Have a nice flight - without pain and worries

When going on a long plane trip, some passengers experience fear and anxiety, which sedatives help them cope with. However, is it safe to take sleeping pills on a plane? Let's find out what negative consequences can occur after taking such drugs, which drugs are the most harmless, and how to take them correctly to avoid problems.

Is it possible to take sleeping pills on a plane?

With sleep disturbances and excessive excitability of the nervous system, some people find it difficult to cope on an airplane without sedatives, especially on long journeys. Indeed, in some cases, taking sleeping pills is justified even taking into account their negative effect on the body.

  1. It is recommended to take them when changing time zones in order to adapt to biorhythms. Your doctor can recommend a specific remedy.
  2. If a patient suffers from chronic insomnia and phobias, he is prescribed strong medications.
  3. On a long flight, mild sedatives may be required for children who have difficulty falling asleep in unfamiliar surroundings and who are often fussy and disruptive to other passengers.

Rules for transporting medicines on an airplane

Most medications can be carried on an airplane without special conditions.
A tourist can take medications with him from Russia in the quantity he needs, but if there are more than 5 identical packages, they must be declared. Also in this case, you must pay a duty (considered a commercial shipment), and control must go through the red corridor. The main rule: all medications must be in their original packaging and with a valid expiration date. A standard tourist first aid kit does not require any special permissions, including prescriptions. If each medicine is presented in quantities of less than 5 packages, no special warning is required about such a first aid kit and you can safely walk along the green corridor.

When do you need a prescription?

The prescription must be signed and stamped by a doctor.
If the drugs contain narcotic and psychotropic substances, a doctor's prescription is required. It must contain the personal signature of the specialist and the seal of the medical institution.

The prescription must indicate the frequency and exact dosage of the drug. And if the flight is carried out abroad, do not forget to translate the document into English and have it certified by a notary.

You need to study the composition especially carefully:

  • sleeping pills;
  • painkillers;
  • sedatives;
  • cardiac;
  • diuretics;
  • antitussives;
  • antibiotics.

What medications should not be transported?

Each country has its own list of drugs prohibited for import. You can familiarize yourself with it in the customs regulations. However, medications based on narcotic and psychotropic substances without a prescription are prohibited for import in almost all countries.

If you are going to take a first aid kit on the road, be sure to study the rules of the country of arrival.

Sometimes drugs that are actively used in Russia and sold without a prescription are included in the prohibited lists. Thus, in many countries Corvalol and Valocordin (their active drug is phenobarbital), including the Baltic countries, the USA and the UAE, and analgin (metamizole sodium) will not be allowed into the European Union, the USA, Australia, and part of Asian countries.

Read: What to do if your luggage is lost during a flight

Analgin, which we are used to, is prohibited for import in many countries.

Please note: the ban does not apply to a specific drug, but to a substance. That is why it is important to study the composition. The prohibited substance can even be found in drugs such as weight loss tea. In particular, in many countries, prohibited substances include:

  • codeine;
  • chlorphenamine;
  • phenobarbital;
  • nimesulide;
  • metamizole sodium;
  • ephedrine;
  • diazepam;
  • melatonin.

Complete lists of substances prohibited for export and import into Russia are presented on the website of the Central Customs Administration https://ctu.customs.ru

If the rules for transporting medicines are violated, the consequences can be the most unexpected. At best, the passenger will be asked to throw away the medications; at worst, they will be kicked off the flight or even put in jail.

Prohibited drugs without a prescription will be sent to such a container.

Restrictions on the transport of medicines

A permit is required to transport some medications. Information on this can be found at the airport.

Important! Drops and syrups with a volume of up to 100 ml are allowed to be carried in the aircraft cabin.

There are many restrictions for transporting medicines in tablets. Some of them must be declared. In addition, you must have a receipt and a prescription in English with you, which will confirm that the passenger cannot travel without this drug.

The following medications must be declared when flying:

  • tranquilizers and many sedatives,
  • painkillers,
  • psychotropic,
  • for weight loss.

Before the flight, it is advisable to consult with airline representatives regarding which medications are allowed to be taken with you and which are strictly prohibited.

You are allowed to carry into the aircraft cabin:

  • medications that improve digestion,
  • antispasmodics,
  • antipyretics,
  • analgesics,
  • drops for nose and throat,
  • antiallergic drugs,
  • solutions for treating wounds.

