What envelops the soul in 4 letter despair

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October 16, 2017 — 3 comments
Hands have given up, it seems that hope has dissolved and nothing can help. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under my feet. There is despair in the soul, and it seems that there is no way out. Emotional stupor and a clear feeling that the problem cannot be solved in any way. This is how desperation works.

Ruthless despair, flooding everything around, hammers into every corner of the soul, dissolves in the blood, runs through the veins, spreading through the body with such force that it seems that you are about to choke. The state of despair and hopelessness takes away the strength to fight and live. Despondency sets in.

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Almost everything that can make you happy for a long time can only be found within yourself. Exception: you are on the waiting list for a donor organ. You can't buy or earn peace, you can't invite healthy self-esteem on a date. This is the most disgusting truth, it personally outrages me. But everything important really comes from inner work, and we cannot do it for others, no matter how much we love them.

Someone else's peace of mind is beyond our control. Everyone must find their own path, their own answers to important questions. When your adult child begins his hero's journey, you can't run around with sunscreen and chapstick in hand. You should let him go, at least out of respect. And if it’s about someone else, then most likely you have no idea how to help. Our help is usually useless and often even harmful. Behind the desire to help lies the desire to control. So stop already, stop helping. Let at least someone hide from your virtue.

Despair: what to do

Yes, you will have to take action. Your intention to change the situation is so strong that your ability to cope with it without experiencing burning despair increases several times. Having knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, you are able to act according to a clear plan: - awareness of your properties, vectors; - awareness of the reasons that attracted despair; - use of knowledge and active actions to apply it. If you need to feel the firmament, the basis for understanding yourself, others, life in all its manifestations, the knowledge that is given in the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan and the results of those who were familiar with despair will help you. Elena Aksyonova The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

