Child at 6 years old - education, development and preparation for school

The period from 6 to 7 years is very important and responsible, since at this time the child enters school age. By this point, his social skills and ability to self-control are noticeably developing: a 6-year-old child has his own opinion and is able to defend his beliefs when communicating with adults and children, as well as restrain his emotions and control his behavior. Raising a child at the age of 6 should be aimed at improving his social behavior, developing the desire for knowledge and acquiring the first skills of self-organization.

Psychological crisis at 6-7 years old

Senior preschool age is a new crisis in the development of a child. He can no longer be called a “baby”, because he is growing up, learning to control his behavior, subordinate his impulses to his will, and set goals. Your child is mastering a challenging activity—learning. The crisis is due to the fact that two roles coexist at the same time: a child with a desire to play, run, openly show his emotions, do whatever his heart desires, and a schoolchild with the need to follow new rules, adhere to a regime, fulfill obligations, and overcome fatigue.

Good congratulations to a 7 year old child

Today is a special birthday - you are already seven years old! And I wish for you in life that you do not know grief, poverty and troubles!


Let there be only bright moments, May you become a worthy of people! May many friends gather here on your seventh birthday!


Grow obedient and study diligently! Think and dream about the brightest things! Let luck inevitably await you, - Just grow up quickly!


Be happy and grow up obedient, and don’t upset mom and dad! Do your homework, eat with appetite, and never offend your younger ones!


Choose the path of life skillfully, And become worthy among people! Just be fair, strong, brave and never get seriously ill.


Family and good friends are rushing to see you today on your birthday. Today all the gifts, congratulations and sweets will all be for you!


I want to wish that on this holiday, when you are seven years old, that today, little prankster, you receive a ticket to a happy life!


May good luck shine ahead of you and may the stars illuminate the path of life! Let you become the best on the planet And be able to deceive failures.


You are seven years old, growing up day by day. The years will fly by in succession, You won’t have time to notice. Today all your friends have come to congratulate you. I wish you a joyful and beautiful celebration of this holiday!


Seven years is a time of knowledge and discoveries, acquaintances and amazing events. After all, a new stage of life is coming and the school year is waiting around the corner.


We wish you not to be lazy, to study diligently and well, to make cheerful friends, because you boys like to play pranks.

Features of development at the age of 6-7 years

  • Role-playing play at this age still remains the leading activity. From the age of 6 (and even earlier), both at home and in kindergarten, the child is intensively prepared for school. Many begin to be taken to special classes in the so-called zero class. But play activities are still important for children because they allow them to relax, relieve stress and have a good time.
  • With the transition to educational activities, the regime also changes. Children completely stop sleeping during the day, so special attention should be paid to night rest.
  • Intelligence and mental cognitive processes are actively developing: memory, stability and attention span, analytical abilities, verbal-logical and conceptual thinking begins to form.
  • At the age of 6-7 years, children have already mastered many social norms, know how to behave in public places, and can observe the rules of politeness.
  • At this age, sensitivity to praise and criticism increases. It is important for children to hear a positive assessment of their efforts and results.
  • Self-esteem and a sense of self are actively being formed. The vision of one’s skills and achievements, combined with external assessment, reinforces a positive or negative attitude towards oneself.
  • A child at this age is drawn to his peers and has friends. Relationships with them become very significant for him. Sometimes the phrase: “I won’t be friends with you” can become a real tragedy for a preschooler. But he begins to gradually move away from his parents.
  • Children at 6-7 years old can already show interest in the opposite sex. It is in kindergarten that the first declarations of love are often made and sympathy for each other is expressed.

Congratulations in your own words to your son, a 7-year-old boy, on his birthday

Our little gentleman, you turned 7 years old today. This is a very important date, because very soon you will go to school. We wish you to always obey your parents and be a very smart, handsome and brave boy. May all your dreams come true, and may good luck accompany you in all your deeds. May miracles surround you everywhere and never disappear when you grow up. We wish you new interesting discoveries, constant surprises from fate and a kind heart. Let no evil people come your way, and let your comrades not let you down in any case. We wish you to study only perfectly, be an example for boys and grow up to be a real man! Much joy and interesting activities for you. Smile more often and enjoy every day of your childhood.


