You are so much more than your injury. How to heal your soul from pain

Why is something disturbing inside, there is a state of dissatisfaction, many call it “the soul hurts.”

Pain in the soul is one of the surest signs on the road of life, indicating that you have taken a wrong turn. A feeling of melancholy and a strange foreboding mean that a person is going against his true nature, against his highest principles and true values. Today we will talk about why the soul hurts.


I want to, but I can’t...

Your soul hurts if you don’t allow yourself something internally. For example, a common situation among women: everyone wants to feel like a magical, beautiful creature, but the mind forbids: “No, they say, you’re fat, why do you care about the ideals of beauty.” Or when you really want to just give up everything and move to India, but your parents are categorically against it, and you won’t allow yourself to go against their will.

In such a situation, the soul is as if in a cage - it wants to break out, but you yourself cannot afford to open the lock, although the keys have been dangling in your pocket for a long time. There is no need to be afraid to be yourself and sacrifice what is alien to you - your soul will repay you with a state of joy and gratitude!

I don’t want to, but I have to...

It’s also a common situation when people prefer to follow someone else’s ideals, when their soul asks them for something completely different. Often our highest values ​​do not coincide at all with the “morality of society”, but “in order to survive”, we make concessions, do what disgusts us. For example, we deceive, steal, time. Yes, unnoticed, yes, everyone does this, but you can’t fool your soul.

There is an opinion that by submitting to the will of those who seem stronger, we will make a career, become successful, and receive recognition. But in fact, the effect is just the opposite. True happiness and success can only be achieved under the guidance of the soul. Do not go against your brightest principles, no matter how scary it may be.

The world is not interesting...

In general, this is a fairly common case and it is often a harbinger of a big spiritual leap. There is a feeling that material wealth cannot bring happiness, interest in achievement disappears, competition becomes boring, and there is no point in chasing money and status. The fuss around all these imaginary values ​​seems truly meaningless to you and you yourself no longer want to take part in it. Neither greed, nor envy, nor any desires remained in the heart.

When it’s not the soul that hurts, but the ego…

Most people confuse the manifestations of their soul and the most ordinary whining of the ego. After all, pain in the soul is a very subtle signal that suggests that we are moving away from our spiritual ideals. Well, the ego, it just wants free pity and love. Here are the cases in which it is not the soul that hurts, but the swollen ego that is playing:

Feelings of guilt or resentment

It never comes from the pure corners of the heart. Self-pity and blaming others for your suffering - no, this is not from the heart. Yes, it's from the ego!

Sense of anxiety

The whisper of the soul is often confused with the most ordinary concern, which appears when a swarm of negative thoughts rages in the head. Worrying about the future and nervously biting your nails - no, it’s not your soul that hurts, but it’s time to control your thoughts, and for many they are not their own and not about their own.

Feeling of injustice

Sometimes it feels like the world is not being honest with us. And the feeling of injustice develops almost into righteous spiritual anger. “Why are they doing this to me?” - something screams in you. But this is not the soul, but the ego.


Everything is boring, you don’t want anything, the world seems boring and uninteresting. Laziness. And it seems that the soul is fading. But in reality, you just need to learn how to set goals and not give up too early.

Evidence and controversy

Only the ego wants to prove something to someone and argue, compete. If you are not the first in some issue and it gnaws, pulls and strains you, it is not the soul that hurts, but the ego that screams.


Don't run away

When a person feels “spiritually unwell,” rarely will anyone ask him “why does my soul hurt?” Usually they give a popular recipe for all troubles: “Take a break, don’t think about it, switch to another channel!” But let’s be honest, this is perhaps the worst advice of all. In fact, it can be helpful to do just the opposite: take a closer look at the source of your discomfort. After all, pain in the soul is a harbinger of change, and if we don’t listen, something worse happens and sometimes much can no longer be prevented.

Just be here

There is no better healer than the present moment. Disconnect from everything that does not concern this second. Just drop your thoughts, drop your worries, and absorb what is there. Then the rose of your soul will begin to bloom - all your real needs and genuine needs will be revealed in full view. Just stay here. Return to now. Do not remember or regret the past and do not fear for the future.