All medications must be taken in acceptable quantities so that they are not confiscated during baggage checks. If the drug you need is prohibited from being imported into the country, you will have to take it before your flight.

Carrying medicines in hand luggage

It is better to check with the airline employees in advance about what medications are allowed to be taken on board the plane. It is important that medicines in hand luggage are in acceptable quantities (for example, for drops and syrups this is no more than 100 ml per person), in original packaging, with receipts and instructions.

Passengers can keep with them:

  • drugs that improve digestion;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antipyretics and analgesics;
  • drops and sprays for the nose and throat;
  • antihistamines;
  • antiseptics for external use.

At the same time, strong sedatives, tranquilizers and psychotropic substances, weight loss drugs and most painkillers are prohibited.

List of sleeping pills that are allowed to be taken on a plane

Not all sedatives can be taken on board an airplane. Only harmless mild medications that are sold without a prescription are allowed on board. This list includes:

  • valerian,
  • motherwort,
  • "Melaxen"
  • "Dramina"
  • "Donormil"
  • "Novopassit"
  • "Rescue Remedy"
  • DreamZzz and other similar tools.

When choosing a sleeping pill, you need to pay attention to the speed of its action, as well as the absence of side effects, such as nausea, lethargy and severe drowsiness after waking up.

Have a nice flight - without pain and worries

Hooray! On vacation! This is, of course, hurray, but just don’t forget to consult your doctor before buying tickets to warmer climates. Chronic diseases can come back to haunt you at the very beginning of your journey, on the plane! For whom can a regular flight be dangerous? We discuss how to prevent problems with specialists.

Already at an altitude of 3000 meters, atmospheric pressure begins to fall, and the oxygen concentration decreases. And if the plane climbs to an altitude of 11,000 meters, then the supply of oxygen to the blood generally becomes critically low. Such changes are unpleasant even for completely healthy people, let alone those who are familiar with chronic diseases!

- First thing, first thing, take a selfie, and then we’ll go on the flight! This is not a montage, just pilots having fun.

Who's at risk

People with heart problems, varicose veins, those with a history of blood clots, people with vascular diseases, especially hypertension and those who have recently undergone surgery or myocardial infarction.

During long flights, passengers are in a sitting position, which causes stagnation of blood in the veins and leads to thrombosis. In those with venous problems, pressure changes can cause a blood clot to break off completely.


Before your flight, consult your doctor about what medications to take on the plane and how to protect yourself.

— People with cardiovascular problems should check before booking tickets whether there is an oxygen inhaler or, more simply, an oxygen pillow in the aircraft cabin. If not, then before the trip, buy yourself an oxygen cocktail at the pharmacy and sip it during the flight.

— Before takeoff, place a Validol tablet under your tongue and dissolve it slowly on the way. And when the flight attendant announces that the plane is beginning to descend, take another validolink.

— For those suffering from angina attacks, doctors usually recommend taking 70 mg of aspirin and 1 tablet of nitroglycerin, this will prevent a possible heart attack.

— Those who are familiar with varicose veins should try not to squeeze the blood vessels during the flight: do not cross your legs, do not keep your legs bent for a long time, do not put them under you. It is better to move more often, sit with your legs extended, try to get up and walk around the salon every half hour. Choose an aisle seat. This way, you can stretch your legs and stand up whenever you want without disturbing the people sitting next to you.

- Drink more liquid, just not coffee, cola or alcohol - ideally clean still water.

— To avoid skin dehydration, take thermal water on your flight and spray your face from time to time.

People with respiratory diseases, respiratory diseases. For those suffering from asthma, bronchitis and eye diseases, the condition may become seriously worse. After all, in the aircraft cabin, due to the constant operation of air conditioning systems, the air becomes very dry, this has a detrimental effect on the respiratory system. The skin also suffers from dehydration.


— Consult a doctor, prepare medications, an inhaler or whatever helps you. Those who suffer from breathing problems should take vasoconstrictor nasal drops on the road.

- Be sure to drink plain drinking water, and not alcoholic drinks or coffee, which are more likely to lead to dehydration than fill the body with fluid.


— If you are afraid of flying, a “cocktail” of 40 drops of valerian, motherwort or Corvalol will help you. This will reduce your heart rate and calm your nerves.

— If your ears are blocked, try yawning. Or, pinch your nose and swallow several times.

— Try to do without contact lenses during the flight, replace them with glasses. This will eliminate possible discomfort in the eyes from dry air.