Happy birthday, our boy! We wish you to go to school as soon as possible and study well. May all your dreams come true. Be healthy and do not offend the younger ones. We wish you good luck in everything, so that you just start. Be honest with people. Stay as smiling and beautiful. May your life be full of interesting and pleasant things. We wish you never know poverty and war. Let the cars you play with now definitely turn into real ones as soon as you enter adulthood. We wish you to be the best among the best, have many friends and be the soul of any company. May your eyes always shine with happiness and joy. Grow quickly and delight your loved ones with your great successes. Get better and better every year.


Happy seventh birthday! We wish you, like a real man, to have golden hands and a whole fleet of toy cars, and then real cars. Have incredible intelligence and a pure, bright soul. May every day make you more and more happy. Be sure to be proud for mom and dad. We wish you a cloudless childhood, lots of sweets and smiles. Let the adult world never frighten you with its complexity. Grow as a helper for loved ones and a protector for the weak. We wish you to always succeed in everything, to be lucky and brave. May your studies be surprisingly easy. Quickly find a way out of any difficult situation. Now don’t rush to grow up and give passers-by sincere smiles and a kind, childish look.


Today you have as many as seven bright candles on your cake, which means it’s time to congratulate you, our boy, on your 7th birthday! Our dear boy, we wish you to go to school for new knowledge and bring home a portfolio with only A’s. Let everything work out without much difficulty. Be a kind and skillful boy who is praised and proud of. Never leave those who need your help in trouble. May your path in life please you with its ease. We wish that optimism and energy never leave you. Let your friends be the most faithful, reliable and never leave you. Be healthy, baby, until you grow old. May you be surrounded by love, faith and hope, and may your little star in the sky burn for a very long time.


Happy birthday, our beloved boy! Congratulations on your first step into adulthood, because you will be going to school very soon. There we wish you not only to study well, but also to find the most faithful friends who will help you in everything and with whom you will have fun. Don't hurt the weak and protect girls. May everything you begin to do be easy and quick. Be thrifty and appreciate everything you have. Let every day bring with it pleasant discoveries and be better than the previous one. We wish you great good health, and also a good guardian angel who will accompany you everywhere. Value your family and love your parents. Every year, become smarter and more reasonable. May all your wishes certainly come true.


Only, it seems like yesterday we were rocking you in a cradle, and today you are already big - you are seven years old. We wish you to go to school and please your mom and dad with excellent grades. May all your cherished dreams come true. Be in a bad mood less often, and let there be a smile on your face often. Don’t get sick, be healthy and have a good angel who will protect you from troubles and sorrow. Appreciate your parents and be their true support in old age. Let all troubles pass you by. Be an honest boy, do not offend the weak and help your comrades. We wish you to always have love, hope and faith in your heart. Have wit and a sense of humor. Be a welcome guest at any celebration. Let there be only clear, peaceful skies above your head. Happy 7th birthday to you!


Baby, how quickly time flies, it seems to me that only yesterday you just appeared in our lives and said your first word, and today you are already seven years old. I wish you to enjoy every minute of your childhood, because it will never happen again. Now you have the most golden time in your life, you make new discoveries every day, you are interested in learning something new. I wish you to study well and enjoy this process, because school will allow you to become what you dream of in the future. Grow up as a strong and healthy boy so that you can do whatever you want. I'm just confident that you have a bright future ahead of you. We love you very much, son, and will always be there for you, happy birthday.


Is seven years a lot or a little? This question is difficult to answer. Today baby, it's your seventh birthday. On the one hand, this is really a lot, because behind you is such a huge and difficult path in which everything was the first time. You learned to talk, walk and be independent. Every day I faced new difficulties and bravely overcame them. On the other hand, seven years is very little, because you have a whole life ahead of you, full of surprises and discoveries. First of all, now you must study well and be a real man so as not to give up, even if something doesn’t work out. At school you will meet your friends and very soon you will grow up, so enjoy every minute of this carefree time.


My boy, today is your next birthday. You are growing so fast that sometimes I just can’t keep up with you. It seems to me that just yesterday we were riding a children’s bike with you, and today you go to school and are gradually becoming more independent and adult. In fact, my dear, I am incredibly proud of you, because everything is working out for you, you are confidently moving towards your goals, and even if they are small for now, but you are achieving them and moving towards new ones. I know that you will grow up to be a real man who can handle anything, already now you are protecting me and helping me, thank you. Son, remain the same kind and bright boy, do not lose kindness in your heart and faith in yourself, and you will definitely succeed.


