How to become a happy woman at any age, even alone?

How to become a successful business lady

Usually, if they say about a person that he is successful, then, as a rule, they mean a well-paid job, financial solvency, clothes from famous designers, an expensive car, etc.

However, the concept of “successful” is actually much broader than societal standards. After all, a successful person is, first of all, a happy person; he is in a state of spiritual harmony with himself and the people around him.

This is a person who has managed to realize his abilities, he does what he loves, his life is filled with meaning, and he makes the people around him happier.

What does it mean to be successful?

There are different opinions in society about what a successful woman looks like. Among them, the main thing can be considered the confidence that a successful lady is successful in everything: she is happy in her personal life next to her beloved man, she has a high position in society and reliable, loyal friends.

Psychologists also spent a lot of time studying this issue and identified areas of life in which every successful woman was able to express herself:

  • Health is the greatest value. Every successful woman leads a healthy lifestyle. She is very careful about what she drinks and eats, devotes the necessary time to exercise and undergoes regular medical examinations. She understands perfectly well that if she does not take care of her health, then she will not have the strength to delicately combine work, household duties and rest. And even if you still have the strength to rest, it will not bring any joy, because the body, which has obvious problems, will not be able to completely relax. Don’t forget that constant work on yourself and the desire to realize your goals require not only good physical health, but also nerves of steel.
  • Personal life is important for every woman, without any exceptions. You cannot be considered truly successful if you are doing great at work, but are a complete failure in your romantic life. Those women who are happy in their personal lives achieve much greater heights than just desperate careerists. The knowledge that there is a person nearby who is not only able to support you in difficult times and be a reliable support in life, but who will also appreciate your desire to share all the possible hardships of life can become a powerful incentive to achieve your dreams.
  • Career. A woman who claims to be successful and accomplished understands perfectly well that she must work no less than the men around her. But it is much more important to find a job that will be attractive not only in terms of salary, but will also bring joy. If the work does not become a real outlet, then it is unlikely that you will succeed in it. A successful woman does not listen to other people's opinions when searching for vacancies; she takes into account only her own wishes.
  • Social life. A successful lady knows that social status plays an important role in her life. You can’t please everyone without exception; there will definitely be those who will be critical of her. However, you can earn respect and gain the coveted authority without much effort. Regular business meetings, communication with business partners in informal conditions, close interaction with the media - all this has a very positive effect on the social role.
  • Appearance. Any woman cares about her appearance and wants to be attractive. This is the norm laid down by nature itself. A successful woman not only builds her personal life with the help of her appearance, but also uses it as a weapon in the struggle for career achievements. This is not about achieving certain preferences through close relationships, but coquetry and light flirting can be of significant help.
  • Material stability. A successful woman is famous for her ability to competently manage the family budget. She knows the value of money and knows how to manage it correctly. She fully provides for her personal needs and makes a significant contribution to the family treasury.


To achieve real success, you first need to decide in which industry you want to realize yourself. Some devote themselves entirely to their careers, while for others only family is of value. But there are also ladies who successfully improve in both directions.

Rosa Parks

“I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free... and for other people to be free too.”

She modestly stated that all she was doing was “just trying to get home from work.” Rosa Parks was the leader of the civil rights movement in the United States. On December 1, 1955, 42-year-old African-American seamstress Rose refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. This one act sparked a boycott that lasted for 381 days. Until the city abolished legal racial separation on buses. This fearless act by Rosa made her the “First Lady of Civil Rights.” The day of her arrest, December 1, is known as Rose Sparks Day.


Qualities of a successful woman

Women seeking to realize themselves often wonder where exactly to start and what exactly to pay attention to. Everything is extremely simple - you need to work on yourself and your personal qualities.

A successful lady has the following traits:

  • Believe in yourself. A successful woman never doubts herself and the decisions she makes. Even in the most stalemate situation, she continues to believe in herself and her strength. It is this attitude that helps her not to give up in case of failure.

