped that she herself extracted a confession from him with leading questions. Then they got married, gave birth to a son and daughter, and still remember this first confession with laughter.

Examples of unusual confessions

Unusual declarations of love are not always based on a pre-thought-out scenario, although they can be skillfully set up. Here are some real life cases.

A boy prodigy asks his classmate, with whom he is in love, to help him with an experiment. They sit down in the physics classroom, he stretches the wires from one chair to another, connects them to the battery, stands on both chairs with his feet and says, “Here! Don’t chairs, hold me.” The girl hugs his legs and feels an electric current running through her. The boy explains without any embarrassment: “Do you feel it? It was my love that entered you.” The girl does not yet know that love can come in other ways, and she falls in love.

Another example of an unusual confession - a young man and a girl had been friends since school, maintained their friendship into adulthood, but the guy never dared to say the main words. Then the girl simply said: “Well, how long will you beat around the bush, maybe we’ll get married already?” This was both a declaration of love and an offer to start a family. And this family took place.

The form of the declaration of love doesn't really matter. If a spark “runs” between people, they can understand and accept the feelings of the other without much effort on the part of the lover.

Wouldn't it be better to write a letter?

Oddly enough, girls who would like to know about the feelings of a young man from a letter still exist. How is a letter different from an SMS? If a telephone message requires brevity, then in a letter you can give free rein to your epistolary art and sort out your confession by writing:

  • what I felt when I saw her for the first time;
  • what captivated her most;
  • when I realized that I had finally fallen in love and so on.

You can write a letter declaring your love only if you are sure that the girl will read it. And she will read it alone, and not to the whole class or group. A love letter is a kind of document confirming your feelings for a certain person, so if you do not want publicity, consider whether you should trust such confidential information to paper or email.

Poems to my beloved girl

I love you more than life itself, I have no need to hide it. And I’m ready to give the best everything in this world to you alone. There is no one more loved than you in the world, Your smile is so sweet. And the day when I met you became the best for me!

Darling, I don’t know how to say, How to convey my feelings, So that you understand forever That I love you alone! You are so beautiful and fresh, I breathe you day after day. It's always fun with you, My head is spinning with happiness. I live only for you, I will bestow my love. Believe me, I'm telling the truth. How much I love you!

You are as beautiful as a flower, With you I am not alone. I live by you, I breathe by you, And I write these lines, So that you, my dear, know that I only want to be with you. Always be by my side, Because I’m happy with you alone!

Don’t be sad that I’m not around, That I can’t hug you. Separation is a terrible poison, But we will meet again. I will hug and kiss you, I will read poems about you and me. We don’t need a different fate, We will endure any blow.

You are so charming, beautiful, You are a delicate flower petal, I always need you, I always need you alone. You are my sun, the stimulus of life, my dream that came true, you made me happy, how good it is that you were found! That you are with me, that you are mine, That you carefully keep my soul, I love you, dear baby, And without you life would be empty!

I love you, you know it, But I’ll say it again, You conquer with your smile, I can’t live without you! Not a day, not a night, not a moment, You are the only one I always need, You are my oxygen, my inspiration, You are my space, I love you!

Today I confess to you, Although, what am I talking about, You know without confession, How much I love you! That you are my bright, gentle angel, You are my thoughts, you are my dreams, I don’t need any other happiness, Just to share my dreams with you. If only I could enjoy life with you, If only I could meet the sunrises with you, If only I could meet you in my dreams, And wait for old age with you. You are my miracle, tenderness, admiration, And without you my life is not interesting, You are my joy, magic, you are a sight for sore eyes, My dear, dear, rather, smile tenderly!

And you are my tenderness, you are my secret, And our meeting was not accidental, You are my joy, and you are my sadness, And I am very afraid of losing you. You are a ray of light, my dream, my inspiration and even my vision, I feel comfortable with you, always feel good, and believe me, I don’t need anyone else. You know, dear, I admire you, I’m proud of you, I praise you, I dream of spending my life with you, I love you, keep this in mind!

You are the girl of my desires, You are the girl of my dreams, I always need you, You are the Queen of beauty. I dedicate such tender poems to you alone, I trust my soul, my love and my dreams. With you next to me, forever, I want this madly, You are my joy, my secret, I love you with all my heart!

My beloved, dear, you are a treasure for me. I forget about everything in the world when I look at you! You awakened feelings in me, You lit a fire inside. I seriously fell in love with you, And finally love came! I will love you tenderly, and I will never offend you. You are the best gift for me, so believe in my words!

You are so beautiful, but this is not happiness, There are plenty of beautiful girls. But among the beautiful faces around I see only one thing! You lured me to you with Your spiritual purity. She took me captive forever with her warmth and simplicity! I'm seriously attached, and I can't live without you! I want you to know now how much I love you!

Declaration of love for a man

In life there is always a place for exceptions to the rules, and the stereotype that a man should take the first step towards love is often violated. We have already given an example of how a woman helped her lover overcome the barrier of shyness and this ended in the creation of a prosperous family. Perhaps these options for declarations of love from a girl will be useful to someone else.

Alternatively, you can use confession on chocolate

How to express your feelings to a guy

Telling a guy about your love first means giving all the trump cards into his hands, as a good half of the girls think. This especially should not be done if there is no confidence in the guy’s response. The girl runs the risk of appearing frivolous, impatient, “sexually preoccupied,” and, in general, extremely unattractive in the eyes of a guy. Therefore, you can be the first to talk about your feelings either in a half-joking tone or in a friendly, confidential manner. The latter may touch the young man, but if he is not in love, reciprocity will not be expected.

