How to tell a girl that I like and need her: how to hint at a relationship

There are many ways to get a guy's attention. Sometimes he simply doesn’t understand that your communication can go beyond friendship, and sometimes he doesn’t pay attention to you at all. It is very difficult to answer the question of how to hint to a guy about a relationship. There is no template by following which you can attract a guy's attention and arouse his sympathy. We'll tell you how to hint to a guy about a relationship.

A woman loves with her ears

Any girl will understand what a guy likes if he doesn’t skimp on compliments. You shouldn’t be shy for any reason, even without it, to praise the beauty and talents of your chosen one. For example, you can tell her that she has a very beautiful hairstyle, and this hair color will not suit anyone else as much as she does. Or you can admire the sparkle of your eyes, your snub nose, your beautiful hands, your ringing laugh (of course, if the lady doesn’t “neigh like a horse”).

It is important in this case not to hurt the girl’s self-esteem. For example, if she has big ears, you shouldn’t talk about earrings (she will immediately cover them with her hair, and may even call her admirer a fool). Never tell a fat lady that these leggings make her look slim. Well, everything like that!

Internet and SMS as the worst ways to show sympathy

You never need to tell a girl about warm feelings for the first time, through social networks or SMS. Before you hint to a pretty girl that I like her on VK, it’s better to think about what prevented you from doing it from the very beginning. You should not use these methods for the following reasons:

  1. A lady can disappear from the network without responding to a love confession. Or without even reading it.
  2. The Internet is replete with a large number of men who send confessions to women several times a day. It is unlikely that anyone will want to become one of several.
  3. A lady will not be able to understand that a guy sincerely likes him. The monitor will not be able to help with this.

Girls love to dream, draw yourself in her future2

A guy who wants to start a relationship with the girl he likes can influence her psychologically. No, there is no need to do brainwashing, everything is much simpler. Here are a few options for what you can say to your chosen one, so that in her future she represents only you, and understands that she is not indifferent:

  1. You can suggest spending a weekend together in the summer. For example, stories about how “We once saw something like that there and there!” work, and, as if by chance, say that you could take her there so that she can personally see all the beauties of the described place.
  2. If a girl is single and Valentine's Day is approaching, then it's time to be assertive. Invite her to spend the holiday together, promise that it definitely won’t be boring. Be sure to say that you want to spend this day only in her company.
  3. You can also look into the more distant future. For example, on a walk in the park, say: “Imagine, in 50 years you and I will sit on this bench and remember how we walked here when we were young. Well, I don’t mind spending so many years with you, do you?” - more than a direct hint!

How to tell her without hints?

If you still can’t get over yourself or are not a male who can constantly flirt and compliment girls, but are a serious, straightforward guy, it doesn’t matter. This is even good, since the option suits you is to immediately speak the truth about what you really want from a girl.

For example, let these be simple, uncomplicated phrases:

  • “You are very beautiful, smart and I have really liked you for a long time!”;
  • “I’ll be honest, I’m crazy about you!”

Tell the girl what exactly attracted you to her, what made her stand out among others. And then she will feel superior to other females, which will greatly flatter her.

Tell everything honestly, don’t try to make things up, because if you start hanging around before the next compliment, it will seem very strange.

Girls love it when they can't live without them3

For some reason, nature has it in women that they are rescuers. As soon as a girl suspects that something is wrong with her friend, she will immediately begin to wonder how and how she can help, she must definitely use it! But how can you hint to a girl about a relationship using this natural weakness?

We can say that when you don’t see each other, you feel very bad, and therefore it is simply vital to meet every day and spend more time together. Of course, in response to such a statement there will be a question about a hint of a relationship, and in no case should you say something like this: “No, what are you talking about? I didn’t think so!” Such an answer can offend the girl, and she will not take even a direct proposal of marriage seriously.

What to write to a guy after a quarrel to make him understand that I need him

Quarrels happen even between those people who cannot live without each other for a minute. Therefore, we need to look for ways to reconcile.