Who else is dangerous in the sky?

1. Pregnant women. The optimal time to travel for pregnant women (with your doctor's permission) is the second and early third trimester of pregnancy.


Doctors often advise taking a noshpa tablet before takeoff and during landing to reduce the risk of uterine tone from pressure changes.

Also, pregnant women should definitely drink water to avoid swelling; drink in small sips, a little at a time, but often.

2. Babies. Pediatricians do not recommend taking newborns less than 2 weeks old on a flight (if you need to fly, prepare a certificate from a pediatrician for the airline).

“The main problem for a child when flying is pressure changes,” says pediatrician Nadezhda Maruseva. — Ears get clogged, and babies have more sensitive sensations in their ears.


— During takeoff and landing, offer the child a drink or (if age allows) suck on candy or chew gum. In this case, the baby will swallow often and his ears will not get blocked.

— A newborn can be given breast (or formula). But not much so as not to overfeed.

— To prevent older children from vomiting, do not feed tightly before the flight and even during the flight. The main thing is to constantly give him something to drink (not sweet sodas or juices, but plain drinking water without gas).


— If a child has acute otitis, reschedule the trip, fly at least a week after recovery and only with the permission of the ENT specialist.

- Put a child who was born prematurely on a plane only when he is one year old.

Valerian tablets and tincture

The drug is of plant origin. It has proven itself as a sedative that improves sleep. Accumulates in the body, providing an effect even after elimination. The disadvantage of the tincture is its specific smell.

Valerian acts quite mildly, but you should not try to enhance its effect by taking an increased dose of the drug. This is fraught with digestive problems, nervous system disorders, and pressure surges.

The use of valerian tincture is contraindicated for people who abuse alcohol, children, and those with individual intolerance. Valerian tablets should not be given to a child under four years of age.

On an airplane, it is recommended to follow this method of intake:

  • for an adult it is enough to drink 5 tablets of 20 mg or 40 drops of tincture,
  • a child over 7 years old – half a 20 mg tablet (tincture cannot be given),
  • for a child from 4 to 7 years old - a quarter of a 20 mg tablet.

Valerian will not put you to sleep instantly, but will help you cope with neurosis and fear of flying, relax and fall asleep peacefully.

"Motherwort Forte"

A safe composition with motherwort extract, magnesium and vitamin B6 soothes, relieves anxiety, and normalizes high blood pressure. The product has proven itself well as a preventative and is not addictive.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of ulcers, gastritis, pregnancy, lactation and intolerance to the components. Not suitable for children under 12 years of age.

Since the drug does not act instantly, if you are afraid of flying and are confident that falling asleep will be extremely difficult, you can do the following:

  • Start drinking Motherwort Forte a few days before the flight, 1-2 tablets with meals, twice a day.
  • Directly on the day of the flight or already on board, take 3-4 tablets before meals.

After taking the medicine, skin rashes and swelling may appear. Allergic reactions and dizziness are possible.


The main ingredient is synthetic melatonin. Treatment with Melaxen has no side effects and is not addictive. After taking it, the lethargy characteristic of sedatives does not appear.

The drug has a double effect:

  • helps you fall asleep quickly and easily,
  • normalizes circadian rhythms, helping to quickly adapt to time zone changes.

How to use:

  • To adapt to time zone changes - the day before the flight and the next 2-5 days, 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime.
  • As a sleeping pill – 1 tablet half an hour before bedtime, after the plane takes off.

The main disadvantage of the product is that it cannot be given to children. May cause minor swelling and cause an allergic reaction. It is not recommended for use by people with impaired liver and kidney function.

Analogues of "Melaxen" are "Circadin" and "Melaren".


The product has a sedative and antihistamine effect, eliminates dizziness, and prevents nausea and vomiting during motion sickness. Indicated for air sickness. The hypnotic effect of the drug is its side effect, which will undoubtedly be useful during a long flight.

How to use:

  • Adults and children over 12 years old – 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day (as needed).
  • Children 7–12 years old – ½ or 1 tablet.
  • Children 3–6 years old – ¼ or ½ tablet.

The disadvantage of the drug is the possible occurrence of drowsiness and dry mouth. It is contraindicated for heart disease and pregnancy. The medicine can cause dermatoses.


The drug has a fairly strong hypnotic effect. Take it once to improve the quality and duration of sleep. The release form of the drug is effervescent and regular coated tablets. Suitable for adults only.