  • Hard work. You cannot expect that your longed-for dream will come true if you lie in bed and do nothing. The network is teeming with all sorts of armchair critics who are trying to prove their own importance without having any achievements. A successful woman spends all her time working on herself and will not waste herself on useless nonsense.
  • Determination. There is no point in setting any goals for yourself if you are not ready to make every effort to implement them. You need to be disciplined and literally “kick” yourself from time to time in order to have time to realize yourself in many endeavors and directions.
  • Optimism. A successful woman never loses heart and never gives up. Even if the whole world turns against her, she will still smile, despite possible adversity. Even in the most hopeless situation, she will be able to find her advantages.
  • Ability to prioritize. A successful woman knows how to put her needs above those of others. To some extent, she can be called selfish, but without this character trait it will be very difficult to achieve her goals.
  • No fear of change. Life does not stand still, but a successful lady is not afraid of possible changes. She is distinguished by her ability to quickly adapt to the most unexpected situations and adjust her plans as soon as possible.
  • A sober outlook on life. A successful woman does not downplay existing problems and does not embellish reality. She sees the situation without embellishment and has a sensible approach to finding a solution to a complex problem.
  • Willingness to take risks. Sometimes, in order to change your life for the better, you have to take risks. A successful woman is not afraid to face failure; she is always ready to move forward and achieve her goal over and over again.

If all of the above qualities are not alien to you, then you can easily achieve your goals. But if you don’t see these traits in yourself, then don’t be upset, but start working on yourself and you will definitely succeed.


"I will not be defeated"

It seems strange and even incongruous that a woman came to power in an era when men ruled. She died suddenly in 30 BC. e., however, even today the memory of her has not disappeared anywhere. Much is said about her appearance: the Roman consul, a historian of Greek origin, spoke of a woman of “incredible beauty.” However, in reality she was not a beauty. Her beauty is a myth.

Cleopatra impressed Antony and Caesar not with her appearance, but with her intelligence and charm. Under the influence of changing values, Cleopatra's inner beauty was transformed into outer beauty.


Tips on how to become a successful woman from scratch

In order to become truly successful, you need not only to develop useful internal qualities, but also to develop the habits inherent in all successful people. These habits include the following:

  • Early rise. Get into the habit of getting up early. If your tradition is to jump up on the tenth ring of the alarm clock and have breakfast and get ready in the bustle, then you will never achieve success. People who get up early have more time to complete their tasks.
  • Planning. Get into the habit of keeping a diary in which you write about all the tasks you set and how to achieve them. Don't worry about how big your goal is, because even the smallest dream takes time and effort. In addition, do not forget about the intermediate summing up. By analyzing how successful the actions you took were, you can significantly increase your productivity.
  • Self-development. Don't waste your precious time watching TV shows or monitoring social networks. There is no benefit to this as such. Better find a couple of free hours to study new and useful information, read books aimed at expanding consciousness.
  • The right way of life. Stop eating fast food and processed foods. Remember that proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in maintaining your health. Also, do not underestimate the benefits of taking vitamin and mineral complexes. Fight your bad habits and provide yourself with regular physical activity.
  • The ability to enjoy even the smallest things. Don't be upset if your plan doesn't work out on the first try. It doesn’t happen that everything always works out right away and without any difficulties. At the same time, it is also important to be able to rejoice even in unimportant successes and enjoy the smallest victories.


If you want to become successful, then never give up! Forget about doubts and self-pity. Daily work on yourself and strong motivation should become your faithful companions on the path to your dream.

Mary Wollstonecraft

“Women are brought up in dependence: they are forced to act at the will of other beings who are no less subject to error. This needs to end."

In 1792, society was struck by Mary Wollstonecraft's call for gender equality and her advocacy of women's rights. Now such ideas resonate with the public, but at the end of the 17th century. this call was revolutionary. One of the first examples of feminist philosophy is the 1792 publication A Vindication of the Rights of Women. The publication took a very long time, only in the middle of the 19th century. people saw the reprinted publication.