You can honestly admit your own guilt: “Forgive me. Talk to me. I need this so much” or call for mutual reconciliation: “Are we really going to allow our huge world to be destroyed because of minor differences? Let's forget everything and start over." But you shouldn’t limit yourself to correspondence. It is important to consolidate the relationship with a personal meeting.

Girls love when you take care of them4

No matter how elementary it may sound, a girl will understand about a guy’s desire to move from the level of friendship to the level of a loving couple if this same guy begins to show his concern. Here are a few simple things that a young man should do to make his chosen one believe in the sincerity of his intentions:

  • In cool weather, give her a warm sweater, scarf, or coat. Even if you yourself are shivering from the cold, do not accept the warm clothes offered to the lady back until she gets into a heated room.
  • Offer to warm her palms in your hands, girls “melt” from this.
  • Buy your beloved various cute trinkets. You can buy a heart-shaped pendant, a keychain, a mug with pictures of kittens, and so on. Well, of course, you don’t need to forget about ice cream in the heat, and about chocolate just like that!
  • Carry the girl in your arms through puddles and mud.

Girls love to be protected, so if you use all the techniques described, she will definitely understand that you want a relationship with her!

We hint to her through compliments and expressions of sympathy.

Compliments are one of the ancient methods. The main thing is not to turn them into daily flattery. Do not memorize stereotyped phrases like “You are the most beautiful.” Everyone is tired of them and will not cause delight in the young lady. It’s worth trying yourself in the role of a poet inspired by a beautiful muse:

  1. “I have traveled half the planet, but I have never seen such a treasure.”
  2. “Before the date, I prepared a speech, but when I met you, all the words flew out of my head.”

You need to be sincere, and then the girl will appreciate the efforts of the young man.


So, if none of the methods of hinting at a relationship helped, and the girl continues to keep her distance from “comrades in arms,” then there are three options for this:

  1. She is far from a telepath, she even “slows down” a little.
  2. The girl is selling herself.
  3. She doesn't like you, she sees the hints, but pretends that she doesn't understand the intentions.

What should I do? Go ahead, all or nothing! Directly state that you no longer know which way to approach her, how to behave, so that she understands that you really like her and want to start a warmer relationship. Tell her that she is the best, beautiful, kind, funny, etc., and you really want to be around her, like a boyfriend.

Refused? This means that it was not yours, and there is no need to be sad. Did you agree to meet? Great, you are a winner!

Of course, a direct confession can be made immediately, this will save time and effort. But if the lady refuses, you probably won’t be able to be the same friends as before. And hints will put everything in its place. In most cases, if a girl likes a guy, she will even see a hint of a relationship in simple things! And if she doesn’t like it, then at least lay a carpet under her feet every time she leaves the house - she won’t understand, she’ll take it for granted.

But if you are experiencing real feelings, then we recommend that you read our next article on how to confess your love to a girl!

How do relationships between a guy and a girl usually begin?

Typically, relationships between the sexes begin with a spark when one or both of them immediately realize that they are attracted.

But it also happens differently - people have been friends for many years , and then the guy begins to show interest in his girlfriend, or vice versa.

Then the one who fell in love either hints at it or remains silent and remains in the friend zone. The second option is definitely not the best, so it’s always worth a try.

Sometimes relationships start very easily, for example, a guy approaches a girl on the street to meet her, and his goal is quite clear. He takes the phone number , then calls, and the two go on a date, where they decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

If a guy and a girl already know each other, then letting her know that you like her can sometimes be difficult. It's good when relationships flare up on their own, when two people suddenly realize mutual passion, but this is a very rare case.

As a rule, a guy shows signs of attention to a girl, looks after her , and then she begins to show sympathy for him.

It is important to be delicate at this stage, because too active actions can frighten or repel the lady. But you shouldn’t be inactive either - as you know, women don’t like uninitiated men.

What's the first thing you should know?

First of all, you need to find out whether the chosen one is single , whether she has a boyfriend or, even worse, a husband.