How to tell your husband about your love again

In a situation where your husband needs to be reminded of his love, you should wait until the moment when you do something together. Even if it's just a joint trip to the country. Praise your husband for his help, say that without him you would not have been able to cope with this “bunch of things”, and then tell him how lucky you are that he became your husband. After all, you still love him.

The best poems for the woman you love to touch her heart

Once again I take the ink and I begin to write About the fact that you captivated me, About how I want to hug you. Hug my beloved shoulders and look into your eyes. And be nearby, and every evening Whisper words of love to you. And in the morning, lying on the pillow, examine your features and understand that there is nothing better and more perfect in the world than you. I want to live eternity with you, I will give you affection. And this feeling is endless... Dear, I love you!

* * *

Darling, you are the dearest, There is no one more beautiful in the world! You are a twinkling star that constantly gives me bright light! My dear, my wonderful angel, I am ready to give you the whole world! My beautiful, most tender flower, I love you without any extra words!

* * *

My love, you are a bright light, You shine for me like the sun, clearly! There is no one more beautiful in the world, After all, like a princess, you are beautiful! I love your smile, your laughter, I love your eyes too! With you I am the happiest of all, After all, for me you are dearer than anyone else!

* * *

There are no chance meetings in the world, I understood this once and for all. I dreamed about you at night, and now my dream has come true. You are nearby, you are beautiful, like a miracle, And I feel better than ever. How long have I been looking for you everywhere, And you were always nearby. Beloved, dear, dear, I need you, like fresh air. After all, everything in the world changed for me The moment I met you.

* * *

Thank you, dear girl, beloved and dear! Thank you, I say to fate, for showing the way to you. After all, only with you is everything for the first time, Because I need you so much. You are my air, I can confess, Let me breathe in you. Let me just touch your lips and quietly plunge into the pool of your magical, sweet eyes, which delight me now.

* * *

You are my beloved, I want to be with you. You are apparently sent from above to me by fate. Our meeting was the best thing in my life. How scary it is, honey, to lose you. I touch your hands and look into your eyes, your lips whisper tenderly: “I love you!” I don’t need anything in life without you, dear princess, my girl!

* * *

Sweet, beautiful, amazing, you are gentle, like an angel, you are delightful, like a queen, you are unsurpassed, like the most exotic flower. You are my most wonderful girl, the only one like her on this planet, in this Universe. And I love you sincerely, with all my heart and open soul.

* * *

I breathe with you, I root for you, I can go through anything for you: Obstacles, winds and bad weather... I will do everything for the sake of happiness. You are so tender, unique, beautiful, truly loved. I want to share the whole world with you and only be with you!

* * *

Happiness is being your loved one and loving you in return. For me in the vast world there is no one dearer. I don’t know how I could live and breathe without you before, I can’t even imagine. I’m ready to give all my love Only to you, my baby. Smile at me more often. I'm too bored without you, even in the most vivid dream.

* * *

You are tender, very, incredibly beautiful, There is a humorous spark hidden in your character. You are the very best, kept in my heart, You are the only and unique. I met you, I don’t need others, I don’t need famous, cool - none! Neither the most beautiful and most desirable, nor the sweetest and most beautiful. You are the only one I desire in life, my beloved and my long-awaited one.

* * *

I love you seriously. I love you madly, to the point of tears. You are my dream and joy, You are the princess of my dreams. You don’t need anything in life, just to be with you. To know, keeping confidence, That you love me.

* * *

You are my most beautiful flower, my sweetest, most tender. Without you I am completely alone, My warm sea is boundless. I’ll drown in your kindness, I can’t get enough of your smile, and the warmth in your dear hands, it’s so easy for me to usually warm up. My heart wants to come to you alone, There are so many crazy mysteries in you, When you are next to me, My life seems to be in order.

* * *

I will whisper in your ear One hundred thousand of the most tender words. All my life I will be grateful that love gave me. Out of love, like a bird, I want to fly around the whole Earth. Without stopping, day and night I'm ready to look at you!

* * *

Always beautiful and beautiful, Smart, gentle and silent... You beckon, attract and intrigue, You enchant with your smile. You are like an angel on earth, Descending from heaven in a dream. And I am grateful to fate, That I have been so lucky in life!

* * *

My thoughts are occupied with you, Only you come into my dreams. I have become attached to you with all my soul, Without you, days are lonely and boring. You illuminated the days with a bright sun, You awakened my soul from sleep, You intoxicated my mind without wine, You entered my life with a bright flash. My careless mind is clouded, I want to fly with happiness. I love you! I am ready to repeat this simple phrase endlessly.

* * *

You are my dear girl, For me you are the most important thing to me. After all, you bring so much joy, Like the first snow in winter. My beloved beauty, I write hundreds of lines to you. You look so much like a kitten, You are an island of my love.

* * *

Sweet, good, dear, I can’t live a day without you. You are the only one like this on the whole Earth. How can I not love you? Honestly, I’m not making it up: You are living water for me, My angel and the light in my window, My sun, my star. I languish and miss you without you. You are the berth that the ship needs. Darling, I adore you, I love you limitlessly.

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