Reasons why men find it difficult to live without sex

Today's men have lost the motivation to build, fight, work or win women.

What is behind their passivity and how to deal with it?

We live in decidedly unmotivated times.

During the settlement of the American continent, European settlers made their way with boundless energy.

They founded cities, fought with the natives, invaded hostile, unfamiliar lands in search of a new life and untold riches.

In the American West, frontier towns were filled with ambitious men who disdained the comforts of civilized life, such as fine clothing, fine food, and beautiful women.

In some cities the ratio of men to women was approximately 700:1.

Before the Gold Rush of 1849, 90% of California's population was male.

However, this was of little concern to anyone because the men came there to find wealth, greatness, or simply to build a home and start a new life.

Men of that generation practically did not need female help.

They found wives very easily when they returned to civilization or invited them from home.

And these wives did not divorce them (only occasionally ran away with other men).

Men of that generation did not lose themselves in aimless entertainment, comfort and luxury, as is the case now.

Most of them had hard lives, eating simple foods, living simple lives, working hard and enjoying simple pleasures.

Despite this, 150 years later, their heirs present a completely different picture.

Today, American men sit in cozy chairs all day, drive around in air-conditioned cars, their faces glued to screens, and testosterone levels have plummeted 17% over the past 20 years.

More than 50% of the American population does not work at all.

Compare this to the era of the colonialists, when women and children worked all day on the farm, ranch, selling products at the market, weaving linens or doing other crafts!

Many Americans are simply not interested in the jobs available.

Many professional men say that they are offered difficult or low-paid jobs, so they prefer to remain unemployed and live on benefits.

Young guys practically don’t think about the future and plan to live the rest of their lives off the inheritance they receive or their parents’ savings.

This apathy extends to all areas of our lives and continues to progress.

When I first started learning the art of seduction, most guys weren't that interested in pickup because they would occasionally fuck girlfriends from their social circles (and that was more than enough for them).

Today, even fewer men are interested in seduction, but for different reasons.

Many guys don't have sex at all and don't want to change anything in their lives.

They prefer to masturbate occasionally and are quite happy with it.

Interest in women has dropped to about 40% since 2000.

There is less interest in nightlife, clubs, and bars.

Every year the situation is only getting worse.

Men meet with friends less and less, and increasingly prefer to communicate with girls on social networks.

Today, a huge number of men do not work and do not get laid.

They prefer to sit idle, complain about life, the government and unfaithful, selfish women who do not even look in their direction.

And none of them blames themselves for their own failures.

What happened to men in the 21st century and how did they begin to degrade so much?

Conquest of Gaul

Gaul (consisting of modern France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Sweden and parts of Northern Italy, the Netherlands and Germany) had long been the most implacable enemy of the Roman Empire.

In 390 BC. The Gauls sacked Rome, slaughtered the main statesmen, plundered their houses and set fire to the city.

Rome was not sacked for another 800 years, until Alaric led his group of Visigoths through Italy.

Even Hannibal with his elephants and military talent did not break through its walls.

Julius Caesar eventually brought Gaul under his rule, conquering a divided Gaul in the Gallic Wars.

During Caesar's 8-year wars, one million Gauls died (about 20% of the population), another million Gauls were enslaved by the Romans, and 800 cities turned into smoldering ruins.

The Gauls resisted, but the Romans were too strong and too organized, so they won.

Nevertheless, from this conquest arose Roman Gaul - a developed, stable, comfortable society.

By the time the Suevi, Vandals, Alans and Burgundians invaded Gaul in 406 AD.

Gaul became a real nation.

Although Gaul was filled with healthy young men, unlike Caesar's army, it offered no resistance to the barbarian invaders.

This time, a small group of invaders killed a huge number of young people who did not resist, raped their women, burned and sacked the cities.

In three years, the invaders became masters of rebellious Gaul.

What happened from the period when the Gauls were the most powerful conquerors with the most advanced civilization on Earth, and the one when they surrendered and died at the hands of a pathetic band of Rapscalion?

The most obvious answer is that they felt comfortable and relaxed.

Comfort breeds apathy

Read about the most prominent people in history, and you will notice a common thread: many lived harsh, simple, spartan lives.

Much worse than their subordinates.

Read about the lives of Philopoemen, Julian the Apostate, Lawrence of Arabia and many others.

They lived austere lives, eating simple, healthy foods, exercising, studying philosophy, and sleeping on hard beds or on the ground.

Even though they were leaders and could surround themselves with wealth and luxury, they deliberately avoided it.