Son, I am very glad that another real man and my friend is growing up in our family. You are already quite an adult, but do not rush to forget about childhood fun and toys so quickly, because this time, alas, will never return. Enjoy cycling and football in the yard, kick a ball with the boys and walk on the river until the evening with friends. Of course, don’t forget about school, I wish that all subjects were easy for you, and that you enjoyed studying with your teachers. I promise, you and I will have time to go fishing and relax in tents by the sea; of course, we still have everything ahead of us. Son, I wish you to grow up as a healthy, cheerful child who can easily do whatever he wants. There are still a lot of interesting and new things ahead, so good luck to you.


Son, today you are seven years old, and this is the most golden time in life, you can fully enjoy games with friends and your childhood, all the difficulties and problems are still very far away, so that you shouldn’t even think about them. What can I wish for you, of course, more laughter, smiles and gifts, I want you to have everything you dream of. Remember, next to you is a family that loves you more than anything in the world, we will always help and support you, you can come to us for advice and help. Your main task now is to study well, because you know for sure that a good education will allow you to fulfill your most cherished dreams in many years. May your every day be filled with happiness and joy because your loved ones and relatives are nearby, as well as your friends.


Today is your seventh birthday, son, I can’t even believe it. Now I remember how scared I was to hold you in my arms for the first time, how you smiled at me for the first time, how you said the first word, took the first step. During this time there was so much. I wanted to stop the clock so that you could remain a child longer and enjoy this carefree time that will never happen again. Just recently we took you by the hand to first grade, and today you are already showing success in your studies and know exactly what you will be when you grow up. I wish that all your most cherished dreams, of course, come true, and that there will always be reliable people nearby, loyal friends and family who love you and will always help. Happy birthday son, may everything be the way you want.



Happy birthday to a 7 year old child: In verse | Short | To the boy | To the girl | Niece To Nephew | To the godson | Goddaughter | Grandson | Granddaughter | To my sister | Brother


Voice wishes for a child's birthday

How to raise a child at 6-7 years old

  1. As your child approaches the age of 6, pay attention to whether he is able to control his behavior and show perseverance when performing any task or doing creative work.
  2. When preparing for school, conduct all developmental activities with your child in an interesting way, add elements of play to them. Tasks must be completed with enthusiasm. Don't let your child get bored or do things to the limit of their capabilities. This way you can discourage interest in knowledge and learning activities.
  3. Giving your child a reasonable degree of independence and initiative, support and praise for the results of his efforts help develop his self-confidence and build positive self-esteem.
  4. Despite increased independence and development of abilities, your child at the age of 6-7 years needs the support and attention of adults, especially parents. Be sensitive to his needs, ask how his day went in kindergarten (at school), what new things he learned. Communicate more with your child, always maintain eye contact, touch him and hug him more often. You still remain his main support and reliable rear.
  5. Give preschoolers and primary schoolchildren educational, creative and homework assignments. Make sure he completes everything he does. If your child gives up without finishing, gently guide him back to completing the task. Also control the quality and accuracy of what is done.
  6. Teach your child to think. Don't give ready-made answers to homework. Ask leading questions, stimulate him to think. This is important for successful learning in the future. The brain should not be lazy, it should be directed to finding solutions.
  7. When setting a task for your child, give him freedom of action: let him choose how to solve it, what steps to take. Help the child if he asks you for it. But don’t do everything for him, just be there, support, guide.
  8. The education and upbringing of children aged 6-7 years should be based on the principle of relying on the zone of proximal development. That is, periodically give your child tasks that are a little more difficult than those that he can easily complete. Provide help and support as needed to find a solution together.
  9. Praise your child more often. For successfully completed assignments, for good grades, for effort and interest in learning and knowledge, for the ability to reason and analyze, etc.
  10. Do not criticize the child’s personality under any circumstances. You can only make comments in relation to his actions. For example, you shouldn’t say: “Well, what a clumsy person you are!” or “You can’t understand anything at all!” Such phrases hit children’s self-esteem hard, causing them to want to either resist or withdraw into themselves and close themselves off from everyone. It’s much better to say: “You’re so capable! But somehow I didn’t try hard enough. Let's try again! "
  11. When conducting developmental activities, take breaks, warm-ups, exercises, dance and game breaks more often (at least every 30-35 minutes). Remember the importance of getting outdoors. When the brain is active, the need for oxygen increases.