Side effects of the drug: dry mouth, constipation, increased heart rate. If the dosage is observed, there should be no drowsiness after waking up.

Directions for use on the plane: only after takeoff, 1 tablet 15–30 minutes before bedtime. If there is no effect, you are allowed to drink another one.

Contraindication for the use of Donormil is apnea syndrome. As a result of using the drug, attention may be distracted, so driving after using it is not recommended.

Types of tablets for motion sickness

When choosing medications for Kinetosis, you must carefully study the instructions. They may contain agents that will negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. It is better to consult a doctor first. He will prescribe a certain drug so that the flight goes smoothly. The doctor will determine the source of motion sickness symptoms. Based on this, he will select a specific remedy.

Passengers suffering from Kinetosis may be prescribed the following medications:

  • antihistamines;
  • antiemetics;
  • anticholinergic;
  • homeopathic;
  • psychotropic.

At the discretion of the doctor, the patient is prescribed medications to normalize blood circulation. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.


These medications for airplane motion sickness are often prescribed to passengers who must fly several times a month or more often. They contain dimenhydrinate. It is the basis for the production of such drugs:

  • "Bonin" - has a sedative effect;
  • "Dramail" - has antiemetic properties;
  • "Dadalon" - relieves tension in the brain, reduces attacks of dizziness and nausea.

It is better to consult your doctor before purchasing these medications. It is necessary to take medicines against motion sickness before departure a few hours or minutes (according to the instructions) and before landing. For children, the dosage is less than for adults. And this must be taken into account.

Antiemetic drugs

If the passenger only experiences nausea, you can limit yourself to the following medications:

  • "Torekan";
  • "Cerucal";
  • "Alo-Metoclop."

They contain metoclopramide. It stops the sensitivity of receptors. Thanks to this, the intestinal muscles are in normal tone. Accordingly, the passenger does not experience dizziness.

Anticholinergic drugs

These remedies for motion sickness on an airplane should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. They cause a number of negative consequences that cannot be dealt with at altitude.

These include the following:

  • increased heart rate;
  • sedation, which manifests itself in decreased concentration and inhibition of actions;
  • activity of the gonads;
  • discomfort in the mouth (dryness or excessive salivation, odor);
  • allergic reactions;
  • apathy;
  • hallucinations.

Taking anticholinergic drugs is almost always accompanied by the manifestation of any of the symptoms. Therefore, they are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. The principle of their action is a smooth effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, reactions and manifestations of motion sickness are suppressed.

The most prescribed drug in this line of drugs is Aeron. It is created on the basis of Hyoscyamine and Scopolamine. These substances inhibit the body's reaction to dissonance in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Homeopathic remedies

They have become widespread due to their pharmacology. The most popular homeopathic remedies that actually reduce the risk of motion sickness symptoms include the following:

  • Borax is the most prescribed drug;
  • "Vertigohel" - relieves symptoms of kinetosis, it is recommended to take it 20-30 minutes before departure;
  • “Avia-sea” - the drug is allowed to be taken before the start of the route and during it;
  • “Veratrumalbum” is effective in stabilizing blood pressure and relieving nausea and the gag reflex.

It is worth considering that not all of them are effective.

Psychotropic drugs

The most popular drugs are Sidnocarb, Caffeine and Sidnogluton. They not only dull the signs of motion sickness, but also have a negative effect on the body.

Side effects of drugs:

  • arrhythmia;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • insomnia;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • cardiopalmus.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

Drugs to calm the central nervous system and vestibular apparatus

Medicines in this group include antipsychotics, painkillers and drugs for normal sleep. The action of these components is aimed at the functioning of the central nervous system. They help relax the muscles.

Note. These medications have side effects: apathy, impaired coordination of movements.

The most prescribed drugs are:

  • "Medazipam" is another name for "Rudotel". This is a tranquilizer that can quickly relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. Take according to the instructions and as prescribed by a doctor.
  • "Relanium" is the second name for "Diazepam". This is a strong pain reliever. It is not recommended for nursing mothers or pregnant women.
  • "Prazepam" - eliminates weakness, gag reflex and vomiting.

You can take these medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

There are also medications that normalize blood circulation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus. This group includes “Betacherk”, “Sermion”, “Phenibut”, “Aminalon”, “Flunarizin” and others.