Some successful people of our time, such as Warren Buffett and Keanu Reeves, live in small, simple houses and drive old cars (Buffett) or ride the subway (Reeves).

How many men do you know who have deliberately chosen a Spartan life and deny themselves everything?

And how many of them give up luxury, even after they have a lot of money?

Men prefer to pamper themselves.

But modesty and asceticism are widespread among ambitious, successful and productive men.

I wouldn't count myself among them.

But there is also some financial progress in my life.

I went from an ordinary guy to a fairly successful man, but at the same time I still live in a small apartment, eat simple home-cooked food, visit the same places as before, watch TV series on the same laptop as in 2020.

I try to console myself with thoughts about the future, but at the same time I try to live in the present.

My friends have a very beautiful, large, modern house, and every time I come to visit them, they treat me to delicious dishes, expensive snacks, exotic fruits, make me silk sheets, and give me a very comfortable room with a huge bed.

They experience complete relaxation and disconnection from everyday problems.

It would seem an ideal place to write a new book or prepare seminars.

But I can't do anything productive.

Being in ideal conditions, I fall into complete apathy.

I tried to live on the seashore, when you leave the house straight to the sandy beach.

The weather here was beautiful all the time, the sky was always blue, the water was clear, the food was fresh and delicious, the restaurants were open air, and there were friendly, beautiful girls in bikinis everywhere.

And again I couldn’t work productively.

I had to leave there to avoid falling into a financial hole.

A couple of years ago I was at a business conference in Bangkok.

Many of the visitors lived in Thailand, many on beaches with daily parties.

The hotel manager told me how most visiting foreigners started out living in the beach areas, but after a couple of months they moved to Bangkok to keep their business afloat.

They had to give up sandy beaches, good food, an easy life and inexpensive women in order not to lose their iron grip.

Many guys move to Thailand for a fun, vibrant life.

But when they decide to make a career and earn money, they urgently need to leave the beach and move to the city.

Maybe there are men in the world who can sit in luxury and still remain sharp and successful.

But this is rather an exception to the general rule.

When Lycurgus set the rules for Sparta, he categorically prohibited any kind of luxury.

In ancient Sparta, the rich could not show off their wealth.

Even the thresholds of their houses had to be made of rough wood, and they could not be sanded, decorated, or painted.

One man might be rich and the other poor, but there was no visible difference between them, and they both dined at the same common table.

The result was a nation of strong, ambitious, courageous men who, even today, deserve respect.

Should your spouse help?

First you need to realize that household chores are among women's responsibilities. However, as we know from psychology, in order for a healthy atmosphere to reign in a marriage, it is advisable to accustom the husband to daily household chores. If your chosen one cleans up, at least after himself, he will very soon learn to appreciate your work, and the house will become cleaner and more comfortable.

Decide which responsibilities you will perform and which will go to your husband. Let your spouse know what you do, such as washing, cooking and ironing.

Don't take on tasks that a man should do. If a faucet leaks at home or a painting falls, calmly remind your chosen one about this. But don’t start demanding that your partner drop everything and run to hammer a nail. In this case, you will not achieve results.

When Sparta fell into decline

As centuries passed, the people of Sparta abandoned the rules of Lycurgus, and this was the beginning of the end.

They quietly indulged their desires for luxury and learned to enjoy all the benefits that their neighbors in Greece enjoyed.

Because of this, the men of Sparta became soft, lazy, they preferred to recline at tables with food rather than engage in men's affairs, they were forced to free the helots (slaves) and arm them as soldiers and send them to military service in their place.

Sparta fell into final decline.

Eventually, in 396 AD, after a long siege, Alaric the Visigoth conquered Sparta, sacking the rich city in the process.

The 4th century Spartans left the Thermopylae pass unguarded, allowing the Goths to occupy the entire area and sell the locals into slavery.

Sparta ceased to exist.

Imagine a king like Agis III (the Spartan king) who, after being mortally wounded, ordered his men to abandon him as they retreated.

He remained on the battlefield and, with the last of his strength, continued the battle with the army of Alexander the Great.

He fought on his knees and killed several more Macedonian soldiers before being speared in the chest.

Imagine this man commanding the soft, graceful people of decadent 4th century AD Sparta.

I cannot imagine such a leader emerging at that time.

Now ask yourself:

Are you more like Agis III now?

Or are you more like a sleek, pampered late-era Spartan, unwilling to fight, and destined to be sold into slavery by a band of warlike savages?