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Canon of repentance for the Lord Jesus Christ Song of the First Irmos: Part the dark abyss and bless the feet of humiliated Israel, who closed with darkness and storm over the head of Egyptian pride, glorifying the Lord forever as the true Judge and Savior. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. Darkness envelops my soul, Jesus, darkness and despair drowns it, but O Savior, do not let your creation perish and save me. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. There is no light of Your Grace in me, Jesus, there is no hope in me, but, Most Sweet Jesus, either I want it or I don’t want it, save and have mercy on me, a sinner. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit I despaired of bringing even one increased talent to You, Lord, there is no repentance or crying in me, but my Jesus, for the sake of Your ineffable generosity and Your love for mankind, save me, desperate. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Most Pure Mother of God, cover my stinking soul with your omophorion when it goes through the ordeals of the fierce world-dweller. Song of the third Irmos: Likening times to a single day, Thou hast shown the mark of eternity, O Lord, and in the same way in the temple of Thy glory the faces are composed, is it not holy to Thee, O Lord, crying out. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me I admit that I am a captive of all sins, passions graze in the field of my heart, my dry and barren soul, but Sweetest Jesus, through the prayers of the Mother of God, have mercy on me. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. There is no love in me for You, my Jesus, no. and true repentance, but let Your power manifest itself in the weakness of my soul according to Your word, lead me into Your light, and do not let me be reproached by the devil. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Shadows of confusion come upon me from everywhere, thoughts of misunderstanding and ignorance of Thy destinies choke me, Jesus, but grant me faith and trust in Thy Providence and confirm me in Thy love. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lady Theotokos, by the grace of Your Son, until the end of the century you are the Mother and Helper of all Christians, do not deprive my soul of your maternal care and assistance. Sedalen: The dominance of evil in me and in this world, twists my soul with disgust, and fills my heart with sadness for the Light of Thy goodness and warmth, Savior. The transience of the days of life terrifies them with unrepentance and negligence. I know that nothing is impossible for you and you can do whatever you please. I pray to You, my Jesus, as the thief prayed on the cross, remember me when You come in Your Kingdom. Glory: The years of my life flash by like moments, but my soul, even in the slightest, due to my sins, has not tasted Your grace, Jesus my Savior. I have no good deeds, just as I have no deeds. What should I expect and what should I hope for? Only on Your desire to save me by Your providence, incomprehensible to me. And now: Mother of Light, Ever-Virgin All-Holy. You know what it's like to cry for a dying Son. Cry before Him for my perishing soul, and with your mother’s hand lift it up from the underworld. Song Four Irmos: You have called out peace from non-existence and made the dust of the earthly son of Light, raise up, O Lord, my soul to joy and establish it unshakably in Thy truth. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me Sorrows lead my soul to despair, prosperity leads to negligence, lack of faith forces me to work against sin, I know that nothing unclean will enter Your Kingdom, O God, but for the sake of your passions, Sweetest Jesus, resurrect and save my deadened soul. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me It is impossible to list all my sins by their multitude, it is difficult to count, it is unbearable to say, but, my Jesus, when you sit down to judge the living and the dead, do not cast me into the lake of fire, do not send me to eternal Tartarus, do not give me to food never-ceasing worm, but save me, the desperate one, according to Your love and philanthropy. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit The reasonings of my lying mind lead my soul into confusion, my heart is drawn with lust for everything destructive, the virtues have not grown on the stony soil of my heart, my faith has been crushed, my love has not been born, hope has left me, I appeal to your mercy, Jesus mine, and I pray to you, Savior, enlighten the darkness of my heart. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Queen, our Lady Theotokos, with Your all-powerful prayers bring my soul darkened by sin out of the abyss, and by your intercession revive and save me. Song five Irmos: I was amazed at the lamentable night of the heavenly abyss, seeing the day decaying before me, reaching the dawn and the beginning of the sun, and again I was uncontrollably surprised at the prophesied brilliance. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. My days are few and they are all filled with wickedness and malice, I am afraid of the hour of death, I am afraid of Your righteous wrath, I know that I have neither the oil of wise virgins, nor wedding clothes, nor increased talents, but I am plunging myself into the abyss. Your love, Jesus, and I ask You to have mercy on Your creation. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me, Yours is me, You brought me out of my mother’s womb, My life was in Your plan before the creation of the world, You are not only the Creator, but also my Savior, I pray to You, as a child of the Father, do not renounce me and do not leave me in the destruction of sins. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Your name Love, Jesus, I pray to You, do not be fair to me, do not weigh the measure of my sins, but drown them in the bottomless ocean of Your mercy. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Mother of God, my hope and hope, to whom I will resort for help, to whom I cry out in despair, only to You, the Most Pure One, save my sad soul and bring me into the Kingdom of Your Son. Song six Irmos: Cast down on a bed of tears, like the bottom of the sea, how can I, a mortal, rise from a place of slander and contempt? Lord my God, raise me, who am perishing. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me, do not take me out of this temporary life into eternal darkness, do not let the tormenting demons rejoice over my death, with your right hand, Omnipotent Jesus, lift me above the abyss of despair and lead me into eternal life. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. I cry out to Thy love, O Jesus, and I hope in Thy love, I am protected by it, and I trust in it. There is nothing in me that could force You to love me, but, for the sake of the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, save and have mercy on me, a sinner. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit You know everything, Jesus, and you do not need anything to be revealed to You, You see the stench of my soul and the rottenness of my heart, but with Your grace Heal and heal them. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Virgin Mary, Most Pure Lady, do not disdain me, who crucified Your Son with my sins and falls, but with Your holy prayers deliver me from all impurity. Kontakion Lord Jesus, my God, my soul is mortally sorrowful. I feel like a man who is buried alive. The whole soul is bound by sin and ignorance, like iron chains. There is darkness and ominous cold everywhere. I pray to You, my God, open the coffin of my soul, untie the chains of darkness, lift me to Your Light and save me from sinful darkness. Ikos You Yourself said, Lord, that in the world we will have sorrow. But I, Lord, resisting Your commandment, sought sweet joy from sin. I do not pray to You, my Savior, for deliverance from sorrow, but I pray for the granting of patience in it and an increase in faith, hope and love. Song of the seventh Irmos: The fiery cave of Babylon, like a small part of the flame of human iniquity, the youths passed through unharmed, singing the song of salvation: God of our fathers, blessed art thou. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. Forgive me, Jesus, for my entire damned life, for all my failures and for my work with the flattering Satan, forgive me for everything I have done in knowledge and ignorance, and I pray, forgive your prodigal son. Have mercy on me God, have mercy on me The years of my life have not made me any better, I have multiplied my sin, I have not cared about repentance, I have no hope of change in the future, but, my generous Shepherd, like a lost sheep, like a lost drachma, find and save me. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The wickedness and sinful beauties of the perishing world led my soul through the swamps and mire of sins, it became fat and was eaten up with their uncleanness and stench, but I appeal to You Jesus, the Heart-Keeper of our carcasses and bodies, have mercy on Your creation. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Most Holy Virgin, Your maternal heart has known all the sorrow of the world, You know the depths of our sins. I ask You, O Merciful One, intercede for me at the Throne of Your Son, so that He will not plunge me into eternal torment. Song Eight Irmos: Do not be horrified, my soul, do not be afraid, my heart, of the fiery temptation sent for cleansing by the Merciful Lord, remember His passion, sing of the Resurrection, and exalt it to all ages. Have mercy on me God, have mercy on me I despair of bearing good fruits Jesus, I have no hope for sincere and tearful repentance, I only trust in Your ineffable mercy and bottomless love, have mercy and save my perishing soul. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me. I bring to You, Jesus, a host of Your righteous and saints in your prayer books, and especially the intercession of Your Most Pure Mother, through their prayers spare and save me. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. According to Your mercy and Your love for mankind, Jesus, for the sake of Your most pure Blood, shed on the Cross for my sake, grant in my heart love for You and for Your creation, grant purity of heart and an unclouded mind, grant hope for salvation. and take away the fear of the devil from me. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Mother of God, Lady, my hope and hope, be my intercessor at the terrible judgment seat of Your Son, so that through Your all-powerful prayers my soul may enter into the joy of our God. Song of the ninth Irmos: I dare to sing about my wonderful adoption of the Mother of the Lord, but I fear and tremble at this, as if I was at the Cross. Present yourself to me, Mother, in disgrace and death, and save me with the radiance of Your Most Pure Face. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me In mortal illness, grant me, Jesus, consolation, a peaceful and shameless death, assurance of forgiveness of my many sins, meekly remove my soul from my body, do not let despair and despondency destroy me with fear and lack of faith. Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me During my exodus from the body, protect me, Jesus, from the armies of demons, do not let them rejoice over my death, my protector and God, lead me through the valley of death with Your Almighty right hand. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Before leaving my body, grant, Jesus, to my soul peace and tranquility, the joy of hope in Your love, and save me, O Good One, not according to my life, but according to Your love for mankind. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. You know, Mother of God, my struggles and sorrows, sins and falls, but you see my desire and repentance, I pray to You, do not deprive me of Your all-powerful intercession and intercession. Prayer to God the Father I know that prayer from an unclean heart is not accepted by You, Our Father, but I have no one else to ask. I have no God other than You, just as I have no faith other than faith in my salvation through Your Only Begotten Son. I beg You, not only as my Creator, but most of all, as my Heavenly Father: You brought me into earthly life, so lead me into Heavenly life; You gave me temporary life - grant me eternal life with You. I did nothing to deserve your first gifts, and I did not deserve anything to deserve your last ones. I bring You only one thing - my desire and request, having nothing else in myself: no good deeds, no sincere repentance, no purity of soul. I know only one thing, the impossible - It’s possible for you. You alone, guided by Providence, save me. You are my only hope and hope. Amen. Prayer to God the Son Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. You Yourself said that you came to save sinners, not the righteous. So you came to people like me. Resurrect my fallen soul with Your most pure blood. Enter the hell of my heart and destroy its bonds. Drive out of him the darkness of my passions. Lead me to the light of Your Face. Illuminate me with Your radiance. Take me to Thy ineffable abodes. Drive away the darkness from my soul. Take me, my Shepherd, on Your shoulders and lead me into Your fence. Amen. Prayer to God, the Holy Spirit, the Heavenly King, the Righteous Soul, the Light of my soul and the Living Water of my heart. Grant me, according to Your love, Heavenly Grace, illuminate the darkness of my mind with Your Radiance, water my hardened heart with Your Life-giving moisture. Fill the dead cells of my soul with your Life. Illuminate the dark night of my life with the Eternal dawn. Eliminate the demonic passions living in me. Touch me and I will live through You. Amen.