"Novopassit" is a combined sedative drug with extracts of 7 herbs. Relieves mental stress and anxiety, effective for migraines. Not addictive.

"Novopassit" can negatively affect the digestive system, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and cramps are possible. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to check the reaction to the drug in advance.

Reception features:

  • The drug will not provide an immediate sleeping effect, so you can start taking it in advance, a day or two before the flight, 3 times a day.
  • Directly on the plane, after takeoff, you can take 2 tablets at once (the maximum permissible single dose).

The product may cause allergies. Do not take for myasthenia gravis, cardiac ischemia and muscular dystrophy.

"Rescue Remedy"

Homeopathic remedy in the form of drops, helps relieve stress and anxiety. The drug contains natural ingredients and can be taken from childhood (from 1 year). According to reviews of the use of the medicine, it perfectly eliminates anxiety and helps to relax.

Directions for use: 4 drops 4 times a day, in extreme situations (which include flying) - as needed.

Rescue Remedy acts quickly and is not addictive. Has no side effects. The only contraindication is intolerance to the components.


Biogenic concentrate of extracts from natural and plant components. Helps cope with insomnia and improves sleep quality. The composition includes a complex of herbs that have a cumulative sedative effect. The advantage of the medicine is that it can be used once to relieve stress and fall asleep on a plane. Disadvantage: it is not sold in pharmacies; you can only buy it on the manufacturer’s website.

The product may cause allergies. It is better for people suffering from bronchial asthma to avoid it.

Can I take medications on a plane?

Medicines are important on any trip, especially if a person has chronic diseases, such as bronchial asthma or diabetes. If you ask any airline whether you can take medications in hand luggage on a plane, the employees will tell you that carrying these medications is allowed.

Considering them in general, three types can be distinguished.

First aid medications:

  • means to eliminate the symptoms of colds;
  • anti-burn agents;
  • medications to combat allergic conditions;
  • fever tablets;
  • pain-relieving gels or ointments;
  • agents that accelerate the healing process of wounds;
  • medications that restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (Smecta, Loperamide, etc.);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

If a person knows that he can get motion sickness, it is recommended to take the pill shortly before the flight. You can purchase a first aid kit with a standard set, which is properly packaged. There will be no problems with it during transportation.

List of drugs

Medicines with a doctor's prescription

  • To eliminate painful sensations (in the form of tablets, capsules).
  • Potent sleeping pills.
  • Derivatives of barbituric acid, for example, Insulin.

It is strictly forbidden to carry representatives of this pharmacological group in hand luggage without a prescription prescribed by the attending physician. This document reflects the daily dose and the required frequency of administration.

Drugs that need to be registered

  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • psychostimulants.

These pharmacological representatives are the most problematic. In pharmacies they are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription, and when traveling by plane they must be registered. The most famous is Phenazepam.

Dangerous drugs are considered to be potent sedatives, as well as drugs that affect mental functions.

If a person needs to carry out even one package, then additionally apply the following:

  1. A prescription indicating the patient’s data and dosage regimen (it is advisable to duplicate it in the language of the country to which you are traveling).
  2. A copy of the medical history extract;
  3. A receipt for the medicine, which confirms its purchase from official distributors.

Sleeping pills for a child on a plane

Giving sleeping pills to a child on an airplane should only be given on the recommendation of a doctor. As a rule, compositions of plant origin are suitable for children.

Medicines that are suitable for children:

Babies"Dormikind", "Notta"
From 1 year"Rescue Remedy", "Nervohel"
From 2 years"Sonylux", "Passiflora-Edas 111", "Beresh Plus", "Valerianahel"
From 3 years"Persen", "Glycine", "Sleep Formula"
From 5 years“Baiu bai”, “Morpheus” valerian (tablets)
From 6 years old"Dormiplant"
From 12 years old"Fitosedan", "Novopassit", motherwort

Why are sleeping pills dangerous when traveling by plane?

An article circulated in medical journals about a young woman who stood up after a 7-hour flight, but then suddenly lost consciousness. 11 days later she died without regaining consciousness. Doctors determined that the cause of death was sleeping in a sitting position. The woman took sleeping pills before the flight and slept for 7 hours. This led to pulmonary thromboembolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery with blood clots).

Doctors say that even completely healthy people are not immune from this disease. The causes that lead to death from pulmonary thromboembolism are:

  1. Compression of the pelvic veins as a result of prolonged sitting.
  2. Slowing of blood flow caused by the formation of a blood clot.
  3. Low pressure in the aircraft cabin.