How to force: advice from psychologists

Does your chosen one convince you that housework is a woman’s job and doesn’t want to get involved in it?
If you listen to your partner, you can be left completely without help, adding household chores to your work obligations. Remember that a man is able to take on some of the tasks. The only obstacle to sharing your responsibilities is his laziness. Is it possible to train your husband to take on some of the chores without resorting to extreme measures? Here are some tips from psychologists on what to do if a man does not want to help around the house. Advice from a psychologist on how to behave if a husband does not respect and value his wife

Engage his "man brain"

Communicate that you need help using logic. In order for a man to listen to your words, you need to tell him what task he faces, building a clear logical chain. Make it clear that you are tired at work, so you do not have enough time to keep the house clean. Ask your spouse to take on some of the responsibilities. Speak calmly, do not raise your voice. If your explanations are clear, your partner will quickly understand what is required of him.

Do you want your lover to clean up after himself? Don't try to shout or speak in a commanding tone.

Try to use neutral words, ask rather than command (“please take out the trash”, “could you wash the dishes?”). Don’t start quarrels, stop reproaching your chosen one for his laziness. Such actions will hurt your husband’s pride, and he will begin to do everything against you.

Men have an innate sense of freedom. Use it to your advantage. Let your spouse know that he can choose any chore he wants to do. If a partner does what he likes, he will not shirk chores around the house, citing fatigue or workload.

Practical advice on how to save a relationship

Stimulate with positive reinforcement and scare with negative reinforcement.

Explain to your man how difficult it is for you to do all the household chores alone. Describe as emotionally as possible how much energy household chores take away from you. After this, tell us what a pleasant surprise your partner will have if he washes the dishes or wipes the dust. Your task is to motivate the man. Whether this motivation will be positive or negative is up to you to decide.

Do you want to educate your partner with encouragement rather than punishment? Then every correct action of the spouse must be supported by something pleasant for him. Kiss your husband when he vacuums, tell him how much you value your partner when he washes the floor. Do not spare compliments, and your chosen one will begin to view housework not as hard labor, but as pleasant leisure time.

Positive motivation doesn't work? Apply negative. Tell your spouse that if he doesn't want to do the dishes, you won't do it either. State that you no longer want to monitor your children.

When your chosen one realizes that he will now have to save money for a dishwasher and a nanny, he will again begin to help you around the house. No man will agree to spend extra money if it can be avoided.

Distribute responsibilities

The man no longer resists and is happy to help you? It's time to distribute responsibilities. Gather a family council and divide household chores equally. After that, make a schedule and hang it on the refrigerator. The spouse must remember that he is now responsible for certain tasks. To prevent your husband from getting the idea of ​​abandoning his plan, go to a restaurant or for a walk, supporting the list with something pleasant.

Why is your husband always unhappy and criticizing you? What to do about it?

If you have children, remember that sooner or later they will also have to take on some of the responsibilities. But while the guys are small, you need to teach your husband to cleanliness, so that in the future you won’t have to keep order on your own.

Limits + comfort

The world we live in is created to destroy us.

It affects our relationships with women, our friendships, our own projects and ambitions.

It affects us on all fronts.

In Rome, at a late stage of its existence, many laws and regulations simply paralyzed men.

Lawyers had unlimited power, and anyone could be guilty of violating some obscure law.

Almost the same thing is happening today.

Lately, guys have been afraid to do something, take initiative, or implement their plans.

Over the past 5 years of consultations, I have increasingly heard from them fears that they will be accused of something:

  • “What if a girl accuses me of rape?”
  • “What if someone accuses me of sexual harassment?”
  • “What if I get sent away for trying to get acquainted?”
  • “What if my coworker says I harassed her?”
  • “What if they call me a psychopath?”
  • “What if I get arrested for something?”
  • “What if I get punched in the face?”

Men have always been slightly afraid of women, but in recent years this fear has begun to acquire colossal proportions.

If before it was mainly fears of temporary shame, that is, the guys were afraid of public opinion, condemnation, ridicule.

What if someone sees how a girl refused him?

Now I increasingly hear from men fears of being beaten, arrested, humiliated.

Men have become much less worried about public opinion, and much more afraid of completely ruining their lives.

At the same time, as life outside the home becomes more and more scary, life inside the home becomes more and more comfortable.

A man can sit at home for days, in his cozy little nest, watch TV series, jerk off to porn, order delivery of pizza and beer.

He then enthusiastically plays video games, which give him a sense of accomplishment, and hangs out on social networks, where he feels needed.