Radical self-acceptance

Each of us is a screwed up, broken, self-satisfied and scared character. Even the one who seems to be fine. You won't believe how similar other people's problems are to your problems. So try not to compare your inner feelings with what others show you. This will definitely not do any good.

And one more thing: you cannot save anyone, correct them or force them to quit. What made me quit drinking and drugs 30 years ago? My behavior deteriorated catastrophically, my thoughts became confused and ran away. Then I turned for help and began to rely on higher powers. There is a version that the word “God” stands for “Grace of Desperate Grief” (editor’s note: in the original GOD, Gift of Desperation - literally “despair given from above”). But you can put it in a less pompous way: in the end, I degenerated faster than I could lower the demands on myself. So you can say I came to God when there were no more good ideas left.

Trying to fix, protect or save someone is a waste of time. But radical self-acceptance is a quantum that you will begin to emit into the atmosphere, like a breath of fresh air. Believe me, this is the most valuable gift for the universe. And if someone accuses you of arrogance or selfishness, just smile mysteriously, like the Mona Lisa, and prepare a cup of aromatic tea for both of you. To respond with love to the most stupid, short-sighted, capricious and unpleasant manifestations of human nature means to be one family with them. This is the first step towards world peace.

Translation of despair

We offer you a translation of the word despair into English, German and French. Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service

  • To English
  • To German
  • To French
  • despair
    - hopelessness, hopelessness, despondency, disappointment, suffering to fall into despair - fall into despair
  • quiet desperation
  • desolation
    - desolation
  • desperate
      act of desperation
    • Verzweiflung
      feeling of despair - Gefühl der Verzweiflung
  • Hoffnungslosigkeit
    - hopelessness
  • Desperation
  • Verzagtheit
    - despondency
  • Trostlosigkeit
    - hopelessness
    • désespoir
      - despair, hopelessness, despondency, abyss of despair - gouffre de désespoir
  • découragement
    - despondency
  • détresse
    - despondency
  • What is despair (adjectives)?

    Selection of adjectives for words based on the Russian language.

    full of deep hopeless written more present hopeless gloomy black hopeless genuine deaf extreme quiet cold own stupid limitless growing perfect alien terrible deepest insane boundless boundless new bitter powerless endless complete dumb former abyss growing deadly simple sincere terrible strange sharp unspeakable silent viscous frozen genuine great helpless inexorable former familiar undisguised hidden icy dreary extreme wild simultaneous filled bottomless stormy absolute sudden childish

    What can despair do? What can you do about despair (verbs)?

    Selection of verbs for words based on the Russian language.

    embrace give take hold make change overwhelm cover bring reach push give in want to distort choke overwhelm cool overwhelm disappear grow make replace break out reflect overflow overwhelm force force squeeze drive toss to pile up squeeze take shackle heard become possess absorb flood tear urge move to grow melt want to splash out paralyze leave through threaten to retreat overflow struggle leave generate appear fill deprive pin down suggest push begin fill

    Associations to the word despair

    voice face eyes heart soul hope view reason impossibility thought consciousness chest death loss awareness head cry side strength failure meaninglessness necessity death perspective end fear victim reluctance situation force delight ax hand loneliness word moment labor sand future joy grief mask hopelessness attempt solution powerlessness knee soul rage memory day limit theme departure war love sea parting city search scope tone separation disappearance

    Synonyms for despair

    mountain grief sadness sadness sadness grief grief boredom contrition languor melancholy mourning despondency hopelessness

    Scope of use of the word despair

    General vocabulary Medicine Slang Religion Poetic language

    Bird by bird

    Every writer you know has terrible first drafts. The secret is that their asses are nevertheless firmly glued to the work chair. This may be the only difference between them and you. They set aside time for this. They make a promise to themselves and keep their word. For them it is a matter of honor. They sit down and let the stories pass through them, step by step, day by day.