If everything is fine here, then you need to ask yourself the second question: are you ready for a closer relationship with this person than you currently have?

Suddenly you act with a hormonal mind, and then you regret that you ever started it. Imagine that you are already dating, are you satisfied with everything, do you want something else, are you bored ? If everything is fine, then you can act.

Before taking the initiative, it is advisable to find out what the girl is interested in, what music she listens to, how she lives.

What if she loves active recreation, skiing, mountaineering, and you sit in front of the computer with a burger all weekend and are terrified of heights? Then you are unlikely to succeed. Unless you are ready to change radically , of course. But this can be very difficult.

How to show initiative?

For the most part, women love initiative coming from men. Everyone dreams of a determined and interesting gentleman who will take the first step. So here's what you should do:

  1. Be careful, watch your words and actions, try to constantly be close to your chosen one, but at the same time not bother you.
  2. It’s not a bad idea to invite a girl to the cinema or for a walk , and not just the two of you, but with a group, this is especially true if you have mutual friends. Let her guess that you want to see her, but will not be frightened by such a sharp decrease in the distance between you. In company, be sure to show her signs of attention, for example, when getting off the tram, give her your hand, let her go forward, opening the door for her, and so on.
  3. Be sincere! Girls always feel falsehood and have a very negative attitude towards it.
    If you try to show your affection with a million red roses or serenades under the balcony, but you think it’s stupid, it won’t work. In this case, it is much better to buy her a delicious chocolate bar - let it be your sincere act, coming from the heart.
  4. See the girl more often , invite her for walks regularly, talk as much as possible, and the topics should be interesting to both. There is no need to try to study pop music or nail polish shades to make your interlocutor interested. Talk about the stars, how the Galaxy works, how great it is to drive at full speed on the highway and feel freedom, how you collected snails as a child, and so on. Just don’t bore her with chatter about things that may only be interesting to you. You can understand the reaction by looking at her face - if she nods politely, but her gaze is directed into the distance, she suppresses a yawn, then urgently change the subject. If the eyes light up and the interlocutor actively takes part in the conversation, then this is what you need.
  5. Write to her on social networks every day, ask how she is doing. Tell me something interesting. The main thing is not to limit yourself to the dry “How are you? And I’m fine.” Your conversations should be interesting here too. Ask what she does, what she is interested in, what she reads, show sincere interest.
  6. Offer to help and help if she needs it. This will make the girl feel that you are reliable. For example, her water supply has broken, but she is embarrassed to ask for help. Just say that you will come and fix it now. But only if you know how, if not, it can turn into a comical situation. In this case, it is better to call her a locksmith.

How to talk to her?

How to ask a girl if she wants to date? If you don’t know how to ask a girl if she wants a relationship, then remember, sincerity is also important here .

When starting this conversation about relationships, tell her directly what you feel, what you want, what is happening in your soul.

It is not necessary to immediately talk about a super serious relationship, love until the grave and marriage in a few months.

You can simply say something like “I feel so good with you, I’m very interested in you, and I want to spend more time with you. How about we see each other more often?” After that, you can ask what days she is free, and then everything will go by itself .

If you want to confess your love, then you should ask yourself a few questions:

  • Have you already had something - did you at least kiss? If you didn’t sleep and didn’t kiss, then it’s stupid to say it, it’s better to wait;
  • are you sure that the feelings are mutual? If not, then it’s better to wait, try to develop reciprocal love in the girl’s heart, and only then share yours;
  • Is this really love or just sympathy, which can eventually develop into ordinary friendship? If you are not sure, it is better to wait.

What should I write to her to start a relationship?

If it’s difficult for you to talk about such a serious topic one on one, you can write to a girl on a social network. Nowadays, this is a fairly common way to start a relationship.

You need to write sincerely and preferably competently, because not every lady will want to date someone who makes several mistakes in the word “relationship.”

Write to her, for example, like this: “I like you. How about seeing each other regularly?”