After this, he reads the news, is horrified by the events taking place, is glad that this did not happen to him and begins to pretend to be an expert and make political forecasts.

At night, when he feels lonely, he can go to a dating site and look through other people’s profiles for about 30 minutes.

Convinced that this time there is nothing worthy, he falls asleep with a clear conscience.

Why do you need to fuss if you already have a cozy studio apartment, a large screen TV, a laptop and a mobile phone?

Everything suits you perfectly.

10-20 years ago you would have died of boredom due to voluntary seclusion.

But today, when everything is digitized, your boundaries have expanded.

And it's all incredibly simple.

Due to the damn COVID-19, we have seen many office jobs shift to a remote mode of working.

Many were simply fired.

The government is trying to support the unemployed and underemployed, which creates an additional reason to stay home and relax.

This has already happened in history.

By the time of the Caesars, about 50% of the population of ancient Rome was unemployed, dependent on free grain distributed by the state.

Instead of working, they whiled away the time by watching a performance at the Circus Maximus.

Why do late-stage governments keep their populations straitjacketed and dependent through handouts, entertainment, and increased welfare?

Because the No. 1 threat is a popular uprising.

Which is better to nip in the bud.

Once growth stops, the military suppresses all real opposition, and the elite turn into autocrats, citizens have fewer and fewer ways to succeed.

Bureaucracy and corruption are on the rise, and the powerful are erecting more and more barriers to maintain their grip on power.

The gray masses must lose their ambitions so that they do not have thoughts of revolution and overthrowing the government.

And while the most aggressive revolutionary elements must be fought, as is happening right now in our society when opposition is censored, criticized and banned, in most cases such extreme measures are not necessary.

As long as men feel comfortable and have their basic needs and desires met, they will look at those in opposition who are suppressed by the system and say, “ I don’t want to give up my comfort to fight .”

When people are comfortable, they remain calm (even if they are unhappy with something).

So the systems use this combination of restrictions and comfort to keep the population under control, and they succeed effectively.

The era of expansion and conquest is over and men will no longer have room for growth (only the struggle for money).

I have seen many examples linking decreased testosterone levels in men to environmental aspects.

It's all because of plastic, soy and chemicals in the water.

Plastic does contain endocrine blockers, and soybean oil (used in many foods, such as mayonnaise) can act as an estrogen.

I've seen studies that looked at the effects of the environment on testosterone levels and they concluded that the actual effect on testosterone levels of plastic, soybean oil and chemicals in water is minimal, but should still be avoided, at least to be on the safe side (although I myself I still can’t get rid of my habit of using mayonnaise in my sandwich).

But all this is not so important.

I'm sure there is a simpler reason for the apathy of modern men.

The reason is that modern men are not active, they have nowhere to go, get something and conquer something - and all this is directly related to testosterone levels.

They lost the feeling of victory.

Winning leads to more winnings (and a surge in testosterone).

How dominant can a chained man be?

When you live in a modern society, you are constantly trying to follow the rules.

In our society there are many rules that you must follow.

Some of them are legal, others are social.

There are more and more rules, and something new appears every day.

Do you feel strong and free by following the rules?

Of course not.

We know that men with higher testosterone levels break all sorts of rules and regulations.

I'm willing to bet 100 bucks that the opposite is true - this rule itself also lowers testosterone levels.

If you conduct a study in which one group of men is placed in a strip bar and given five basic rules that must be followed, and another group of men is placed in the same strip bar, where 20 more rules are added to these five rules, then after a few hours, men from the first group will have higher levels of testosterone in the blood than their colleagues loaded with rules.

Restrictions are needed to restrain your impulses, comfort, so that you feel self-sufficient.

These things are necessary to maintain social order, and at the same time they undermine your will to do... well, almost everything.

Societies decline and collapse because they become too soft and weak-willed.

This is partly because the system, as it grows, begins to see change and upheaval as a problem that urgently needs to be dealt with, and immediately neutralizes the very source of new strength and renewal.

By doing this, the government castrates its people and seduces them into a comfortable, lethargic life.

Modern men have fewer and fewer real ways to achieve their goals and more and more rules to follow.

Around us, like mushrooms after rain, some kind of distractions and entertainment are constantly growing.

This is necessary to attract our attention and distract us from the unrealization of our ambitions, abilities or freedom.

Why does everyone want me?