    When my older brother was in fourth grade, he had a test on bird species that he hadn't even begun to study for. Then his father sat down next to him, grabbing Audubon’s book (John James Audubon - American naturalist, ornithologist and animal artist, author of Birds of America), paper and pencil, and then said: “Take your time, buddy, give me the bird.” for the bird. Just read about the pelican and then tell it in your own words. Then read about the tit and tell me what you learned about it. And then about the geese.”

    These are the two most important principles of writing: bird by bird and truly terrible drafts. And if you don’t know where to start, remember: every story that ever happened to you belongs only to you, and only you can tell it. By the way, if people want you to go easy on them in your book, tell them that they should have behaved better.

    Believe me, it will be terrible if one day you wake up and realize that you have never written down anything that has been kept in the box of your heart all your life - your stories, memories, ideas and songs, your truth, your views on life. At the end of the day, that's all you have to offer others. And this is the reason why you were born.

    Despair is a state of giving up

    Despair in the soul is always painful! It's always on the edge. The feeling of despair is such a strong emotional state in which it seems that the whole world has collapsed and help will never come.

    And from the realization of his powerlessness in the face of despair, a person’s soul is torn to pieces. In such a state, a person loses hope and, as a result, the meaning of life. There is a growing confidence that nothing good will come ahead. Despair - what to do when you don’t know what to do? Being in sadness, a person sees the world in black colors and is disappointed in his ability to live this life happily.

    In order to somehow survive, not to allow consciousness to fall apart, a person gripped by despair turns to friends and acquaintances for help, and seeks an answer in psychology.

    Despair - what to do? Everyone gives advice in which you must “try hard”:

    Stop thinking that there is no way out and start thinking positively.

    Distract yourself, namely: go to attractions, chat with friends.

    Put your thoughts in order, overcome apathy in your soul and do what you love.

    Be optimistic and not give in to despondency, because life is beautiful in any of its manifestations.

    Despite despair, always remember that tomorrow will come, which means new changes and different emotions are possible.

    More often than not, these and many similar tips do not save you from despair.

    When I'm in pain, I don't want to go on rides or have fun chatting with friends. All I want is for the despair to stop. So that this giant black hole in my soul will heal and I can finally feel the taste of life as before.

    The reasons why despair grips a person can be very different. As Yuri Burlan shows at the System-Vector Psychology training, the same event for some will seem like a trifle, a completely surmountable problem, while for others it will immediately be overcome by bitter despair.

    The state of despair is the edge of one soul

    According to system-vector psychology, people who, like no one else, are subject to the strongest emotional surges, whose nervous system is the most fragile, and whose imagination is the strongest, are carriers of the visual vector. Nature has endowed them with the extraordinary ability to experience a huge range of feelings in a short period of time. They are those who perfectly master the emotional palette, ranging from fear to all-consuming love.

    They are able to sympathize, sympathize and empathize, creating emotional connections with other people, thereby attracting people's attention and sympathy. This is a feature of their psyche, their perception of the world. But they are the ones who experience emotional stress the hardest, often plunging into the abyss of deep melancholy or despair. A vivid imagination instantly paints pictures of hopelessness and complete hopelessness in the soul. They are drowning in their despair and in a sea of ​​​​tears and do not know how to get out.

    Despair in the soul is a worm in the heart

    At the training, Yuri Burlan explains that people with a visual vector are capable of not only experiencing despair, but with the same intensity they can enjoy life, admiring the beauty around them. Impressionable, they find their greatest pleasure in experiencing and expressing their emotional states.

    The state of despair is concentration on oneself, one’s pain and constant experience of it, that is, a visual person, finding himself in a difficult situation, falls to the bottom of the emotional state. Reveling in hopeless melancholy, at some point the psyche, in order to preserve itself, begins to receive subconscious pleasure from this process. And now the person no longer even tries to get out of despair, allowing this emotion to eat away at his own soul.

    But if you shift the focus of your attention from your own pain, overcome a kind of self-obsession and help someone who may actually be worse off than we are, then you can feel that despair is letting go. This means we are on the right track.

    Devastating success

    Book publishing and other creative successes will traumatize you. After them you need to recover. Success has destroyed as many authors as its absence. You cannot even imagine what suffering he will cause you, how he will try to destroy and change you. Personally, I have not met people more vicious and worse than male authors who have released a notable bestseller. And at the same time (back to the first point) publication is simply wonderful: your thoughts are printed on printing paper, your stories are read and told to friends.

    Just try, please, to get rid of the illusion that publishing a book will in some sense heal you, patch up the gaps in your soul. Holding a freshly printed work in your hands will not cure your troubles. But you might get there one day if you keep writing. Sing in a choir or play country music. You will work in your free time as a volunteer painter. Watch the birds. Caring for old dogs that have no one else to take care of.

    Hard work

    Family is hard, hard, hard work, even if you have wonderful people as relatives. Again, see point one. If at a family gathering you feel ready to kill yourself or your neighbor, try to remember that the conception and birth of any of us is a true miracle.

    Life is a school of forgiveness. You can start learning by first forgiving yourself, and then gradually it will come to the dinner table with your family. There, this important internal work can be done without getting out of your home pants. When William Blake wrote that we are all “sent here to have the eye accustomed to the rays of love,” he could not help but know that the intimate part of this experience will be directly connected with your family. Even if the mere sight of your relatives makes you want to rush headlong out of the room, crying out for help, don’t give up, you will succeed. Work like Cinderella and the results will amaze you.