Your inner heart (not to be confused with a physical organ) is the most accurate instrument for measuring the purity of thoughts.
Thoughts that cause fear must be discarded. Pain in the soul can be cured if you trust the guiding hand of the world and choose those options for reality that our heart tells us. MY SERVICES


Psychosomatics and psychotherapy – healing of soul and body

People who work with energies claim that the human soul and body are interconnected with each other. There was even a special table that could be used to determine the relationship between emotions and various diseases. Healing of the soul and body must be done individually as it is a personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. To do this, use the energy of love, which has enormous power. The love sent renews the soul and body. Another important point is that you need to cleanse your heart of fear, anger and other negativity in order to make room for warm feelings.

Features of mental pain

As you know, mental pain cannot be measured by any instruments. Oddly enough, sometimes a person cannot even describe it, but most of us have felt it at least once in our lives. Often, small wounds on the body heal quite quickly, but it may take more than one year to eliminate the pain in the soul.

The emotional suffering that a person feels at this moment is often incommensurate with anything. The painful sensations that a person experiences at this moment depend on the individual characteristics of the individual and the reason that provoked such a malfunction in the body.

How to heal the soul?

Every person can learn to heal their own inner world in order to achieve harmony. First, you should study the nature of your soul, which is feminine, and the spirit is masculine. To maintain internal energy, you need to use imagination, passion, desire, emotions and creativity. By paying attention to the development of these qualities, you can strengthen and heal the female soul.

It is also recommended to deepen your connection with Higher powers by revising your perception of spirituality, regardless of religion. Make time for things that bring you pleasure. It is best to have about five ways that can give pleasure. To heal the soul, it is recommended to learn to relax, for which use meditation.

Karmic healing of soul and body

Psychics assure that every action and emotion of a person is reflected in his karma and has negative consequences. The teaching of karma says that each person builds his own future, so it is necessary to work on your thoughts and emotions. Esotericism positions the healing of the soul as daily work on oneself. It's best to work with a professional, but there are a few tips that will be the first steps in the right direction.

  1. Eliminate from your life the media that clog the human brain and soul.
  2. Stop showing dissatisfaction with others and yourself. In such a situation, it is recommended to imagine a bowl of water in which you can drown the negative.
  3. Learn to control your thoughts, as they often lead to doing stupid things.
  4. Heal your soul through meditation using different techniques.

Meditation for healing soul and body

Adherents of alternative medicine believe that Qi energy flows in a person, which should be constantly in motion, but often this becomes unrealistic due to numerous obstacles. Thanks to regular meditation, you can remove all blocks and achieve a uniform movement of energy flow. In addition, the person will get rid of mental problems, and the functioning of internal organs and systems will also normalize.

Meditation provides healing for the soul and body; the main thing is to direct the Chi energy to the problem area in order to trigger the self-healing mechanism. You need to sit in a comfortable position and relax to feel the movement of energy throughout the body. It is important to feel how it gets into every cell. Energy should be directed to the place where maximum tension is felt. You need to meditate until you feel lightness in your body and inner harmony.

Mantras for healing soul and body

The human word has enormous power, which can influence a person in both positive and negative ways. With their help, you can be treated for various diseases, not only physical, but also mental. Ancient prayers have enormous healing power that can influence a person. When pronouncing a mantra, certain vibrations of different frequencies are created. They are not felt physically, but they can be heard by ear. Vibrations improve the functioning of the entire body and strengthen the immune system, and wounded souls are healed and energy is renewed.

It is necessary to start reading prayers during the waning moon, if you need to get rid of some disease, and continue the action for 21 days. If the goal is to improve your health, then the best period is the waxing Moon, and the duration is the same. It is better to repeat the mantra either in the morning or in the evening. It is first recommended to relax and clear your head of extraneous thoughts. You need to repeat the words 108 times. The text of the mantra is as follows: “RA MA DA SA SA SEI SO HANG.”

Movies that heal souls

Modern cinema produces a huge number of films, and among them you can find pictures that will help you find peace, relax and get a charge of energy for future achievements. If you want to heal your soul, then you need to choose melodrama films. Although people have different tastes, we can highlight some truly worthwhile paintings:

  1. "Umbrellas of Cherbourg", France/Germany, 1964.
  2. "Awakening", USA, 1990.
  3. "The Notebook", Canada, 2004.
  4. “Memorable Walk”, USA, 2002.