There are people who have faced the same sensitive problem more than once or twice in their lives. Many people want them (whether men or women, but more often this problem concerns women) sexually. But, as a rule, things don’t go beyond sex. Either the admirer disappears, having received what he wanted, or he disappears, having never received what he wanted, but having given a preliminary ultimatum: if there is sex, we will continue the relationship, if there is no sex, we will break up. Both are equally painful. Moreover, we all, by and large, want one thing - love. And sexual relations are only a component of this all-consuming feeling. If you often ask yourself the question: “Why does everyone want me, but don’t really love me?”, then it’s time to figure out why this is happening.

If, of course, you do not flatter yourself, do not engage in self-deception and do not take wishful thinking for reality (in fact, everyone cannot want you, because different people have different tastes and sexual preferences; what one likes, another may categorically dislike) there is The point is to understand this problem and answer the question: “Why does everyone want me?”

Perhaps it lies in the fact that you choose men (women) for whom animal instincts come first. If, for example, in your value system, appearance comes first, then do not be surprised that they will perceive you as a sexual object. Men (and you’ve probably heard this more than once) call empty, unencumbered beauties nothing more than chicks. And the corresponding attitude towards chicks is consumerist. In a word, like attracts like. Think about it.

However, there are other, normal men (women) who need full-fledged relationships (this is not only sex, but also a community of interests, extraordinary communication). They choose their girlfriends, focusing not only on external data. Their women are busy with interesting work, well-educated, well-read, erudite, they know their worth. If you want a real man next to you, start changing and working on yourself. For example, read more (and not just glossy magazines), don’t sit by the phone waiting for it to call, but start planning your future meeting, think about what you will talk about. Learn to respect yourself, raise your self-esteem and learn to understand men (women). Only after this will you start asking the question less and less: “Why does everyone want me, but don’t love me?”

It is likely that men’s frivolous attitude towards women is dictated precisely by the fact that the fair sex is dressed provocatively. So men behave as a woman’s appearance suggests. Therefore, they are very discouraged if suddenly the filling turns out to be inconsistent with the candy wrapper. And if a man’s expectations are not met, then, having not received what he wants, as a rule, he disappears. But in this case, as they say, good riddance. Unless, of course, a woman is looking for true love, and not a fleeting adventure.

Source: Why does everyone want me? Sometimes the relationship between a man and a woman develops in such a way that sexual relations come to the fore. “Why does everyone want me?” This question is asked by those who have encountered a similar problem. Intimate relationships exist, but they are fragile and short-lived. But I want real love. Why is this happening? Read our article, in it you will find answers to your questions.

Disconnect from the system

You are a resident of society.


You are part of the social and state system.

You must follow some rules so as not to go to jail or play the game.

You must follow these rules. There's not much you can do from a prison cell (or grave).

But you don’t have to follow all the rules without exception!

If you are not a maniac, then no one is going to arrest you just because you met a girl on the street and invited her to a cafe.

Now people are prohibited from communicating closely with each other due to a dangerous virus.

And it is unclear whether the government will be able to relinquish power at any point.

Historically, governments have been very reluctant to give up power to their opponents.

Nevertheless, in many countries people go to rallies, protests, and riots.

Even though the police will arrest them for large gatherings of people during a pandemic, this will not stop the riots.

Ultimately, the police stop using aggressive methods to combat rallies.

Although, this is rather an exception to the rule.

Previously, there had been several uprisings of ordinary citizens against the powerful Praetorian Guard in Ancient Rome.

But for hundreds of years, a few thousand armed enforcers were enough to quell a rebellion, and a million unarmed citizens continued to follow the rules.

Will people continue to defend their right to freedom from rules in large cities?

It is unclear whether the rebels will surrender first or whether police will stop using force against them.

But if this situation continues, “social distancing” may turn into a new ban.

Even if they do not lift these restrictions and the lockdown continues (which is likely), people may move to parts of their country that are not as strict about lockdown measures, such as smaller towns and villages.

In fact, this is already happening.

Rents in St. Petersburg are falling, while prices in the provinces and outskirts are rising.

People leave restrictive, expensive, closed cities if they can.

Not everyone can decide to exchange a comfortable life in a metropolis for green pastures and a herd of cows.

If some countries remain completely locked down, we could see mass emigration to other freer countries.

This is beneficial for the government, because the bravest and most ambitious will leave the country, leaving only the obedient and passive.

And this is what will allow the elite of our society to achieve obedience from their population.

These are the absolute restrictions that are the hardest to get around now, mainly because “people should stay at home and not gather outside.”

There are other restrictions that seem burdensome at first, but only until you go offline

In many countries, freedom of speech is prohibited under the auspices of “protecting” people.