    Compassion is the metaphysical equivalent of the penetrating oil that can fill all the cracks, our spiritual lifeline. Its main paradox is that God loves Henry Kissinger, Vladimir Putin and me as much as your newborn grandson. Understand it as you wish. An act of mercy can change us from the inside, heal us, redeem us from the hardships of life. How to describe the principle of its operation in a nutshell? Call for help and buckle up tight. Compassion will catch you on the spot, but with its help you will travel from one point in your life to another. Unfortunately, it won't come in the form of a friendly ghost named Casper, but the phone will ring or a letter will arrive... and suddenly, in spite of everything, a life-giving sense of self-irony will return to you.

    Laughter is the carbonated form of holiness: breath by breath it brings us back to life, helping us to believe in better things again. And remember, compassion always has the last word. If it doesn't come, it means it's not the end yet.

    What can despair lead to?

    Despair is a feeling that very often leads to tragic consequences, because a person in a state of hopelessness loses the meaning of life and gives up. Despair disappoints a person in his own life, it becomes unattractive and unnecessary. In this case, a person stops fighting for his own future; he is sure that there is simply no way out of the current situation. Despair leads a person to indifference to himself and to further, to an attempt to commit suicide, to suicide itself. Of course, there are cases when despair forces a person to work with even greater pressure, but most often it becomes the cause of negative consequences that destroy a person’s life.

    Authors of various works have written about what despair can lead to. They showed that despair often makes a person commit rash acts. The problem of despair is almost central in Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor ”. The writer demonstrates the difficult life situation of one family. All the most negative life circumstances are superimposed on the life of the Mertsalov family, one on top of another. First, Emelyan Mertsalov, the father of the family, falls ill. Due to illness, he is fired. The family is running out of money. Hunger sets in, and with it comes cold. At this time, due to lack of money and living in a cold basement, one child dies. Little Mashutka is also sick. The family has no money for treatment. And there are two more sons at home, who have already had to say goodbye to childhood. Emelyan Mertsalov cannot find a job and is looking for any way to find money, but does not find it. It is obvious that the father of the family is in utter despair due to the understanding that he cannot provide for his family. This despair first leads to Mertsalov feeling hatred towards himself and the world around him. Then this feeling gives way to indifference, because Emelyan Mertsalov is thinking about ending his life. A.I. Kuprin shows what despair can lead to: hatred, indifference and attempted suicide.

    of N.M.’s story is also in a state of despair. Karamzin "Poor Liza". After meeting Erast, Lisa places her main life value in her relationship with him. At first, the feelings between the characters were mutual, but soon Erast lost interest in Lisa and said goodbye to her, saying that he was leaving for service. Soon the girl meets her lover in the city and learns that he is marrying another girl. This becomes a real blow to the heart of poor Lisa. Erast's betrayal leads the heroine to despair. She does not see life without Erast and cannot come to terms with the fact that he deceived her. Lisa doesn't want to live anymore, so she commits suicide. With this ending of the story N.M. Karamzin shows what despair can lead to.

    What does this mean? Despair most often leads a person to rash actions that become the causes of real tragedy. Disappointment in oneself, loss of meaning in life and indifference, attempts to say goodbye to one’s own life - these are the possible consequences of despair.

    What is hope?

    Hope is a person’s faith in the best, the confidence that all dreams and desires will definitely come true. Hope is always associated with a state of expectation, because a person is waiting for the moment when everything that he has planned will come true. She consoles a person because he becomes confident that everything will definitely work out for him. Hope is a positive feeling because it makes a person believe in himself and his strength, makes him go towards what he wants and not give up.

    The problem of hope has been raised by many Russian writers . They talked about how hope often helps people overcome challenges along the way. often thought about the role of hope in human life . In his story “Scarlet Sails,” the writer showed how a person lives in the hope that his dreams will come true. Assol , who met Egle in the forest, learns that she is destined to meet the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. This event becomes desirable for the girl. Assol immediately begins to believe that the ship's arrival will definitely happen. This thought did not allow the heroine to give up. Assol continued her path in life, despite the fact that many people around her ridiculed her for the unreality of her dream. This did not break Assol in any way; she still believed in her dream and lived in her hope. One fine day for the main character, Gray fulfilled Assol’s dream. The girl saw a ship with scarlet sails, on which Gray sailed to her. A.S. Green, with the help of the storyline, shows that a person must have hope, that it helps to believe in the best, to believe in oneself and one’s own strengths. If Assol had lost hope, she would not have found happiness with Gray. The problem of hope is also raised in the story “The Captain's Daughter” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The central characters Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova meet in the Belogorsk fortress, where Grinev comes to serve and where Masha lives. The heroes do not immediately pay attention to each other, but soon fall in love. During the Pugachev uprising, when Masha lost her parents, the heroine still has hope. Masha and Peter think about the happiness they will definitely be able to find together. Grinev does not lose hope even when his parents do not give their blessing to marry Masha, which was a necessary condition for Mironova. Petr Grinev still hopes that his love will be able to pass all the tests. It is this hope that helps both Grinev and Masha Mironova fight to the end, move forward, despite all the difficulties along the way. Peter saves Masha from captivity, and Masha saves Peter from arrest. Hope helps the heroes in this, which ultimately leads them to the well-deserved happiness of being close to each other. A.S. Pushkin shows that you should never give up, you must believe in the best so that the best really comes.