You can write directly: “I want to date you.”

But all this sounds quite strange if you already see each other often.

In this case, it is much better to act not with words , but, for example, to kiss her or hug her at the right moment, then everything will begin by itself.

A humorous relationship sentence, such as “Does your mom need a son-in-law?” often works well.

Funny phrases will do , for example: “There is such chemistry between us that the TV series Breaking Bad can’t hold a candle to us!”

The main thing is to say not memorized words, but something of your own, personal, that will only be yours.

What should you absolutely not do?

If you want a girl to like you, never make these mistakes:

  1. Don't copy others, don't try to seem cool . All sorts of false phrases and gestures only make you raise your eyebrows in bewilderment and draw a conclusion about the man’s low intelligence.
  2. Don't talk to other women with her , even if you're just friends for now, don't tell her about your ex, about what a bitch she is and how you suffered. Talk only about you, you are here and now.
  3. Don't be nervous. Even if you find yourself in a ridiculous situation, a sense of humor will help you get out of it with dignity. This way the lady will receive positive emotions and understand that you have a resourcefulness and a cheerful character. If anxiety cannot be avoided, it is better to say so directly; it touches many people.
  4. Don't act abruptly . Before you propose to meet, it is worth preparing your chosen one. If you suddenly ask her to start a relationship, she may get scared and refuse. She should be prepared for what you will talk about.
  5. You should not try to immediately drag a girl into bed , she may think that you are only interested in this. However, you shouldn’t hesitate either - if she herself clearly hints at intimacy, there is no need to be embarrassed and afraid to take the first step.
  6. Under no circumstances should you lie. If you work as a pizza delivery courier and have a rusty Zhiguli car, don’t tell the girl that your dad is actually a millionaire, you own a company, but you disguise yourself for fun.
    The truth will one day become known anyway, and you will be ashamed. Be yourself - if a girl doesn't like that, then she's not right for you.

How to hint to her about meetings?

Let's imagine that you already know this girl, you study, for example, in the same group or class, you work together, or you are on different courses, and then you met your eyes, and you realized that this is exactly the girl with whom you would like to spend Always have your time. Then you shouldn’t delay, it’s time to confess your feelings to her, but you shouldn’t do this in a crowd. Let you be left alone. So that you feel more confident, and she does not feel embarrassed, and also so that her answer is sincere, since in the crowd of surrounding eyes she may not even speak out, so as not to offend you or, on the contrary, accidentally humiliate you.

And if suddenly your privacy has taken place, be brave, tell her that you like spending time with her, communicating, and you want to move to the next level by inviting her on a first date.

How to confess your love to her?

In fact, the easiest way to ask a girl out is to then tell her after a certain period of time that you love her. Thoughts immediately begin to come to mind, what if she doesn’t reciprocate? Is this really love? What should I do if she also says that she loves me? You need to be prepared for both a positive answer and a negative one. And for this you need to prepare.


Practice your speech. Decide what you will say after saying “I love you.” The girl will definitely want to hear some kind of continuation.

A declaration of love should be memorable, therefore, to get a better chance of not being rejected, choose a meeting place, and also agree with the girl on the time and date in advance.

Even if, after admitting your feelings, you do not hear an answer, do not start asking questions: “Do you love me?”, “Do you want to tell me something?” The girl may not feel love for you, or she might simply be confused and embarrassed. Therefore, before the meeting begins, be patient and resilient.


When you see your chosen one, you don’t need to immediately rush out with words of declaration of love. Take a walk, enjoy each other, wait for the right romantic moment, and only then tell her: “I love you.”

Don't rush the girl, she needs to realize what she heard.

It is important to remember a few tips:

  • Try not to get nervous and pretend to be someone you are not;
  • Before you confess your feelings to her, think carefully about whether you really love her;
  • There is no shame in practicing, so you rehearse your speech;
  • When you meet, give the girl all your attention, look after her;
  • Having confessed your love, do not press her, she will open up to you when she is ready.
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