Causes of mental pain

If we consider mental pain in a broad concept, then there can be an innumerable number of reasons for its occurrence. Most often, such unpleasant sensations appear due to the loss of a loved one. This could be a breakup, a serious quarrel, or death. In all these cases, there is a feeling of emptiness, a lack of this person, which entails the appearance of mental pain.

When asking the question of why the soul hurts, you can find other answers. Often this happens because the goal was not achieved. For example, a person spent most of his life creating a mind-blowing career, but remained an average worker. Someone has focused on family life, but things are heading towards divorce. Moreover, in most of these cases, oppression occurs not because the desired outcome did not work out, but because of the condemnation of those close to them.

Also, situations when a person does not want to do something, but “should”, can be associated with public opinion. This very necessity is most often far-fetched. Over time, certain ideals appear in society, and in an effort to achieve them, a person forgets about what he really wants. Without receiving even the slightest pleasure from daily work every day, he cannot achieve a feeling of joy; constant stress over time affects his state of mind.

How to heal the soul - Orthodoxy

The clergy say that the soul comes first in a person, and then the body. To keep it that way, you need to restrain your thoughts and control your actions. Through your faith in God you can receive forgiveness and healing. It is recommended to regularly visit the temple and confess. To heal the soul, Unction is performed, when they are anointed with oil, invoking the grace of God.

The ringing of bells, which literally permeates a person with energy and warmth, heals the soul and body. Listening to sacred melodies can cope with all fears, anxieties and bad thoughts. Bell ringing has a positive effect on health, improving heart function, vascular condition, metabolism, and also strengthening the immune system. The best thing to do is to experience the bells ringing live.

Prayers for healing soul and body

Existing prayer texts contain in their text a request sent to the Higher powers in order to be cleansed of sins and protected from temptations. It is important to use prayer to rebuild your consciousness so that the disease does not return. You can contact God directly or use intermediaries, for example, a guardian angel, the Virgin Mary and saints. A prayer for the healing of soul and body for children is read in front of the image of the Mother of God “Tikhvinskaya”. The Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon helps with all illnesses, both physical and psychological.

Accept, O All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady Theotokos the Virgin, these prayers, now offered to You with tears from us, Your unworthy servants, who send up the singing of Your celibate image with tenderness, as if You yourself are here and heed our prayer. For every request you fulfill, you alleviate sorrows, you grant health to the weak, you heal the weakened and sick, you drive away demons from demons, you deliver the offended from insults, you cleanse lepers and have mercy on little children; Moreover, O Lady, Lady Theotokos, you free us from bonds and prisons and heal all manifold passions: for all things are possible through Your intercession to Your Son, Christ our God. Oh, All-Singing Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not cease to pray for us, Your unworthy servants, who glorify You and honor You, and who worship Your Most Pure Image with tenderness, and who have irrevocable hope and undoubted faith in You, the Ever-Virgin, Most Glorious and Immaculate, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Losing a loved one

The greatest pain is felt in those moments when you lose a loved one forever. Even more depressing is the realization that you cannot return those joyful moments that connected you.

In such a situation, there is no need to keep everything to yourself, especially in the first time after the incident. It’s best to cry, whether to someone or just alone. After you have let go of the most negative emotions, you should take care of your own recovery. You need to accept the fact that a person has left this life, but you are still alive, don’t give up on yourself. Oddly enough, in this situation, most people who have experienced this support the statement that time heals. No one can say how much water needs to leak for you to return to real life again, but it will definitely happen.

Don’t isolate yourself from the help of loved ones, they can distract you a little. When your soul hurts from losses, loneliness is not the best adviser, so to restore vitality and energy, try to be involved in the life of society more often.