    Thus , hope is what helps a person follow the path of life, overcoming various obstacles. Hope consoles a person and allows him to believe in his own strength, which will help him achieve what he wants.

    What is despair?

    Despair is a human condition in which it seems that life has lost its meaning, that everything around is hopeless. The person is in a state of hopelessness. He truly loses the meaning of his life, and it is extremely difficult to pull himself together at such a moment. Despair is always associated with difficult life situations. It usually promotes more negativity and only makes an already difficult situation worse. Despair can destroy a person’s entire life and lead to truly tragic consequences.

    Many writers and playwrights have written about what despair is. They showed that despair made a person's life even worse and often led to a loss of meaning in life. Despair brought the main character of the drama A.N. Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" to the tragic end of life. From the story of Katerina , we learn that she spent her childhood in complete freedom, was the favorite child in the family and did not feel any oppression over herself. The whole atmosphere of her parents' house, where church rituals were strictly observed, developed religiosity in Katerina: she loved to pray and felt in the temple as if in paradise; but along with religiosity, dreaminess was also developed in her. The ardor and energy that distinguished Katerina in childhood remained in her even when she, having married Tikhon , found herself in a new, harsh family.

    Kabanikha oppressed Katerina and made her life truly miserable. The heroine’s husband Tikhon did not protect her, which made her feel not only unhappy, but also lonely. Nobody cared about Katerina and her life. Still, the main character hoped for the best. She dreamed of sincere and all-consuming love. It was for this reason that Katerina fell in love with Boris. Love illuminated her life with a new light, but Boris turned out to be a weak and weak-willed person; he actually abandoned Katerina, leaving her with her problems. The heroine dreamed of becoming a bird, of flying away forever from the “dark” world of tyranny and hypocrisy, of breaking free, of being free. But Boris's betrayal, as well as loneliness, were the reason that Katerina succumbed to despair. The heroine understood that all her dreams and desires would never come true, that the world around her was too cruel to her. All this leads Katerina to take a truly desperate step - suicide.

    The problem of despair was also raised in M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom.” Many residents of the shelter, where people from the “bottom of life” lived, understood that their existence was doomed, that they would never be able to change their lives for the better. Many characters in the play struggled to change their lives, but eventually fell into a state of despair. The tick , who dreamed of getting out of the shelter and starting life over with a new leaf, realizes that everything is pointless. Now he puts up with the current circumstances and simply wastes his life, as other residents of the Kostylevs’ shelter do. The actor , realizing that he will never return to his old life, when he worked in the theater and his soul was not yet “poisoned by alcohol,” falls into complete despair, which pushes the hero to commit suicide.

    Thus , despair is a state close to hopelessness. A person thinks that he will never succeed, that his whole life has no meaning. This condition often leads a person to rash actions with tragic consequences.

    The role of HOPE during the Second World War

    Hope is what gives you faith in the best. In difficult life situations, hope is simply necessary, therefore, during the Great Patriotic War, hope occupied an important place in the life of every person and in the heart of the Motherland as a whole. In the soul of every Russian soldier and every civilian there burned the hope that the Russian people would win. This hope helped to fight, helped to overcome all difficulties and obstacles. People thought that very soon they would return to their family and friends, having defeated the enemy troops. Hope for the best and faith in victory helped people fight and never give up, no matter how hard it was. If people did not hope in wartime, they would stop fighting, and then there would be no victory. This suggests that hope made people stronger. A striking example of how important it is sometimes to have hope for the best is M. A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.” Sokolov had everything one could dream of: he lived a happy family life. However, reality is fickle. The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War disrupted the idyll, and Andrei went to the front. The hero did not fight for long - in 1942, while rescuing his comrades, he himself was captured. Andrei had to endure inhuman torment there. The prisoners were beaten for any wrong step and simply for no reason, they were starved and forced to work until they lost consciousness. It would have been easier to give up and die, but Sokolov endured everything. The spark of life in him was kept alive by the hope of seeing his family again . Every night he mentally talked to his wife and children, promising to return. Did the prisoner realize that his chances were negligible? Undoubtedly. But still Andrei did not despair and for two years, gritting his teeth, he endured all the hardships, waiting for an opportunity to escape. Then he did not yet know that his wife and daughters had died. However, it was the hope for the best that saved Sokolov in captivity and helped him survive. Having lost everything, Sokolov could despair and become embittered with the whole world, but he still had hope for the best. Andrei Sokolov meets the orphan Vanya, who lost his family during the war years, and treats him as his son, giving the boy hope that everything will work out in his life. M.A. Sholokhov shows that the heroes did not give up and left hope in their hearts, despite the fact that they had to live in the harsh conditions of a merciless war that destroyed hundreds of lives.

    To prove my point of view, I will give another example from fiction.

    In B. Vasiliev’s work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” the author shows the feat accomplished by female anti-aircraft gunners. They go to war, realizing that they are leaving their loved ones forever. However, the girls, without sparing themselves, fight and do not leave their positions, even though the enemy squad is outnumbered. Each of the girls fights as if for the last time, each one steps over herself, over her fears only thanks to the hope for a bright future, the belief that the homeland will ultimately be saved. Thus , hope during the war years encouraged people and helped them survive in the most difficult moments. The entire Russian people hoped that the war would end, that the enemy would be defeated. And this hope did not give the right to give up and give up.

    What are the causes of despair?

