Very important for me, I need help. Guy 21 years old?

The article states that the current age of majority in Russia should be increased, since, according to a number of scientists, people achieve full mental and physical development later. The coming of age is an extremely important date, since from this moment a citizen acquires most of the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. In most countries of the world, a common position has not yet been developed at what age it begins. And world practice testifies to this.

Developed countries have an age of majority of 18 and above, for example in Japan and Monaco from 20 years old, in South Korea and several regions of Canada from 19 years old, in the USA from 18 years old, but in New York state from 21 years old, in Singapore from 21 years old of the year. It is believed that the age of majority is proportional to the average life expectancy. For example, in the 19th century, the average life expectancy in many countries did not exceed 40 years. In the mid-19th century, it was 33 years for England, 32 years for Belgium, and 34 years for Holland. In France in 1861 - 1865. it was equal to 39.8 years. In Russia in 1896-1897. the average life expectancy was 32 years. Since people matured early, laws allowed them to perform legally significant actions at a relatively young age. For example, in

The Russian Empire had several ages for making transactions. According to the law, entry into the service was allowed from the age of 16, marriage from the age of 18, the full right to dispose of property, as well as the right to participate in the assembly of the nobility, came only from the age of 21. As early as 1774, the church set the marriageable age at 13 for women and 15 for men. An imperial decree in 1830 raised the minimum age for marriage to 16 for the bride and 18 for the groom. In England in the first third of the 18th century, the beginning of marriageable age was considered to be 14 years for boys and 12 years for girls.

Until the age of 21, the bride and groom required the consent of their parents or guardians. Over the past 50 years, residents of thirty developed countries around the world have become twice as likely to cross the 80-year mark. The average life expectancy in Russia has almost doubled from 30-40 years in 1900-1920 to 71 years by 2020. People have begun to live longer, and therefore, it is logical to increase the age of majority, or in other words, the age of legal capacity. In revolutionary Russia, the age of legal capacity according to Article 11 of the Civil Code of the RSFSR was established at 18 years. And this norm has remained in effect to this day. There is an opinion that modern young boys and girls at the age of 18 are clearly not yet ready to become adults. This judgment is confirmed by the opinions of scientists.

Describing the human brain, the Dutch neuroscientist Dick Swaab in his book “We are our brains” is of the opinion that at the age of 18 the human brain is not yet fully developed and completes its development only by the age of 24. [1] In addition, according to a sociological survey conducted by the HSE Institute of Demography: “Young Russians do not strive to start an independent life early. The age of separation from the parental family has moved from 18-20 years in older generations to 23-25 ​​years among modern youth.

People began to spend more time studying, searching for themselves...” [2] Unfortunately, at a young age, not only useful but also bad habits are quickly acquired. So, according to the director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, Evgeniy Alekseevich Brun, in 76% of cases, alcohol addiction begins at a young age, up to 20 years. [3] His words are confirmed by recent studies by Australian scientists Susan Sawyer and George Patton, according to their research, a person becomes truly an adult only at 24 years old. People under the age of 24 do not fully understand the dangers of alcohol and drug use, as well as the dangers of risky behavior. Young people under the age of 24 are more likely to be involved in car accidents or injured in fights. [4] If in Russia, according to WHO, there are about 15.7 liters of ethyl alcohol per person, then in Japan, where its sale is permitted upon reaching the age of 20, it is only about 8 liters. In Canada, which is similar to Russia in terms of climatic indicators, annual consumption is 9.77 liters. Raising the age of majority, for example, to 21, will not only help equalize the legal and actual age of majority, but will help protect young people from the harmful effects of alcohol, which is available from the age of 18. [5]


1. 2. National Research University Higher School of Economics. Scientific and educational portal IQ: 3. 4. People remain children until they are 24 years old: 5. Statistics of alcohol consumption in different countries:

Grukhin Yu.A., Chubko N.Yu.

Very important for me, I need help. Guy 21 years old?

My name is Igor.

Born in Ukraine in Kharkov.

21 years old.

My Achievements over the years cannot boast of anything.

I was born into a good family that I love and appreciate.

He graduated from school and entered Karazin under a contract. (at the Faculty of Sociology. Advertising and PR) 4th year

Worked at a factory in Poland (in the hope that I would never return there again)

I live with my parents and have my own room.

I really consider it an achievement that I am a very kind and vulnerable guy. Also very observant.

I went to the gym and went swimming. I love sports (any).

I got a tattoo and wasn’t even afraid.

I have seen countries such as Poland, Russia and Egypt. Well, Ukraine, since I live here (in the ass from the city, to which you have to travel another hour and a half by minibus and metro)

I will always help anyone in need, as long as it doesn’t involve money or housing.

He threw a ball at school in physical exercise a record 67 meters.

Basically I have nothing more. Although I would really like to be popular and earn money. There are many desires, but no opportunity. I would like to pass my license, but I don’t know how to drive, and there’s no one to teach me. I would like to see different countries, but I have no money and judging by our salaries (I don’t work, remember), I won’t be able to go anywhere. Since the university takes up time, I can’t get a full-time job, but they don’t take me on a temporary job with a flexible schedule, and because of the military registration and enlistment office there are a lot of problems (until I’m 27 I can’t do anything other than study at the university). I’m bad at freelancing, I’ve already tried to work there and it didn’t work out. I have no connections, and although I would like to make some good, loyal friends who will support you. I just want to get out into the world, I really do, but I don’t know what to do. Never had a girl, never even met (let alone kissed). There was love during school, but they rejected me, and I tried to achieve it for about 5 years. Then I tried too, but when I had any feelings for someone, they rejected me. And other girls like me. All my life I have had classmates, classmates, mostly girls. And many said that I was a very cool guy and they liked me (this was without encouragement), this was when they had a heart-to-heart talk. I still can’t find what I would like to do, I would like to try a lot, but there is no opportunity for this (for example, to be a designer, but I don’t know how to draw and tried to learn how to draw) (also an example of being some kind of star, I’m ready I work tirelessly, but how can I become one if I don’t even know what it takes besides connections, I don’t want to act like a moron on YouTube). I don’t know, maybe life is preparing me for something, but I’ve already seen and haven’t seen a lot. Also, I’m still an insecure person, I don’t know how to challenge the questions asked, my excitement just makes me stupefied, I can’t call my friends to go for a walk, as far as I think, and if they don’t want to call me or go for a walk (I know that, If you don’t try, you won’t know) but I can’t overcome myself. I also love cartoons (for children and adults), anime, and films. I think I should be ashamed, but I can’t like it.

So tell me, what should I do? Who should I tell my parents all this to? (no, I can’t, they have a different character and they definitely won’t understand me), friends? (I don’t have them, because people here laugh at any such statement. I have no one to consult with.

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