Therefore, sleeping for 8 hours while under the influence of sleeping pills in a motionless sitting position can be dangerous. At high risk are people suffering from varicose veins, smokers, pregnant women, and women taking birth control pills.

Motion sickness on an airplane

During flight, the body of a person who is in a sitting position constantly moves from side to side. The amplitude of these movements is insignificant. Despite this, it is often enough to cause discomfort.

It happens like this. The cochlea is located in the inner ear. It picks up even minor body vibrations. At this time, the eyes constantly see the same picture. As a result, dissonance occurs in the functioning of the organs of touch and vision. Receptors of the skin, muscles and gastrointestinal tract react to this. Symptoms of motion sickness begin to appear.

These include the following:

  • dizziness:
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting

The stronger the amplitude of body vibration during flight, the more pronounced the manifestation of these symptoms.

Important! If a passenger decides to sleep a little, this does not mean that he is seasick. This is a simple drowsiness that occurs when traveling on any transport.

If, along with drowsiness and weakness, dizziness and nausea are observed, this is kinetosis (motion sickness or “motion sickness”). This disease affects people with a weak vestibular system. Therefore, they are recommended to take anti-sickness pills on the plane before departure.

If a person has never suffered from illness during a flight, several factors can cause it:

  • unpleasant smell in the cabin;
  • feeling of anxiety (fear);
  • physical and emotional fatigue;
  • shot down air inside the aircraft;
  • presence of carbon monoxide in the cabin.

Each person has their own reason for motion sickness. Therefore, it is better to prevent its symptoms by taking appropriate measures.

Sleeping pills on an airplane: important recommendations

To minimize possible side effects, you need to carefully choose your sleeping pills for your flight. The main recommendations are as follows:

  1. You need to try sleeping pills at home to find out the body’s reaction to a specific drug and, if necessary, adjust the dosage.
  2. Preference should be given to light-acting formulations.
  3. Under no circumstances should you drink sleeping pills together with alcohol.
  4. After leg surgery or a previous thromboembolism, it is necessary to inject blood thinners before the flight.
  5. It is recommended to periodically walk around the aircraft cabin.
  6. If you have varicose veins, do not forget to wear compression stockings.

And 2 more useful tips:

  • Do not take sleeping pills until the plane is on the runway. Sometimes unforeseen situations happen when the flight is postponed for several hours. Under the influence of the drug, it will be extremely difficult to navigate the environment and not fall asleep at the airport while waiting for departure. This is especially true for people traveling alone.
  • Correctly calculate the time needed for sleep so as not to be in a sluggish state when landing.

Rules for transporting medicines on an airplane

Rules for the transportation of medicines on board airliners are created solely for safety purposes. When planning a trip abroad, passengers should familiarize themselves in advance with the list of medications prohibited for import into the territory of the country where the flight is planned.

This information is posted on the websites of the customs services of each state that receives flights from around the world.

Basic rules for transporting medications on an airplane:

  1. In the first aid kit you can take the most necessary drugs in limited quantities. Maximum quantity – 5 packages. If a passenger plans a long stay in a foreign country and takes vital medications for the entire course for daily use on the trip, he must present an official prescription from a doctor to the authorized employees of the aviation company.
  2. Narcotic and psychotropic drugs can be transported on an airplane only with a prescription and prescription from the attending physician.
  3. It is mandatory to declare medications in quantities of more than 5 packages of the same type.
  4. Medicines that have expired are prohibited from being carried on an airplane.
  5. Tablets, capsules and liquid preparations must be kept exclusively in their original packaging.

Medicines can be carried on an airplane in general baggage or in hand luggage. Before packing your travel bags, find out which medications can be taken on board the aircraft, and which ones are best sent straight to the luggage compartment.

Rules for the transportation of liquid medicines

If you are taking any medication on a regular basis and it falls under the liquids restriction in your carry-on baggage (its volume is more than 100 ml), you must:

1. Pack the medications in advance in a separate transparent bag and take it out when going through security.

2. Before your belongings are scanned by the security service, inform that you are carrying liquid medications and their volume is more than 100 ml.

2. Show the security officer a prescription or an extract from your medical history. If the case occurs abroad, the prescription must be translated into English (or the language of the country where you are being screened) by a certified translator.

Please note that the medicine must be in its original packaging. You cannot pour it into your container.

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