Elizabeth Taylor

"I've been through it all, honey, I'm Mother Courage"

Elizabeth has built an incredible career in film. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked her 7th on the list of the greatest stars in film history.

In 1976, she wanted to help Jewish passengers on an Air France plane who had been taken hostage by terrorists. She personally approached Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz with a proposal to exchange her for hostages. The offer was rejected, but Simhu then Fr.

After meeting Michael Jackson in the 1980s, they created several charity projects together. In total, the foundation has raised over $120 million to fight AIDS.


Nora Ephron

“I try to give women complex and interesting roles, because that’s what it really is.”

Journalist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter, writer, director - all this is one woman. Nora fought against gender inequality in an industry that still misrepresents women. She found success as a journalist at the Post and soon became a Hollywood screenwriter, her most famous film being When Harry Met Sally. Then she started writing a book.

Her 1983 autobiographical novel Heartburn chronicles the breakdown of her marriage with startling honesty.

In 1996, she gave the commencement address at Wellesley College of Liberal Arts, where she uttered important words: “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”


Passivity and indecisiveness

There is no doubt that there are very few women in high positions in the world. All this is due to the fact that many girls remain passive and indecisive in business. You often follow the rules set by your organization. Complete all tasks strictly according to schedules, day after day, every month, all year round. Representatives of the fair sex themselves do not notice how they are drowning in this swamp.

When there is a meeting and you feel like some details need to be changed in this project. Just tell me your opinion. This will not get you fired, and even more so, the attitude towards you will not deteriorate. Girls are taught that there is no need to express dissatisfaction; it must be kept with you, like a handkerchief in your pocket in case of sudden tears.

“Whoever follows established rules closes the path of discovery and opportunity for himself.”

(c) Ruslan Shalimov, founder of “Hard-Life”.

You are not just a girl - you are a person! She has her own ambitions and goals, so why doesn’t she express her opinion to the public and colleagues.

If you have your own business:

Everything is simple here; by remaining passive, the algorithm of indecision is reinforced. That, in turn, gives you only negative thoughts like: “I won’t succeed.”

“Business is only for men.”
Because of this indecisiveness, you remain in a vicious circle that you have created for yourself. It is difficult to get rid of it, but it is quite possible. If you're afraid of heights, jump with a parachute. The same thing, if you are afraid to create a business, open it!

Even if the business fails, this is not a reason not to open a second one. You gain the most valuable thing you can gain from failure - experience.

“Initiative must be shown always and everywhere!”

(c) Radislav Gandapas, the most titled business coach in Russia.

Elizabeth I

Her father was Henry VIII, one of the most cruel kings ever to sit on the throne of England, and the queen who led the church to be divided in two. Elizabeth was the longest reigning monarch of England (44 years), during her reign she restored stability in the state. This time turned out to be so significant that it is simply called the “Elizobetinian” or “Golden Age”. And, most importantly, she did it without a man. She announced that she was married to her kingdom. For decades she was feared and revered in the same way as Henry VIII was her father.


Florence Nightingale

“The most important rule in a hospital is that it must under no circumstances cause harm to patients.”

Florence Nightingale was determined to become a nurse. When the Crimean War broke out in 1853, Florence was one of 38 nurses in a military hospital in Turkey. For the first time, women were allowed to participate in hostilities. She greatly improved the quality of nursing care in military hospitals and later, in 1959, she published a book called Notes on Nursing. The book has still not lost its relevance. She was also the first woman to join the Royal Statistical Society, in 1858.


Maria Skłodowska-Curie

“Now is the time to learn more so you can be less afraid.”