Psychology and education of a 6 year old child

Applying the basics of psychology in raising a 6-year-old child will help raise an independent and good person. Parents must understand that the best method of education is education by example. For example, if you want your child to clean up his toys and belongings, then you yourself make sure that your personal belongings are not scattered around the room. Be your child's friend, discuss with him what worries him, pay attention to him, and then when the child grows up, he will not move away from you, and you will be aware of his life.

Parents of future first-graders often think about how to prepare a 6-year-old child for the coming changes using psychology and education. So that he can adapt to school as easily as possible. After all, his daily routine, his usual environment, and the people who surround him will change. Many schools have preparatory courses for future students. Attending these lessons will help the child not only learn letters, learn to read, count and write, but will also provide the opportunity to gradually get used to the new environment.

Raising boys and girls aged 6-7 years

At this age, you should pay your son or daughter’s attention to behavioral characteristics that are characteristic of boys and girls, respectively.

A 6-year-old girl needs to be taught neatness, a love of cleanliness, responsiveness, the ability to take care of others, learn how to do some household chores, and help her mother with housework.

In raising a 6-7 year old boy, the father plays an important role, since he is a role model and demonstrates how a man should behave. The son needs to be taught to take responsibility, to emphasize his role as a future protector, to instill in him an interest in “male” activities (making something, assembling, repairing, etc.).

It is important to develop perseverance and the ability to concentrate on completing educational tasks in children of both sexes. Although, as practice shows, classes with boys usually require a little more effort on the part of parents.

To the one who was close to the heart

  1. Now it is becoming clear that you are growing a real man. So why not congratulate him using the status: my son is already 7 years old.
  2. It's been seven years since I saw the little baby. And I love her more every year...
  3. For someone you are a boy. And for me you are a ray of light, a dewdrop of the fields, and also a little apple of heaven...
  4. Everything that I have, you know, I will give to you. Let your life turn out the way you want and nothing else.
  5. You have been a Shabutian since childhood. And, even if I swear sometimes, but you know: I love you more than life itself.
  6. You're a boy, whatever, boy. Set goals now and achieve them as soon as possible :).
  7. Thank you for teaching me how to play toy soldiers and understand Marvel heroes.
  8. You have so much to learn, but the most important thing, however, you already know: I love you more than life itself.
  9. You often come from the street dirty, and sometimes I just get you out of the puddle. But still, you are the best.
  10. May your life be fun and interesting. No more hassle. Happy Birthday, son!
  11. I love it so much when little hands hug me and little lips sleepily whisper something <,3.
  12. You are so cute, both when you sleep and when you run around the house. Son, I love you very much!
  13. You are already seven, and this is a respectable age. Be strong and brave, almost like an adult.
  14. Most of all I love weekends when we can spend the whole day together. Happy birthday, son :*.
  15. You know, I’m not afraid of anything in this world, I have a little protector, and that’s you...
  16. Thanks to you, I know almost all brands of cars, and also the names of all superheroes. You are my gift :).
  17. Let someone say that he is only seven, but for me he is the dearest, the most beloved, and... the oldest!
  18. Happy Birthday, beloved son! No, don’t think, you’re not an angel at all, but with you it’s like I’m in heaven.
  19. You are only seven, which means that you and I will live inseparably for a long time. You are our most beloved.
  20. I would hug you for a long, long time, but, unfortunately, I have to go to work. Sorry for spending so little time together...
  21. You are seven, you are a first grader, and also the most beautiful and smart boy. That's true for mom!
  22. My greatest happiness is blue-eyed, he loves cartoons, and today he turns seven years old :).
  23. We don't always get everything we want, son. But I got you, and for me that's more than enough.

Congratulations on the 7th birthday of a child - boy, girl

We planted number six, didn’t leave a single step and watered it regularly, reaping a glorious harvest! You joke and smile, And grow, and be surprised, Because now, for the joy of everyone, We are planting the number seven!


You know how to drink and eat, We write and count together. Happy - today we celebrate your seventh birthday! Even if the years are not great - There are skills, intelligence and strength! Do everything you always do, no matter what mom asks!


Happy birthday! Seven years! The sun is shining everywhere! These are games, jokes, laughter, Your age is the most beautiful of all! Let your dreams come true, Let everything be as you want! The whole world is before you, Smile on your holiday!


Let seven candles be lit on the birthday cake, There will be guests and gifts, The holiday will make your heart happy! Let him play, laugh More fun than usual, Your life will be wonderful, great all year long!


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