    Despair as a human condition can have various causes. Someone is in poverty and poverty, someone has felt the betrayal of a loved one, someone is tired of the injustices of life. In many cases, there are several reasons for despair, they all merge together and give a person a feeling of hopelessness, in which a person thinks that he has no way out of the impasse. There are many reasons for despair, but all of them most often lead a person to commit rash acts that only aggravate the situation.

    Many writers and playwrights have thought about what life situations lead a person to despair. They emphasized that despair is a reaction to difficult life situations of various types. A.I. Kuprin, in his story “The Wonderful Doctor,” demonstrated that the cause of human despair can be an extremely difficult financial situation. The Mertsalov family was very poor. My father was fired due to his illness. The parents buried one child due to illness, and another child is in a state of illness. But the Mertsalovs do not have the means to treat Mashutka. They don't even have money for food. The Mertsalovs live in a cold and damp basement, eating only empty cabbage soup. The father of the family, Emelyan, is not hired; he cannot do anything to provide for his family. He tries to find money, at least by begging, but those around him do not want to help him, calling him a beggar. At this moment, Mertsalov realizes that he will not find a job, that he has no chance of finding money for his family. The feeling of hopelessness, the extremely difficult financial situation of the entire family, as well as the reluctance of others to step up to the occasion and help those in need become the cause of despair into which Emelyan Mertsalov . He thinks about ending his torment and useless attempts to save his family. Despair makes the hero think about suicide.

    Other reasons for despair were illustrated by A.N. Ostrovsky in the drama "The Thunderstorm". Katerina is in a completely powerless position in the family of her husband Tikhon. Nobody appreciates her: Kabanikha constantly reproaches her, to which Tikhon does not pay attention. The husband does not truly love Katerina, trying to take a break from both his mother and his wife. The main character lives in complete lack of freedom, no one understands her. Katerina is lonely, which is contrary to her nature. Katerina, who has strived all her life for a happy life in love and harmony, falls in love with Boris, who soon abandons her. The betrayal of a loved one, loneliness, lack of freedom and life in a city with “cruel morals” led Katerina into a state of despair. The heroine was tired of living among cruelty and misunderstanding, so she committed suicide.

    To summarize, it is worth saying that the causes of despair are different. All of them are in one way or another connected with the difficulties that a person had to face. The inability to solve problems and continue on their way pushes a person into despair, which often leads to negative consequences.

    God is like a space muffin

    God is good. He's not that scary. It is simply a loving mind that can breathe life into us. Or, as the author of the wonderful “Deteriorata” put it, a “cosmic muffin” altogether. In my opinion, the most appropriate definition of God for everyday life is “not me.”

    Emerson wrote that the happiest man in the world is the one who learns from nature the art of public service. Walk more often, look around. I once heard from my pastor that you can catch a bee in a glass jar without even closing it with a lid. The bees simply do not look up, but continue to crawl back and forth and sadly beat on the glass. So go outside. Look up. That's the whole secret for you.

    Way home

    And finally, death. Number twelve. Both delight and horror. When people you can't live without die, it's unbearable. You will never recover from these losses, and despite our cultural attitudes, you shouldn't. We Christians look at death as a global change of address. But no matter what religion you belong to, your loved ones will live in your hearts, unless you yourself oppose it.

    As Leonard Cohen said: “There are cracks in everything. This is how light gets in.” This is how light penetrates us. And so we can feel that our loved ones are regaining life. Other people have enormous power over us. Sometimes they make us burst out laughing at the most inopportune moments. And that's great. But their loss can still become a lifelong nightmare in which you endlessly miss home and can’t get there. Living through grief, friends, time and tears will heal your wound to one degree or another. Tears will be the moisture that will wash you, bless you and nourish the soil under your feet.

    Do you know what the Lord’s first words to Moses were? He said, “Take off your sandals from off your feet.” Because this is holy land, although everything indicates otherwise. It’s hard to believe, but this is the truest truth I know: our planet is the Promised Land. When you get a little older (like yours truly), you will realize that death is as sacred a gift as birth. However, you shouldn't worry too much about her. Mind your own business. Almost every death is a quiet, calm event in the circle of relatives. You don't have to do it alone. Close people will help you gently move to where everyone will one day find themselves. As Ram Dass wrote: “When all that needs to be done is said and done, we simply walk each other home.”

    You can also watch a video of this lecture in English:

    Source: theoryandpractice.ru

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    Despair, disappointment and loneliness are our helpers in life

    “Despair comes not to punish us, but to awaken new life in us.” Hermann Hesse.

    It took me a long time to start writing this article. I knew from the very beginning what I wanted to write about and how I wanted to write, but I kept putting off time. Probably, it was delayed because the emotional world of a person is so complex that it is very easy to make a mistake in choosing words to describe the full depth and individuality of the world of human emotions. I made a slight mistake in the terms, and the words no longer penetrate so deeply inside, and the desire to talk about something quite specific already loses the meaning that was intended. But still, today I decided to do it. And provide it to you, our readers.

    I want to talk about emotions. But not just about a person’s experiences, but about experiences that are prohibited for a person, that is, emotions that cannot be expressed. What are these emotions? Very often, psychologists write about anger in their articles. I completely agree with this. But now I want to add to this emotion such feelings as despair, disappointment, loneliness. It seems to me that these emotions are deeper, they are more existential, that is, they affect our “I”, our soul, they seem to be about life and death. Anger and feelings of despair/disappointment/loneliness - they are very difficult to experience, but anger still sooner or later makes its way out, and a person lets others know that he is angry, which means that sometimes in special circumstances he allows himself to feel anger. And then: anger is still something that lies on the surface, but underneath the anger are precisely those very feelings such as loneliness and despair. A person copes with loneliness or despair more successfully: for example, by workaholism or desperately trying to fall in love and forget in another person, or constantly learning, trying to fill some incomprehensible emptiness inside, and some have more extreme methods in the form of chemical dependencies.