First aid at home

Most often, the most ordinary things can restore a positive attitude and pull a person out of a depressed state. Therefore, you need to remember some tips that will answer the question “My soul hurts, what should I do?” Easy techniques to eliminate psychological trauma:

  • Help others. Caring for people and animals gives a person the feeling that someone needs him and that he is doing useful things.
  • Physical exercise. The gym is one of the best ways to combat depression. Oddly enough, physical fatigue can eliminate psychological pain.
  • A course of massage or acupuncture. Such sessions allow you to calm down, get rid of stress and harmonize the physical and spiritual essence of a person, and also give a positive attitude.
  • Church. It is difficult to explain how, but after visiting the temple a person feels spiritual freedom. For some, it will be enough to visit the temple for a few minutes, feel this energy and free yourself from bad thoughts. In more difficult situations, it is better to go to confession and thus get rid of the oppressive state of mind.
  • Good dream. Chronic lack of sleep can become not only a psychological problem, but also affect physical health. Therefore, a normal sleep schedule is simply necessary.
  • Keep a diary. It won't necessarily be anything like the diary of a 13-year-old teenage girl. In your personal notebook, you can write down the thoughts that come to you, write what is bothering you at the moment. And even write down phrases that you have been wanting to say to someone for a long time, but due to certain circumstances it is impossible to do so. This will partially help get rid of the mass of thoughts that swarm in your head every day and do not allow you to soberly assess the situation.

Don't isolate yourself

If you feel that for some reason you have broken down internally and you cannot cope on your own, you should not close yourself off from everyone. This condition can be compared to a disease that you don’t tell anyone about, but at this time it gets worse and causes more and more harm.

Talk to a loved one; if this is psychologically difficult, tell a stranger about your experiences. By constantly holding negative thoughts within ourselves, we poison our essence.


At some point in life, most people feel abandoned and unwanted. If your soul hurts from loneliness, the main thing is not to close yourself off. The more you focus on yourself, the more consuming this state becomes. The soul may feel heavy from loneliness after a breakup, or such pain may arise as a result of the feeling that no one needs it.

Getting out of the daily routine, meeting new people, traveling and even art will help you cope with loneliness. Handicrafts are a great way to recover from a failed relationship. Choose for yourself what you like, be it painting huge oil paintings or assembling matchstick houses, the main thing is that this activity completely absorbs and captivates you.

If you broke up, but still work at the same job or are in the same group of friends, then the best option would be a change of scenery. You don't have to go to the other side of the Earth to get distracted. Camping with tents in a nearby forest will have exactly the same effect.

In the most difficult situations

When your soul hurts, what to do when not a single method helps, and you yourself feel that you are becoming more and more drawn into this state? There remains one more proven method of dealing with mental pain and depression - going to a psychologist. Some people are extremely negative about this, believing that it is a waste of money and time. Actually this is not true.

A long-term state of mental pain, which is intertwined with chronic depression, is no longer regarded simply as a malfunction in the body, but as a disease. And who can best help you cope with the disease if not a doctor?

Do not underestimate mental pain; against the background of this problem, disturbances in a person’s physical condition develop, and health problems appear. The patient becomes distracted, which negatively affects work and study, and will subsequently give an additional impetus to worsening depression.

A visit to a psychologist will allow you to find out what the situation looks like from the outside. A positive feature is that a person can look at what happened impartially. Also, the psychologist will probably offer you several options for getting out of this state; you can choose the most effective and least painful one for you. The human psyche has many features that only an experienced psychologist understands, so his help often becomes the most effective among all options for getting rid of depression.

Recovery or worsening

Some people confuse relief from heartache with temporary relief. When choosing alcohol or drugs as an ally, a person must understand that they will not help in any way to cope with the problem. The intoxication passes, but the pain does not disappear. Such treatment methods are akin to self-deception; we forget about the problem for a while, but it does not go away.

To get rid of mental pain, you need to understand what its root cause is, get rid of it, accept it or forget it. You should not run away from the decision; the faster and more radically you begin to fight mental pain, the better the result will be.


A fairly common condition of the human body, when the soul hurts from insults. Injustices in this life lie in wait for us at every corner, and no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to cope with them all. If the feeling of resentment arose as a result of a situation that you can influence, then it is best to act and strive to restore justice. If the situation is obviously a win-win situation, it is better to let it go and forget it as quickly as possible. Resistance will take away much more vitality from you than ignoring what happened. If a feeling of resentment arose after something a loved one said to you, it is better not to eat yourself up about this, but to talk openly with him. A fairly common situation is when a person screws himself up and comes up with the development of the plot in one phrase. A constructive conversation will help you figure out the essence of the problem and understand for yourself, first of all, whether there is a reason to be offended.

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