A few days ago, a 12-year-old boy was arrested in the UK for “inciting hatred” against a multi-millionaire athlete, and all over Europe people are in prison because of their “freedom of speech”.

You won’t end up in an American prison for your speech (unless, of course, you threaten violence, and you will be jailed for that), but you may well be fired from your job or deported.

But who said that you need to participate in the games of this system?

Why do you need to hang around on social media making fun of politicians like this 12 year old boy?

Why do you need to reach people online?

When the system is against you, you will still lose this war.

Systems have become very good at taking any energy directed against them and mirroring it onto something else.

Remember the protests and riots in the USA.

We have one group of people (mostly middle class white women and some men) protesting the mistreatment of another group of people (mostly lower class blacks) by targeting the storefronts and businesses of a third group of people (mostly lower class blacks). lower- and middle-class white men).

Meanwhile, the powers that be are using their media resources and mega-corporations to add fuel to the fire.

Is anyone here “fighting the system”?

No, they all fight each other and expand the capabilities of this system.

This is a common scenario where the system pits one population group against another so that the lower classes always remain scattered and busy.

If you are not going to devote yourself to a cause (and are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of common interests), then you will gain nothing by being a pawn in the hands of others.

You won't change anything with your angry posts on social networks.

You won't achieve anything when you go to a protest or rally.

You don't become a warrior by fighting in a closed city in the hope that everything will get better and you can easily move towards your goal.

The system is just playing with you.

This doesn't mean you can't make a difference.

Everything is possible if you just want it.

The super hero theory is very real, and if you want to become famous, then go for it.

But be prepared for certain sacrifices.

Great people leave an indelible mark on history.

I don't want to discourage anyone here.

But there is a difference between:

This is what I want to do and I will devote my whole life to this ,” or

This is very important to me, and I want to spend at least 15% of my time solving this problem ,” or

«I get annoyed when people don't agree with me, so I'll write nasty things about them on Facebook.».

If you voluntarily disconnect from the system, it will not greatly affect your emotional health.

The vast masses will not be able to do this.

You don't have to worry that your case, whatever it may be, will one day run out of arguments and you'll resort to insults.

You will lose the person in you and slide into primitive cattle.

And if a miracle ever happens and people disconnect en masse from the system, then this system will not be able to support itself, and the disconnected people will form their own, new system of relationships.

People always form systems.

But now, when the vast majority of people are helplessly, hopelessly attached to social networks, simply deleting your pages gives you huge benefits.

Disconnect from your system and you disconnect from some rules.


  • Close your social media accounts.
  • Remove dating apps from your phone.
  • Stop constantly reading the news.

Keeping one or two news sources to keep up to date is fine, just don't spend too much time on it.

  • Avoid black hole websites with endless, meaningless content that sucks you in and absorbs you.
  • Limit the number of shows and movies you watch.
  • Limit your video game time.
  • Stop watching porn (and stop masturbating so much).
  • Set a curfew for yourself and turn off all gadgets at the same time.
  • Stop being carried away by formulaic, popular books that say "best bestseller" and start reading the best books in the history of mankind.
  • Spend more time outdoors.

Try to walk more. Take a walk through the parks that come your way. Take up cycling.

  • Improve your diet. Start intermittent fasting, improve your food choices and reduce your portion sizes.
  • Talk to people.

Communicate. Meet girls. Flirt with women in everyday life. Ensure constant real communication with people (not just virtual).

  • Exercise outdoors and do calisthenics (body weight exercises).

If the gym is closed due to coronavirus, use this to your advantage to gain real strength while everyone else gets fat.

  • Learn to live a more Spartan lifestyle.

Live simpler, reduce the number of luxuries and surround yourself with only the essentials.

Always strive to feel slight discomfort in order to gain strength.

By doing all this, you will feel less constrained by the opinions and beliefs of other people.

You'll stop worrying about what they think, but you won't want to convince them of anything.

You won't get angry and fly off the handle if someone has opposing views.

Instead, you will simply view them as : “This person has his own point of view and he has good reasons for it. He sees the situation from a different perspective. Perhaps I am an obstacle for him to achieve his goals. Or perhaps I have nothing to do with him at all.”

After you:

  • Say goodbye to social networks, where people complain, attack, and behave inappropriately.
  • Delete all dating sites where normal human relationships are devalued.
  • You will stop losing vital energy on porn sites.

You will get:

  • Healthy sleep and nutrition.
  • Activity in real communication with people.
  • Gradual increase in ambitions, achievements, sexual desire.
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