Marie Curie received two Nobel Peace Prizes: in 1903 and 1911, but this did not free her from pressure from men. She fought against sexism throughout her career. “I was often asked, especially by women, how I could combine family life with a career in the scientific world,” said Curie. Indeed, this was not easy for her, but she did not particularly care about the opinions of critics.

Maria's research made enormous contributions to radiography and surgery. During World War I, she helped equip ambulances with X-ray machines and even drove them to the front lines herself.


Marilyn Monroe

A beautiful actress and an intelligent woman, she broke the stereotypes of the “dumb blonde” in Hollywood. Despite her famous image and demeanor, her star image was just a well-thought-out act. In life she was completely different, but not everyone knew about it - the actress was able to convince the audience so much with her performance that they simply couldn’t believe that the star’s real personality was different.

Monroe was a very smart, strong and courageous woman. Although she had no formal education, which the actress was very worried about. Not only that, she was a fierce advocate for civil rights. Marilyn showed the world that skin color should not be a deterrent to equal privilege.

Coco Chanel

“The bravest thing is to think for yourself. Aloud"

Coco Chanel challenged the gender norms of her time, her clothes liberated the female body and redesigned its silhouette. Men's clothing also became women's: Breton tops, sweaters, trousers, flat shoes and suits. Her image - a boyish figure, short hair and tanned skin - quickly gained popularity. This was an act of rejection of the prevailing feminine ideal at that time.


Malala Yousafzai

“I don’t want to be remembered as the girl who got shot. I want to be remembered as the girl who stood up."

On October 9, 2012, a gunman boarded Malala's school bus in Pakistan. He asked her name and shot her three times in the head. What was she guilty of? She wanted to make education accessible to women. Fear evaporated and courage triumphed. This event became a turning point in our time. In 2013, Time magazine included Malala Yousafzai in its list of the 100 most influential people in the world. On October 10, 2014, Malala received the Nobel Prize. At that time she was only 17 years old.


Josephine Baker

“I wasn’t actually naked. I just didn’t have any clothes on.”

Her mastery of the body left no one indifferent. She was an excellent dancer. She was the highest paid chorus girl in vaudeville. The greatest womanizer Ernest Hemingway called her “the most incredible woman I ever saw.” Despite her popularity, Rosa Parks' struggles were relevant to her as well.

When she returned to America in the 1950s, she was turned away from 36 hotels. She refused $10,000 in fees rather than perform in front of a racially divided audience. Even telephone threats from the Klux Klan did not change her opinion. In 1963, she stood next to Martin Luther King at the March on Washington. There she was the only official female speaker.


Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa personifies selflessness. She dedicated her entire life to helping poor and disadvantaged people. Born into a wealthy family, she lived the humble life of a Catholic nun, dreaming of helping people since childhood. She was also awarded a well-deserved Nobel Prize in 1979 for her lifelong charitable missions.

The nun died in 1997 at the age of 87, leaving behind more than 600 missions in 123 countries. And in 1996, Mother Teresa was canonized by the Catholic Church. Although, according to some sources, Mother Teresa often thought about God, questioning his existence. And yet this never stopped her from doing good deeds!


Edith Cavell

“I understand that this patriotism is not enough. I shouldn’t feel any hostility or anger towards anyone.”

Found guilty of treason. Sentenced to death and executed at the age of 49. Nurse Edith Cavell received this cruel punishment for her activities at the Red Cross hospital. She worked there during the First World War, saving the lives of soldiers on both sides without any discrimination. Her famous words: “I can’t stop while there are lives to save.”


Emmeline Pankhurst

“Believe in God - she will help”

In 1999, Time magazine included Emmeline in its list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century, Fr. In 1903, Pankhurst co-founded the women's socio-political union VSPU. Their main goal was to win women's votes. She later said: “Our constant motto should have been deeds, not words.” While under arrest, Emmeline went on her first hunger strike. She endured oppression and cruelty to give all women the right to vote.

Be sure to also look at our website for an interesting article about the most famous women in history and modern times.


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