    On the one hand, this really saves a person from some kind of emptiness inside, a hole; but on the other hand, it is as if a person is losing a piece of himself, tearing himself out; each time stopping, a person again faces despair, and loneliness, and the previous portion of work, study, books, games, or another person seems to be missing, and more is needed.

    And I thought about what happens when you give up a part of yourself? If you're trying to escape your own world. A world in which there is joy, sadness, anger, loneliness, melancholy and despair. We abandon ourselves, we run away from ourselves, we get lost, and we no longer understand and cannot answer the question: “Who am I?” At the same time, we lose the opportunity to listen to ourselves, understand ourselves, understand what exactly we want. And at the same time, we do not know what needs to be done if the situation leaves the “ordinary” category.

    I thought for a very long time about how to show the useful function of feelings of despair, disappointment, and loneliness. And I chose a myth; it seems to me that it very well reflects the idea that in order to get something more, you need to reach despair. I hope you find this myth helpful.

    Main characters: Psyche and Aphrodite. A very short plot: Psyche fell in love with Eros (son of Aphrodite) and went to Aphrodite to ask for a meeting with Eros, since Psyche was a mortal girl. And mortals could not meet the Gods. Aphrodite's condition was that if Psyche passed all the tests that Aphrodite had prepared for her, then she would allow Eros and Psyche to become husband and wife.

    “Grief-stricken Psyche decided to drown herself. Faced with great difficulties in life, she decided to commit suicide. The lame god Pan sat on the river bank and held the nymph Echo on his lap. Seeing that Psyche was about to throw herself into the water, he stopped her. Pan told Psyche that she should pray to the god of love, who listens to those who are inflamed by love, having been injured by his arrows. To find Eros, Psyche had to meet with Aphrodite, for now Eros was in her complete power. Everything in Psyche protested against this meeting, so she visited the temples of many goddesses, with the exception of the temple of Aphrodite. But all the other gods and goddesses, not wanting to irritate Aphrodite, one after another rejected Psyche. Finally, Psyche reached the temple of Aphrodite. She forced Psyche to serve. She gave Psyche 3 tasks, after completing which Psyche could be with Eros.

    Aphrodite showed Psyche a huge pile of different seeds and told her to sort them before nightfall. If Psyche does not complete this task on time, then death awaits her. The task was clearly beyond Psyche's strength. She began to cry and again decided to commit suicide. Suddenly a whole horde of ants came to her aid. They very quickly and skillfully distributed all the seeds by variety. The task was completed.

    The second task for Psyche, sounded from the lips of Aphrodite in the same arrogant and insulting tone, was as follows: she should go to a distant field located across the river and collect wool from the golden fleece sheep grazing there. She must get home before dark or die. She again became desperate and decided to take her own life. Having gone to the river, beyond which there was just the field where the golden fleece sheep were grazing, Psyche decided to throw herself off the cliff. At that moment she heard the voice of the coastal reeds. Reed spoke to her and gave her advice. She should wait until dusk and collect the wool remaining on the blackberry bushes and on the branches of the trees in the grove where the sheep grazed. There, without attracting the attention of wild animals, she will be able to collect a sufficient amount of wool. And this time the task was successfully completed.

    Aphrodite was angry when she saw that Psyche had completed this task as well. And then Aphrodite decided to destroy her for sure. She gave Psyche a crystal jug and ordered her to fill it with water from the Styx. Styx is a river that flowed from a high mountain, disappeared into the bowels of the earth and rose again to the mountain peaks. It was an endless cycle in which the water stream, returning to its source, immediately fell down the cliff, reaching the underworld. Styx was guarded by huge, terrible monsters, and nearby there was not a single edge of land on which one could step on to fill the jug with water. As before, the girl fell into despair, but this time she was so numb with grief that she could not even cry. Suddenly, as if by magic, an eagle sent by Zeus appeared. He flew to the girl and took from her the empty crystal jug left by Aphrodite. Flying up to the middle of the rapid stream, he scooped up water from the Styx and returned safe and sound to Psyche with a jug full of water.”

    The myth ends with the fact that after going through all the trials of Aphrodite, thanks to the fact that Psyche met her inner world, allowing herself to despair. By allowing herself to cry and allowing herself to experience despair, even to the point of thoughts of suicide, she finds a solution, receives help, and successfully copes with the difficulties of life.

    Always, sooner or later, a wounded person finds the means to heal, but only if he allows himself to stay and be with difficult feelings (despair, disappointment, loneliness, etc.). And you need to find the courage to allow yourself to be with difficult experiences, because as in the myth, if you allow yourself to experience painful feelings, then you can feel this cycle of your stormy inner life, like a funnel, like the River Styx, which is guarded by terrible monsters . These monsters are our fears, which awaken when despair and other painful experiences appear. But, like Psyche, it is necessary to reach the bottom of despair in order to understand myself, to understand who I am, what I want, how I want to live, and what can help me on such a difficult path. And then we will see the way out of our despair, disappointment and loneliness, just as Psyche meets the helper ants, the reed and the eagle in her tasks.

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